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Was I scammed on a PS4 off marketplace?


It should be beeping, but the most logical explanation to me at this point is that the buzzer/speaker that does the beep may have gone bad, which is not a big of an issue.

The PS4 looks like its working as its staying white, so my money right now would be on a faulty HDMI port. (Sorry OP, this fix does require soldering).

Probably just chalk it, it's full of bugs anyway lol.


Well... white light, no boot, no video is a pretty common symptom of a HDMI port issue. There's a million videos on youtube regarding this issue if you want to see what peoples' fixes are.


It just doesn’t feel like we all know how it should feel. Hard to explain
Are the pins inside at least ok?
Check inside to see if all the pins are ok


Yeah. You can pop it open outside and clean it out. Hopefully, you don't get a roach surprise.

Then take a look at the HDMI port on the board and see if it is broken.

It just depends on how far you want to go with it.


Gold Member
They had 2 pictures

One of the PS4 lit up (which it does)

The other of a tv with a PS4 on
That sounds intentional to me. If the PS4 cannot boot/display into safe mode, you know it's the HDMI output



Gold Member
Throw it in garbage OP. Youre going through a lot of hassle over $60.

All I can say again (I know you responded before), is never buy anything pricey or technical off resellers, especially ones you cant get a refund.

Only buy stuff which an eyeball glance is good enough to see if it's ok or not. When I bought some table stuff, as long as it looks good and doesn't collapse thats good enough for me. For those $5 DVDs I bought, as long as it's not scratched, that's good enough too. I dont think the girl moving out of her house as I arrived is trying to scam anyone buying her old DVDs by burning fake copies and adding fake printed DVD covers.

But for technical stuff, never buy. Even if you can test it out first by turning it on, not worth the hassle as it can also burn out later.
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I am kind of baffled at how a bunch of pins got bent like that.

Someone must have really jammed in the HDMI cable.


See the good side of it: you got free pet roaches for your house. Don't start naming them individually, you'll quickly run out of name ideas.


I would try bending the pins back, but I am Mr. Fixit.

Still, it is better to try to get your money back first.


Maybe I should be more clear

It’s Facebook Marketplace and a local deal hahah. I’d trust many Gaf’ers frankly.

I trust no one unless there’s solid feedback. On Facebook Marketplace I believe there’s no such thing?

For a game system I’d want to see proof of it working, before handing money over. Some stranger saying it works is meaningless. People lie.


Oh, yeah. There are probably plenty of shops that can fix it. I bet it is a cheap fix.

Edit: I took a look. Sounds like it is a $100 fix. So, I would try bending them back myself.
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Can’t solder or anything. So there’s that
It just needs tweezers. You dont need something as fine as a dental pick since it isn't a micro HDMI port. Judging by the roaches I assume you're not in the UK? otherwise I would have just done it for you for free. Just be careful you dont break them when bending the 4 pins back to flat otherwise you would need to start soldering then.
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Sounds like it. Hopefully, you can find a local board repair shop that can replace the HDMI port. I always enjoy watching
( https://northridgefix.com/ ) if you want to try it yourself
Do places locally exist? If so, I’d pay. Hopefully wouldn’t charge much.

I’m in Alabama. What would I “search” for?

EDIT: there is a place. But based on searches, it’ll likely cost $80-$100. So… it’s pointless.
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There should be some shops that fix smartphones and modern consoles.

You can just search on "video game console repair near me".


Gold Member
Do places locally exist? If so, I’d pay. Hopefully wouldn’t charge much.

I’m in Alabama. What would I “search” for?

EDIT: there is a place. But based on searches, it’ll likely cost $80-$100. So… it’s pointless.
You could search "small board repair" or PCB repairs. Being in Alabama, if you can't find a local shop, they might Ubreakifix. They're a national consumer electronic repair shop. Hopefully, you can get your money back from the online seller for a damaged/deceptive product


I would try bending the pins back, but I am Mr. Fixit.

Still, it is better to try to get your money back first.
Op could probably also try to remove the hdmi port with either hot air station or solder, and than solder a new one back. I am sure you could find it on Amazon, eBay or Aliexpress for a $ or two.

Worst comes to worst it’s an interesting project to mess around. Well, after opening it up and giving a thorough cleaning.


Op could probably also try to remove the hdmi port with either hot air station or solder, and than solder a new one back. I am sure you could find it on Amazon, eBay or Aliexpress for a $ or two.

Worst comes to worst it’s an interesting project to mess around. Well, after opening it up and giving a thorough cleaning.
Can’t do any of that stuff. lol not buying a solder kit and all that jazz


You could search "small board repair" or PCB repairs. Being in Alabama, if you can't find a local shop, they might Ubreakifix. They're a national consumer electronic repair shop. Hopefully, you can get your money back from the online seller for a damaged/deceptive product
It’s Facebook. There’s no getting money back on local cash deals

I can report them and out them. That’s all.

Yeah, UbreakIfix can do it. But googling around, they’ll charge $80-$100. That’s out of the question
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Try bending the pins and if it doesnt work just chalk it and list it back up on facebook "for parts" you may be able to get $30 or so maybe, and sell the controller separately to recoup some more.


here’s a much better video. 60 seconds of it being OFF until whatever it’s doing in this 60 seconds

Keep in mind it’s also ABSOLUTELY SILENT

If it was an overheating it would be showing a pulsating red color, from what I'm seeing it's possible that it could have had a bad update, though it's not loading any video. Load it up in safe mode by turning the console off completely and then pressing the power button until you hear two beeps to see if any video appears onscreen. If it's not even getting to the menu typically the fans may not need to turn on. If it doesn't show a safe mode menu more than likely the HDMI port on it might be messed up, most comp repair stores can usually fix this issue for you.

El Muerto

Gold Member
I'd get a mini pick set from Harbor Freight if there's one near you. If you have a heat gun i'd warm the pins up first, then bend the pins slowly so they dont break. Some cell phone repair shops could fix the hdmi port but likely charge close to $100. But getting a soldering iron, flux, solder, solder removal tool, and an hdmi port could add up to that much as well.
One option is to clean it up and list it on ebay and note the bad hdmi. They sell for $70 on there easy so you could make a profit.


I'd get a mini pick set from Harbor Freight if there's one near you. If you have a heat gun i'd warm the pins up first, then bend the pins slowly so they dont break. Some cell phone repair shops could fix the hdmi port but likely charge close to $100. But getting a soldering iron, flux, solder, solder removal tool, and an hdmi port could add up to that much as well.
One option is to clean it up and list it on ebay and note the bad hdmi. They sell for $70 on there easy so you could make a profit.
I do Have a harbor freight. No heat gun though.

Yeah, I’m gonna do something to this end as you’ve said

NOT the solder route or paying $100 to have it fixed obviously

Wanna know something hilarious? Her boyfriend JUST reposted the EXACT same ad on Facebook marketplace

Identical pics and everything

Unbelievable the scam they’re running


$60 right now is a lot of money

If you’ve read this thread; you’d know why

It sucks to get scammed but sometimes you gotta take the L.

I wouldn't threaten to leave a bad review, I would just do it. Include pics of dead bugs and ruined ports. If they actually care about it, they can contact you. Tell them you will delete it if they send you back the $60 digitally. I would never meet them again.


If you didn't inspect it before you took it home (broken hdmi ports are the most common issue for PS4s), there's no way to say if it was broken when you got it or if you managed to bend them when you got it.

Unfortunately either way you have no recourse because outing them on a local marketplace isn't going to do anything.
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