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Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning GAF Guild


Elbrain said:
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, damn was planning going order but will check it out.
If I go destro I might go Sorceress.

If you're looking for ranged damage, that's THE class to play from what I've experienced. As for me, I'm going full out Chosen tank.


Suckin' dicks since '66
CcrooK said:
If you're looking for ranged damage, that's THE class to play from what I've experienced. As for me, I'm going full out Chosen tank.
Well either way once I get into the beta I will check out what classes I really like and if I go destro I might apply for the guild.


theinfinityissue said:
Alright, here's what's new: As of right now, the majority.. the slight majority.. favors Open RvR, Destruction, thusly that's what I vote and have begun planning for. To those who are Order or no-go; come on. coooooome oooooooon? Seriously, if we don't put in a united effort from the beginning this thing will disintegrate faster than a frozen eggroll. You can make at the very least a "social" alt with us and see how the RvR plays from the other side of the fishbowl. This will help your main's game, I promise.

Now here's the update, since I don't see any point in keeping secrets from you guys. The big news is: I've found us a server, NDA still being *technically* in effect, all I can say is that it is a very good server, and will in all probability see some of the most frantic RvR of the game.

And that's not all, either.

Your diligent junta leader has been hard at work securing the (NEOWaaagh? it's looking like it but keep those names coming) GAF guild's place in an important alliance. Nothing's in concrete yet due to my currently busy schedule, but I will say that the GAF will hopefully be entering into an alliance (an extremely informal arrangement between guilds mainly for the purpose of providing necessary numbers for huge events, search Elbrain's posts for more info as I'm sure he's posted about it and has done an excellent job covering this game for some time now) with a certain-other respected Guild. If we can get our numbers up, between us and our allied guild (and their allies as well!) we could mobilize a really intimidating number of skilled players at a moment's notice. this will make things such as capital city defense; and offense; much more effective for our entire faction. I'll let you know more as WAR begins the final march to OB.

I'm also very interested in joining a GAF Order guild a little down the road, but the leadership will have to come from some other member due to the fact that I'm really going to put my all into seeing this Destro GAF guild get off the ground. I have seen the pessimistic posts regarding previous efforts at GAF MMO guilds, and understand completely what they're saying and why they're saying it. No hate here, but I honestly think that we can do it. I'm asking you all to help me make this the GAF guild that actually works. Keep up the enthusiasm, get your preorders in and get ready: The NeoGAF guild will march with ten or a thousand.

EDIT: I forgot to mention this. If we see a huge swell of new posters in this thread (which is entirely possible once WAR's official thread comes up) who all want to play Order, I will shift position and change according to the wishes of the masses. This is not a dictatorship but a democracy. We'll have more room to talk once I acquire a Guild Portal this weekend (if anyone happens to know of a better guild-centric-forum service, please let me know).
Looking good. Glad to see there's some effort going into this. I'm not crazy about the name though, but at the same time I can't think of anything better, so oh well.

Back to wearing out my F5 key.


Those of us in the beta should get together in the game some how. I know we can't really talk about it other than "I'm in the beta!" but maybe making a thread on the beta forums in the guild section where we can gather and talk about meeting up would work.

Or we could all PM each other.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Dammit! I didn't not get invited to the first round of beta invites that went up yesterday and I am well above the min requirements and have the CE almost fully paid off! ARG!!!!
Well, it looks like we may have enough to get a dry run of the guild going this go-round! I see four who are downloading the client now, I'll be on the Warpstone server tonight around 9 pm EST on the (destruction) name Infinity, send me a message and the GAF guild will be founded!


Anyone else showing love for the guild name "Guild of the Forever." It has its GAF tie in too and sounds nifty. How about "Megaton o' Destruction" Some people dont 100% like NeoWaaaagh! (it would/might work if we all played Greenskin but we arnt. haha, do chaos and Dark elf even use/care about Waaagh?)


Guild of the Forever does sound pretty good too me.

I can't decide on my class at all. I liked playing a healer/melee hybrid with the Warrior Priest, and I know destruction has a class that is pretty much the same, but it's an elf.

So I'm stuck between... Shaman, Zealot, Magus, Squig Herder, Chosen, and Black Orc. :lol


I'm personally fine with Guild of the Forever. I think it sounds nifty and it ties in well with GAF.

Let me into your beta, Mythic, you bastards!


Elbrain said:
DAMMIT! Where is My invite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Same. Hope they do more tomorrow, I've had the torrent downloaded since Thursday. :X

Guild of the Forever is alright, my favorite so far.
Anyone know if the servers are down? I patched/installed and can't login. Says the game is down or something. I tried making a beta forum account but the site says forum database is down...so I'm a little confused.

..Any idea when they will be back up?


Suckin' dicks since '66
Damn just read at warhammerallinace.com that more invites were sent out today, still nothing on mine! I AM CRYING HERE!


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Elbrain said:
Dammit! I didn't not get invited to the first round of beta invites that went up yesterday and I am well above the min requirements and have the CE almost fully paid off! ARG!!!!
Awww FUCK!

Me neither.


Has problems recognising girls
legend166 said:
I finally downloaded the client, and I can't get in the game. It just gives me a list of servers that have no one in them.

Looks like you're in my boat. Mythic sent out some betas to Australian/New Zealander/Singaporean players yesterday. There's supposed to be two beta servers going up over the week for us, one of which is located on the east coast of Australia (I'm guessing either based in Sydney or Melbourne); and we're the lucky ducks who get to test the shit out of it for latency issues.


speedpop said:
Looks like you're in my boat. Mythic sent out some betas to Australian/New Zealander/Singaporean players yesterday. There's supposed to be two beta servers going up over the week for us, one of which is located on the east coast of Australia (I'm guessing either based in Sydney or Melbourne); and we're the lucky ducks who get to test the shit out of it for latency issues.

Haha. I guess I'll see you in there, whenever they put it up.


I know 'voting is closed' or whatever, but put me down for Destruction. Fully intent on playing a Sorceress.

AOC left such a bad taste in my mouth though. Ugh. I REALLY hope this game rocks.


Thought you all might find this survey of beta players interesting...


Sigh. I was planning on Black Orc tank too. I refuse to play the FOTM class on principle though.

And does anyone else see something horribly horribly fucked up with tanks and healers far outweighing melee/ranged DPS? It honestly seems assbackwards.

EDIT: Can anyone in the Beta confirm/deny the validity of this graph based on anecdotal experience with the game?


I'm surprised by the tanks, but the healers / support classes don't surprise me at all. From the sound of it, they aren't as horribly weak in combat as they are in most MMOs. Seem to have a bit of firepower whilst having healing abilities as well. Which is cool.

As for the tanks? Maybe people are just liking what the big guys look like or maybe they're making them in order to test the remaining tank careers to ascertain whether the loss of the others is going to seriously hurt things. I don't know: I give beta testers a bit more credit than an ordinary player; they typically know what's going on with the game and want to know how different decisions have affected the balance of things.
Wow, not as many White Lions as I thought. Thats the only class somewhat interesting me on the Order side. I figure I'm going to try that out, then roll a Chosen or a Magus


Wait, you guys are already getting invites from the CE pre-order?

Damn....after checking european sites.....this game will be a train wreck in Europe thanks to GOA.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
So since we are going Destruction, I am rolling Chaos. Life couldn't be any better.

BTW, all of us will get invited huh? I mean, I was told I was guaranteed a spot in the OB, I don't, mind if my invite is late.

BTW who is really committed to the GAF guild? I know I am, but I think I feel many of you will go your own way. Specially after we finally picked a side. If we roll order I am fine with it, I just want a strong committed group,


100% onboard for the GAF guild, as long as it is strong enough, I dont mean 50-60 people strong taking keeps and shit(it would be nice though). But if we cant even form a decent 5-10 man RvR team on AT LEAST an every other nightly basis there is no point. Hopefully it wont be a problem


I'm onboard for the GAF guild. There are quite a few Destruction classes that I like playing, so going with that side is fine with me.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.


WTF? The torrent isnt downloading....


godhandiscen said:



WTF? The torrent isnt downloading....


EDIT: Oh my god. I just ... I just got the email. I'm in. I'm actually in. YES YES YES YES YES but of course I'm at my damn work ... =(


That doesnt make sense why i didnt get it, I have the CE preorder and they said all eligible people are in and im not, my pc is brand new so it isnt that. Doesnt make sense. Did i even input it correctly. You do it in the beta center page and not the mythic account page correct?

Edit: THats kinda annoying considering preordered the CE specifically for the beta accesses. Now I find im lumped in with the regular crowd : / pointless
JoeMartin said:
Thought you all might find this survey of beta players interesting...


Sigh. I was planning on Black Orc tank too. I refuse to play the FOTM class on principle though.

And does anyone else see something horribly horribly fucked up with tanks and healers far outweighing melee/ranged DPS? It honestly seems assbackwards.

EDIT: Can anyone in the Beta confirm/deny the validity of this graph based on anecdotal experience with the game?

Don't trust anything this general. The reason a "census" or whatever we have here is so unreliable is that people are re-rolling the other faction and class all the time. One month's census can look very different from the next...

But going as a general point I see some truth and some falsehoods here..

1.) There's gernerally more destruction than order.. but not much more.
2.)There's WAY more Empire than indicated
3.) Destruction needs MORE healers, but not many, it has WAY! too many tanks and needs more healers and ranged dps'ers
4.) Order_needs_tanks. Swordmasters, to be precise, there's a good amount of ironbreakers. Tell your friends. Blame them cutting the KotBS or I'd be out there.
5.) Order has plenty of Healers mainly because of the Warrior Priest Swarm
6.) Wait.. this graph is more or less bonkers.

Don't worry about any of this stuff tho, and roll what you want to play, I have never seen MMO classes as equally represented as they are in WAR. Excepting the Witch Elf, you see pretty few of them.

EDIT, second strike: Turned out to be an ARG of some odd sort. Not my cup of tea.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Torrent will be done tomorrow.... arghhh
AeroGod said:
That doesnt make sense why i didnt get it, I have the CE preorder and they said all eligible people are in and im not, my pc is brand new so it isnt that. Doesnt make sense. Did i even input it correctly. You do it in the beta center page and not the mythic account page correct?

Edit: THats kinda annoying considering preordered the CE specifically for the beta accesses. Now I find im lumped in with the regular crowd : / pointless
You'll get it soon, dont worry, they just dont want everybody downloading at once.


I was just informed we're updating our account center to re-calibrate our rating system.

In some cases very new systems are parsed incorrectly, we have investigated several systems you have provided and will reassess invites accordingly.

I can't guarantee that everyone who has an above average machine will get in as there are still other factors to consider, but this should address many.

Thanks everyone for your cooperation
Might have something to do with why some of us aren't getting in. I built my machine last month and haven't got mine yet.


Suckin' dicks since '66
FUCK YEAH! $#@%#@$%@$%@$#% Finally! Will download the beta client once i get get home bitcheS!!!!!$#@%@#$%@#$% :D


Elbrain said:
FUCK YEAH! $#@%#@$%@$%@$#% Finally! Will download the beta client once i get get home bitcheS!!!!!$#@%@#$%@#$% :D

Congrats, man! 'Bout time they sent you an invite. Hell, don't they see the overflowing love you have for this thing? ;)

In download news here: I finally screwed around with Utorrent till it could get me some good download speeds. Hellz yeah. Now this? This I can stomach.


Those of you who are in CB, prepare for a fantastic update/upgrade later this week when the servers are back up. I kid you not. You should already have that patch downloaded. :D


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Elbrain said:
FUCK YEAH! $#@%#@$%@$%@$#% Finally! Will download the beta client once i get get home bitcheS!!!!!$#@%@#$%@#$% :D
High fives Elbrain. Lets roll Order for Beta okz.


What beta server can you guys roll on?

I think I can get on Darkland and the Aussie one. I can't login to the beta centre though to check.


Hmm i havent put my preorder beta codes into the beta centre yet (thought you couldnt do that till 15th August) so how will they know if i've got a preorder? I'm in the UK by the way. I've also not updated my dxdiag since building my new machine so that wont help matters :/

Havent been able to check email since Sunday, hopefully, somehow there is a nice invite waiting for me.


Atrophis said:
Hmm i havent put my preorder beta codes into the beta centre yet (thought you couldnt do that till 15th August) so how will they know if i've got a preorder? I'm in the UK by the way. I've also not updated my dxdiag since building my new machine so that wont help matters :/

Havent been able to check email since Sunday, hopefully, somehow there is a nice invite waiting for me.

Well it depends....do you have an US version?

This whole thing at the moment is a big "sorry" from Mythic after they revealed that normal preorders later this month will also get into the open beta. So they invite CE owners into the closed beta, before the open beta even starts.

In Europe GOA is in charge and they had absolute no idea what Mythic had planned and is not prepared to invite the large number of CE owners.
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