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Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning GAF Guild


Well, we've had difficulties all across the board getting together due to everything from server differences to continent differences, but a solid effort is finally congealing on the server Chrace, with neogaf fighting on the side of Order. This will likely be the Order guild during the head start and launch, so don't hesitate to hop on board. Tonight, 9/11, let's all see if we can get on around 8 pm est and get at least enough to form the guild together. That's right kids, if you have even a slim glimmer of interest in hanging with your Gaffean contemporaries, hop on CHRACE ORDER AT 8 PM EST or thereabouts and message me, ROFLAZORS. (my first 5 count them 5!!! name choices were tragically taken)

also hardcore GAF is invited to join my marauder Kurtz on the new Open RvR server coming up at approx. 12:30 est today for destruction and terrifying open RvR.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Come on Destruction people start showing up. Elbrain has been following the game for far longer (he is already 1337) and can counter me quick.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
well I'm leaning towards the Order. Interested in witch hunter and white lion careers.



I'd be up for joining but I gotta be honest, my heart is pretty set on playing a Magus. I might consider order, even though dwarfs and elves suck. Does anyone know if they are going to have Open RvR servers at launch? The Warhammer Alliance forums make it sound like they are but I only remember them saying they won't.

And for those looking to get in the open beta, they changed it to ALL pre-orders instead of just CE. So check your Gamestops/Amazons/whatever.


Has problems recognising girls
I'm hitting Order. I suppose if there is a split decision then we can always create a friendly rivalry on the same server.


Order here.

Probably Warrior Priest, dunno for sure yet through.

Those who preordered the CE, did you get your codes right away? I preordered mine at a local Gamestop but forgot to ask for codes. I read online that a few places won't give you codes (or don't get them in) until closer to when the open beta starts.


otake said:
well I'm leaning towards the Order. Interested in witch hunter and white lion careers.

White Lion was cut, last I heard.

And I'll likely be joining this damn game in time as well, but that largely depends on whether I get in OB or not. If I don't, I'll wait about six months or so after launch to give the game a try. So consider this a nod to joining.

EDIT: I'm fine with Order or Destruction. Both have careers I'm interested in.


Vinci said:
White Lion was cut, last I heard.

And I'll likely be joining this damn game in time as well, but that largely depends on whether I get in OB or not. If I don't, I'll wait about six months or so after launch to give the game a try. So consider this a nod to joining.

EDIT: I'm fine with Order or Destruction. Both have careers I'm interested in.

Positive it wasn't. The cut classes are:

The Choppa (Greenskin)
The Hammerer (Dwarf)
The Blackguard (Dark Elf)
The Knight of the Blazing Sun (Empire)


nataku said:
Positive it wasn't. The cut classes are:

The Choppa (Greenskin)
The Hammerer (Dwarf)
The Blackguard (Dark Elf)
The Knight of the Blazing Sun (Empire)

Ugh. Apologies. I wasn't paying much attention to this game until recently, so I've been devouring information on it in case it's my next MMO and I think some of the information is getting crossed in my head.


So ... Careers! These are likely the ones I'd make soonish depending on which side of the confict we end up on.

If we run ORDER:

Witch Hunter (main)
Engineer (alt)
Archmage (alt)


Goblin Squig Herder (main)
Chosen (alt)
Witch Elf (alt)

(Guild Name, for Destruction: Neo-WAAAGH!)


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Should we do 2 clans then? You know, for when we want to play Destruction,,, (You guys seem to be leaning more towards Order).
Yeah - we should get an idea of what classes we all want to play and then we can see if we are low on any..

Im going for Squirg or Shaman..

If we do order, Ill just Cry!

They delayed the two Oder classes I liked, Lion and Black Guard.

Edit: Was wrong, Order I'll go White Lion !

Aug 15th is so close !
godhandiscen said:
Should we do 2 clans then? You know, for when we want to play Destruction,,, (You guys seem to be leaning more towards Order).

its like 50/50 Bro

And I'd suggest that we start with one guild, then make an alt guild on the opposite side. Keep all the gaffers together to start for a nice beginning.


NarcissisticJay said:
its like 50/50 Bro

And I'd suggest that we start with one guild, then make an alt guild on the opposite side. Keep all the gaffers together to start for a nice beginning.

I'm honestly fine with either side, as they both seem to have cool / fun features and careers. [The Greenskins sound funny as hell though.] But yeah, unless we're getting in excess of 50 people in this thread saying they're willing to join up, I'd suggest keeping it to one guild for the time being to ensure there's always someone we can play with. Or at least increase the odds of it.
Vinci said:
I'm honestly fine with either side, as they both seem to have cool / fun features and careers. [The Greenskins sound funny as hell though.] But yeah, unless we're getting in excess of 50 people in this thread saying they're willing to join up, I'd suggest keeping it to one guild for the time being to ensure there's always someone we can play with. Or at least increase the odds of it.

Yeah, exactly regarding the guilds.

we need the WAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGH! Its like the best part in the game :D
Vinci said:
[The Greenskins sound funny as hell though.]

NDA... burning.. must.. reveal...

seriously you have no idea how right you are. literally like the second greenskin quest followed by the like eighth or so actually caused a pretty serious lawl. you'll see what I mean soon enough. some of the writing in this game is superb.

And I'd suggest that we start with one guild, then make an alt guild on the opposite side. Keep all the gaffers together to start for a nice beginning.

I'm inclined to agree. We'll take a final vote tally maybe a week or less from now, and those whose faction didn't get chosen will be asked to grin and bear it for the gaf, as an opposing faction gaf guild will probably be rolled within a month or two of release.


theinfinityissue said:
NDA... burning.. must.. reveal...

Okay, reveal this: How long you been in beta? And after that amount of time, how jazzed are you to sit down and play it every day?

EDIT: Obviously starting this guild shows some enthusiasm, but how much?
verio said:

you'll have to forgive me, I'm showing some lurker roots here. this is my first post, and it's running a slightly higher level of interest than I expected.

Okay, reveal this: How long you been in beta? And after that amount of time, how jazzed are you to sit down and play it every day?

Around four months. Not so long in the grand scheme of things, but I am jazzed. How jazzed? Well, at least jazzed enough to pay off my pre-order, stop looking at another certain title's leaked alpha thread, and secure a week's worth of food and water in advance of 9-18-08. With the kind of numbers this forum sees and the culled numbers of immature people allowed to post we could form something that could really affect an entire server's outcome. That's an exciting thing for me.


theinfinityissue said:
Around four months. Not so long in the grand scheme of things, but I am jazzed. How jazzed? Well, at least jazzed enough to pay off my pre-order, stop looking at another certain title's leaked alpha thread, and secure a week's worth of food and water in advance of 9-18-08. With the kind of numbers this forum sees and the culled numbers of immature people allowed to post we could form something that could really affect an entire server's outcome. That's an exciting thing for me.

Awesome. Thanks for the input. Have you been reading the Gamespy beta journal? I've been a bit concerned they were overselling positives / underselling negatives of the game. How accurate do you find what they've written to your experience in the game?


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
If we go for order at least let me be a White Lion. I want to be a tank, and the Champion of Chaos was going to be my main. Also, can we go for 2 clans? Come on guys, we'll end up rolling 2 characters sooner or later.


godhandiscen said:
If we go for order at least let me be a White Lion.

You can be anything you like. I mean, I don't think anyone suggested any career restrictions. So long as you enjoy yourself.

I want to be a tank, and the Champion of Chaos was going to be my main.

Having a tank would be nice. :D

Also, can we go for 2 clans? Come on guys, we'll end up rolling 2 characters sooner or later.

I don't have any objections one way or another. In my experience, it's better to start with one guild for a little bit at first to get a handle for the game's mechanics and get to know one another before starting a second - but there's no rule that we're going to only have just one.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Vinci said:
I don't have any objections one way or another. In my experience, it's better to start with one guild for a little bit at first to get a handle for the game's mechanics and get to know one another before starting a second - but there's no rule that we're going to only have just one.
Yes, I feel this way too. I just don't want the GAF guild to bail out on me as my AoC guild did.


Count me in. Been waiting on this one a loooong time. :D Ive been a Warhammer fan for over 10 years and ever since i started playing DaoC in 2002 i kep saying "they should make a warhammer mmo.":lol

My vote is for Destruction

No idea what ill make yet until i get more information on the classes. Probably be one of the greenskins though...love orcs and goblins

If we end up going Order I am 100% Warrior Priest. 100%


If we get enough people interested in both factions I think we really really need to do like was suggested. Friendly rivalry on the same server. It could be EPIC


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Vinci said:
What happened with AoC? Your guild I mean?
The 4 main guys build a city, all of them become elite and one day out of nothing decide to drop the guild and ditch all the low lvl guild members. Now, I am not even the guild master, but I can say I have my own city which gives me some extra combat stats. Every now and then I pass by my city to chill in my very own ghost town. BTW, all the low lvl players left because of technical issues. AoC was bad.. really bad.


AeroGod said:
If we get enough people interested in both factions I think we really really need to do like was suggested. Friendly rivalry on the same server. It could be EPIC

I think everyone so far is cool with that. I mean, I don't see why someone wouldn't be.

godhandiscen said:
The 4 main guys build a city, all of them become elite and one day out of nothing decide to drop the guild and ditch all the low lvl guild members.

Yeah, this happens a lot when a guild attempts to have a wide range of members. Eventually the more hardcore go their own way and leave the others behind. [Ironically, this once led to the best guild I've ever been a part of. The 'elite' left, leaving the rest of the people behind - and the rest of the people? Ruled. Awesome, awesome guild. Back in UO, years ago.]

BTW, all the low lvl players left because of technical issues. AoC was bad.. really bad.

Following AO, I was a bit timid about trying AoC. My '6 Months From Launch' rule came in handy, but with Mythic? I'm more trusting; I'll bite. DAoC earned that much. Plus, I like some of their ideas for this game.
Make sure to check the OP for updated info as it becomes available. Also, let's see some names here, people. I've seen a couple, and I'll update the OP with those choices soon, I'd just like to get a few more suggestions floating around. Putting my money where my mouth is, here's a couple of my ideas to get the ball rolling a little more-

Destruction- WAAAAGHTF
Order- The Gaffe
regarding the two guilds.. I understand that if we go with one guild that some of us will have to be on the side that isnt our preference. I guess depending on the numbers it could work - as is I'd expect us to have around 20-30 playing at the time of launch. Great numbers for a single starting up guild. If we start to split it, I just see it as having a negative effect on the structure of 'GAF' in WAR. I prefer Destruction, but if GAF votes order Im sure that I will enjoy the game just the same on Order.

I'd much rather have a united GAF front on the side that is my second choice, than I would to see us split. Just an opinion.

Maybe we could vote for the 'Main' guild and reroll the opposite after we have settled into the gameplay. GAF should be united, and thats not to say everyone cant have alts or other 'mains' but to start it'd be awesome if everyone in this thread had a 30 person GAF guild on day 1.

Just something to think about -


Has problems recognising girls
Well I'm not too concerned. I just think it'd be a lot more fun to be rolling a faction where (judging by beta comments) it is less populated.


If we're hitting Order, I plan on rolling a Rune Priest. As for Destruction.. well.. it's either Magus or Shaman. I haven't really thought about it yet.

Guild names?
Order: (I like infinity's style so I will add to it) Gaffe Armed Fisticuffs
Destruction: Gorillas and Frogs


GAFvGAF sounds cool, but I think we need to be careful about splitting up our numbers. Since we aren't catering to any one play type (casual/hardcore/poopsock) we'll already be segmented by level in the early months. Hopefully the game is set up in a way that allows everyone to play together at 40 without too much of a barrier, but until then we'll want all the numbers we can get so people can log on and see other people in their level range. Also keep in mind that it's a new game and people are going to quit, so the numbers we have at launch may not be the numbers we have in month three and beyond. I would say the number 30 that Jay used is the minimum that I'd like to see, the more the better.

Edit: Oh yeah:
Destruction - Magus
Order - Engineer (maybe Bright Wizard)


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
if the majority of gaf leans towards destruction, I will as well.


theinfinityissue said:
Destruction- WAAAAGHTF
Order- The Gaffe

Pfft. I like Neo-WAAAGH! for Destruction. ;) The Gaffe is good though.

I agree with Jay and Knox in saying that, for the initial starting period anyway, it would be best to maintain a unified GAF guild. I'm easygoing and will go with whatever everyone else would prefer, but I think it'd be better to learn the game as a group that can interact and directly work with one another. Though some may think this game looks like WoW, I doubt that it'll play anything like it, and it might not even resemble DAoC too strongly, so we're going into something potentially very new. It'd be nice to have strong support from the get-go.

Have to say that I'm really looking forward to it though, however we do it. :D


I'm in, and so are two of my WoW buddies.

I vote Destruction. And my main will be a Zealot.

BTW, what server type are we thinking about rolling on? Call me a carebear, but I'd rather play on a Core Server.


Some potentially bad news, at least for me. It appears I might have to put off joining WAR. This morning I was told that my work could be getting massively unforgiving time-wise during mid-September until mid-October. It's not definite yet, but I might not be able to join until after it's taken care of - if it, in fact, goes down the way it sounds like it will.

Here's hoping, 'cause that would suck.
Vinci said:
Some potentially bad news, at least for me. It appears I might have to put off joining WAR. This morning I was told that my work could be getting massively unforgiving time-wise during mid-September until mid-October. It's not definite yet, but I might not be able to join until after it's taken care of - if it, in fact, goes down the way it sounds like it will.

Here's hoping, 'cause that would suck.

oh no ! That sucks bro.. hopefully they are painting it more dramatic than it really will be. If so, maybe you can just be casual til it calms back down. :D
goat said:
I'm in, and so are two of my WoW buddies.

I vote Destruction. And my main will be a Zealot.

BTW, what server type are we thinking about rolling on? Call me a carebear, but I'd rather play on a Core Server.

Actually, Im not familiar with the different server types. Is it going to be servers like WoW? Details !

and lets go Destruction just for the name..

Neo-WAAAGH is awesome sauce.
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