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Yoooo those drop rates...... I got Magma Chamber and 2x Auger Strike in 8 runs. Selling Magma Chamber while the event is still going probably wasn't the smartest decision but hey
Razorback drop table, taken from DE's site:

Gorgon Wraith Blueprint Uncommon (18.97%)
Gorgon Wraith Barrel Uncommon (18.97%)
Gorgon Wraith Receiver Uncommon (18.97%)
Gorgon Wraith Stock Uncommon (18.97%)
Bore Rare (5.53%)
Piercing Caliber Rare (5.53%)
Breach Loader Rare (5.53%)
Auger Strike Rare (5.53%)
Magma Chamber Ultra Rare (1.01%)
Searing Steel Ultra Rare (1.01%)

I got my potato, stopped caring about the razorback because fuck archwings. I am a bit salty about the actually good mods that are used in every example build and currently unobtainable because they were related to some event, though.


So after coming back and the few archwing missions I've done, I largely enjoy how much momentum they have, it no longer feels like no-clip mode flying around. The one thing I don't like is how that fun little evasive roll was seemingly removed. I have no idea what keys they expect me to bind to those rolls, and I have no clue what button combination is supposed to make it happen.
I got my potato, stopped caring about the razorback because fuck archwings. I am a bit salty about the actually good mods that are used in every example build and currently unobtainable because they were related to some event, though.

tbf the gorgon wraith is ok even if for just mastery fodder and those puncture mods can help if you like that stat (or you can sell them once the event is done :p)


As much as I'd like those mods, I don't really need it when Fluctus and AW ability spam is already good enough.

Leveling a fluctus right now and that will be my go to arch weapon as i continue to level the rest of my stuff.

So after coming back and the few archwing missions I've done, I largely enjoy how much momentum they have, it no longer feels like no-clip mode flying around. The one thing I don't like is how that fun little evasive roll was seemingly removed. I have no idea what keys they expect me to bind to those rolls, and I have no clue what button combination is supposed to make it happen.

its still there apparently i just don't how i did it LOL

Not Spaceghost

The biggest issue i've always had with archwing is that the game should have some minor auto correct with the flight so you don't just bump into shit and lose your flow. Nothing is more anti fun than going super duper fast but getting snagged on a corner and losing all of your speed. Flying too close to the edges of stuff seems to put the emergency brakes on your archwing.

You do the rolls by double tapping shift + a direction.


Leveling a fluctus right now and that will be my go to arch weapon as i continue to level the rest of my stuff.

its still there apparently i just don't how i did it LOL

I used the fluctus for a while, but the range is really limiting. There was an old archwing event that was repeated interceptions with those (new at the time) big corpus and grineer units. I've been enjoying the grattler a lot, it's the only archgun that I've catalysed.

Apparently for melee the Centaur is still the GOAT, but it was almost impossible for me to get. I got a Prisma veritux that I've been using that came catalysed from an event. I have so many more options now that you can get archwing components from the Syndicates.

You do the rolls by double tapping shift + a direction.
Doing these polymer runs on grinneer seems more fruitful plus i can try getting a condition overload

I used the fluctus for a while, but the range is really limiting. There was an old archwing event that was repeated interceptions with those (new at the time) big corpus and grineer units. I've been enjoying the grattler a lot, it's the only archgun that I've catalysed.

Apparently for melee the Centaur is still the GOAT, but it was almost impossible for me to get. I got a Prisma veritux that I've been using that came catalysed from an event. I have so many more options now that you can get archwing components from the Syndicates.


Yes, yes it is.


Relic packs sure love giving me relics I have the most of. I somehow got 72 Meso S2 relics when I had about 50 before this week.

At least I can use the Saryn Prime Chassis they drop for red veil rank up.


Downloading this game to jump into tonight for the first time.

Any broad strokes tips? Simple stuff "save x resource" or "don't worry about y stat"


Downloading this game to jump into tonight for the first time.

Any broad strokes tips? Simple stuff "save x resource" or "don't worry about y stat"

if you feel you have to sell a weapon or warframe, only do it after you've maxed its level to 30.


So after coming back and the few archwing missions I've done, I largely enjoy how much momentum they have, it no longer feels like no-clip mode flying around. The one thing I don't like is how that fun little evasive roll was seemingly removed. I have no idea what keys they expect me to bind to those rolls, and I have no clue what button combination is supposed to make it happen.

I'm the total opposite of this. I used to love archwing because of how crisp and precise it was, much like on-foot movement, but then they gave it pitch/yaw and floaty momentum in SotR. It works OK in the Grineer maps because they're giant asteroid fields, but the Corpus ones are all really cramped. Even after creating a toggle for old, fixed axis movement and reigning in the momentum a bit it's still frustrating if you get caught on anything. Flying top speed with Itzal through Corpus trenches is way more annoying than it used to be because you have to watch the minimap and try to predict your next turn to compensate for momentum instead of being able to instantly snap to a new direction on reaction.

Luckily PoE looks to be wide, open spaces so archwing should be fine there.


is the relay gonna get fucked if the armada isn't destroyed or was that just for the initial event?

I believe so, but I wonder what they'll do with that because if this relay gets destroyed then new players won't be able to go to a relay (which is required for a lot of the quests) until they reach Saturn IIRC.


Trying to get a couple new frames. Start with ivara. Leveled two frames, and 3 weapons to get one part of her to realize I don't have enough nitain extract anyway...
Do Octavia's quest, get most of her blueprints, rotation c derelict. Ohhh. Sad
Look at Mesa. Mutalist Alad V farming.
I'm just going to continue grinding relics and hope for some luck with those.


Does mesa still keep the peacemaker buffs when giving her secondary to an operative? I've been naturally straying away from using it when I give them my gun and only now just realizing it.
Does mesa still keep the peacemaker buffs when giving her secondary to an operative? I've been naturally straying away from using it when I give them my gun and only now just realizing it.

Yes. Also if you have them equipped but go into a melee or primary only sortie, it'll keep the secondary buffs as if the pistols are equipped (last I knew).

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Ivara is a frame I thought about buying. Can't stand spy missions.

I bought Ivara with a 50% off coupon (I'm on console so we just get the store coupons rather than the platinum discount coupons) and haven't regretted it one bit. I've never been good at Spy missions but Ivara makes them manageable for me.


Managed to get almost all the new prime parts within the first 2 days, but RNG refuses to give me a second Nami Skyla prime blade. Getting the relic alone takes a lot of effort. My attempts keep giving me Axi E2 instead (currently sitting on 30 of them)

Yes. Also if you have them equipped but go into a melee or primary only sortie, it'll keep the secondary buffs as if the pistols are equipped (last I knew).
Awesome. Mesa is already one of my most used frame and that'll make me use her even more.
Downloading this game to jump into tonight for the first time.

Any broad strokes tips? Simple stuff "save x resource" or "don't worry about y stat"

Don't be turned off by the early game. There are SO MANY systems, and resources, and missions, and... everything,,, it can feel completely overwhelming. It's better than it used to be, but onboarding new players is still not Warframe's strongest suit. It also doesn't help that you are pretty likely to randomly get higher level players "crashing" your mission (for various reasons) who are approximately one million times faster than you rushing ASAP through the level.

But yeah, very general tips:
- level stuff to 30 before getting rid of it
- never buy platinum (if you're going to buy) at full price, eventually you'll get a 75% off coupon
- The best use of platinum is on extra warframe and weapon slots rather than the frames/weapons themselves
- Don't worry too much about resources early on in the game
- Don't sweat your first frame too much; there's a decent handful of frames that you can get the materials for relatively "early" in the game that showcase some of the frame variety (from crowd-control focused "casters" to in-your-face tanks).
-If you're not sure what to do, focus on opening up the entire solar system map.


Finally made it to Pluto, but need to fight Lephantis to proceed. Anything I should know before attempting this? I've heard I shouldn't attempt it solo, but using built in LFG seems pretty useless, and there never seems to be clan members available.


Finally made it to Pluto, but need to fight Lephantis to proceed. Anything I should know before attempting this? I've heard I shouldn't attempt it solo, but using built in LFG seems pretty useless, and there never seems to be clan members available.

Rhino is a good choice to use for soloing Lephantis. Bring a Corrosive/Blast weapon and try to kill the Corpus head first. If you've got Dread with a maxed Point Strike, it'll work wonders.

You could also try asking for help in Region or Recruiting, and maybe you'll find someone willing to lend a hand.

Good luck!
Finally made it to Pluto, but need to fight Lephantis to proceed. Anything I should know before attempting this? I've heard I shouldn't attempt it solo, but using built in LFG seems pretty useless, and there never seems to be clan members available.

Are you asking in alliance chat?
Is it still worthwhile and fun to start with Warframe? (PS4 in my case).
I pretty much ignored it on release, but now I'm thinking about to get into it.
Seems like the game changed and got expanded a lot.

I have seen some videos and the game has tons of stuff I like. Fast third person action with melee and shooting combat. Movement (wall running etc.), loot (of course).

Also like the look of it. Reminds me a little bit of Dark Sector, which I loved. I really like Digital Extremes.

How far can you progress without paying extra? Is it all doable just fine, or an unbearable grind, if you don't pay?
And how is the framerate on PS4 Pro?


Is it still worthwhile and fun to start with Warframe? (PS4 in my case).
I pretty much ignored it on release, but now I'm thinking about to get into it.
Seems like the game changed and got expanded a lot.

I have seen some videos and the game has tons of stuff I like. Fast third person action with melee and shooting combat. Movement (wall running etc.), loot (of course).

Also like the look of it. Reminds me a little bit of Dark Sector, which I loved. I really like Digital Extremes.

How far can you progress without paying extra? Is it all doable just fine, or an unbearable grind, if you don't pay?
And how is the framerate on PS4 Pro?

I've only put about $40 into the game in total, buying the premium currency, and the best thing to buy is more weapon and frame slots so you can have more options. You can do nearly everything without spending a dime, you'll just be limited on the stuff you can hold onto. There are a couple of annoying grinds, but usually only for really new stuff.

The big mark of progression in the game is your Mastery Rank, which you increase by leveling up all the stuff in the game. Frames give you the most advancement towards that and weapons are locked behind certain level of Mastery. So you level up all the weapons available to you, even things you don't like, just for the XP towards your next Mastery. There is such a variety of gear in the game though that this doesn't feel like a chore to me outside of maybe one or two weapons that I just didn't like, even then you don't have to use them, just have them equipped as you play.

The movement options allow a certain freedom that I've rarely seen other games have, and is one of the highlights of playing for me. I can't attest to the PS4 performance as this is the PC thread, at the bottom of the first post is a link to the PS4 community thread. I made the mistake of posting in that one a lot, not realizing there were two separate ones.
Thanks a lot dude. Sounds fine to me.
And yeah, didn't realize this is the PC a thread. I just searched "Warframe neogaf" on Google, lol.

You convinced me to start right away. Downloading right now :)


Thanks a lot dude. Sounds fine to me.
And yeah, didn't realize this is the PC a thread. I just searched "Warframe neogaf" on Google, lol.

You convinced me to start right away. Downloading right now :)
I returned to the game recently after stopping for over a year, starting as a new player now would be a lot more interesting than when I was playing originally. It looks like you get a lot of stuff for free from special junction challenges and rare resources seem easier to come by now.


Dumped a forma in Elytron and Itzal so I could fit the primed power strength mod. Not really sure why. Something to do, I guess. Maybe I'll kill a few more razorbacks. The mission is easy, but that 1% drop rate for the better mods isn't very motivating.
Baro mostly.

There have been a few as rewards for logging in the game for a period of time but its him otherwise.

Also he wont have the exact same stock in his next appearance so you have to be on the lookout.


The log in rewards system was altered after I stopped playing, so going to be over a year before I get that primed vigor...
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