I mean - what if he'd been hit by a car or been in a plane crash? Would he have died? Or was he only Our Saviour after Morpheus told him so?
Also - when Smith sealed his gob shut in the first film - wouldn't he have detected something different about his code? And how come they never changed Morpheus physically so he owned up Zion's codes?... (I dunno, stuck his own cock up his ass or something)...instead of pumping him full of plot device? Or anyone else for that matter...
Also - when Smith sealed his gob shut in the first film - wouldn't he have detected something different about his code? And how come they never changed Morpheus physically so he owned up Zion's codes?... (I dunno, stuck his own cock up his ass or something)...instead of pumping him full of plot device? Or anyone else for that matter...