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War Thunder |OT| Tanks, Planes And Automobiles


And some recent QA as well

Gaijin said:
How is the progress of armoured cars coming along? How many armoured cars can we expect per nation?

So far there is nothing new about armoured cars to say. For the next few patches, we will focus mainly on tanks, including British ones.

How many tanks will be in the British tech tree after launch?

Roughly the same amount of vehicles as were in the US tank tree when we launched it.

Will we get tank sights for their correct position depending where the sight really is located on the vehicle? Currently it's like looking through the barrel.

No, the point where the sight is currently looking matches the place from which the projectile travels. This is done intentionally - to remove parallax effect and a couple of other related issues.

Will we see the IS4 (without "M") in game at some point?

We don't plan on implementing this version at the moment.

Will all tanks get working machine guns? Some tanks have them modelled, but they do not fire.

We are adding working MG's whenever we have the time and opportunity to spare. We'll add them all over time.

Will we have playable artillery vehicles in the game?

No, only assault guns and tank destroyers.

What are the plans for adding overmatch mechanics to the game?

This mechanic has been in game for a long time already. If the calibre of a projectile exceeds the thickness of the armour that it hits more than 7 times, it will automatically penetrate the armour.

What are the long term plans for tank matches? Will it always be a closed deathmatch arena type, or will we get some sort of persistent mode?

It is too soon to comment on that matter, I am sorry.

What about the PT-76 or ASU-57, any plans?

Yeah, maybe in 1.53. We'll see.

Which Waffenträger varriant is most likely considered to be added?

C88 Pak43 gun variant.

Will there be more TD's in the Czech line in the German Tree?

All variants that have been produced have a chance to become implemented.

When will historical accuracy for guns be implemented? Now, a 122mm or a 152mm have the same accuracy as an 88mm (more or less).

It is a common misconception that lower caliber guns must be more precise when compared to guns with higher calibre. The Soviet D25T had almost the same shell scatter parameter as German KwK43.

Is it planned to give armour values ​​to the transmission, engine, and radiator?

Maybe, yes.

What about armour degradation?

That feature is already being tested.

Do you plan on adding the Churchill NA75? And if so will it be a standard or premium tank?

Yes, it is possible, likely as a premium.

Would you release a list with all the tanks you plan on releasing?

We cannot always, with 100% certainty, be sure which planned vehicles will make it into a future patch. That's the reason why we do Devblog articles about them - when they appear, the vehicles they are about are confirmed for the next major patch.

Will the Chieftain Twin 30mm Sabre SPAAG be in the British Tech Tree?

Yes, it is very likely. Not sure when, but if we find more information on the Sabre, we will implement it.

With the British tank tree, will you introduce only British tanks, or we can expect the regular American vehicles that the British used? Or vice versa?

The initial batch of vehicles will consist of mostly original designs.


So the Bulldog flipped again upside down driving across some little stone in an urban area. This is ridiculous. I mean, this tank weights 23 tons, it's not supposed to jump into the air like a kid on a trampoline.
Hah, checked my status from http://thunderskill.com/stat/ and looks like my sim skills have dropped quite a lot. I'm not surprised, because I hate queuing, so I usually play the side that gets worse tanks, and stemrolled quite easily. Appararently I'm much better in Realistic than in Arcade also... I'm not surprised about the low win rate in arcade, the way I played last year is going to keep my average low for a long time. My SPAAG units usually have 33-40% win rates, not to mention I tried playing plane side in arcade, and usually lost.

Arcade mode

Efficiency 48.15%
Average player
Winrate 49.44%

Realistic mode

Efficiency 64.79%
Good player
Winrate 52.67%

Simulator mode

Efficiency 19.85%
Bad player
Winrate 31.9%


Updated Carpathians

Whitie_W0lf said:


Another thing gaijin should fix? Teamkills because planes kamikaze-crashing into my artillery. Argh!

Yeah, I had two planes doing that yesterday during the same match. -15000 SL.

As a more positive note, the premium T-34E is still OP as shit. I had the best score of the match 3 times in a row, and won the match. 10 kills, 11 kills and 8 kills. The only thing I have only 65% win rate with this thing, is that I often start with my land battleship SMK, and only switch to it after my SMK gets killed.


I won't buy any more premium time/tanks in the near future. I will wait for British tanks before I decide if it's worth to spend more time with this game.

I don't know, I have the feeling that it's not me who controls my success but the game. It's really weird that I have really good times like yesterday with my Porsche Tiger, finally researching the tiger II h, and today it's like another game I never played before... that's a little strange...
I won't buy any more premium time/tanks in the near future. I will wait for British tanks before I decide if it's worth to spend more time with this game.

I don't know, I have the feeling that it's not me who controls my success but the game. It's really weird that I have really good times like yesterday with my Porsche Tiger, finally researching the tiger II h, and today it's like another game I never played before... that's a little strange...

Yeah, sometimes I feel like the matchmaker throws me in a bad team on purpose... but definitely on higher tiers you have less chances of affecting the outcome of the match than in low tiers. My M3 Stuart has 72% victory rate, my T-34E models 62% and 60% (they have dropped from what I remembered at some point), my Panther 2 59% and my T-10M 54.6%. And my top of the line SPAAG vehicles M42 and ZSU-57-2 have 26.8% and 26.5%. Oh boy.

Playing with aced tanks those would rise a bit, but at my skill level I should stick to the lower tiers in order to be really useful for the team :)


As I said earlier. I have the feeling that the game decides at some point: all || nothing works and thats it.

Some shots into nowhere kill things instantly, others, well placed in close distance bounce like ping pong balls. And that's not for a shot, but for the whole game/night.

This is all for higher tiers, I play low tiers to have fun and higher tiers to satisfy my urge to grind MOAR :D
As I said earlier. I have the feeling that the game decides at some point: all || nothing works and thats it.

Some shots into nowhere kill things instantly, others, well placed in close distance bounce like ping pong balls. And that's not for a shot, but for the whole game/night.

This is all for higher tiers, I play low tiers to have fun and higher tiers to satisfy my urge to grind MOAR :D

Yeah, I think the quality of network connections affects these things greatly for me. When my wife and daughter are both wathing their own video streams while I play, I seem to not do all that well. Especially hitting airplanes becomes hard as hell.

Some tanks are more likely to bounce shots than others. T34 and T44 obviosuly bounce shots effectively, and Panthers also, but not quite as well. Sometimes I feel like using APCR is just futile, as it bounces so easily and does little damage upon penetration. I can't wait to get to the fin stabilised HEAT rounds for my tier V tanks, they should bounce less than even normal AP shells, while penetrating everything easily.

And the quality of opponents vary greatly also, it seems during weekends there are sometimes very good players who play as a team, and sometimes drunken idiots who can't find their way out of spawn area. And people who play during afternoons and nights during weekdays seem to be quite different also. And because the game throws me randomly into US or EU servers you never know which group you are going to meet. It's funny how some people playing upper tiers still don't bother to angle their tanks, even if it would keep them alive a lot longer.


As I said earlier. I have the feeling that the game decides at some point: all || nothing works and thats it.

I think I saw someone on the Russian forums who claimed that there's a conspiracy: every battle is decided before it begins, with one team missing & fumbling and other getting lucky kills.

...and sometimes it feels like that all right. Yesterday morning I managed to score 6 frags flying 2.3 fighter in 4.7-3.7 battle. I can imagine how it was for one of the opponents (shot him/her down twice in one-on-one dogfights), who lost two 4.0 fighters to obviously weaker craft just because his guns managed to miss their chance and mine managed to score two headshots.
I think I saw someone on the Russian forums who claimed that there's a conspiracy: every battle is decided before it begins, with one team missing & fumbling and other getting lucky kills.

...and sometimes it feels like that all right. Yesterday morning I managed to score 6 frags flying 2.3 fighter in 4.7-3.7 battle. I can imagine how it was for one of the opponents (shot him/her down twice in one-on-one dogfights), who lost two 4.0 fighters to obviously weaker craft just because his guns managed to miss their chance and mine managed to score two headshots.

I've played enough roulette to know that sometimes you get black 10 times a row when you are betting on red. Combine that with confirmation bias, and you start seeing patterns... But no, it's all random in the end. Some people who know how to play get over 75% win rates, and if there was some big conspiracy they are not seeing it.

I think the matchmaker does not even try to balance teams based on levels or average win or kill rates, like some online games do. Instead the teams are filled randomly.

I really should experiment on how badly I would do with a fresh crew instead of one with maxed up vitality and boosted repair and reload times. In lower tier matches my crews seem to survive direct hit relatively well...


The good thing about the broken matchmaking though: for my German lineup it does not make any difference if I use 6.0 or 6.7, I would say at least 80% of the matches are the same.


The US tree around 6.3 is a bit shallow I would say. The M36 is really bad stock, hard to get any kills with it.
The good thing about the broken matchmaking though: for my German lineup it does not make any difference if I use 6.0 or 6.7, I would say at least 80% of the matches are the same.


The US tree around 6.3 is a bit shallow I would say. The M36 is really bad stock, hard to get any kills with it.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Fighting Jagdtigers with Tiger E is not too much fun. But fighting Jagdtigers is not too much fun even with all BR 8.0 tanks...

M36 is only there to help you grind T95. But yeah, it sucks. M10 and M18 are so much better in their BR ranges.
Got another talisman for tier II Russian tanks. For T28E this time, so kind of useful in low tier matches, but the research penalty when researching high tier units means that I won't be using it much outside events and such. Or if we get new low tier tanks for Russians, which seems to happen every now and then....

Also got 50% off for Pz III N premium (tier II with br 3.0), which is kind of interesting, but I only have 200 GE and I need 500. Maybe if I feel like it I can play a couple of golden wagers and win enough gold... the "include tier III tank in your lineup and no tanks above tier 4" rule makes it hard to reliably win enough matches in a row.


Yeah, it's a shame the penalty for research is this massive :( I love the Sd.Kfz. 140/1 I got some time ago. And that first Pz.IV C, so good.
Yeah, it's a shame the penalty for research is this massive :( I love the Sd.Kfz. 140/1 I got some time ago. And that first Pz.IV C, so good.

Yeah, although frankly even with the penalty, a good game in tier II with premium tanks or talismans can give more RP than a bad game in tier V. And especially more silver lions, the repair costs for heavy tanks and SPAA units are pretty mad in upper tiers.

Edit: War in Mid Air event is back!

This time it seems biased towards SPAA units. Suits me

Edit2: won 7 rounds in a row and only lost two units... this is just boring


Destructible terrain/walls etc. would be a game changer. I think this will be limited to a small subset of buildings...


Destructible terrain/walls etc. would be a game changer. I think this will be limited to a small subset of buildings...

They want to test it on two maps first: Berlin & Cologne. All building should be destructible, but they still will leave impassable wreckage and their pieces won't fall too far (i.e. routes won't change because of that, only visibility and "shotability"). Later functionality may be added to all the maps and "drive-through" wreckage may be added as well, of course, but there's also not-so-slight possibility that it'll be canceled (i.e. limited to two maps with no future development).


In that gif, whats the second tank?

anyway, I think it will be really hard to balance, but Berlin will profit a lot I think. Right now its campers heaven, this will probably change that :)


BTW: I have feeling they removed or reduced the time you're invulnerable after spawn. I was shot in Berlin even before I started moving. It was maybe 3-5 seconds... is that new?
BTW: I have feeling they removed or reduced the time you're invulnerable after spawn. I was shot in Berlin even before I started moving. It was maybe 3-5 seconds... is that new?

I think the timer may already start when you are selecting your vehicle. And moving and shooting also reduces the time faster, maybe....

By the way, if you missed the ST-1 gameplay in april 1st, I suggest trying the March to Victory event :)
I only won one ticket to the tournament, I guess they wanted you to pay if you wanted more. Well, I hope we will see the mechs again in some form...

Finished researching ISU-152, another nice 1-shot death machine, but unfortunately the default ammo is not enough to kill the enemies if you get uptiered. And bought the premium Panzer III N. Quite average tank. I would hope premiums to be somehow special compared to normal tanks, but this one is not much different from the others in game. But now I have a relatively good BR3.0 lineup for German tanks...

I think next week I will finish researching Jagdtiger and Coelian, making my German lineup complete. I still have 12 days of premium left, so maybe I'll get M103 and T-54 '51 also before it's over.


I only won one ticket to the tournament, I guess they wanted you to pay if you wanted more. Well, I hope we will see the mechs again in some form...

Finished researching ISU-152, another nice 1-shot death machine, but unfortunately the default ammo is not enough to kill the enemies if you get uptiered. And bought the premium Panzer III N. Quite average tank. I would hope premiums to be somehow special compared to normal tanks, but this one is not much different from the others in game. But now I have a relatively good BR3.0 lineup for German tanks...

I think next week I will finish researching Jagdtiger and Coelian, making my German lineup complete. I still have 12 days of premium left, so maybe I'll get M103 and T-54 '51 also before it's over.

Not bad. :) I'm burned out a little bit. And with World of Warships I have much more fun at the moment. (And there are many other games I want to play, too ;))
I had great times with this game, but I don't care so much for high tiers anymore as it's not much fun to get them. So for me, right now, it's the low tier chaotic short bursts of fun, not so much the grind.

I think now, too, that WT shines in lower tiers. RNG and matchmaking is a way smaller issue, just play and enjoy.
Not bad. :) I'm burned out a little bit. And with World of Warships I have much more fun at the moment. (And there are many other games I want to play, too ;))
I had great times with this game, but I don't care so much for high tiers anymore as it's not much fun to get them. So for me, right now, it's the low tier chaotic short bursts of fun, not so much the grind.

I think now, too, that WT shines in lower tiers. RNG and matchmaking is a way smaller issue, just play and enjoy.

Well, I can say that I'm not having fun with some tanks if I get uptiered (Russian TDs especially), but you see people who are more capable of playing as a team in upper tiers. But not always of course... In tiers 1 and 2 things are a bit too chaotic at times, and many people are happy just to get kills and ignore capture points. It's difficult to predict what the enemy will do, if they just drive around randomly and shoot at people they happen to meet.

But yeah, still my way too overpowered premum tier II T-34E is my most played tank, and even if I play as a madman at times and seem to be puclic enemy number one for bombers and attack planes, my killrate is over 3.5 kills per death. I think it's actually better than T-34 57 and about as good as the first 85.... I seem to be doing much better if I don't use SMK at all, even if it's slightly OP at BR 3.7, and just use different T-34s.

Anyway, I expect Jagdtiger to be fun tank to play, thanks to the big gun and good thick front armor, but let's see how it goes. People are getting good at killing them even with theoretically weaker tanks...

I think World of Warships also suffers from matchmaking issues, and poor team play, but I have just played some early ships. But it's just as well, I don't really want to get into another similar game at the moment :)


But it's just as well, I don't really want to get into another similar game at the moment :)

I've hosted conference in April with Wargaming as one of the sponsors, and they've presented closed beta of Warships at the time. Of course, being Gaijin zealot, I couldn't help but troll them a bit on difference of mechanics and "u have hitpoints, duh".

Still we agreed that actually World of Whatever and WT are rather different games for different people, and the only thing that keeps them in one category is a bunch of warhistory fans who are just hungry for realistic display of their favorite toys in games.

Both are doing great job in showing the diversity of military tech of the 20th century. I find it pretty hard to look at other games right now (like, I dunno, Dreadnaught) who claim to have "different playable ships" while having 5-6 units balanced in rock-paper-scissors way to have "unique playing style" for every one of them.

PS: BTW, does WoWarships still use ramming mechanics where one with lower HP sinks regardless of other details? :)
I've hosted conference in April with Wargaming as one of the sponsors, and they've presented closed beta of Warships at the time. Of course, being Gaijin zealot, I couldn't help but troll them a bit on difference of mechanics and "u have hitpoints, duh".

Still we agreed that actually World of Whatever and WT are rather different games for different people, and the only thing that keeps them in one category is a bunch of warhistory fans who are just hungry for realistic display of their favorite toys in games.

Both are doing great job in showing the diversity of military tech of the 20th century. I find it pretty hard to look at other games right now (like, I dunno, Dreadnaught) who claim to have "different playable ships" while having 5-6 units balanced in rock-paper-scissors way to have "unique playing style" for every one of them.

PS: BTW, does WoWarships still use ramming mechanics where one with lower HP sinks regardless of other details? :)

Oh yeah, the gameplay is definitely different, but many elements are similar. One could argue that the stuff that happens outside the battles is as important as the battles themselves in these games. Grind new units, grind new modules, grind money, matchmaker throws you into matchs with better and worse opponents randomly, and of course the old pay to win mechanism... the last seems to be mainly an issue with World of whatever games, in War Thunder you only get stuff faster by paying (but I admit that some premium units are a bit overpowered).

Maybe if the release World of Warships to PS4, I'll spend more time with it, now I just have it on my work PC, and play sometimes if I have to wait for something to happen.


To be fair, at the moment I can't see pay 2 win in WoWs. Premium ships are ridiculously expensive in higher tiers and can only be used to farm credits and free xp. The research system of Wargaming is totally different and all you can do right now is accelerate your grind (no gold ammo)

It won't come to PS4 that fast I think, WoT is xbox one now and never heard anything about a PS4 version of it.

I like Warthunder's tank battles much more though, if RNG and matchmaking work. I tried WoT but it's not my game...


Maybe if the release World of Warships to PS4, I'll spend more time with it, now I just have it on my work PC, and play sometimes if I have to wait for something to happen.

Last time I've spoke to Wargaming they weren't so happy about console versions, since due to XBL paywall (dunno if it's still up) they didn't manage to catch big enough crowd to make it worth their while. They don't have console history before WoT, so they purchased some outside team to do the port, that added expenses and frustration. I seriously doubt that any of their current products will ever come to PSN. Luckily for me it's Gaijin territory since early IL-2 series.

As for navy part of WT... According to insider rumors (unverified and possibly bs) navy was to be released before tanks, but due to outstanding worldwide success of WoT and lack of original ideas (this part comes from Wargaming source :)) they froze the ships and switched to tanks. This actually can be somehow confirmed by the fact that ship models in testing flights for each nation are different and recognizable, while the tank bots in aerial arcade were simplified placeholders almost till the release of playable vehicles.

Now, when tanks are relatively done and they can draw inspiration from how competition handled naval combat, we can expect CBT of ships in early 2016 with release somewhere in the summer, I think.
PS4 doesn't have a pay wall for F2P games, so one can hope for Wargaming games also. The controls for carrier ships are probably going to be difficult to implement based on what I've seen on YouTube videos though.


Na, carriers don't work on console I would say. It's like playing a RTS. I tried it once, did not like it.

Many F2P games (shooters) have a paywall in DE. I think they do it for games "ab 18" (age rating)... War Thunder not though, if there is no blood even kids are allowed to play a tank/wargame here in Germany ;)


Many F2P games (shooters) have a paywall in DE. I think they do it for games "ab 18" (age rating)... War Thunder not though, if there is no blood even kids are allowed to play a tank/wargame here in Germany ;)

That's the official reason for lack of infantry. From time to time someone always requests "meat for my mg". :)


I'm honest, I don't think infantry would work in this game. Balancing is a problem already, things would become crazy with little soldiers running around with bazookas on their backs :D
Yeah, I don't want to see infantry. Lack of blood and bodies keeps the game from being too violent... of course having infantry work as spotters would make the game more realistic, but it would change the game too much.
I won another set of tickets to to tournament and finally got 10 victories. And my prize? 10% discount on M46 "Tiger". Gee, thanks...

edit: I could have used that time grinding Jagdtiger. The even only gave you very little RPs. Well, 100k RP to go...


Little updated re: destructible environment (my translation, sorry)

Whitie_W0lf said:
  • Bunkers won't be destructible since they're tough enough to withhold everything you have;
  • Only powerful guns (originally "only with defined caliber" - Wace) will be able to cause building destruction;
  • At first all the buildings will be destructible, but we're discussing making spawn points buildings indestructible;
  • Artillery support will be able to destroy buildings.


Ha, I can't wait to see how this plays in the end :D

Anyway, what's wrong with some people/teams. Finland, A the single objective. (the one at the western cost)
I was the first one arriving there, with my shit slow Porsche Tiger. The team drove everywhere, on the left side, I was there with a single other player. Unbelievable.
In Finland map the spawn point is a bit too nice sniping and camping site for large part of the team in many cases. And some people always head for their favourite camp sites not caring about the capture points. In Poland map most of the team heads north even if the only cap point is in southern part and in Normandy over half of the team heads for the town even if the cap point is on the beach or on the hill.

Anyway, I had a good match in Finland few minutes ago, had 5 kills and 4 assists with my Leopard. Usually my Leo gets killed far too easily because the paper thin armor.


Short summary of QA session with main ground forces developer

BVV_d said:
1. We're not planning any major changes in fire extinguisher & repair parts mechanism. There's possibility that we'll add the ability to "share" parts & extinguishers within squad, some kind of assisted repairs.

2. There's flaw in ballistics for both aircraft and tank guns (projectile lifting force is not taken in account), but it's still possible to shoot rather realistically for up to 3km, and all the
sights are calibrated with this bug in mind, so it's not a priority.

3. The Japanese tanks are very problematic. Still, we'll figure something out, maybe add them as wild mix of Axis tanks or something.

4. For Soviet light tanks we're plannig to add airborne TDs (I have no idea how you call them in English, it's light TDs that can be dropped along with paratroopers, like ASU-57 as an example) and PT-76, that may be will swim.

5. In ideal world all nations will have five branches: light, medium, heavy, TDs, AA. We'll stick to it as much as possible.

6. The nearest patch should bring in "first aid kit" mechanism for reviving crew members, similar to current tank repairs. The main change here is that if you have first aid kit and only one crew member left, you can try to revive them (or you can abandon tank), it's not game over for tank this way.

7. We're planning to revamp skills completely, removing useless ones. No spent XP will be lost. All the skill will have tooltips with exact and understandable numbers, similar to how modifications are treated, so no more obscure development here.

8. There are plans to make "mission editor" available to tanks as well (similar to one we have in airplanes: possibility to test machine on a map versus player-defined bots).


Oh, and, unless you've noticed already, major patches are coming every two months, so British tanks are coming in three weeks. :)
Short summary of QA session with main ground forces developer


Oh, and, unless you've noticed already, major patches are coming every two months, so British tanks are coming in three weeks. :)

Good amount of information there, thanks.

Point 7 will be interesting, if they return the crew points from useless skills I'm pretty sure I can max out a couple of useful skills then :)

And bot matches will be an interesting addition, hopefully you can use them to grind the parts modification before taking out human opponents.

Anyways, I got my Jagdtiger yesterday, and it has good amount of OP against oppontnts with BR 7 or less, but some BR 8.0 tanks can give it trouble. It's most common natural enemies are of course the other Jagdtigers, there seems to be quite many of them. And my stock unit seems to be easy to set on fire with lower glassis or engine hit...

I have 7 days of premium left now, I think I should switch back to US side and try to get the missing two tanks there. After that maybe I'll take two weeks break (or at least play less than now) before the British tanks hit the game :)
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