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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War

Anyone knows where I can find some really high resolution (print resolution, so I would like at least 4000px height) realistic artworks, especially portraits of the emperor and other notable characters.

I am ready to accept the reality that most artworks are going to peak at Full HD resolutions barely reaching 1000px in height, but perhaps there are some resources which I am not familiar with.

Just finished xenos
Overall enjoyed tho i found the earlier parts better
Abnnet writes some good action gotta say
I wqs gojng to start malleus but felt i should takr a short break first

I love the whole Eisenhorn trilogy. The Ravenor series is worth a read too, it's a sequel of sorts with a few returning characters. :)
Forge World running a chance to win a first edition Rogue Trader players guide... so tempting...


Can I ask why this is tempting to you? Nostalgia? Purely as a collectors item?

Everything in it has been expanded upon and improved so significantly throughout the years that it's completely useless as an actual gameplay tool.

I had the original hardback and the 40k compendium but sold them 20 years ago. They were irrelevant even back then.


Can I ask why this is tempting to you? Nostalgia? Purely as a collectors item?

Everything in it has been expanded upon and improved so significantly throughout the years that it's completely useless as an actual gameplay tool.

I had the original hardback and the 40k compendium but sold them 20 years ago. They were irrelevant even back then.

Well, from recollection they are worth quite a bit of money. Plus they are interesting as hell to read - the lore and details has changed SO much since those days. Space Marines with pointy beaks and Eldar being bright colourful space pirates, and all the stats for alien plants and monsters is fantastic fun.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
i haven't been involved in 40k since i was a kid but with grav weapons and antigrav vehicles (yeah i know they always had speeders or whatever they're called) it really feels like they've been pushing the imperium to a point where they're basically on a technological par with the eldar (or at least, they're 'rediscovering' old technology that brings them up to par). it never quite made sense to me at the time how 'weaker weapons and paper armour' was supposed to represent technological superiority at the time, and it makes even less sense to me now.


Can I ask why this is tempting to you? Nostalgia? Purely as a collectors item?

Everything in it has been expanded upon and improved so significantly throughout the years that it's completely useless as an actual gameplay tool.

I had the original hardback and the 40k compendium but sold them 20 years ago. They were irrelevant even back then.

I had the original too and loved it. To read the complete nonsense that was character creation, weapons loadouts, equipment and armours would be hilarious. Although I'm partially interested in how much of it influenced the Dark Heresy design too... (probably only a little)

Also, pictures of beaky space marines will never not be funny.
I have strongly considered doing an Eldar army in the old color scheme several times. It looked more...alien compared to how they are colored now.


i haven't been involved in 40k since i was a kid but with grav weapons and antigrav vehicles (yeah i know they always had speeders or whatever they're called) it really feels like they've been pushing the imperium to a point where they're basically on a technological par with the eldar (or at least, they're 'rediscovering' old technology that brings them up to par). it never quite made sense to me at the time how 'weaker weapons and paper armour' was supposed to represent technological superiority at the time, and it makes even less sense to me now.

It was supposed to be Speed & Psychichness for Strength trade off.

Unfortunately, SM are just too good.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It was supposed to be Speed & Psychichness for Strength trade off.

Unfortunately, SM are just too good.

well it seemed like an odd trade-off to me in the sense that 'faster but weaker' just seems like...something the imperium could do if they wanted to, not something you'd do because your technology was better. in a universe where your enemies can move faster than a speeding bullet and pull open a tank with their bare hands, not having armour out the butt and a gun that can blow up a mountain seems like kind of a dumb idea.


Reading eisenhorn book 2 and holy shit
this one is 90 years later
Service to the god emperor is some serious shit
i haven't been involved in 40k since i was a kid but with grav weapons and antigrav vehicles (yeah i know they always had speeders or whatever they're called) it really feels like they've been pushing the imperium to a point where they're basically on a technological par with the eldar (or at least, they're 'rediscovering' old technology that brings them up to par). it never quite made sense to me at the time how 'weaker weapons and paper armour' was supposed to represent technological superiority at the time, and it makes even less sense to me now.

There's a difference between how powerful these things are and how advanced or efficient they are technologically, though. Imperial Grav vehicles would likely be quite primitive in comparison to what the Eldar have.


How is the deathwing pen n paper game? I might look into
Reading the guide books etc at least :x

I also now learned that people in w40k can live to be over 200 years old @_@


How is the deathwing pen n paper game? I might look into
Reading the guide books etc at least :x

I also now learned that people in w40k can live to be over 200 years old @_@

Bjorn the Fell-Handed is about 10 000 years old. But he's kinda cheating since a) he's in a Dreadnought and b) spends most of his time napping in stasis. The oldest active space marine is around 1000 years old, but there might be an even older one in the new Space Sharks book.

The oldest unaugmented human was over 1500 years old when he died and there are rumours that the new AdMech guy has been alive since the Great Crusade like Bjorn, so 10 millennia to him as well.
Lord Commander Dante of the Blood Angels is over 1,100 years old and is the oldest living space marine, excluding dreadnoughts.

Sanguinius himself had a vision that a single golden warrior will one day stand between the Emperor and the abyss. Dante believes himself to be that warrior and, despite being weary from his long age, is determined to fulfill his destiny.


With the exception of the slumbering Greats in their white suits of Dreadnought armour, Te Kahurangi was by far the oldest of member of the Chapter. Sharr had heard it said that he was only three generations removed from the Wandering Ancestors, the first to have gone into the void, alone, at the behest of the Forgotten One.

This dude will be old as fuck, if the theories hold true and they're the Raven Guard Corax exiled pre-Heresy for being too violent. Three generations after that would be in the M32-M33 range.
This dude will be old as fuck, if the theories hold true and they're the Raven Guard Corax exiled pre-Heresy for being too violent. Three generations after that would be in the M32-M33 range.

Weren't those the same guys that attack Nostromo in the Heresy before Konard destroyed it?
EDIT: Those were the Ashen Claws, my bad.


Bjorn the Fell-Handed is about 10 000 years old. But he's kinda cheating since a) he's in a Dreadnought and b) spends most of his time napping in stasis. The oldest active space marine is around 1000 years old, but there might be an even older one in the new Space Sharks book.

The oldest unaugmented human was over 1500 years old when he died and there are rumours that the new AdMech guy has been alive since the Great Crusade like Bjorn, so 10 millennia to him as well.

They live not for themselves.
They live for the Emperor.


I haven't read the Salamanders books but I know that the space marine Gravius gets brought up in topics about age. He had lived for over 10,000 years by the time a group of Salamanders came across him and mercy-killed him. His muscles had completely atrophied and he was pretty much immobile and insane at that point.


1/3 of the way thru malleus and i gotta ask
Wtf does malleus mean?

Really enjoying this book tho, and the plot has just thickened


Christmas came early (or late?). Spoilers, obviously.
The new Lord of Change:

Get your first look at the incredible new Lord of Change miniature sculpted by the very talented Mark Harrison (though miniature is maybe not quite be the right word) on its way later this Tzaanuary.

This towering Daemon of Tzeentch stands as tall as a Bloodthirster and sits alongside Magnus, Nagash and the Imperial Knight as one of the most iconic and imposing centerpiece miniatures in the whole Citadel range.
Every inch of this model is dripping in detail: esoteric runes, staring eyes, magical books, arcane scrolls and more besides – it's a painter's dream, especially when combined with the myriad colour schemes that Tzeentch's greatest daemonic champions lend themselves to.

The kit can also be used to create Kairos Fateweaver, the notorious and fickle two-headed Daemon of past and future destinies. We'll have some shots of this build for you very soon.

In Warhammer 40,000, his rules remain unchanged from those in Codex: Chaos Daemons, though the recent War Zone: Fenris books, Curse of the Wulfen and Wrath of Magnus do both contain some new spells, artifacts and Formations he can use, as part of a standard Daemon force or a pure host of Tzeentchian warp-spawn.

The Lord of Change will be available to order later this month.

Change as they say, is coming.
Wowza! Man, A full Thousand Sons army would look amazing on the battlefield.

I truly hope the other 3 chaos powers get equally stunning treatments. Nurgle has always called to me and an army of a similar quality of troops like this would push me over the edge.
Alright then. Let's say that you've played Dawn of War or the tabletop game and want to read something a bit more meaty set in the grim darkness of the 41st millenium, with the laughter of thirsting gods and so on. Black Library is the brand that nearly all 40k literature is published under, but with hundreds of books and dozens of authors how do you know what's good and what's bad? The answer is almost certainly with any picked book 'bad', but here's a brief rundown of the more popular Black Library authors and recommendations for them anyway.

Ben Counter: He's crap. Not much more to say, really.
Recommendations: Even I have my limits on money I'll spend on bad books. If anyone has any recommendations of books he's written that aren't an affront to God, though, I'll add 'em.

I admit, it's been like... 14 years since I've read Soul Drinkers, but I really enjoyed that. Definitely no literary masterpiece, for sure. But I didn't go in expecting that. Would be nice if someone could do that though. Every time I read that intro about the 'laughter of thirsting gods', I feel there is something there. But I digress...

Soul Drinkers is fun. At least I thought it was when I was 19 years old. I feel Counter describes the filth of that Chaos world they go to pretty well.

Also apologies for quoting a really old post. First time in the 40k OT and this caught my eye.


I admit, it's been like... 14 years since I've read Soul Drinkers, but I really enjoyed that. Definitely no literary masterpiece, for sure. But I didn't go in expecting that. Would be nice if someone could do that though. Every time I read that intro about the 'laughter of thirsting gods', I feel there is something there. But I digress...

Soul Drinkers is fun. At least I thought it was when I was 19 years old. I feel Counter describes the filth of that Chaos world they go to pretty well.

Also apologies for quoting a really old post. First time in the 40k OT and this caught my eye.

Soul Drinkers was pretty interesting but not the great (only read the first 3 books).

The funniest part about Ben Counter is that contrary to his name, he cannot actually count. He comes out with the most suspect numbers lol
GW is bouncing back - they've made a lot of good moves this year under Kevin Rountree, released some fantastic products and the weakened pound is helping too:
Profits soar at Games Workshop as fantasy model retailer battles back from slump

Games Workshop has battled back from a tough 2015 to post much-improved figures for the second half of last year, with revenues soaring and pre-tax profit more than doubling.

The Nottingham-based company, which is known for its model figures, saw profit before tax leap to £13.8m in the six months to November 27, compared to £6.3m for the same period in 2015.

Games Workshop also saw revenues jump 28.2pc from £55.3m to £70.9m, with chief executive Kevin Rountree saying the business and the hobby is in ”good shape".

The company's share price climbed nearly 5pc in early trading on Tuesday morning.

The retailer, which specialises in figurines of fantasy creatures such as aliens and goblins, exports to countries including Australia, Japan and the US.

After opening 17 stores (including relocations) and closing eight in the six-month period, it now has 460 shops across the world, including new stores in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong.

The half-year results come after a challenging 2015, when it was hit by disappointing Christmas sales and a slowdown on the high street.

But the company announced in October that sales had been boosted by the weakening of the pound.

”Our business and hobby are in good shape," said Mr Rountree. ”We are pleased to report sales and profit growth in the period across all channels. The improvement was built on a considerable team effort across the business."

He added: ”The key priority in the period reported has been to give our store managers the appropriate product and sales support to help them recruit new customers, retain our existing customers and re-recruit lapsed customers. Recruiting new store managers remains a key area of focus."

Games Workshop also sells its intellectual property to video game developers. Royalties from these sales more than doubled in the half year compared to the same period in 2015, from £1.5m to £3.3m.



Any ideas on who the Necron Lord hanging around in the background is? I know the Cadian pylons have something to do with them.

Trollzyn, I mean Trazyn the Infinite is on Cadia, trying to find the next piece for his collection. I think he even released Inquisitor Greyfax from his collection when he decided he wanted to play a hero to do something new.



Just bought my first non secondhand unit and it was like 63 dollars after taxes too lol. I feel like this might give me some of the firepower that I was missing. What do you guys think?

Also Tau question:
Does the invocation of the elements last until the next movement phase? If so, does it also affect units when invoking storm and declaring an overwatch? Effectively giving 10 firewarriors 30 shots rather than 20 or is this only something that affects the shooting phase?
I knew he wasn't a Dark Eldar in this pic.


This is all hot stuff, but they really need a new Avatar in line with the new Lord of Change! I would insta buy that.
A new Abaddon mini would be pretty sweet start! After all, this whole shindig is because of him.

I feel like we might get a Chaos version of the Triumvirates at the end of this event with Abbadon getting a new look. They did say that they will do all of the races for this event from the Livestream today.


The Yncarne model looks damn impressive. Yvraine is not so hot, infact looks silly. Visarch finally looks nice, but essentially looks like an Avatar of Khaine with a cloak and some fur :(
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