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Hey folks, Deyno here. I've decided to stop playing this game because it's too good, THAT'S RIGHT. I spend way too much time on it and this time would be better spent in things like sculpting the perfect body, completing my collection of George Clooney postcards, or studying for example.

I won't stop playing forever, but probably for at least a few months, until the end of the next exams. So that's it, you can erase me from the clan if you need to free some space, I'll tell you when I'm ready to come back.

If I ever am.

You'll be back...they always come back....*maniacal laughter*


Hey folks, Deyno here. I've decided to stop playing this game because it's too good, THAT'S RIGHT. I spend way too much time on it and this time would be better spent in things like sculpting the perfect body, completing my collection of George Clooney postcards, or studying for example.

I won't stop playing forever, but probably for at least a few months, until the end of the next exams. So that's it, you can erase me from the clan if you need to free some space, I'll tell you when I'm ready to come back.

If I ever am.

Hey Deyno, 'twas nice playing with you - you'll be missed :)
All the best with rl!
Hey folks, Deyno here. I've decided to stop playing this game because it's too good, THAT'S RIGHT. I spend way too much time on it and this time would be better spent in things like sculpting the perfect body, completing my collection of George Clooney postcards, or studying for example.

I won't stop playing forever, but probably for at least a few months, until the end of the next exams. So that's it, you can erase me from the clan if you need to free some space, I'll tell you when I'm ready to come back.

If I ever am.

Y`know, i deleted the game when i hit 60 hours in little more than a week.
Reinstalled friday, and now I'm up to 95.

I wont lie, even though i`m 400xp away from r6 and dat penta, I`ll most likely do the same once i hit one hundred. Will sell all weapons and frames, though. Ain't gonna risk having a reason to come back this time.
Hey folks, Deyno here. I've decided to stop playing this game because it's too good, THAT'S RIGHT. I spend way too much time on it and this time would be better spent in things like sculpting the perfect body, completing my collection of George Clooney postcards, or studying for example.

I won't stop playing forever, but probably for at least a few months, until the end of the next exams. So that's it, you can erase me from the clan if you need to free some space, I'll tell you when I'm ready to come back.

If I ever am.

Noooo... Well... study well... see you next update !


I gotta say that the gaf community for this game is really awesome and united. Even though I dont say much in it, its very cool to be a part of it


Why do infestation missions take so long to do? The percentages go down so little after each tour its almost not worth it D:

Edit: .....i just realized that it doesn't matter.... I'm so new to this lol.


I gotta say that the gaf community for this game is really awesome and united. Even though I dont say much in it, its very cool to be a part of it

Indeed, that's what I'm missing the most :(
I still log in everyday to get the daily reward so don't insult me like Saav did yesterday if you see me online.


Junior Member
Hey folks, Deyno here. I've decided to stop playing this game because it's too good, THAT'S RIGHT. I spend way too much time on it and this time would be better spent in things like sculpting the perfect body, completing my collection of George Clooney postcards, or studying for example.

I won't stop playing forever, but probably for at least a few months, until the end of the next exams. So that's it, you can erase me from the clan if you need to free some space, I'll tell you when I'm ready to come back.

If I ever am.
ah ah ah

You'll just replace one addiction with another. ;)



I love steam tags
So I just maxed out my Redirection, Vitality, and Steel Charge mods.

I'm poor as dirt and completely out of fusion cores now.

I'm sure the latter will bite me in the ass soon.


So what does the dojo do?

I wandered in there and I got lost D:

Also, just complete the Rhino frame. Tips?

Aim for power strength mods, they increase the amount of damage iron skin can take before it stops. (Iron skin is damage based not time.) You want to keep iron skin on constantly as the team tank and revival machine.
Don't worry about health or armour mods, you wont need them, but do ensure you have your redirection on, to maintain your shields in the moments that iron skin drops.
Don't bother equipping Rhino charge, his other skills are much better.
Stomp when you are about to revive someone, it is a great cc.
Use roar whenever you feel that the enemies need shredding faster, your team will love you for it. (Also, roar is great to help you level weapons faster.)
Equip the vanguard alt helmet as soon as you can to up his mobility, its a much needed buff to his speed.
If possible, equip a melee weapon that can copter, therefore negating Rhino slow base speed even more.
So, power strength and energy reserves mods are really handy, use a shield mod for when your iron skin goes down, and remember that you aren't invincible, just really really tough.

Hope these help, Rhino has been my main since closed Beta :D
Aim for power strength mods, they increase the amount of damage iron skin can take before it stops. (Iron skin is damage based not time.) You want to keep iron skin on constantly as the team tank and revival machine.
Don't worry about health or armour mods, you wont need them, but do ensure you have your redirection on, to maintain your shields in the moments that iron skin drops.
Don't bother equipping Rhino charge, his other skills are much better.
Stomp when you are about to revive someone, it is a great cc.
Use roar whenever you feel that the enemies need shredding faster, your team will love you for it. (Also, roar is great to help you level weapons faster.)
Equip the vanguard alt helmet as soon as you can to up his mobility, its a much needed buff to his speed.
If possible, equip a melee weapon that can copter, therefore negating Rhino slow base speed even more.
So, power strength and energy reserves mods are really handy, use a shield mod for when your iron skin goes down, and remember that you aren't invincible, just really really tough.

Hope these help, Rhino has been my main since closed Beta :D
What is a copter weapon?


I thought Rhino went best with Galatine. Am I wrong on that?

Depends really on how you want to play. Copter weapons tend to lend themselves well for fast movement around maps, so use them on frames that are typically slow to balance. Galantine is quite fun to use on Loki for me, I have a charge damage build on mine, combine that with Loki's invisibility, which turns all melee attacks into crits, you become an unseen force of nature. Slashing and hacking away without even alerting enemies.

To "helicopter" a weapon, it's the same input for doing a spin attack animation for melee weapons, where you sprint>slide>melee attack, except you do this mid-air. The spin animation is affected by your weapon's attack speed, so if you have a high attack speed on your weapon you can use the momentum from your mid-air spin attack to propel yourself forward. Hope I explained it clearly lol


So I started playing this. Just did my first assassination mission, which gives you the 25k credits. Should I buy another warframe (blueprint) with this, or a weapon, or what?


Thanks for the advice, I can tell a big difference between the guns. Went from going "plink plink plink" to much more satisfying damage numbers.

I really enjoy the defense missions, all told. Although right now I'm sitting in one's loading screen while the other guy is locked up or something and it won't disconnect.

Hyun Sai

Finally got my new PC.

Holy shit, playing in 1080P all maxed at 60 FPS is good. I still have to disable some graphic options for the sake of clarity though. Color correction and one other, I don't remember. It's much better like that.


Best weapon for mastery level for for a Trinity?

Played around with the Rhino and Oberon, decided to go back to the trinity.

Did my first forma and got some good mods and am now pretty much unkillable lol and only level 11.

Want to level a new primary weapon

Have a level 30

Penta is always a good way to check if you really are unkillable.

Thought i was with mah rhino. Penta proved otherwise.
I dont even dare touch it with the Nova i'm leveling.
Also absurdly fun to use.


Penta definitely would be perfect if you're running Trinity with Blessing. If you're in a clan you could go for the Ignis too, great flamethrower weapon that clears enemy groups easy, just has a short range. Ignis with elemental procs is fun, even more so when invincible.
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