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Was Final Fantasy VII controversial?

I was watching G4s Filter show on the most controversial videogames, and one of the guys interviewed said FFVII because "It had to do with cloning, death". I don't remember it being really controversial.
It was controversial but not because of the themes in the game. What made it controversial was Square's business decision.


its one of those rare games that can spawn tons of loyal-to-death fanboys, with gamefaqs.com as their breeding ground. thats why its controversial.


Grand Theft Auto is fairly controversial. Mortal Kombat was very controversial. Final Fantasy 7 is not. I mean, it was a breakthrough for the series because of the censorship issues with Nintendo, but the stuff in that game was not controversial in the least. If anything, it was controversial among gamers because of the change in settings compared to the previous Final Fantasy games. It seems that most people have gotten over that crap, but I can remember a lot of people hating FF7 because it was too futuristic.


actually, I believe Barrett said "Shit" uncensored.. oh noez teh controversial!!

Other then that, I have no idea how it was controversial. Other then the said fact that it spawned all the loser fanboys


works for Gamestop (lol)
So I guess any game that sells a bunch of copies is automatically controversial, cause I don't remember any controversies for FF7


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
BobbyRobby said:
Well the fact that the people called it controversial is becoming a little controversial

My head hurts now.. Thanks!


Panty Raid? How can anyone honestly say that was more controversial than Night Trap, which never even got a mention?


Whenever Filter throws games up for their shows all the FFVII lovers log on en masse and vote for FFXII, no matter what the category is. "Basketball games? Who cares. Final Fantasy VII is teh best!"

That clip in the controversy episode was probably just a bone tossed to the fanatics.
impirius said:
Panty Raid? How can anyone honestly say that was more controversial than Night Trap, which never even got a mention?

Yep, I don't think most people ven know what PR is. But you'll find quite a few people who atleast know of NT because of all the complaints about it.

MK1 should be the most controversial. Nothing caused as much of an uproar in the media as that when it was released. GTA3 caused alot, but nothing like MK.


I dunno, there was a lot of controversy coming from different angles back when it was released. Today, nobody would bat an eye at these sorts of things, but there were quite a lot of heated debates based on the game before anyone in the US new a damn thing about it. I remember the profanity stuff being brought up, as well as crossdressing and a number of other things. Of course, once it actually came out, these things proved to be non-issues.


Gold Member
Synbios459 said:
I was watching G4s Filter show on the most controversial videogames, and one of the guys interviewed said FFVII because "It had to do with cloning, death". I don't remember it being really controversial.

Was this the same guy they interview all the time from Tips & Tricks who said that Shenmue 2 was made by Microsoft exclusively for the Xbox while Yu Suzuki and Sega had nothing at all to do with it?

I think the only controversy I remeber with Final Fantasy VII was the ass-backwards US translation that translated all of Barrett's lines into ebonics.
The biggest controversy that FFVII at the time were

racial stereotyping ; Barrett

Aeris's bye bye - it was quite different for a RPG to kill of one of its lovable sweet characters for good mid game.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Also, I think one of the main thing talked about about FF7 was the whole Shinra, big monopoly company, having so much power in the world. It all refers to US and capitalism.


I seem to remember a big hoo-haa about the cross dressing bit but i believe this was changed for the US version or something? anyone?
Kefkaff said:
actually, I believe Barrett said "Shit" uncensored.. oh noez teh controversial!!
I don't know if he said it regularly at some other point, but early in the game he actually says Sh'it, featuring a mystery apostrophe.
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