Couldn't get past the new designs myself, I never even watched the first ep after I saw the trailer. I did watch it a long time after the fact and...meh.
"Well, we just finished making Beast Wars. There's no way we could make a worse show."
"Hold my energon cube."
I remember it being pretty dark when I was younger. The tank badguy's back story... spoiler:.being the Rhino dude being forcibly brainwashed and reconstructed into a bad guy was pretty fucked up
Beast Wars wasn't a worthy follow-up to OG Transformers (G1), so the point is moot in my eyes. Then again, I wouldn't watch G1 again beyond the pilot and the movie, so maybe TF just isn't that worthy of devotion anyway (yes, I've read the recent comics).
"Well, we just finished making Beast Wars. There's no way we could make a worse show."
"Hold my energon cube."
Couldn't get past the new designs myself, I never even watched the first ep after I saw the trailer. I did watch it a long time after the fact and...meh.
Couldn't get past the new designs myself, I never even watched the first ep after I saw the trailer. I did watch it a long time after the fact and...meh.
It was terrible because that wasn't Megatron. The character was sooo badly off base, it felt like some random newly-introduced stranger, disturbingly wearing Megatron's skin.I loved it as a kid and was honestly surprised at how criticized it was when I grew up and saw others' opinions on it. I totally get the complaints and don't think it's as solid or well thoughtout as Beast Wars but I love Beast Machines quite a lot regardless. I really liked the take on Megatron and how it was basically post victory.
IIRC, Megatron fell off the the hood of the Maximal shuttle (where he was tied to, for his undignified transport to jail on Cybertron). Then he somehow landed on Cybertron way earlier than Optimus and his gang (because Transwarp magic?).Beast Machines tried this weird earthy Cyberton needs to be organic plot. But it felt so forced. I think the plot is a little lost on me. But I still don't understand why they had to be organic anyway? Was it because their former forms were detectable by Megatron?
1st thing first, no, Beast machine was a total let down. They should have end the Beast War storyline there and make BM it own series.
They should had just dub the Beast War 2 and Beast War Neo. (lol)
EDIT: Also, its kinda weird how every time Japan make a Transformers series, they always put the Combine gimmick in the show.
The Japanese G1 is so good, Ginrai, Overlord, Star saber, the whole head master, Brain master gang. All of them are freaking great design.Beast Wars was ok, but I had heard that machines tried to get too zen and phylosophical. I did not las for more than a few episodes, but mostly because I really disliked the designs.
I grew up with the Japanese G1 Continuity. Masterforce, Victory... Ginrai >>>>>> Optimus Primal.
The Japanese G1 is so good, Ginrai, Overlord, Star saber, the whole head master, Brain master gang. All of them are freaking great design.
At the time, it was probably one of, if not the worst piece of Transformers media ever created.
Then things got worse.
Beast Wars was my jam growing up. Even as a young kid, I realized that Beast Machines was trash and that the drastic, pointless character changes were stupid. It might have been the first series I can remember thinking "No, this is dumb and totally doesn't count as a sequel. I'm going to ignore that it exists."
I can't imagine what G1 fans felt (though I'm sure some of them hated Beast Wars anyway).
Even weirder about the Rattrap redesign, the toy had flip out legs.
Oddly, the other transformers I liked was a series a lot of people hated for some reason, Transformers the animated series (I still don't understand the hate. As a g1 fan I even liked all the nods they did to g1).
Oddly, the other transformers I liked was a series a lot of people hated for some reason, Transformers the animated series (I still don't understand the hate. As a g1 fan I even liked all the nods they did to g1).
I can't imagine what G1 fans felt (though I'm sure some of them hated Beast Wars anyway).
Man I didn't expect these types of responses in this thread after I left my comment in a much more muted on. Didn't think Beast Machines rubbed people the wrong way so badly.
It's just really weird cause I liked it a lot as a kid even knowing the designs were "off" and some of them were hard to get used to. I think the premise and set up just really intrigued be regardless of how left field it is and also how dark the show sort of started of.
(beyond his voice, David Kaye is a treasure)"
I watched Beast Wars all the time with my Mom. She was also really into it for some reason (cough GREAT STORYTELLING cough). We were excited for Beast Machines but stopped watching after a few episodes....just not that good.
The worst part is that Cyberton as was seemed extremely interesting and they just completely striped all of that. You had the tripedicus council that were still scheming to retake cyberton but ultimately subservient to the maxmials because the autobots won the great war. They agreed with Megatron's goal but did not fucking trust Megatron as far as they could throw him. You had Megatron himself the ever schemer. You have a political body in the maximals that sanctions the predacons for their bullshit with various diplomatic repercussions (the fact these repercussions were diplomatic seemed to make the tripedicus councils blood curl) and then you also have the optimus and his team themselves and how they link into the greater maximal hierachy.One of the bad things about the redesign is... people disliked the "organic" side of Beast Wars. Sure, the organic CG was ambitious (for people who weren't watching Reboot), and it allowed for more expression, but it was far from photorealistic (we still can't get there, I'm looking at you, Rogue One), and it didn't make sense for a show about robots. And robots are "easy mode" for making something in CG. A common slam against Beast Wars was "trukk not munky", and I don't think that sentiment was entirely about change, but more about change too far. But people seemed to get used to the Beast Wars characters because they were good, and they even introduced Transmetal redesigns which ditched the organic look of the beast modes.
But the robot modes in season 1 of Beast Wars reproduced the look of G1 Transformers. The way their faces looked, the way they "wore" parts of their disguise... robots can look like anything (just ask Michael Bay's Trashformers), but Beast Wars' robots looked like genuine Transformers.
Beast Machines threw out that robot mode connection to Transformers and threw out the Transmetal refinement that Beast Wars made. Beast Machines' redesigns only link to the franchise is a thin link to the worst part of Beast Wars. Beast Machines characters don't even transform, they morph. A light passes over them as they magically change from one thing to an entirely unrelated thing (I'm amazed that the toys even tried to make sense of it).
There's a reason why some people say "Well, I guess the Vehicons were kind of cool." It's because those were the only characters that looked anything like Transformers (George Lucas: "And the Jedi cut them down like butter. They really are pretty useless.")
It was terrible because that wasn't Megatron. The character was sooo badly off base, it felt like some random newly-introduced stranger, disturbingly wearing Megatron's skin.
And everything about that victory was wrong. The end of Beast Wars was kind of crap with a sudden, unearned defeat of Megatron, but the start of Beast Machines ruins even that crap with a sudden, inexplicable victory for fake-Megatron. His victory literally just fell off the back of a truck. Don't ask where it came from.
Cybertron in G1 had incredible depth (the clumsy, conflicting storytelling just added to that). The occasional hints and teases in Beast Wars were amazing (no other show could pull off what BW did with a simple "Hey look, it's a five second recorded video message from the original Megatron"). Cybertron in Beast Machines was such a hollow void, it was boring to look at, and actually painful to look at anytime you remembered how hyped you were before the show started.
IIRC, Megatron fell off the the hood of the Maximal shuttle (where he was tied to, for his undignified transport to jail on Cybertron). Then he somehow landed on Cybertron way earlier than Optimus and his gang (because Transwarp magic?).
Then Megatron used a virus to conquer all of Cybertron in an instant (because Transmetal magic?). He removed the sparks from all Transformers and kept them in a glass jar, and converted all of their bodies into Vehicon drones, because Megatron now hates free will and individuality, and he also hates himself and his own Beast Mode because he hates organic.
The Maximals then landed on Cybertron and caught Megatron's magic virus, which locked them into Beast Mode (and removed Transmetal) and made them dying, until the organic god at the core of Cybertron contacted Optimus telepathically and called them downstairs to be reformatted into full-organic (can't die from robo-AIDS if you're not a robot anymore).
The Beast Wars were all a ploy by the organic god of Cybertron to bring genetic samples back from Earth so that they could get rid of all this "Transformers" bullshit, cram those sparks back into squishy fleshling bodies, and turn Cybertron back into a "normal" planet with blue skies and grass and trees and flowers and shit.