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Was the Kanye and Kim Wedding a Complete Disaster?

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Is Bat-Jaden doing the Mo-bot here?


At that same visit, when Kanye saw the $136,000 (100,000 Euro) audio system, described by one producer as the single best system in Europe, he said he didn’t like the look of the speakers and wanted them to be invisible. He said that “You Italians don’t understand my Minimalist style.”

The biggest decorative element of the wedding was a giant gold box, 49 feet (15 meters) tall, which contained the bathrooms. It was situated right next to the dinner tables at the reception with a bar in front of it. According to one Italian, “Their toilet was the star of the show.” The Italians named it the Torre di Bagni Oro (translation: the Gold Toilet Tower).



This whole situation just sounds wild man haha. I was reluctant to believe until I saw those pictures of Jaden in the batman costume.


Holy shit man I can't stop laughing. Please, for the love of all that is good in this world, let this be real. Im just gonna assume that it is because of the batman costume
This is pretty clearly fake. The Jaden pictures don't really lend credence to anything else considering this article was published yesterday and those pictures have been around for nearly a week.


Why do people think most of this is bullshit? Kanye and Kim might be the two biggest self centered people on the planet. I can totally see both of them doing exactly this shit.
Why do people think most of this is bullshit? Kanye and Kim might be the two biggest self centered people on the planet. I can totally see both of them doing exactly this shit.

Because some posters on this forum feel the need to defend someone who they will never meet and with whom they have basically nothing in common. People with too much free time need a cause, even if it is worthless.

Are there pictures of this mythical toilet?


You didn't really think these people led normal lives did you? They are just beyond.
Imagine all the stuff they didn't talk about.


Really? Bad humans?


Bad as in self centered, disrespectful, arrogant and rude.

Those are all poor traits for someone to have.

But again, this might all be bullshit and so I can't make any certain comments.
I went in thinking "oh, big fucking deal" and ended up getting one of the most hilarious so-bad-its-good reads I've seen in a while.

Thank you, OP. XD
I wasnt sure if that was talley. He's seems to have gotten huge, they must have had to scour the planet for enough red fabric.

Wintour used to give him shit about his weight, but since he's no longer at Vogue... yeah.

Edit: Yes, thanks very much for posting this Grinchy!
You know, considering how much we are talking about this, I'd say this wedding was not a disaster at all. Kayne and Kim (and Bat Jaden) got ATTENTION, and they love attention.

Wow, I thought Talley was the priest, with all that red on. Ooh, maybe he's the supervillian to Jaden's superhero. Cue Adam West Batman music!


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
As for the guests: Will Smith‘s son Jaden wore a white Batman costume and ran around like a chicken with its head cut off from 8:30 p.m. until 10:25 p.m., batting glasses off tables whenever he came to an empty seat, smashing them on the ground. Vogue Italia’s editor in chief, Franca Sozzani, was getting irritated because he kept coming up behind her and throwing his cape over her head.

Apple's fallen FAAAR from the tree -_-

Bad as in self centered, disrespectful, arrogant and rude.

Those are all poor traits for someone to have.

But again, this might all be bullshit and so I can't make any certain comments.

That are bad traits to have but I still consider in the realm outside of "bad human".

A bad human being has way more negative connotations.
Yeah, I'm starting to think this whole thing is true.

The only thing that even gives me pause is the Bocelli part.

Its got elements of truth flavored with a bunch of bullshit.

Many of these things were wildly available. I'm sure many of these things happened but a good amount of spin was added.


I don't understand why people find it so hard to believe this story - didn't even need the pictures considering how trashy, juvenile and self centered these celebrities are.

They are essentially freaks built to our amusement by those who surround them. It might be tragic in a sense, considering the inevitable downward spiral, but reading that story still makes me :

This wedding was hilarious.

But it's even more hilarious how Jaden Smith Is Trolling Everyone And It's Working Unbelievably Well.

I have 2 theories to Jaden Smith:

1) He knows the fame and celebrity and everything encompassing it is BS so he's trying very hard to not be a celebrity in the future by damaging his name now.


2) That boy ain't right.
Because some posters on this forum feel the need to defend someone who they will never meet and with whom they have basically nothing in common. People with too much free time need a cause, even if it is worthless.

Are there pictures of this mythical toilet?

and some posters on this forum feel the need to attack celebrities they will probably never meet and with whom they have basically nothing in common.

works both ways


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
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