Infinite Justice
Hmm a bunch of spy sorties been appearing as of late.
But hey that's what Spy Gods Loki and Ivara are for
But hey that's what Spy Gods Loki and Ivara are for
Archwing building will suck your resources like some people do before blocking you. One of the weapon required 20 Gallium.
Snipers? Lanka is the God sniper. Vectus is okay. And oh, Lanka requires crapton of Gallium too.
Maroo's daily quest is a timed obstacle course. There's a pressure plate midway through that opens the final door.
The reward is a sculpture which can be traded in at Maroo for endo. The value goes up when you set cyan/amber stars in them
It wasnt glitched the section is timed and you need to reach the pressure plate/button (which is usually near) before the door fully closes.
Tip for corpus hacking: match the outside first then do the inside to finish up. Also the different mouse buttons will determine the direction the piece rotates.
These will be helpful since sortie spy missions for corpus/orokin/grinner are max difficulty and you cant use ciphers.
When we were stuck, I googled extensively and the timed obstacle course people were complaining about was *not* the mission we were in. All those videos were of derelicts at least. It just sent us to a normal orokin void-looking place with the standard enemy types. But yeah there was no mention of a timer, we just talked to her in the bazaar and got tossed into the mission. I suppose I can try it again solo and just rush through.
I can do it but he'd never seen one like that before since he's new.
I used to be amazing at the hacking minigames but yeah suddenly being presented with that and having 15 seconds to parse what you're looking at...
Hacking lasers, moving very carefully... Almost to the data console...
Someone screams past me, bullet jumping into a door laser.
Honestly, I think it's hilarious.I said it before and i'll say it again
Could always go to Cephalon Simaris' room in the relay and in normal missions: Get around literally everywhere by bullet jumping + gliding. Not as fast as my glorious dual zoren coptering days but I still leave everyone behind.
also me, in rank 8 mastery trial: apparently can't even make it to the vertical wallrun section, bullet jump doesn't even come out and I just fall off the side.
it'd be funny if it wasn't so frustrating to only have a couple tries per day, at least one of which is guaranteed to just be some janky bullshit because that's warframe.
I didn't see anywhere I could practice parkour, unless I'm missing something?Could always go to Cephalon Simaris' room in the relay and practice.
I didn't see anywhere I could practice parkour, unless I'm missing something?
I'm rapidly approaching MR8 so this is relevant to me.
Honestly, I think it's hilarious.
I even have fun with the Archwing missions.
Am I a bad person?
Woah, this is amazing!If you go to Cephalon's room in a relay there is a corridor on the right side, there you can practice every mastery test up to the one you have coming next.
It's a great way to make sure you can do the test with your eyes closed, especially on the harder ones.
Honestly, I think it's hilarious.
I even have fun with the Archwing missions.
Am I a bad person?
Didn't realize there were missions that required all three to be successfully retrieved. That's definitely problematic with PUGs... Is there a requirement that they are to be run with a full squad?It's more that I don't want my time wasted. The spy missions are all pretty easy once you know each vault, and have a Loki or Ivara, but doing A and then B and then watching a frost run into C at full tilt and trigger the first beam they encounter, failing the mission, gets old.
The sortie spy missions require all three vaults to be retrieved, and the timers are not as generous. Some of the spy vaults are difficult to speed through after the alarms are triggered too.
Didn't realize there were missions that required all three to be successfully retrieved. That's definitely problematic with PUGs... Is there a requirement that they are to be run with a full squad?
Maybe it shouldn't, but it surprises me that people still act a fool in endgame content - especially when it's as simple and not making a beeline for the lasers. Hmm...
It's more that I don't want my time wasted. The spy missions are all pretty easy once you know each vault, and have a Loki or Ivara, but doing A and then B and then watching a frost run into C at full tilt and trigger the first beam they encounter, failing the mission, gets old.
The sortie spy missions require all three vaults to be retrieved, and the timers are not as generous. Some of the spy vaults are difficult to speed through after the alarms are triggered too.
I said it before and i'll say it again
Grineer tilesets are easy. There is no excuse for people to fail them because most of them are just jumping around and navigating literally.
Corpus is cancer. Just Ivara and run through lasers with infiltrate aug.
Yeah.I got an affinity booster as today's sortie reward, but I already have the 90 day booster from the price error. Does it just add to my total?
The daily can be in either the usual void or the derelict tileset. Timer only starts once you open up the obstacle section. I think there's a very small countdown on the left like when you're doing survivals?When we were stuck, I googled extensively and the timed obstacle course people were complaining about was *not* the mission we were in. All those videos were of derelicts at least. It just sent us to a normal orokin void-looking place with the standard enemy types. But yeah there was no mention of a timer, we just talked to her in the bazaar and got tossed into the mission. I suppose I can try it again solo and just rush through.
I am the complete opposite. Corpus spies are just incredibly easy for me, even before running for Ivara but especially afterwards.
Grineer I know what I should do in most of them but often seem to make it more difficult for myself.
Could always go to Cephalon Simaris' room in the relay and practice.
Oh come on they are not always that bad. Sometimes you get bad players in a row yeah. We had a nice low MR guy leeching with Saryn. He was smart enough to let us do work and try his best to help with what he has. I have no problem with that; won't abort to screw him over because we all needed this kind of carrying at some point earlier in Warframe. Those who bring Frost in spy AND enter despite having Loki/Ivara? Yeah......
Riven for today is a melee one that requires me to scan the Cephalon Simaris target without taking damage, using a trap, or abilities while having the Hobbled Dragon key equipped...
Umm how about no.
If you have Ivara you can cloak early in the mission and, as long as you don't re-cloak near the target, it'll still count. Equip Flow and max out your energy pool with a restore first and you should be OK until you track them down; might take a couple of tries depending on your luck.
I've still yet to even get a single Ivara piece so I think I'll take my luck with Rhino
Primes are different builds. The most worthwhile things to get with plat are weapon and frame slots. There are also orokin catalysts, which double a weapon's mod capacity, and orokin reactors, which double a frame's mod capacity. Don't use those until you find something you know you'll keep though.just joined the clan, so many questions. Do you upgrade warframes to primes? or is that a totally different build?
is there anything worhwhile to get with platinum beside inv. space?
just joined the clan, so many questions. Do you upgrade warframes to primes? or is that a totally different build?
is there anything worhwhile to get with platinum beside inv. space?
For what it's worth, I had a DC the other day during a Void Fissure mission and the Lotus was nice enough to mail me all of the drops I had received during the mission.RNG shined it's light on me tonight. I finally got the War BP from Shadow Stalker. I was so terrified some connection issue was going to dump me out of mission and I'd lose it.
That feeling when you realize you can craft multiple items simultaneously, when you have been crafting them one at a time before.......
I dunno! I saw the ridiculous crafting times and just assumed that it was big part of how they extracted platinum from the economy. I made an assumption and never tried crafting multiple items simultaneously until last night. :lol...why did you think you could only craft one thing at a time?![]()
That feeling when you realize you can craft multiple items simultaneously, when you have been crafting them one at a time before.......
Heh. Now you move on to Step 2: using the Foundry as extra storage space for frames and weapons. I've got a Nyx and a Penta that are about 3 years old just sitting in my Foundry 'cause I've never gotten around to using them yet. Never mind the 8 or 9 weapons that have been steadily aging in there too.
For what it's worth, I had a DC the other day during a Void Fissure mission and the Lotus was nice enough to mail me all of the drops I had received during the mission.
Pulled them right out of the oven and straight into the trash.
oh nooooo
all that mastery, lost...
RNG shined it's light on me tonight. I finally got the War BP from Shadow Stalker. I was so terrified some connection issue was going to dump me out of mission and I'd lose it.
Wow, that is super cool. Was it just the parts you had when you cracked it open or was it all drops? I can imagine the relic system is different from in game drops.
They apparently fixed that now wherein you'll get a message in your inbox with whatever you should have gotten. Happened to me on the weekend where i was unable to choose my relic reward due to the game disconnecting.