This is stupid. If they change the name they can sell millions more in new merchandise and get the entire nation off their backs. Why stay with their stupid name?
Do it!is this truly what you want
How does it hurt his pocketbook to change the name though? Fighting these legal battles aren't cheap. And changing the name means all the fans run out and buy new jerseys, tees, hats, etc. All the fans (the few that are left anyway) will completely update their wardrobe. Whenever teams change colors/logo/etc uni sales increase, at least that's what I've read before.
How does it hurt his pocketbook to change the name though? Fighting these legal battles aren't cheap. And changing the name means all the fans run out and buy new jerseys, tees, hats, etc. All the fans (the few that are left anyway) will completely update their wardrobe. Whenever teams change colors/logo/etc uni sales increase, at least that's what I've read before.
It's literally like the South Park episode with all those other company names.
Oh, and the team has to eat the cost of all the unsold merchandise.
Can a mod please change my name to CapitalismSucksDonkeyBalls, please?
is this truly what you want
Oh god, what have I done...
Oh god, what have I done...
This is stupid. If they change the name they can sell millions more in new merchandise and get the entire nation off their backs. Why stay with their stupid name?
The Redskins are a significant NFL franchise. Last year, Forbes estimated that the team was worth $1.6 billion -- the third-highest valuation in the league -- and that the club turned a $109 million profit in 2011. As such, suppose a name change would actually cost Snyder as much as $20 million. That's nearly a fifth of an entire year's profits. Pretty substantial.
Sports Illustrated called the companies the Redskins found offensive. This is getting too good.
“We have raised enough funds this year to fund 175 mammograms and if that's offensive then don't buy my coffee.”
Your move, Snyder.
Your move, Snyder.
Description of Mark: The mark consists of the wording "BAKED BY A NEGRO" which is a historical reference.
Oh god, what have I done...
Oh god, what have I done...
Though I think this is a losing battle, you're right. Eventually Snyder will be gone and his son or whoever takes over the team won't have the connections and will to fight it.
It's not really a shitty defense to point out the contradictions in how something has been handled. They really should just change the team's name to the Washington Bullets though.What a shitty defense.
Pride, tradition, stubbornness and all that. It's a historied franchise with a ton of value. I think they really do look at the name as a positive to Native Americans though. They wouldn't have used or kept it otherwise.Why stay with their stupid name?
Snyder doesn't care about any of that lol. He grew up with that team name and hell die with that team name. Any time he's questioned too much about the subject, he calls the person an anti-Semite..he's a child and a clown.Pride, tradition, stubbornness and all that. It's a historied franchise with a ton of value. I think they really do look at the name as a positive to Native Americans though. They wouldn't have used or kept it otherwise.
Clown said:We will never change the name of the team. As a lifelong Redskins fan, and I think that the Redskins fans understand the great tradition and what its all about and what it means, so we feel pretty fortunate to be just working on next season. I will never change the name. Its that simple NEVER. You can use caps.
Oh I know he couldn't care less about the Natives or what they want, but I think supporters of the name and logo believe it implies pride and strength as opposed to a negative slur.Snyder doesn't care about any of that lol. He grew up with that team name and hell die with that team name. Any time he's questioned too much about the subject, he calls the person an anti-Semite..he's a child and a clown.