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Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning GAF Guild


NarcissisticJay said:
Actually, Im not familiar with the different server types. Is it going to be servers like WoW? Details !

and lets go Destruction just for the name..

Neo-WAAAGH is awesome sauce.

Core Server - Allied Lands - unflagged with only consensual PvP, Enemy Lands - flagged all the time
Open RvR - Flagged all the time no matter where you are (aka the gank server)
RP Core Server - Same as Core, only with RP elements
RPoRvR - Same as Open RvR, only with RP elements


NarcissisticJay said:
oh no ! That sucks bro.. hopefully they are painting it more dramatic than it really will be. If so, maybe you can just be casual til it calms back down. :D

To quote my boss: "This goes through, it's gonna be - yeah, you'll be in hell for at least a month." When he paints, he paints brutal. Which is fine ordinarily, but ... WAR ... =(

to goat:

I'm fine with Core, particularly for getting used to the game. It sounds like the interface and Tome alone are going to be pretty overwhelming at first, and the last thing I'd want to do is struggle with the various details whilst getting my head cut off by people who've had the time to get used to it. Not that I'm against Open RvR, but for the sort of open standard infinity discussed in the OP in terms of membership, that might be more hardcore than is really necessary. Besides, I don't really see a vast difference - from the sounds of it, even people ordinarily more interested in PvE will be sort of led by the hand into PvP situations to help them get accustomed to it.
JoeMartin said:
Open RvR or no dice. This is a PVP game and I'm playing it to PVP.

I tend to agree, we'll be the gankers, not the gankees! Plus, I hate restrictions.. If I see the opposing faction, I want to be able to kill them regardless.. I couldnt imagine being a goblin and seeing a bitch ass dwarf strolling around .. and then not being able to chop his fucking head off. Open would need us to be united though, safety in numbers my friends !

But, like I said - I'll do whatever just to keep us united. I'm sure we can work it all out.
JoeMartin said:
Open RvR or no dice. This is a PVP game and I'm playing it to PVP.

Yet another choice we'll have to make. It's all but confirmed that we're going to have the interest to roll two guilds- although whether at launch still remains to be seen- and in this case perhaps one will be on an Open and one on a Core.

Cue the minority RP faction of GAF to throw this one into dispute too.

Stonehand: By my ancestors, did he just say there wouldn't be a GAF RP guild?!
Dourstump: Verily.

A couple more new members for those who haven't seen, keep posting these opinions, things are really starting to shape up, which is nifty considering we don't have a lot of time. A month or possibly less at this point, keep up the interest, we'll be setting things in stone soon!

Also, any questions/concerns/comments you want answered can be PM'ed to me directly tonight, as I will be hunched over the computer f5'ing this thread and typing up a gameplay FAQ of sorts all members who weren't in CB will want to read, to be published upon the upcoming NDA release.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
JoeMartin said:
Open RvR or no dice. This is a PVP game and I'm playing it to PVP.
It has to be Open. Come on guys, there is no fun in being a carebear.

BTW, I suck at RP.

NarcissisticJay said:
But, like I said - I'll do whatever just to keep us united. I'm sure we can work it all out.
Exactly, there is no way to get ganked if we walk in numbers. I have experience with AoC in a PvP server and nobody ever tries to gank me is its a band of 3 or 4 of my friends.


So long as we're united, yes united, then I definitely have no problem with Open RvR. But if we split up our numbers to the extent that we're all basically flying blind into this, I think that would be hard for people unfamiliar with that sort of PvP to connect to and would lead to the guild being splintered inevitably. If there are people who want to join that have never played a PvP game much before, then I hope they'll feel open in letting everyone know. People with more experience could give them pointers, help them sort out how to approach it, etc. The more open we are with each other, the more successful we'll be. Personally, I've PvP'd going back all the way to UO, though most of the more current games are poor by comparison to it.

As for RP: No thanks. Not my deal. I've done it before and found my ideas didn't mesh with the more traditional concepts others had for it, so it didn't last long. :lol
The potentail shown in this thread has gotten me that much more excited about WAR. I've never had the opportunity to START an MMO with quality players that are united by more than a 'Guild XXX recruting" yell in a chat channel.

So much potential is before us, the GAF unity alone could push this experience for me above all the others I've played.

We should make sure we have a vent server set up before Aug. 15th too. Anyone have one up and running, or do we need to start a new one?


Open RvR is fine with me. It won't feel like such a waste since I'll actually get exp from killing players for once.
Vinci said:
So long as we're united, yes united, then I definitely have no problem with Open RvR. But if we split up our numbers to the extent that we're all basically flying blind into this, I think that would be hard for people unfamiliar with that sort of PvP to connect to and would lead to the guild being splintered inevitably. If there are people who want to join that have never played a PvP game much before, then I hope they'll feel open in letting everyone know. People with more experience could give them pointers, help them sort out how to approach it, etc. The more open we are with each other, the more successful we'll be. Personally, I've PvP'd going back all the way to UO, though most of the more current games are poor by comparison to it.

As for RP: No thanks. Not my deal. I've done it before and found my ideas didn't mesh with the more traditional concepts others had for it, so it didn't last long. :lol


I think if we can all agree on one thing, its that we need to start this game united. Everyone on this thread that will be ingame on the 15th MUST be in the same guild. We will be so much better off for it. From helping newer MMOers to ensuring safety. Not to mention that GAF is global and the more players we have in a single guild the more achievements we will be able to conquor, regardless of what time members can log on.

Lets take an apporach to the start of WAR, make a vote for the lauch.. not for the entire time we play the game.. Server, Faction, etc.

The word United keeps coming up, lets throw that in the Guild name.



See you all soon my friends -


NarcissisticJay said:
The word United keeps coming up, lets throw that in the Guild name.

United WAAGH!

Fixed. ;)

I only help I'll be able to be a part of this on launch day. If I'm not though, I'm still going to come to this thread and keep informed of what's happening so that I'm ready when the time does come.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
What does WAAGH means? Sorry, I am not into Warhammer, I just know I will play this game because it has the best MMO concept in ages.


The only thing we have to worry about, as i speak with some great experience, is in the past GAF guilds tend to not work out or last very long in MMO's(FFXI linkshell might be an exception i cant really remember). Either because some people might not like a particular faction, alligences to past guilds or RL friends, or the rule set we choose to play on. They might just actually get bored with the game too or distracted by some of the other big console games coming out this fall or winter. Point is, id like the see this really work, but there is far more against us then there is going for us. We'll have to see how it goes.
godhandiscen said:
What does WAAGH means? Sorry, I am not into Warhammer, I just know I will play this game because it has the best MMO concept in ages.

Its sorta like the greenskins battle cry, someone in the beta can better describe it I bet but I think its sorta like momentum, the more you get the ball rolling the more powerful your attacks / magic becomes.
AeroGod said:
The only thing we have to worry about, as i speak with some great experience, is in the past GAF guilds tend to not work out or last very long in MMO's(FFXI linkshell might be an exception i cant really remember). Either because some people might not like a particular faction, alligences to past guilds or RL friends, or the rule set we choose to play on. They might just actually get bored with the game too or distracted by some of the other big console games coming out this fall or winter. Point is, id like the see this really work, but there is far more against us then there is going for us. We'll have to see how it goes.

Well, I cant speak to the past as I am somewhat new to GAF, but I will be playing this game for a while from what I can see. I can't see any reason that it wont be with the fine Gaffers in this thread. :D And to your points, maybe we can learn form the past mistakes. I'd have no problem with people who want to bring their RL friends into the game.. etc. If we all want this to really work, which you do.. then there is no reason to believe that it wont.



shoplifter said:
Have fun, I'm picking up the game but I'll be rolling Goon Squad

Please inform us when the goons pick a server, as I'll be rolling on a different one. And just to give a reference about why I'm a carebear is because I've always rolled on PvE or consensual PvP severs from all my previous games. If I can talk my brother into rolling on an Open PvP server and we have a tight knit guild that helps, I'll do it.

shoplifter said:
\/\/ ruh-roh

Ruh-roh, eh? Whats that supposed to mean?


I support Open RvR as well. From what I've seen I think PvE will be easier on these servers than it was on WoW PvP servers, just because of how maps are laid out. There was a production podcast on it a while back, but the map they showed had Destruction PvE area on one side, Order PvE on the other, and RvR in the middle. If that's their general philosophy for map layouts then you won't see as much fighting over quest areas like you do in WoW, where everyone is just thrown in the mix together. It'll be interesting to hear a tester's take on this when the NDA lifts.


AeroGod said:
The only thing we have to worry about, as i speak with some great experience, is in the past GAF guilds tend to not work out or last very long in MMO's(FFXI linkshell might be an exception i cant really remember). Either because some people might not like a particular faction, alligences to past guilds or RL friends, or the rule set we choose to play on. They might just actually get bored with the game too or distracted by some of the other big console games coming out this fall or winter. Point is, id like the see this really work, but there is far more against us then there is going for us. We'll have to see how it goes.

Never been in a GAF guild before, so it's good that we've someone with past experience. Been in a lot of guilds though and here's basically what I've learned about it: So long as enough members maintain a presence, as in they usually log on routinely and can find people within their guild to hang out with, it's obviously good. I think rule set is another big one: Whatever direction a guild takes can make huge impacts in the future, particularly as it becomes more apparent where everyone stands. Creating a rule set for a relatively unplayed game is even harder, as in our case here where only a certain percentage are in the beta and know what's fun, what's not, and have their interests already piqued in certain directions and ways. The rest of us? We're flying into this blind. We think this or that will be fun, but until we're in there and actively doing it we won't know - and so any rule set created ahead of time will gradually wear down or become outdated for the evolving members of the guild. I've seen that happen a lot.

What I would recommend is something very basic for the guild's rule set:

1) We stick together, meaning we try to play alongside one another and go in the same direction when possible.
2) We help one another: Those with experience openly share it, be it in PvP or the game itself.
3) We respect each other's opinion. No push to agree, just be open and listen. If someone has a problem, listen. You don't have to become their shrink, but show respect enough to pay attention and try to help.

Beyond those, any formal rule set would likely be best after we've spent a month or so in the game, so that the rule set can reflect experienced opinions. Also, be willing to change the rule set as things progress. Sticking something in stone is hardly useful and can lead to conflict later.
AeroGod said:
The only thing we have to worry about, as i speak with some great experience, is in the past GAF guilds tend to not work out or last very long in MMO's(FFXI linkshell might be an exception i cant really remember). Either because some people might not like a particular faction, alligences to past guilds or RL friends, or the rule set we choose to play on. They might just actually get bored with the game too or distracted by some of the other big console games coming out this fall or winter. Point is, id like the see this really work, but there is far more against us then there is going for us. We'll have to see how it goes.

The Wow guild went down because everyone went back to their mains or were fatigued with the game in general. AoC didnt have that big of a GAF base and it was buggy as hell. If this game is good I think a GAF guild will remain strong.

I'm just worried that we're not going to have enough memebers for 2 decent sized guilds.
Problem is there will be so many different kinds of people from GAF playing. The casual will be fine but more serious and hardcore gamers may outgrow the guild and leave for a hardcore guild. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)

One must also remember that there are probably at least 75% of people on GAF that will want to join their friends or have already arranged to join other guilds or other servers than the one chosen.

Splitting it into two factions will only serve to make it less populated.
It seems to me that that public opinion is leaning towards Destruction, and Open RvR as the first GAF guild. You guys who are saying you'll play regardless rock some serious face.

As for whether or not we'll be needing a vent server, I'm thinking that we will. In any gathering of Internet Gaming Demihumans, someone ALWAYS has a vacant Vent sitting around somewhere. If no one does, we'll come together and get one in advance of the head start. I'm also considering netting us a guild forum (maybe on that Guild Portal thing)so that we can have multiple topics and the like, using this thread eventually for recruitment and bragging. I've started work on an FAQ which should get you up to speed and doing what you need to be doing to become a proper killing machine with a bare minimum of learning curve interference.

NeoWAAAAGH seems to have some popularity behind and a ring to it. Also, with CE holders apparently being invited to the final phase of CB, send me a gaf pm with your server and character name, and maybe we can all get together for a little proto-run.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Destruction, and Open RvR; let's do it. I'm in.
Actually, guys: Keep your eyes on this thread over the next 24 hours or so, I've got a couple of things in the works right now that I think are really going to pique your interest. Big news about the guild coming soon, and if you'd like to start active recruitment our only *current* requirement is that the prospective recruit be a member of gaf or sponsored by a member of gaf (although in-game I'm sure we'll take interested, skilled applicants).


Has problems recognising girls
Actually if the GAF guild chooses Destruction, I'll have to pass.

Rune Priest is just too strong of a calling to knock back. That and I much prefer playing as the underdog faction (all signs of beta are pointing Destruction>Order population), the one where a victory actually means something rather than just using sheer numbers.

That and Mythic are putting servers on Australia for Oceanic players. About fucking time!


Ok, I talked to my brother and a RL friend of mine, I think they are down with an Open PvP server (the chicken thing sealed the deal).

Speaking of which, and I'll have to run it by him, the RL friend of mine has a vent server and a webhost that we could possibly use. I'll buy the domain if someone could design the site and the forums (I'm not so good with websites).
I'll play regardless of the faction but we should still wait a little while for more people than have a full on vote.

motherfucking battle priest!


I really want to play with GAF but two questions:

1. Where can I get a CE pre-order in Europe? :/

2. Being in Europe, do I need to get the US client to play with the majority of GAF?
Kyoufu said:
I really want to play with GAF but two questions:

1. Where can I get a CE pre-order in Europe? :/

2. Being in Europe, do I need to get the US client to play with the majority of GAF?

Im not too sure about the CE, I know they are sold out in the states. But from the last news letter, you can get some of the features of the CE just by pre ordering the regular edition.

Cant remember if its the beta or the head start, dont have my email @ work.
GAF guilds never work. For those of you who try and then leave to create your own guild (or join another one), could you at least form an alliance with GAF under that new guild?

Alliances are going to be as important in this game.
Outdoor Miner said:
GAF guilds never work. For those of you who try and then leave to create your own guild (or join another one), could you at least form an alliance with GAF under that new guild?

Alliances are going to be as important in this game.

Now thats the attitude we need! Keep it up!


NarcissisticJay said:
Now thats the attitude we need! Keep it up!

Well, it's pretty much true. =\ The only one that worked was FFXI, and that was only becuase there were no sides to choose from, and no PvP or PvE servers. It was all the same faction and only PvE servers.

I'm hoping this one is different because we're actually trying to plan things out well in advance instead of a couple days before release.


Aside from not willing to compromise on an Open RvR server, I'm still fair game for either faction. If it turns out destruction is outweighing order 2 to 1 because every MMOtard and their MMOtard buddies want to play a Chosen, I'll happily roll order to smack some face in.

I haven't really seriously checked out any of the order classes yet, but the idea of being a PvP tank sounds awesome to me.
JoeMartin said:
Aside from not willing to compromise on an Open RvR server, I'm still fair game for either faction. If it turns out destruction is outweighing order 2 to 1 because every MMOtard and their MMOtard buddies want to play a Chosen, I'll happily roll order to smack some face in.

I haven't really seriously checked out any of the order classes yet, but the idea of being a PvP tank sounds awesome to me.

I was so in for Black Guard too! Too bad it was one of the four classes nixed.


nataku said:
I'm hoping this one is different because we're actually trying to plan things out well in advance instead of a couple days before release.

I think that should help honestly, so long as we're flexible as things go but determined to stick together. Eventually people will leave though. They'll decide to go a different direction, want to play with different people, etc. and so on - and that's fine. As Outdoor Miner mentioned, alliances will be important and I think that should be a focus whenever someone leaves the guild: No guilt, not pressure or bullshit - wish them the best and suggest an alliance between the guilds.
Vinci said:
I think that should help honestly, so long as we're flexible as things go but determined to stick together. Eventually people will leave though. They'll decide to go a different direction, want to play with different people, etc. and so on - and that's fine. As Outdoor Miner mentioned, alliances will be important and I think that should be a focus whenever someone leaves the guild: No guilt, not pressure or bullshit - wish them the best and suggest an alliance between the guilds.

Yes please, I will try to get my friends to join the same server as the one chosen for Destruction and maybe even join the guild. However, I don't want the act of leaving the guild to be considered an "act of hostility".


I got an invite into the beta. So if I like the game, there's every chance I'll pick it up.

I highly suggest we all come to an agreement on a server and side to play. Granted, I've only played one MMO before (guess which one!), but from my experience having a strong, vibrant community in-game is more important than what faction you play on, or what server the game is on.

So basically what I'm saying is that I'd love for us to have a vote, and then everyone agree with the outcome. I'm probably dreaming, though.

Although, I guess I've only got one requirement - west coast server. This is because I'm in Aus and it will be too laggy otherwise :(


Has problems recognising girls
legend166 said:
Although, I guess I've only got one requirement - west coast server. This is because I'm in Aus and it will be too laggy otherwise :(
Mythic (or I should say, EA) are setting up servers located in Australia - not using the half-assed way Blizzard created Oceanic servers i.e. labeling servers as Oceanic using the timezones but the servers were still located in the U.S.

Soon as I found out that servers are going up within Australia, I had to forget everything about a GAF guild unfortunately. It was never any fun playing WoW with a 400ms ping.
Alright, here's what's new: As of right now, the majority.. the slight majority.. favors Open RvR, Destruction, thusly that's what I vote and have begun planning for. To those who are Order or no-go; come on. coooooome oooooooon? Seriously, if we don't put in a united effort from the beginning this thing will disintegrate faster than a frozen eggroll. You can make at the very least a "social" alt with us and see how the RvR plays from the other side of the fishbowl. This will help your main's game, I promise.

Now here's the update, since I don't see any point in keeping secrets from you guys. The big news is: I've found us a server, NDA still being *technically* in effect, all I can say is that it is a very good server, and will in all probability see some of the most frantic RvR of the game.

And that's not all, either.

Your diligent junta leader has been hard at work securing the (NEOWaaagh? it's looking like it but keep those names coming) GAF guild's place in an important alliance. Nothing's in concrete yet due to my currently busy schedule, but I will say that the GAF will hopefully be entering into an alliance (an extremely informal arrangement between guilds mainly for the purpose of providing necessary numbers for huge events, search Elbrain's posts for more info as I'm sure he's posted about it and has done an excellent job covering this game for some time now) with a certain-other respected Guild. If we can get our numbers up, between us and our allied guild (and their allies as well!) we could mobilize a really intimidating number of skilled players at a moment's notice. this will make things such as capital city defense; and offense; much more effective for our entire faction. I'll let you know more as WAR begins the final march to OB.

I'm also very interested in joining a GAF Order guild a little down the road, but the leadership will have to come from some other member due to the fact that I'm really going to put my all into seeing this Destro GAF guild get off the ground. I have seen the pessimistic posts regarding previous efforts at GAF MMO guilds, and understand completely what they're saying and why they're saying it. No hate here, but I honestly think that we can do it. I'm asking you all to help me make this the GAF guild that actually works. Keep up the enthusiasm, get your preorders in and get ready: The NeoGAF guild will march with ten or a thousand.

EDIT: I forgot to mention this. If we see a huge swell of new posters in this thread (which is entirely possible once WAR's official thread comes up) who all want to play Order, I will shift position and change according to the wishes of the masses. This is not a dictatorship but a democracy. We'll have more room to talk once I acquire a Guild Portal this weekend (if anyone happens to know of a better guild-centric-forum service, please let me know).


I'd come join ya but me and a bunch of others have already started up a guild. As they call it, we're going "hardcore". Eh. Closed beta has been a real blast and lots of fun. This game will deliver.


Suckin' dicks since '66
CcrooK said:
I'd come join ya but me and a bunch of others have already started up a guild. As they call it, we're going "hardcore". Eh. Closed beta has been a real blast and lots of fun. This game will deliver.
What you be rolling man Destro or order!? Would love to join a more hardercorer! :D Guild.
Got the CE/Open Beta code from a friend who works at a game shop. So I'll be down to join the guild when the beta starts, then buy the game after a bit of playing if I enjoy it.


Elbrain said:
What you be rolling man Destro or order!? Would love to join a more hardercorer! :D Guild.

We're going Destruction. Most of the top guildies that I know personally are the ones who are running the guild. It's very promising considering our history with MMO's. Most of us have been playing since the days of EQ1. Others go far back (like me) to BatMUD or Gemstone 3. If you wanna check out our website take a peak. We're aiming for well organized grouping. And when I say hardcore, not the elite bullshit that some guilds go under. There will be plenty of fun and that's the goal. To win and have fun.

Here's the site: http://shadeleafmercenaries.com/home


Suckin' dicks since '66
CcrooK said:
We're going Destruction. Most of the top guildies that I know personally are the ones who are running the guild. It's very promising considering our history with MMO's. Most of us have been playing since the days of EQ1. Others go far back (like me) to BatMUD or Gemstone 3. If you wanna check out our website take a peak. We're aiming for well organized grouping. And when I say hardcore, not the elite bullshit that some guilds go under. There will be plenty of fun and that's the goal. To win and have fun.

Here's the site: http://shadeleafmercenaries.com/home
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, damn was planning going order but will check it out.
If I go destro I might go Sorceress.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Sons! It sucks I haven't been invited yet, I fucking better!

Well you better be!

CE Pre-Orders are being invited in multiple waves, and the first wave has just hit the shore. The servers aren't up yet but you can prepare to join the WAAAGH by getting the client now!

Remember that CE invites are still subject to eligibility, but everyone who pre-ordered the CE will get in for the Preview Weekend coming up soon!

We'll have more for you tomorrow, check back then same bat time, same bat channel.

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