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Calling all Tenno! Your help is needed July 26 until July 29 @ 12 PM EDT!

The Grineer Empire is preparing a major offensive against the Corpus. Band together in special sabotage missions to destroy the Fomorian ships deployed by the Grineer which will appear in the Corpus region this weekend! Succeed, and be graciously rewarded; fail, and suffer from the Grineer's invasion.

You will need to find a new special substance to destroy these Fomorian Reactors. This substance comes in 3 forms and is earned by killing Infested.
  • Stable Corrupter: This will do normal damage when used to sabotage the ships core.
  • Alpha Corrupter: Useless by itself, but when used in tandem with a player sabotaging using the Beta Corrupter – it does QUAD damage to the reactor.
  • Beta Corrupter: Useless by itself, but when used in tandem with a player sabotaging using the Alpha Corrupter – it does QUAD damage to the reactor.

Follow the community progress bar in-game throughout the weekend. After the event, the Corpus will (grudgingly) reward the Tenno with new 'Ammo Conversion' Mod technology. Players will gain points for contributing to destroying ships. At the end of the event, the Corpus will reward players based on points received:
  • 250 points: All 5 mods
  • 150 points: 4 mods
  • 100 points : 3 mods
  • All contributing players receive 2 mods
  • Additionally: The top clan in each bracket will receive a FOMORIAN STATUE for their dojo.
IF we are unsuccessful in our mission:
  • Any regions with surviving Fomorians at the end of the event will see their resource drops cut in half for several weeks.
Be vigilant, Tenno! You have until July 29th to complete your mission.

* Rewards will be given after the event ends on July 29
** If you are in a clan of 1 to 1000 people, your clan will fit into one of the following tiers based on its size:
Ghost Clan: 1-10 members
Shadow Clan: 11 - 30 members
Storm Clan: 31-100 members
Mountain Clan: 101-300 members
Moon Clan: 301 - 1000 members
Clans with greater than 1000 members will be evaluated by amount of points accumulated by the clan divided by the clans membership. Best ratio earns the statue.

PS: Ignis BP is now available in the Chem lab. We'll have Ogris is 3 days >:)
Fun fact: NeoGAF clan is ranked #131 for most cumulative kills in the game.

Haha, totally all Saav :D

Also found this for the event


Ok, so the event is live and I've run it several times. Here's the quick and dirty on what you need to know:
  • Farming the Corrupters can be done from any Infested map, although it seems to have a higher drop rate the higher the level of the enemy. That said, go do Xini. By wave 15 you'll have enough of all 3 to join groups and get all 250 points.
  • Each player can only equip one type (Alpha, Beta or Standard) of Corrupter. Coordinate with your party to ensure that 1 of each is being brought to each mission. Edit: As it was asked below, you equip the Corrupters like you would any of the ammo/health packs from your arsenal screen.
  • Once you have a group of at least 3 (it's worth it, go to region chat and just coordinate if you don't have friends on) you will see a list of ships with % bars under them. Go to the Planets named in each and click on the big ship floating there, this starts the mission. Only players with some form of Corrupter equipped will be able to select the mission, but you can ride in if you're out.
  • Once the mission starts you'll run along until you get to a big open room with 3 terminals in the middle. Each of these terminals will have a prompt to insert an Alpha, Beta or Standard Module. Do so as soon as you can. Once the first is inserted it starts a mobile defense style countdown, each additional Corrupter inserted reduces the countdown and putting all 3 in reduces it to roughly 50 seconds. Bringing all three means you get done faster!
  • Once the countdown finishes, gtfo, obviously.
  • At extraction, beside the credits you'll see a little symbol with a number beside it, that's your contribution to the mission, and it will be the same for all party members, depending on how many Corrupters you plugged in. You get 3 points for just a Standard, 5 for a Standard + either an Alpha OR a Beta, 7 for an Alpha + Beta but no Standard, and 10 for all 3. If you're running solo for some inexplicable reason (seriously, soloing this would take the max reward from 25 runs to 84, unless you are going to be doing this the entire weekend nonstop AND don't want a chance at leaderboards, pug it up in general chat) just bring Standard Corrupters.
  • To emphasize: you get the points regardless of your contribution to the mission. If you did cartwheels the entire time while your team plugged in 3 Corrupters, you get 10 points. (The author in no way endorses doing cartwheels the entire time while your team runs the mission. If you feel the urge to do this please log off the game and lay down for a while until it goes away.)
  • Each run seems to reduce the % of the ship by about 2, and they seem to regenerate something like 1% every 10 minutes, so try to focus your efforts on whichever one seems to be getting hit the hardest, otherwise your hard work is just getting regenerated. Focus DPS!
I'll edit if other information becomes apparent or if I've gotten something hopelessly wrong.
Well, patch went out, officially ending the weekend event!

- Sling Stone Victory entry added to Lore section of Player Profile
- Leftover corruptors can now be sold from the Inventory section of the Arsenal
- Increased brightness of Warframe "energy" color
- Fixed mods awarded from Steam packs not appearing in player inventory. Accounts affected will be retroactively fixed today.

Check your inventory for your mod rewards! Looks like bows have their own ammo now? Interesting. Also, if you're going to sell those corruptors, you have to sell them 1 by 1. It's going to take me half an hour to sell all these extras...

Best event thus far though, imo.

Here's the event results!

Aaaaand! Livestream #11 in 2 days.


What? A Dev Q&A with the Warframe Sound team!

We will also be giving away three 1000 Platinum Prizes!

Who? George, Jeff, and Travis, members of our sound team, join Rebecca on the couch to chat about the Sounds of Warframe.

When? July 31st at 2 PM EDT!

Where? http://www.twitch.tv/warframe

We’ll be taking some questions from the Livestream chat, as well as some prepared beforehand from our Design Council!

See everyone there!

PS: Mag + Amphis on Corpus levels is entertaining.


idiot question: One the market there Warframes and then Warframe BPs for insane costs. What's the difference?


idiot question: One the market there Warframes and then Warframe BPs for insane costs. What's the difference?

The Warfarmes you can buy with Real Money Platinum come prebuilt, the Warframe BluePrints you buy with in-game credits you still have to farm their seperate parts, but you pay no real money for.

Edit: The only time I will ever be faster than The Conducter!
idiot question: One the market there Warframes and then Warframe BPs for insane costs. What's the difference?

Warframes that cost platinum (game's premium currency) come ready to play with and supercharged with a Reactor.

The blueprints that cost credits are the free version that involves lots of playing (ie, grinding) to get. They do not come with a Reactor.

Edit, beaten.
Juuuust started playing this on a lark, and... I kind of dig it! It feels like the multiplayer of Mass Effect 3 cranked up to 200% speed in some respects. I haven't sunk any money into it yet (as I won't have a huge amount of time over the next 2 months to sink into the game), and i'm worried my more casual style of play is going to get me left behind, but i'm tempted to grab the Trinity frame as I really like playing support-style characters anyway.
Juuuust started playing this on a lark, and... I kind of dig it! It feels like the multiplayer of Mass Effect 3 cranked up to 200% speed in some respects. I haven't sunk any money into it yet (as I won't have a huge amount of time over the next 2 months to sink into the game), and i'm worried my more casual style of play is going to get me left behind, but i'm tempted to grab the Trinity frame as I really like playing support-style characters anyway.

Glad to see more ppl try this (we're gonna need a bigger dojo soon :D). The game starts you out with 50 Platinum, I would suggest only spending that on warframe slots and weapon slots since those are the only things that cannot be bought with ingame money. As for buying plat, I would either take a look at the steam starter pack or wait for a login reward discount (you get a random login reward from a pool of rewards everyday you login, the more consecutive days you login, the better the rewards get and after 3 consecutive days its possible to get a 20% off platinum and after 7 days, 50% off platinum). I'm a fan of trinity as well, at higher difficulties, her heal is amazing as it also gives invulnerability for a short period of time :D


please send me an invite. I'm oktarb in Warframe.

Contemplating a Founders pack as I like to support games and get goodies but at this point I'm so lost I'm not sure it the value is worth it. I was eyeing the 99$ one. The 200+$ one seems to extreme.

Also, what does this mean? It get a title on my name?

“Solar Landmark”

Grand Masters are the only Founders who receive a Solar Landmark permanently tagged in-game with their Alias. Solar Landmarks are our way of thanking Grand Masters for contributing to development and being one of the team.
I'm a fan of trinity as well, at higher difficulties, her heal is amazing as it also gives invulnerability for a short period of time :D

I've started watching akamikeb's warframe intro videos, and Trinity does look really neat. But then I saw the Vauban video... and man.. that looks *really* neat. Choices, choices.

Are the weapon slot and warframe slot upgrades available in the store straight out? Or do you have to level up first?
Digging this. Wasn't at first, but now that I'm on the second planet, starting to like it. Haven't bought anything yet 'cause I have no idea what to buy. But, I'll deal with that when I hit a wall. So far it's pretty smooth sailing.

AI definitely needs some tweaking. Bad guys are pretty slow to react.
Killed my first boss and I think i'm starting to get the hang of this. Sooner or later I might even be ready to join a clan or something.

"ready to join a clan", pfft. If you want in the GAF clan just leave your name and an invite will be sent! Not like this is a hardcore raiding farming for epics kind of game :p
I bought the promo pack on steam while on sales and now I sit on tons of money and 500 plat... I have no idea what to buy. I want to try new frame (tempted by the two female triple packs) but I have one slot open only. Also, what to spend money ? my weapons (basic rifle, letho and chronus) suits me good and have decent levels. I hardly seem myself leveling them again. Should I get a sentinel ?


I bought the promo pack on steam while on sales and now I sit on tons of money and 500 plat... I have no idea what to buy. I want to try new frame (tempted by the two female triple packs) but I have one slot open only. Also, what to spend money ? my weapons (basic rifle, letho and chronus) suits me good and have decent levels. I hardly seem myself leveling them again. Should I get a sentinel ?

sentinel is pretty funny, Also i have the nova warframe which is pretty cool. You can experiment with weapons really, i bought an affinity booster and i leveled a warframe (at level 0) plus 3 weapons at lvl 0 to max in like 7/8 hours with the booster.


I bought the promo pack on steam while on sales and now I sit on tons of money and 500 plat... I have no idea what to buy. I want to try new frame (tempted by the two female triple packs) but I have one slot open only. Also, what to spend money ? my weapons (basic rifle, letho and chronus) suits me good and have decent levels. I hardly seem myself leveling them again. Should I get a sentinel ?

I'm more of a collector type so my main priority was getting lots of warframe and weapon slots. Also bought the saturated color pack for some customization. It really depends on what kind of player you are, but obviously you should mostly consider stuff you can't get in the game by playing, or the things that you technically can get in the game but only once in a blue moon and only if you don't happen to be working or sleeping at the time (i.e. Orokin Catalysts and Reactors.)

Just don't buy revives. Ever.
Obstacle course is rather fun! Just don't try it with a slow moving frame (like Vaub). Trickiest part is those dang moving pillars... To get to the course, from the koi pond, take the elevator down and head straight through the hallways.

Also, DE changed the rules again, this time without warning. Or, at least I didn't see any kind of warning in any of the patch notes. Clan size isn't determined by the halls anymore. Now there are newly added Dojo rooms called Barracks that up our size limit. Sigh, right after out Great Hall finished, too.

PS: This is my best course time:

No rush mods were used, so I'm sure someone could do better ;)
I bought the promo pack on steam while on sales and now I sit on tons of money and 500 plat... I have no idea what to buy. I want to try new frame (tempted by the two female triple packs) but I have one slot open only. Also, what to spend money ? my weapons (basic rifle, letho and chronus) suits me good and have decent levels. I hardly seem myself leveling them again. Should I get a sentinel ?

You should buy some warframe and weapon spots! Of course, the option to do so is sort of hidden in the loadout menus rather than in the store itself. They're actually really cheap, so buy a few.
Obstacle course is rather fun! Just don't try it with a slow moving frame (like Vaub). Trickiest part is those dang moving pillars... To get to the course, from the koi pond, take the elevator down and head straight through the hallways.

Also, DE changed the rules again, this time without warning. Or, at least I didn't see any kind of warning in any of the patch notes. Clan size isn't determined by the halls anymore. Now there are newly added Dojo rooms called Barracks that up our size limit. Sigh, right after out Great Hall finished, too.

PS: This is my best course time:

No rush mods were used, so I'm sure someone could do better ;)

Whoa we got a great hall and obstacle course?! Man you guys are busy :)

For those asking about spending plat on the game, your first priorty is increases your warframe and weapon slots (can do this through the Arsenal Tab-->Inventory button) because there is no other way besides spending platinum to increase the number of guns and frames you can have without deleting old ones. Next up is buying orokin catalysts/reactors (aka potatoes). These things cost 20 plat each and can double the number of mod points when applied permanently to a weapon or frame (both for you and your sentinel), a must for your favorite weapons and frames. Another purchase I think is worth it is spending money on a sentinel (floaty personal robot). Although they are relatively easy to farm materials for, the BluePrint is 100k and at the start that's a lil steep for most players, the good thing about buying it with plat instead of building it is that it comes with potatoes preinstalled (that means its saving you 40 plat in potatoes) so you're really only spend 35 plat on it.

As for buy specific frames and weapons, those are up to you since I find it fun to farm for the BP/parts to make my stuff, I haven't bought any frames or weapons yet, just the afformentioned, and color pallettes. Most frame blueprint parts will drop on a specific boss and can be farmed readily once you have the mission (though sometimes it'll take a while to get them all). One side note is that vauban is the hardest frame to get right now because all his parts come from alerts (sign up for the twitter or dl the android app). If want vauban, you'll have to wait for the alerts for his parts to happen and successfully finish them to get vauban. If you're impatient, I'd say it'd be ok to buy him since he is super fun/useful (a lil weak in the earlier lvls but once he gains a few lvls and is potato'd he's amazing).

Side note, not gonna have much internet til next week so don't think I'll get to play much :/
"ready to join a clan", pfft. If you want in the GAF clan just leave your name and an invite will be sent! Not like this is a hardcore raiding farming for epics kind of game :p

My Warframe alias is the same as on NeoGAF: AbundantChoice. Still working on my starter Mag frame, but will probably try a new frame soon.
After finishing up Venus, one of the levels I had already cleared suddenly had a skull on it:

What does that mean?

I would either take a look at the steam starter pack or wait for a login reward discount (you get a random login reward from a pool of rewards everyday you login, the more consecutive days you login, the better the rewards get and after 3 consecutive days its possible to get a 20% off platinum and after 7 days, 50% off platinum).

Glad I read this. Just got my 20% one for three days. I'll hold out for a 50% off code and pick up the 1000 platinum for $25.


This game looks sweet, is it anything like Masseffect 3 multiplayer?
Nope, but it is a co-op-ish shooter (not a cover-based one) with space magic powers.
It's more like Left 4 Dead, but you don't need to play as a team. It's basically Left 2 Follow The Guy In A Rush.
Frak! For some reason I didn't think the stream was happening today. I tuned in just at the end for pink short hijinks.

Also, invites were sent to Hero & Abundant
Alright, how about exclamation marks:

I figure it's the same concept as the skull, in that it's a harder level? I just did that one with three other dudes who were way more advanced than anyone else I've seen. They tore through it like it was nothing, while I gained 4 levels in about 10 minutes.
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