I received the Forbidden Stars game for Christmas and it looks beautiful. The tiny ships and Ork Gargants and Eldar minis look great. I also haven't seen much of the art from the 40K CCG, so this was all new art for me in the cards. I was unsure in the past about what faction I would play when I eventually got the game and figured it would probably be Orks, since I don't care for Eldar, CSM, and Ultramarines. I started reading the Ultramarines omnibus last night though, so my interest in Ultramarines may change very soon (of course I left the book sitting on someone's coffee table when I left their Christmas party though, so it may be a couple more days before I can resume reading it).
EDIT: Didn't get the Ultramarines book back today, so I started First and Only. If it really really hooks me, I'll plow through it and my other GG books, then Double Eagle, then Titanicus, and then I'll read my Sabbat Worlds artbook/guide.