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New weapons are across the board in terms of usefulness. Actually lately they've been very interesting and unique, and difficult to place in a tier list because of the risk/reward properties DE has put in. Not sure what you mean by special encounters. The only resource that isn't immediately available during a mission is Nitian Extract, which comes in the form of an often occurring (3-4 a day) alert mission.

I literally could never get vauban even though I thought he looked the coolest because his parts came from waiting until some super secret shadow ninja assassin dude appeared and I would have to kill him, kill each of those trio ginyu force guys and some other special random encounter. It felt like I maxxed out the game and everything after that was better to purchase to save time and headaches, even though I only cleared half the solar system(no one plays past a certain planet, everyones on the last 1-2 planets and the dark zone or whatever it was they added. Term was taxi right? Nonexistant).
Oh wow Vauban was tied to the assassins back then? I don't remember that. Vauban is currently connected to alert missions.

Nor do I think any of the game is made better by paying to speed the timers up. This is one of the fairer F2P games out there when it comes to that.
Oh wow Vauban was tied to the assassins back then? I don't remember that. Vauban is currently connected to alert missions.

Nor do I think any of the game is made better by paying to speed the timers up. This is one of the fairer F2P games out there when it comes to that.

I'm pretty sure Vauban parts always dropped from alerts.
Thanks again for the Nezha parts. I insta passed out after getting them lol. Wanted to farm the argon for it but just couldn't stay away haha. Osaka was more brutal of a "fun" trip than it should have been lol.

Got into the city after the front desk of the hotel I stayed at closed. Choice was to either find a more expensive hotel, or wait til they opened at 7:30am... decided to stay out at a club til then, after a whole day of work, then travel lol... Never really recovered, then spent the next two days walking and riding the trains/subways literally everywhere in the city.

Complete dead body mode but was a good experience.


Started playing Warframe again after having been burnt out from it for quite a while and noticed I'm no longer in the GAF clan. Can I get a re-invite, pretty please? :>


New update is live, now you can go daka daka dakadakadadada with the TWIN KOHMAK

Hope you have your primed ammo mutation ready!

Boy, I hope the Twin Kohmak blueprint's drop rate is decent. It costs 50 judgement points per Kela kill, so that's five rounds of 10-point Rathuum before you can roll the dice on her loot table. Seems excessive.

I do like the design behind Kela's new weapon-specific mods, though.
LOL, apparently Kela De Thaym is Gary Oldman.

Me and a friend just pulled the Vengeful Revenant Stance from the event. HOLY FUCK YES!

They have a .25% chance of dropping in the hard 25-kill round. FUCKING HELL YES!!!
Think I'm going to give WF a rest until U19. Finally get internet back and just go, "meh" when I launch the game, haha.

Watch U19 be next week.
Anyone need a Ash prime BP? was going to sell it but go flooded with invites and and messages by people who already had the damn fame. If someone in the clan has been hunting it I just got a spare.
New prime looks great.

Got fairly lucky with Saryn drops so did not have to farm her all that much, seems like Vauby though has some low rates. Did T1 Ext about 10 or so times yesterday (mostly to finish Ivara and the new rifle) but only got key drops while slightly looking for Fragor parts. Only going for Fragor at the moment while I finally get around to messing with Saryn Prime :)
Trying to sell stuff on the trade channel and no one wants to negotiate at all. I'm left throwing out all the numbers to brick walls until I give up and head back to the channel. Rinse & repeat.

So frustrating.
Trying to sell stuff on the trade channel and no one wants to negotiate at all. I'm left throwing out all the numbers to brick walls until I give up and head back to the channel. Rinse & repeat.

So frustrating.

Are you basing your price off warframe.market or just throwing out random numbers?
???? I'm out of the loop. Been playing too much Overwatch, lol.

Same, but here's the rundown. Mag polarize does not scale, excalibur exalted blade now have dmg dropoff on distance, valkyr hysteria now drains more the longer it is on, mirage blind is line-of-sight only, and trinity blessing have 50 meters range.

Basically, no one in their dev team play their game.

Edit: I forgot passive, oberon passive is useful for 20 seconds every time, and 10 time the wallhang for loki!
Same, but here's the rundown. Mag polarize does not scale,

It still shreds the shit out of armor and shield, hey now you can bring her to more than one faction type! If you want obscene damage, Magnetize is a hell of an ability that can currently do up to millions of damage points. Plus it's a nice AOE explosion.

excalibur exalted blade now have dmg dropoff on distance,

Something it really needed.

valkyr hysteria now drains more the longer it is on,

To such a minute degree that it's almost not noticeable.

mirage blind is line-of-sight only,

Which people should have been expecting since Excal's blind was changed (by the way, the change makes complete logical sense).

and trinity blessing have 50 meters range.

It's wednesday, better nerf Trin. Actually the worse part of the Blessing change was how it now does an average of the health of the warframes in its range, rather than grabbing the lowest health.

But I still remember when Blessing was first changed and the shitshow that caused... This is mild in comparison.

More importantly today, from the Dev workshop post, was this detail from Rebecca:

At this time – even with these best intentions of more engaging play - the fundamental issue for many of you is: no amount of engagement counters the enemy's cheese. A select few abilities that we touched 'worked' in the eyes of the players because you could fight fire with fire once you entered a specific threshold of content. The tight-rope of frustration is high, and the changing of the meta can be painful. In our eyes some meta elements simply harmed the quality of the gameplay taking place. However, 'finality' is not a word I'd ever associate with our Dev process, and as flawed as that may sound I think it's one of the reasons we're such a tight-knit community is because time and time again we set the course together.


Every time we shake things up – no matter how lightly - the impact is objectively better. We see more people are interested in the game, and more people realize the impact their collective constructive views have on the game. There are a few counter-narratives that often indicate the end of times, I've seen it a lot over the years, but ultimately things come out better and bigger as a result. I'm not saying it doesn't have growing pains, though!

It bears repeating that more changes are coming soon. We will be hotfixing like mad next week, and getting deeper into difficulty discussions in terms of the enemy. It's been a long time since we have looked at enemy scaling and their spiky damage output, and in that time you've found ways to deal with it.

So here's hoping that enemies are examined in the future, and that people can chill out for two seconds.
Finally sat down and did the Second Dream story this weekend after putting it off all this time. After scraping my brain off the wall I started burning the midnight oil on Saryn Prime. Really love my favorite frame after her rework, so not too worried about the others getting nerfed or changed.

Might need to jump on Mag again and see what shes like now. Also noticed I never played/built Loki lol.
I haven't kept up with Warframe at all since Overwatch released... or any other game for that matter, lol. They have an ETA when U19 is going to release yet?
Thanks! I remember them teasing that a long time ago. Hopefully it uses the Dark Dagger & Sword BP, as I've been saving them forever for this combo...
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