Calling all Tenno! Your help is needed July 26 until July 29 @ 12 PM EDT!
The Grineer Empire is preparing a major offensive against the Corpus. Band together in special sabotage missions to destroy the Fomorian ships deployed by the Grineer which will appear in the Corpus region this weekend! Succeed, and be graciously rewarded; fail, and suffer from the Grineer's invasion.
You will need to find a new special substance to destroy these Fomorian Reactors. This substance comes in 3 forms and is earned by killing Infested.
- Stable Corrupter: This will do normal damage when used to sabotage the ships core.
- Alpha Corrupter: Useless by itself, but when used in tandem with a player sabotaging using the Beta Corrupter – it does QUAD damage to the reactor.
- Beta Corrupter: Useless by itself, but when used in tandem with a player sabotaging using the Alpha Corrupter – it does QUAD damage to the reactor.
Follow the community progress bar in-game throughout the weekend. After the event, the Corpus will (grudgingly) reward the Tenno with new 'Ammo Conversion' Mod technology. Players will gain points for contributing to destroying ships. At the end of the event, the Corpus will reward players based on points received:
IF we are unsuccessful in our mission:
- 250 points: All 5 mods
- 150 points: 4 mods
- 100 points : 3 mods
- All contributing players receive 2 mods
- Additionally: The top clan in each bracket will receive a FOMORIAN STATUE for their dojo.
Be vigilant, Tenno! You have until July 29th to complete your mission.
- Any regions with surviving Fomorians at the end of the event will see their resource drops cut in half for several weeks.
* Rewards will be given after the event ends on July 29
** If you are in a clan of 1 to 1000 people, your clan will fit into one of the following tiers based on its size:
Ghost Clan: 1-10 members
Shadow Clan: 11 - 30 members
Storm Clan: 31-100 members
Mountain Clan: 101-300 members
Moon Clan: 301 - 1000 members
Clans with greater than 1000 members will be evaluated by amount of points accumulated by the clan divided by the clans membership. Best ratio earns the statue.
PS: Ignis BP is now available in the Chem lab. We'll have Ogris is 3 days >