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Was the Kanye and Kim Wedding a Complete Disaster?

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He's talking about grossly conspicuous consumption, not using the $10 you saved on jeans to donate to a cause. I guarantee you one of the two has a bigger impact on the world.

Everything is gross conspicuous consumption to people living in third world countries. I'm sure people who only make $7k a YEAR are looking at you cats making $37k a year the same way you're looking at Kim & Kanye's spending. It's all relative in the end. You look at a gold toilet as wasteful spending, and someone in a third world country looks at people buying new iPhones every year as wasteful spending, or blowing $250 on clothes every few weeks as wasteful spending. Or spending $8 on a coffee while they don't have clean water. The argument of "oh well, I'm not affecting the world as much!" is one born out of delusion really. Unless you live a hermit's life and don't consume anything you're only lying to yourself.

When you buy those jeans someone had to make them and chances are high...they're in China not making anything near "decent" per hour. Likewise with those electronics, not to mention where the parts come from themselves. Or when your significant other wants a real diamond over a synthetic (even though synthetic are better in everyway). Donated to a cause? That's nice dear, too bad many causes spend very little on the people and blow it all on salaries and offices.

Every first world country and their spending have a direct impact on third world countries and their people. The idea that someone believes they're better people than some dude who bought what? A gold toilet while they've probably affected the world just as much with the myriad of electronics they bought is laughable.

I'm quite sure there are better things one can think of that makes them a "shit human being" (like the Kanye West charity despite taking in $500k last year spend $0 on actual causes as all of the money went to salaries and overhead). Especially given the fact if I had made a thread before this one entitled "If you were worth $130m what would you buy" I'm willing to bet 90% of the people who posted in the thread (including people in this one) would be extra extravagant for no reason other than...they can.

I'm not the biggest Kanye fan (though I love going into Kanye threads and saying "praise yeezus!" And I did like the album) and I know very little about Kim Kardashian (outside of the fact she had a sex tape and turned it into an multimillion dollar empire and has an amazing ass) but for all the "I don't care about these people" posts and "They're beneath me" attitudes I see, yall cats sure do wild the fuck out anytime they're mentioned and become extra as fuck. Then you cats double down on the confirmation bias like a mofo.

So the dude had an eccentric wedding, ain't the first one in hollywood and won't be the last one. Honestly I think all these big ass wedding are eccentric and pointless (and yes that includes the "royale wedding"); just say your vows, kiss and go away.



I never understand why people have so much hate for kanye when there are politicians actually destroying people's lifestyle that get away unbashed by the public.

So as long as people bashed Kanye and these unnamed, mysterious politicians equally, you wouldn't be annoyed by the Kanye bashing?


So as long as people bashed Kanye and these unnamed, mysterious politicians equally, you wouldn't be annoyed by the Kanye bashing?

I just think it ridiculous how people seem to have such strong reactions to actions of celebrities yet are so clueless to what's really affecting their lives.


I just think it ridiculous how people seem to have such strong reactions to actions of celebrities yet are so clueless to what's really affecting their lives.

Yeah I hate when someone reacts to stubbing their toe by yelling in pain. They should really be yelling at Obama.


Quite clearly collected photos from the wedding and tied it together with a story.

Not that it isn't a super ridiculous, corny event.


All untrue and unnecessary. The last of which is observably false considering it has intrigue in this forum to the tune of a 400 post thread.
Yeah, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that the wedding is apparently a disaster if these rumors are true, and it seems like they are at least partially true to some extent. There's nothing abnormal about people expressing their disdain for the rich getting richer in the most perverse of ways, Kimye are basically the epitome of this. This thread is clearly an outlet for people to voice their disapproval at the absurdity of their lives. Oh, and laugh at some rumors that might end up being true.

They are both disgusting people and set a poor example for young people who idolize them, thinking this is how healthy and happy relationships are supposed to be. If you can't see that, I feel bad for you.
Yeah, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that the wedding is apparently a disaster if these rumors are true, and it seems like they are at least partially true to some extent. There's nothing abnormal about people expressing their disdain for the rich getting richer in the most perverse of ways, Kimye are basically the epitome of this. This thread is clearly an outlet for people to voice their disapproval at the absurdity of their lives. Oh, and laugh at some rumors that might end up being true.

They are both disgusting people and set a poor example for young people who idolize them, thinking this is how healthy and happy relationships are supposed to be. If you can't see that, I feel bad for you.

The only aspects of the article that are demonstratably true are Jaden wearing a batman costume and the engraved names, details that were widely available and reported upon well before the publication date of the article. So all they prove is that the author had seen those pictures and figured that weaving them into their gossip column would lend it some amount of credibility.


It's a whole new crop of millionaires who happen to be from the same region. And like most millionaires, they are generally tacky and silly people who happen to have money.

I mean, the baby boomer millionaires are all about putting gold leaf on $150 hot dogs and other tacky shit. Now we have this new crop from abroad and yep, it's the same shit.

Or maybe the dude was just being racist, I dunno.

I perceived it as the latter, but I wanted to clarify his or her intended message before making any accusations, since things are easy to misinterpret.
Everything is gross conspicuous consumption to people living in third world countries. I'm sure people who only make $7k a YEAR are looking at you cats making $37k a year the same way you're looking at Kim & Kanye's spending. It's all relative in the end. You look at a gold toilet as wasteful spending, and someone in a third world country looks at people buying new iPhones every year as wasteful spending, or blowing $250 on clothes every few weeks as wasteful spending. Or spending $8 on a coffee while they don't have clean water. The argument of "oh well, I'm not affecting the world as much!" is one born out of delusion really. Unless you live a hermit's life and don't consume anything you're only lying to yourself.

When you buy those jeans someone had to make them and chances are high...they're in China not making anything near "decent" per hour. Likewise with those electronics, not to mention where the parts come from themselves. Or when your significant other wants a real diamond over a synthetic (even though synthetic are better in everyway). Donated to a cause? That's nice dear, too bad many causes spend very little on the people and blow it all on salaries and offices.

Every first world country and their spending have a direct impact on third world countries and their people. The idea that someone believes they're better people than some dude who bought what? A gold toilet while they've probably affected the world just as much with the myriad of electronics they bought is laughable.

I'm quite sure there are better things one can think of that makes them a "shit human being" (like the Kanye West charity despite taking in $500k last year spend $0 on actual causes as all of the money went to salaries and overhead). Especially given the fact if I had made a thread before this one entitled "If you were worth $130m what would you buy" I'm willing to bet 90% of the people who posted in the thread (including people in this one) would be extra extravagant for no reason other than...they can.

I'm not the biggest Kanye fan (though I love going into Kanye threads and saying "praise yeezus!" And I did like the album) and I know very little about Kim Kardashian (outside of the fact she had a sex tape and turned it into an multimillion dollar empire and has an amazing ass) but for all the "I don't care about these people" posts and "They're beneath me" attitudes I see, yall cats sure do wild the fuck out anytime they're mentioned and become extra as fuck. Then you cats double down on the confirmation bias like a mofo.

So the dude had an eccentric wedding, ain't the first one in hollywood and won't be the last one. Honestly I think all these big ass wedding are eccentric and pointless (and yes that includes the "royale wedding"); just say your vows, kiss and go away.


That ether.


Everything is gross conspicuous consumption to people living in third world countries. I'm sure people who only make $7k a YEAR are looking at you cats making $37k a year the same way you're looking at Kim & Kanye's spending. It's all relative in the end. You look at a gold toilet as wasteful spending, and someone in a third world country looks at people buying new iPhones every year as wasteful spending, or blowing $250 on clothes every few weeks as wasteful spending. Or spending $8 on a coffee while they don't have clean water. The argument of "oh well, I'm not affecting the world as much!" is one born out of delusion really. Unless you live a hermit's life and don't consume anything you're only lying to yourself.

When you buy those jeans someone had to make them and chances are high...they're in China not making anything near "decent" per hour. Likewise with those electronics, not to mention where the parts come from themselves. Or when your significant other wants a real diamond over a synthetic (even though synthetic are better in everyway). Donated to a cause? That's nice dear, too bad many causes spend very little on the people and blow it all on salaries and offices.

Every first world country and their spending have a direct impact on third world countries and their people. The idea that someone believes they're better people than some dude who bought what? A gold toilet while they've probably affected the world just as much with the myriad of electronics they bought is laughable.

I'm quite sure there are better things one can think of that makes them a "shit human being" (like the Kanye West charity despite taking in $500k last year spend $0 on actual causes as all of the money went to salaries and overhead). Especially given the fact if I had made a thread before this one entitled "If you were worth $130m what would you buy" I'm willing to bet 90% of the people who posted in the thread (including people in this one) would be extra extravagant for no reason other than...they can.

I'm not the biggest Kanye fan (though I love going into Kanye threads and saying "praise yeezus!" And I did like the album) and I know very little about Kim Kardashian (outside of the fact she had a sex tape and turned it into an multimillion dollar empire and has an amazing ass) but for all the "I don't care about these people" posts and "They're beneath me" attitudes I see, yall cats sure do wild the fuck out anytime they're mentioned and become extra as fuck. Then you cats double down on the confirmation bias like a mofo.

So the dude had an eccentric wedding, ain't the first one in hollywood and won't be the last one. Honestly I think all these big ass wedding are eccentric and pointless (and yes that includes the "royale wedding"); just say your vows, kiss and go away.


Pretty much.
Everything is gross conspicuous consumption to people living in third world countries. I'm sure people who only make $7k a YEAR are looking at you cats making $37k a year the same way you're looking at Kim & Kanye's spending. It's all relative in the end. You look at a gold toilet as wasteful spending, and someone in a third world country looks at people buying new iPhones every year as wasteful spending, or blowing $250 on clothes every few weeks as wasteful spending. Or spending $8 on a coffee while they don't have clean water. The argument of "oh well, I'm not affecting the world as much!" is one born out of delusion really. Unless you live a hermit's life and don't consume anything you're only lying to yourself.

When you buy those jeans someone had to make them and chances are high...they're in China not making anything near "decent" per hour. Likewise with those electronics, not to mention where the parts come from themselves. Or when your significant other wants a real diamond over a synthetic (even though synthetic are better in everyway). Donated to a cause? That's nice dear, too bad many causes spend very little on the people and blow it all on salaries and offices.

Every first world country and their spending have a direct impact on third world countries and their people. The idea that someone believes they're better people than some dude who bought what? A gold toilet while they've probably affected the world just as much with the myriad of electronics they bought is laughable.

I'm quite sure there are better things one can think of that makes them a "shit human being" (like the Kanye West charity despite taking in $500k last year spend $0 on actual causes as all of the money went to salaries and overhead). Especially given the fact if I had made a thread before this one entitled "If you were worth $130m what would you buy" I'm willing to bet 90% of the people who posted in the thread (including people in this one) would be extra extravagant for no reason other than...they can.

I'm not the biggest Kanye fan (though I love going into Kanye threads and saying "praise yeezus!" And I did like the album) and I know very little about Kim Kardashian (outside of the fact she had a sex tape and turned it into an multimillion dollar empire and has an amazing ass) but for all the "I don't care about these people" posts and "They're beneath me" attitudes I see, yall cats sure do wild the fuck out anytime they're mentioned and become extra as fuck. Then you cats double down on the confirmation bias like a mofo.

So the dude had an eccentric wedding, ain't the first one in hollywood and won't be the last one. Honestly I think all these big ass wedding are eccentric and pointless (and yes that includes the "royale wedding"); just say your vows, kiss and go away.




Angelus Errare said:

It isn't all relative. The gap between rich and poor in the US is at a record high, with the middle shrinking at an alarming rate, which I realize is part of a larger discussion. However this dismissive thing you are doing where you act like because they live in a country that can justly/unjustly (depending on your views) entitle them to tremendous earning power in comparison to other countries where the definition of vanity is fundamentally different... somehow makes this acceptable because it's a perception thing... makes no sense. Case in point, if a third world country thinks buying a PS4 or new car every 3-4 years is too extravagant, then just imagine what they think about this wedding. It isn't all relative anymore, pretty much any other westernized nation -- hell, any nation -- on Earth knows that the US has a uniquely perverse obsession over material wealth. Hell, we don't even know if these rumors are true (they probably aren't save the white batman suit) and yet people all over the web are quick to defend the likely made-up examples of extreme wealth and vanity just because.

This goes far beyond how much money you make here vs. there, your earning potential, etc. This ties into the fact that over the past 30+ years there has been a near complete transfer of wealth from the bottom/middle straight to the fucking top, some examples timid, some more perverse -- the spitting image of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West getting married being the latter. For me personally it isn't just about the fact that I hate these two people, it's the fact that it ties into a glaring problem that is dooming this nation's social and economic well-being.

It's quite possible they'll profit from the wedding no matter how much money they spent.

But neither are known for their philanthropy; however there is always time to change. People who hoard money throughout most of their life and then become more giving at old age have more to give than people who constantly give the shirts off their backs.
Gee, the US could also stop blindly worshiping extreme wealth and demand that the insanely rich start paying back into the country that allowed them to become so successful in the first place, like pretty much every other wealthy nation does (except us). There is absolutely no reason why Kanye and Kim can't be taxed at >50%.
Yea, really. If you piss millions of dollars down the drain on a golden toilet while people around the world die of treatable diseases, you're a shit human being.

Because what people do with their money on their own time is enough for you to judge whether or not they're a "shit human being".



Have you considered that with that free money these 2 throw around, some families are having a very good year in Italy?

How Can Weddings Be Real When The Heart Of Gotham Has Been Broken



Because what people do with their money on their own time is enough for you to judge whether or not they're a "shit human being".



Have you considered that with that free money these 2 throw around, some families are having a very good year in Italy?
What about the families in the country that made them so successful? Fuck them I guess?
Also I'm pretty sure most would agree it isn't just how much money they make that is disgusting but the kind of people they are.

$60 video games suck, yeah. Thankfully there's PC gaming, and most console titles fall beneath $60 fairly fast. Not sure what you are trying to say here. Yeah, it can certainly be an expensive hobby... but it still isn't even remotely close to what the insanely wealthy are doing in this country today, or any westernized country for that matter (but the US usually takes the cake).


I just think it ridiculous how people seem to have such strong reactions to actions of celebrities yet are so clueless to what's really affecting their lives.

Erm, if a politician is actively screwing someones lifestyle, you really think they don't shout about that too? Really? What world are you living in? Are you oblivious to all the protests?

Btw this thread went from funny to stupidly serious far too quickly. Shame on you all.


It isn't all relative. The gap between rich and poor in the US is at a record high, with the middle shrinking at an alarming rate, which I realize is part of a larger discussion. However this dismissive thing you are doing where you act like because they live in a country that can justly/unjustly (depending on your views) entitle them to tremendous earning power in comparison to other countries where the definition of vanity is fundamentally different... somehow makes this acceptable because it's a perception thing... makes no sense. Case in point, if a third world country thinks buying a PS4 or new car every 3-4 years is too extravagant, then just imagine what they think about this wedding. It isn't all relative anymore, pretty much any other westernized nation -- hell, any nation -- on Earth knows that the US has a uniquely perverse obsession over material wealth. Hell, we don't even know if these rumors are true (they probably aren't save the white batman suit) and yet people all over the web are quick to defend the likely made-up examples of extreme wealth and vanity just because.

This goes far beyond how much money you make here vs. there, your earning potential, etc. This ties into the fact that over the past 30+ years there has been a near complete transfer of wealth from the bottom/middle straight to the fucking top, some examples timid, some more perverse -- the spitting image of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West getting married being the latter. For me personally it isn't just about the fact that I hate these two people, it's the fact that it ties into a glaring problem that is dooming this nation's social and economic well-being.

Gee, the US could also stop blindly worshiping extreme wealth and demand that the insanely rich start paying back into the country that allowed them to become so successful in the first place, like pretty much every other wealthy nation does (except us). There is absolutely no reason why Kanye and Kim can't be taxed at >50%.

Agree with all this.

Poor people in the United States buying electronics or getting some sort of loan to live in a shitty apartment or drive a overpriced car isn't on the same level as golden toilets and who knows what else. The point "well, we're all shitty since we don't invest our tiny sums to helping people even worse off, so how can we ridicule them?" doesn't mean much, things aren't polar, things aren't black and white.

Struggling to survive and trying to drown out the constant sorrow and sadness that being poor entails is incredibly different than being rich and being able to live in fucking toon town. Average person in the United States struggles to get medicated and survive, celebrities and the rich spend people's salaries on the most heinous shit and can live in luxury until they die.

Boo hoo, Kanye gets some flak on a message board, I'm sure that'll really ruin his quality of life. Lets give the rich respect outright because they have money, that doesn't sound fucked.


It isn't all relative. The gap between rich and poor in the US is at a record high, with the middle shrinking at an alarming rate, which I realize is part of a larger discussion. However this dismissive thing you are doing where you act like because they live in a country that can justly/unjustly (depending on your views) entitle them to tremendous earning power in comparison to other countries where the definition of vanity is fundamentally different... somehow makes this acceptable because it's a perception thing... makes no sense. Case in point, if a third world country thinks buying a PS4 or new car every 3-4 years is too extravagant, then just imagine what they think about this wedding. It isn't all relative anymore, pretty much any other westernized nation -- hell, any nation -- on Earth knows that the US has a uniquely perverse obsession over material wealth. Hell, we don't even know if these rumors are true (they probably aren't save the white batman suit) and yet people all over the web are quick to defend the likely made-up examples of extreme wealth and vanity just because.

This goes far beyond how much money you make here vs. there, your earning potential, etc. This ties into the fact that over the past 30+ years there has been a near complete transfer of wealth from the bottom/middle straight to the fucking top, some examples timid, some more perverse -- the spitting image of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West getting married being the latter. For me personally it isn't just about the fact that I hate these two people, it's the fact that it ties into a glaring problem that is dooming this nation's social and economic well-being.

Gee, the US could also stop blindly worshiping extreme wealth and demand that the insanely rich start paying back into the country that allowed them to become so successful in the first place, like pretty much every other wealthy nation does (except us). There is absolutely no reason why Kanye and Kim can't be taxed at >50%.

Curious, why are you targeting the U.S so much? There are other countries too that have people living ridiculous decadent, and also have a huge gap between rich and poor.

I mean, comments such as this:

It isn't all relative anymore, pretty much any other westernized nation -- hell, any nation -- on Earth knows that the US has a uniquely perverse obsession over material wealth

Huh? Have you seen some of the lifestyles people have in Europe and Arabian countries?
What about the families in the country that made them so successful? Fuck them I guess?
Also I'm pretty sure most would agree it isn't just how much money they make that is disgusting but the kind of people they are.

$60 video games suck, yeah. Thankfully there's PC gaming, and most console titles fall beneath $60 fairly fast. Not sure what you are trying to say here. Yeah, it can certainly be an expensive hobby... but it still isn't even remotely close to what the insanely wealthy are doing in this country today, or any westernized country for that matter (but the US usually takes the cake).

I reserve the "bad human being" label those who do things like genocide or war crimes, not to a couple that had a tacky wedding.

The 60 dollar point I made was that people spend money on ridiculous things all the time. It's how capitalism works.
Figure GAF alone reminds me that there are people with more expensive hobbies.

I'm all for the gaudy wedding if it means labor and such is paid well. That's what I care the most about: the people doing these ridiculous tasks are making a great wage.
Curious, why are you targeting the U.S so much? There are other countries too that have people living ridiculous decadent, and also have a huge gap between rich and poor.

I mean, comments such as this:

Huh? Have you seen some of the lifestyles people have in Europe and Arabian countries?

To be fair, aside from the US, almost all of those countries are ones that the US consider evil or "fucked up".
I am sure if a GAFer posted pics of his wedding and there was a kid dressed in a white Batman costume, engraved marble tables, golden toilets, etc., everyone would be dogpiling on him, too. It's a ridiculous-yet-believeable, amusing story.


Yeah, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that the wedding is apparently a disaster if these rumors are true, and it seems like they are at least partially true to some extent. There's nothing abnormal about people expressing their disdain for the rich getting richer in the most perverse of ways, Kimye are basically the epitome of this. This thread is clearly an outlet for people to voice their disapproval at the absurdity of their lives. Oh, and laugh at some rumors that might end up being true.

They are both disgusting people and set a poor example for young people who idolize them, thinking this is how healthy and happy relationships are supposed to be. If you can't see that, I feel bad for you.

I can't call people who live their live without harming other people - and in Kanye's case, bringing joy and entertainment to millions of people - "disgusting." People give Kanye money because he's a talented musician and now a brand. And his public image, including all this wedding nonsense, plays into that. It's goofy, but hardly "disgusting." It's vapid, but Kanye isn't stupid.

Unless you think the man is a blight just for being rich, well, I have nothing for that. Do you.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Nice that he invited his barber. No clue who Sarah Gomez de Silva is though.

Why does someone who shaves their head need a barber? This is intended to be a rhetorical question. I realize that who shaves their head would employ a barber, though that still begs the question of why they need a barber. I have the same concern when I see people go into the barber and pay $20 for a #2~3, non-layered buzz. I mean, I guess if you had the DTs from Parkinsons, okay... I get that. But, otherwise... shit.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Haha there's another huge story floating around about how fucking awful their honeymoon in the RAINIEST part of Ireland was. Kim wanted to leave after the 3rd day.


As someone who works setting up wedding events....fuck Kanye, fuck Kim, and fuck their wedding. I'd have walked out and told them to set up their own wedding.
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