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Nice, it's a fantastic gun. Use it on all my sorties.

It's arguably the best shotgun. An absolute godlike amount of slash damage, pretty good spread, and a very fast reload. You can even mod it to have four shots available if you don't like the double barreled approach.

The Vaykor Hek is good but nothing feels as good as the Tigris.


I tried playing this game when it first came out on PS4 and I liked it but I thought it was really confusing and stopped playing. I decided to give it another try this week and.... I'm having a blast! There is so much to see and do. It's incredible. This is everything Destiny was supposed to be. The Archwing: OMG! No words.


I tried playing this game when it first came out on PS4 and I liked it but I thought it was really confusing and stopped playing. I decided to give it another try this week and.... I'm having a blast! There is so much to see and do. It's incredible. This is everything Destiny was supposed to be. The Archwing: OMG! No words.

I've made a similar comment with my friends. They are really into division and when i played it, minus having a cover system Warframe does everything they wanted in a destiny/division game but more.


I played this ages ago when it first came out and bounced off it hard.

For some reason installed it again last week and I've been having a blast with all the changes since launch. It's basically a Hunting Action TPS. Looks and runs amazing even on my potato GPU.

Anyway I'm only MR2 right now but I'd love a clan invite if there's room.

IGN: Warfaceframe
I tried playing this game when it first came out on PS4 and I liked it but I thought it was really confusing and stopped playing. I decided to give it another try this week and.... I'm having a blast! There is so much to see and do. It's incredible. This is everything Destiny was supposed to be. The Archwing: OMG! No words.

Honestly, I FUCKING HATE the Archwing missions. Hate the controls and the feel of it all.
Honestly, I FUCKING HATE the Archwing missions. Hate the controls and the feel of it all.

Completely disagree. The controls in Archwing is one of the best parts about it, especially since they added the Afterburners. The mode does a really good job at giving you those all powerful abilities that wipe the field too.


Honestly, I FUCKING HATE the Archwing missions. Hate the controls and the feel of it all.

Same here. I don't think they're bad, they just feel so different and as Archwing missions are so rare at the start, by the time you reach the rest of the missions, you still haven't fully adjusted to the controls.
I actually like AW and think it has a lot of potential, but holy jeebus the missions get dull real fast. After one or two AW missions I have to quit Warframe for a while.
The archwing stuff is alright, just needs more things (like maps, etc).

the major reason for my current disinterest was suffering in trying to get that pheadra(?) receiver.

fuck that thing seriously.

Beta Stage

Neo Member
Okay PCGaf, I have a question. As someone who is thinking about getting Warframe on PC, how good is an AMD FX Series R9 360? As I am one who is not well versed in PC jargon (yet) a simple sucks, alright, good, or great will suffice. Thanks to whomever answers the question. :)
IGN: Warfaceframe
Belated invite sent!

Okay PCGaf, I have a question. As someone who is thinking about getting Warframe on PC, how good is an AMD FX Series R9 360? As I am one who is not well versed in PC jargon (yet) a simple sucks, alright, good, or great will suffice. Thanks to whomever answers the question. :)

Should look and run great!

WF runs nicely with nearly everything enabled on my 6 year old HD 5850 card in my desktop :)
Alright so I was messing around with Banshee and found out melee gets the dmg buff from Sonar, I was getting around 100k crits with the mios.

So Sonar + Naramon is officially the greatest thing ever.
I am super interested in seeing how they would design Vauban prime. Already kind of goofy looking lol. He's also still my most played frame, even though I haven't played him in ages haha!
Well if you're in the alliance and online I'll pop on now and toss them to you. If not, just add me as a friend. Gaf name and IGN are the same.

Awesome, I will add you this afternoon (Japan time :p) and we can try for a trade time. Going to be in Osaka from what I assume will be early Friday for you until early Sunday. So maybe can trade before/after.
Awesome, I will add you this afternoon (Japan time :p) and we can try for a trade time. Going to be in Osaka from what I assume will be early Friday for you until early Sunday. So maybe can trade before/after.

Righto, I'll try to stick around all day Sunday. It's going to be -14 hours for you to my local time.
Hmm Vauban huh, should be interesting having a Vauban that's a bit easier to get than waiting for an alert.

With that being primed, what will be vaulted?

Since they are still going in order the next one is gonna be Loki Prime (plus Bo Prime and Wyrm Prime).

So better get them if you haven't already or stock up on some dupes.
Looks like we are blasting grineer faces in the next expansion
The War Within

Oh that's exciting.

Today in weird PMs about Warframe:

For the sorties, do you guys solo it or pick up groups? What kind of build do you use, it seems when ever enemies get to around level 50 or so, I just hit a wall and cant kill anything.


Havent played since Melee 2.0, has the grind changed since then? My issue was newer weapons were only a little better but I was left with having to wait for special encounters to get my materials and it being quite hard to get new frames.

My only method of fun boiled down to just doing the horde mode thing, don't remember what they were called, the big white and gold areas?

Have they added any new enemy types or is it still grineer, zerg and robots? At least new enemies in those races like bigger enemies or sneaky enemies?
For the sorties, do you guys solo it or pick up groups? What kind of build do you use, it seems when ever enemies get to around level 50 or so, I just hit a wall and cant kill anything.

Both. I've been soloing them lately because my connection is so poor that I can't get into a group. Multiforma'd Frost Prime, Boltor Prime/Tonkor, Furis (for lifesteal) or Atomos, and Jat Kittag (emergency CC) or Nikana Prime. Frost's kit makes him an excellent all around frame, dealing great damage and ejecting enemies away from you if the damage is too much. The only thing that changes is if it's a killing mission like exterminate or a spy/sabotage mission, where I'll bring Loki/Ivara with a Covert Lethality dagger to kill those high level enemies. Just about the only mission I won't do solo is Defense, since it's so hard to keep track of the operative and I've had him bug out something fierce.

Havent played since Melee 2.0, has the grind changed since then? My issue was newer weapons were only a little better but I was left with having to wait for special encounters to get my materials and it being quite hard to get new frames.

New weapons are across the board in terms of usefulness. Actually lately they've been very interesting and unique, and difficult to place in a tier list because of the risk/reward properties DE has put in. Not sure what you mean by special encounters. The only resource that isn't immediately available during a mission is Nitian Extract, which comes in the form of an often occurring (3-4 a day) alert mission.

My only method of fun boiled down to just doing the horde mode thing, don't remember what they were called, the big white and gold areas?

Void missions? They've expanded those with some more mission types since Melee 2.0. There's been a ton of new tilesets added and the current endgame content comes in the form of two different Raids, one of which has a hard mode.

Have they added any new enemy types or is it still grineer, zerg and robots? At least new enemies in those races like bigger enemies or sneaky enemies?

It's mostly those three factions still but they've expanded the enemies in those factions quite a bit. There's currently a fourth faction that makes a very small appearance on one particular tileset, but they're going to be expanded upon coming soon.

A lot has changed since Melee 2.0, I'd suggest jumping in and just seeing how things feel.
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