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Warriors Series Community Thread | Analyzing the complexities of Square and Triangle

Blink Me

I'm loving those designs. The only character I can think from early-mid Three Kingdoms who is missing who I'd like to see is Pan Zhang.

Maybe Cheng Pu and Yuan Shu will finally make it into the new game.

Currently playing Gundam Reborn and am enjoying it since its my first one I've played. Does get annoying though trying to work out who can pilot the different Gundams.
Oh... Oh my.

Which of these are strong candidates from the next games? I mean some seems really, really unimportant. "Someone's wife to whom Cao Cao was attracted"?

Then again, I don't know how notable the already playable characters actually were.
Oh... Oh my.

Which of these are strong candidates from the next games? I mean some seems really, really unimportant. "Someone's wife to whom Cao Cao was attracted"?

Then again, I don't know how notable the already playable characters actually were.

It's hard to say, it really depends on what direction Koei chooses to go with in DW9 and what era they wish to build up on. I can probably say they are not touching Late Wu as par which does hamper what adds Jin might get.

Dunno about Shu since I guess they finally ran out of Guan kids to add so they have to add actual officers.

Wei's interesting since they could finally add part of Cao Cao's family like his wife and relatives.

All of Wu's adds are fabulous and they should all be in Actually, yes, any of Wu's potential adds (besides Lady Yuan) would be a great addition.

Almost any Other add would help make the early fights less against generics. Adding THE WHITE TIGER YAN would equally be amusing.

BTW, "Someone's wife to whom Cao Cao was attracted" is what leads to the events of Wan Castle and what causes Dian Wei's death so she's kinda important. Not so much to get added over others of course.


Lady Zuo was deliberately being used as bait by Jia Xu in his ploy against Cao Cao during the Siege of Wan. It just a one time conflict (much smaller than the battle against Yuan Shao), but Jia Xu being able to fool Cao Cao numerous of time with smaller force and him being directly responsible for the death of Dian Wei and Cao Cao's first son, Cao Ang, it was important event for Cao Cao.

Also, with Yu Fan and He Qi pose, is Koei try to make Wu as JoJo: The Kingdom?
I want them to add their fictional character of Ma Chao's sister/Zhao Yun's wife, Ma Yunlu:

And them to go back to each character getting individual stories, but that's a pipe dream *sighs*

Wished the person making these comics didn't abandon them =(, imagine DW's Xu Shu...


Dunno if any of you have heard of this, but there's this recent Dynasty Warriors game, Dynasty Warriors Blast that came out/is coming out on mobile, and while I can't say anything of the game's features or quality (no clue on either) one thing that is interesting is that it features a bunch of new and unique designs for officers in the three kingdoms (and others) that have been generic thus far. There are quite a few, so I wouldn't count on any of them being added to the next Dynasty Warriors, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they visited some of these designs for those characters that do get added. In any case, it's an interesting look at how Omega Force might envision these officers.

Here's the Koei Warriors topic that lists all the designs that have been discovered so far: http://s13.zetaboards.com/koeiwarriors/topic/7220992/1/

Kingdom By Kingdom:




Fantastic post, man!


It's been too late for that since 6. Though I guess not many of the new adds have been helping in that aspect.

Yep, I know that several characters are already like that. And since it's just getting worse and worse, I would like for them to stop.

I feel like you haven't met Guan Yinping yet:

I played DW8, so...yeah. There are worse characters though.

I will also never understand why they changed the hair color of Sun Jian. The DW4 version of him was perfectly fine but no, they had to give him grey hair even though he was never that old.
Yep, I know that several characters are already like that. And since it's just getting worse and worse, I would like for them to stop.

I played DW8, so...yeah. There are worse characters though.

I will also never understand why they changed the hair color of Sun Jian. The DW4 version of him was perfectly fine but no, they had to give him grey hair even though he was never that old.

i kinda like sun jian's new look. it gives him a slick look, while still giving him an older man design.

the dw4 design is ok, but he was always kinda overshadowed by the other 2 generals. plus he looked to "fodder enemy troop" like.

as long as we don't go back to....this



He touched the black heart of a mod
Yep, I know that several characters are already like that. And since it's just getting worse and worse, I would like for them to stop.

I played DW8, so...yeah. There are worse characters though.

I will also never understand why they changed the hair color of Sun Jian. The DW4 version of him was perfectly fine but no, they had to give him grey hair even though he was never that old.

Me too. I bought almost all of the old costume packs and use them more frequently than the new ones. It frustrates me that they refuse to give Xiahou Dun his sleek long hair back. It was such a great look for him.

6's 'do was silly. 7's was all right. 8's is the worst it's ever been.

That hair doesn't even make sense. If you look at it in the gallery, especially from the back, it just looks confusing.

Yeah, DW4 and 5 Sun Jian are my favorite looks for him. 4 especially has a really great color scheme with the updated costumes. However, the white hair doesn't necessarily denote age, and if anything, it's to make him a silver fox tiger.

Still, i prefer his old helmet, and I think it would be amazing if Koei returned to the style of 4's alternate outfits. The outfits were almost entirely the same, just with one changed feature. Often times it was the addition of a helmet or some kind of hat, or a different kind. However they really made some character designs a lot more interesting/appealing, and since it was only one piece of their outfit, they wouldn't take much effort to make. I just want helmeted Sun Jian again.
Koei doesn't care if the new hair styles/costume doesn't appeal you =P as they could always just sell you the DLC packs with it older styles later on~


He touched the black heart of a mod
Liu Biao (Guy who governed Jing Province. Opposed Sun Jian before his death. Failed to send reinforcements to Yuan Shao at Guandu. Sheltered Liu Bei for a time. Lost Jing to Cao Cao. Very suspicious/skeptical.)

BTW, "Someone's wife to whom Cao Cao was attracted" is what leads to the events of Wan Castle and what causes Dian Wei's death so she's kinda important. Not so much to get added over others of course.
Lady Zuo was deliberately being used as bait by Jia Xu in his ploy against Cao Cao during the Siege of Wan. It just a one time conflict (much smaller than the battle against Yuan Shao), but Jia Xu being able to fool Cao Cao numerous of time with smaller force and him being directly responsible for the death of Dian Wei and Cao Cao's first son, Cao Ang, it was important event for Cao Cao.

I see. Well as far as "characters who are important that one time" is concerned, I'm rooting for Hua Xiong and Gan Ji (again, only using the games as reference). That scary old guy looks much fitting to do magickery shenanigans than the supply captain from 7 and 8.


I see. Well as far as "characters who are important that one time" is concerned, I'm rooting for Hua Xiong and Gan Ji (again, only using the games as reference). That scary old guy looks much fitting to do magickery shenanigans than the supply captain from 7 and 8.

Id like to see them just add more kingdoms and just focus on hypotheticals. Dong Zhuo, Ma Teng, Liu Zhang, Liu Biao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu should all have their own kingdom mode.

Also, we need them to make Shamoke a character
DW8 Xiahou Dun reminds me of Prince.

It was literally my first thought when I saw him in the character-select screen.
It's gotta be the hair.

The only design that really bothers me is Liu Bei's.
Actually it doesn't bother me because fuck Liu Bei and his benevolence horseshit.

Seriously though, he needs his mustache back. He looks like a little kid alongside Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.
DW8 Xiahou Dun reminds me of Prince.

It was literally my first thought when I saw him in the character-select screen.
It's gotta be the hair.

The only design that really bothers me is Liu Bei's.
Actually it doesn't bother me because fuck Liu Bei and his benevolence horseshit.

Seriously though, he needs his mustache back. He looks like a little kid alongside Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

he kinda blends into the background with his shaved face

bring back the tripoint moustache!


Yeah, DW4 and 5 Sun Jian are my favorite looks for him. 4 especially has a really great color scheme with the updated costumes. However, the white hair doesn't necessarily denote age, and if anything, it's to make him a silver fox tiger.

I know, in Japan they associate hair colors with different attributes. So it could even be that as well.

Koei doesn't care if the new hair styles/costume doesn't appeal you =P as they could always just sell you the DLC packs with it older styles later on~

Yep, I hate that :<

the fujoshi crowd got a hang of the series lately, so koei is just appealing to the new female demographic.

This is what makes me somewhat sad, they should stick to Sengoku Basara.
(But it obviously makes sense for Koei to do that, still...)

By the way, I have seen Souten Kouro rather recently and wow, Liu Bei looks just terrible + his character is awful in general. I haven't read the book yet but I doubt he is depicted there like this.



He touched the black heart of a mod
DW8 Xiahou Dun reminds me of Prince.

It was literally my first thought when I saw him in the character-select screen.
It's gotta be the hair.

The only design that really bothers me is Liu Bei's.
Actually it doesn't bother me because fuck Liu Bei and his benevolence horseshit.

Seriously though, he needs his mustache back. He looks like a little kid alongside Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

I lol'd

Yeah, I've always got Liu Bei in either his 4 or 5 getup (3 looks too much like pajamas).

Although, his little kid status could be worse. I did a google search to look at his old appearance, and found this 'Liu Bei' from some random MMO

By the way, I have seen Souten Kouro rather recently and wow, Liu Bei looks just terrible + his character is awful in general. I haven't read the book yet but I doubt he is depicted there like this.


Hate to break it to you but....
wiki said:
It(Romance of the Three Kingdoms) mentioned that Liu Bei was seven chi and five cun tall, with ears so large that they touched his shoulders and that he could even see them, long arms that extended beyond his knees, a fair and handsome face, and lips so red that it seemed as though he wore lipstick.

The Historical record seems to indicate the same. Liu Bei had some massive ears (better to hear the suffering of the people).
Holy shit Liu Bei, would you quit stuffing your fat face with meat buns and pay attention

You can't tell me what to do! You're not my dad!

Liu plans on eating more than one of those?
They're the size of basketballs wtf.

I don't even see what Koei/Omega Force was going for here.
If it was Dong Zhuo in that picture people would be thinking "HE'S FAT! He's evil, tyrannical, a monster, the worst."
But apparently nothing says benevolence like a pissed off-looking Liu Bei eating a massive meal. Liu is probably pissed because he demanded his soldiers to find 1,000 orphans so he could watch them starve to death, but they could only find 800.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Liu plans on eating more than one of those?
They're the size of basketballs wtf.

I don't even see what Koei/Omega Force was going for here.
If it was Dong Zhuo in that picture people would be thinking "HE'S FAT! He's evil, tyrannical, a monster, the worst."
But apparently nothing says benevolence like a pissed off-looking Liu Bei eating a massive meal. Liu is probably pissed because he demanded his soldiers to find 1,000 orphans so he could watch them starve to death, but they could only find 800.

I think the scene (just a picture I found on google) is from empires, but your story sounds plausible too.

Yeah, it's from Empires, so it's not in any official context for his character. Here's a video with an even less befitting character in the same scene.


I played DW8, so...yeah. There are worse characters though.

I will also never understand why they changed the hair color of Sun Jian. The DW4 version of him was perfectly fine but no, they had to give him grey hair even though he was never that old.

Well, at least in DW8, it makes sense since his biggest presence is in the Wu "What if" story, where he should be pretty old. He had alternate colors with brown hair in DW7 though, but you couldn't use that in story mode. Besides, even though he died young, they want to make him look clearly older than his sons too.

I don't even see what Koei/Omega Force was going for here.
If it was Dong Zhuo in that picture people would be thinking "HE'S FAT! He's evil, tyrannical, a monster, the worst."
But apparently nothing says benevolence like a pissed off-looking Liu Bei eating a massive meal. Liu is probably pissed because he demanded his soldiers to find 1,000 orphans so he could watch them starve to death, but they could only find 800.
That is actually part of the ending for an "evil" fame character in Empires 7. Dong Zhuo and Jia Xu were the only evil fame unique characters by default, although you can build up anyone's fame in any direction, and there were many evil generics (who are playable with their own generic Musou and Ex attack in Empires).

Empires 7's evil fame was kind of stupid in that "Evil" was meant to represent both harsh and unconventional tactics, like Jia Xu, as well as plain evil and incompetent rulers, like Dong Zhuo. In DW8E, though they seem to be separating them into two different paths.


Hate to break it to you but....

The Historical record seems to indicate the same. Liu Bei had some massive ears (better to hear the suffering of the people).

That's why I mentioned that I didn't read the book. Hm, but people obviously doubt they were that long, just a bit longer than most.

Anyway, another point. In the anime adaption, Dong Zhuo appears to be much stronger than Lu Bu. The latter can only win thanks to surprising strike from behind and with the help of several other people.

Well, at least in DW8, it makes sense since his biggest presence is in the Wu "What if" story, where he should be pretty old. He had alternate colors with brown hair in DW7 though, but you couldn't use that in story mode. Besides, even though he died young, they want to make him look clearly older than his sons too.

Yup. I still don't like it though.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Mother of god, I just bought warriors Orochi 1 on Vita, wanting a portable musou without double dipping on DW8.

This port is marvelous! The whole console experience slapped onto the psp without slowdown is blowing my mind. Texture quality and assets are lower and fog still exists, but this is the real deal. Animated cutscenes are transformed into comic style cutscenes that I find work even better in context, and I am stunned at how well everything performs.

Gives a good primer for WO3 ult. Hitting ps4/vita next month which I am dying to try!


He touched the black heart of a mod
Well, you're half right. I *am* wrong, and the best girl is named Wang, but not that Wang.

Barbie needs to grow a personality before being the best anything.

Mother of god, I just bought warriors Orochi 1 on Vita, wanting a portable musou without double dipping on DW8.

This port is marvelous! The whole console experience slapped onto the psp without slowdown is blowing my mind. Texture quality and assets are lower and fog still exists, but this is the real deal. Animated cutscenes are transformed into comic style cutscenes that I find work even better in context, and I am stunned at how well everything performs.

It helps that WO1 is one of the best games of the classic era.


He touched the black heart of a mod
She's a tsundere, that's pretty much the most important personality out there.

Until Dong Bai shows up being a yandere~

Maybe in 7, but they've dropped any personality from Yuanji in 8. It makes it kind of embarrassing that the Japanese fanbase rated her the 2nd most popular character in the same game.
Maybe in 7, but they've dropped any personality from Yuanji in 8. It makes it kind of embarrassing that the Japanese fanbase rated her the 2nd most popular character in the same game.

Honestly I don't remember much of anyone having a personality in DW8.

At least in the main story mode it's all about fulfilling the conditions that lead to alternate time-lines and hitting cruise-control for the end. The only real moments of identity and character development came from the bonding messages in Ambition mode(and the little bits of dialogue turning battles). For the most part however it's all serious business(war, chaos, etc). When your cast consists of legendary warriors and the sons & daughters of legendary warriors, it gets dull listening to them talking about being legendary warriors (or the sons & daughters of legendary warriors..yes I'm being that redundant).

IMO for DW9 Omega Force might consider taking a step back and having a bit more fun with the story. DW3's camp is part of the reason why I fell in with the series in the first place. It's not just the legendary voice-acting, but also the goofy ending credits.


Maybe in 7, but they've dropped any personality from Yuanji in 8. It makes it kind of embarrassing that the Japanese fanbase rated her the 2nd most popular character in the same game.

If you play as Sima Zhao in DW8 and talk with her in the camp most of her quotes are complaining about him and his carelessness and him taking it, until near the ending when she changes her tone when Sima Zhao is finally invading Shu and actually seems caring and worried about him.

Going from 7 to 8 though, yeah, she lost a lot of presence in the story. In DW7, she kind of had part of Jia Chong's role in DW8, pushing Sima Zhao to be more proactive and also being the one condemning Zhuge Dan even before his big defeat against Wu. However, after Sima Shi's death when Zhao gets all proactive (and even kills the emperor without hesitation), she goes all love-dovey for him. Even her design was darker there if you compare it to her DW8 one, with a lot of black on her vest that ended up completely removed from her new design, alongside a kind of gothic style to her outfit, in spite of its bright colors.

In DW8 though, Jia Chong pretty much gets all those moments in the main story, with Yuanji reduced to mostly optional dialogue, and even the moment where starts acting in love with Sima Zhao is only near the ending. It doesn't even seem like they get together in the Jin "If" route which is kind of odd considering how it seems to be the only pairing broken like that in a If route.


So did Koei ever fix the PS2 Classic version of Samurai Warriors 2 Empires?

I remember downloading it on a PSN sale then game instant crashes every time do a musou or true musou.

Guessing they never did because fuck that they want us buy HD pack


Guessing they never did because fuck that they want us buy HD pack

If only they did release that game in the West, I'd get it. They just don't care about that problem, like how NGS2+ has an unobtainable platinum trophy because they didn't bother to make another list and there is no multiplayer for the Vita version.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
If only they did release that game in the West, I'd get it. They just don't care about that problem, like how NGS2+ has an unobtainable platinum trophy because they didn't bother to make another list and there is no multiplayer for the Vita version.

Wait whaaaaaaaat?! Holy shit, that's like...incompetence to the point of hilarity. :looooool


Wait whaaaaaaaat?! Holy shit, that's like...incompetence to the point of hilarity. :looooool

It's not so much that there's multiplayer trophies. The way NGS2/+'s Team Missions are arranged you either played solo with an AI partner or played online with another player. If the second player, whether AI or not, gets killed off, you both lose. At the higher difficulties (which are required to get a trophy), it becomes impossible to beat the missions using the poor AI partner, so playing online was basically required from that point.

Because NGS2+ is pretty lazy port job, they cut the online play but left the missions exactly as they were in the PS3 version along with the same trophy list, without actually improving the AI partner. And since it's impossible to beat said missions with him...
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