Always a good sign when they ask what "FOV"
Do they ever give out new info or anything during these or is it just them playing?
Yeah, but when I said Dev's, I meant the woman who is the PR face of the company, and some random dude who is a programmer.
Neither of them really seemed to know how to play their own game lol.
As for new information, not really, but updates on some already known stuff.
During the stream it was confirmed that the next Prime frame will be female, most likely Mag.
There will be more Dojo research weapons added.
More Boss changes/updates are coming.
A new planet will be added.
A new Sentinel is in the works.
Poison is from infested is SUPPOSED to harm the objective.
Vandal weapons will NOT be made available to others.
A new Grineer tileset will be releasing soonish, before update 10, though no dates were given for either.