you'll get it real quick.
endless war, hope is futile, everybody dies. glory to the emperor!
Not really.
This is the 3rd-4th WH game that I'm playing and I still don't know shit about its universe/lore etc.
Also : every chatter/cutscene/banter...they might as well be talking about pink unicorns roasting marshmallows 'cause if you're not into the whole lore everything sounds nonsensical, not to mention, silly since everything (names/locales etc) is a bastardization of Greco-Latin names and terms.
I get that fans are delighted by such releases and that's OK, thing is, this is a decade's old franchise and nothing makes sense unless you've seen countless YT videos/have friends that explained things etc etc and Space marine 2 is no exception - besides the fact that the "twist" in the end only has an impact if you actually played the 1st game.
As for the game itself... it's basically a co-op horde shooter/action game, there's little to no variation and everything gets boring fast if you're not a hardcore WH fan.
The Single player is basically the same as the MP co-op part with some cutscenes thrown in and the MP part is the typical grind where you play just to lvl up your character class, boredom can set in easily since there's only a handful of available missions.
It's an honest game lads, don't get me wrong but, personally, I wouldn't have given it more than a 6.5-7/10 if I were to review it.
PS : I have 40 hours in the game and it's mainly by playing the co-op missions.
PS2: I have Darktide preordered and ready to go - can't wait till Tuesday to play it so I'm not randomly "hating ®" on the franchise