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Watch_Dogs 2 |OT| .HTML


So I beat the game but haven't done any Driver or Scout missions

What are they and how do they work? Gonna start on them this weekend

ScoutX? You literally walk to a landmark and take a photo of it and get followers for it. I believe its always 8K

I only did one Driver mission where the guy just had me drive to each destination as we searched for his robot. I suspect that are all just variants of driving around doing requests.


On another note. I'm officially done doing bounty mode. Gonna work on getting Troll'r another time I think.

leng jai

No probs!

Also worth mentioning: for just fucking about and creating chaos in the open world, Watch Dogs 2 is going to be a blast for your pal. GTA V has better actual gunplay and the physical simulation is way better, but in WD2 pedestrian AI is awesome and there are a couple of gang factions who have equal weight to the cops, so often you'll be in a police chase but then some gang members will spot the cops and get in combat with them and the whole thing will turn into a massive battle.

I doubt your friend will go this deep, but you can also unlock abilities which let you call cops/gangs on people to start wars, pretty much.

That never happens in GTA V. Like it physically can't.

Gunplay is horrid in GTA V, don't think WD2 is worse than that.
Gunplay is horrid in GTA V, don't think WD2 is worse than that.

They're both pretty bad to me. Not sure I could pick one

WD2 has a weird aim assist where it will kind of MOSTLY snap to the enemy but you still need to adjust a little or you'll usually miss

I haven't tried other settings than default so maybe increasing or decreasing assist helps

It also sucks that you can only adjust camera sensitivity overall but not specifically aiming sensitivity (unless I missed it)


I honestly can't believe how bad the gunplay is. It's so much worse than the first game it's unreal.

Saying that just more of a reason to play this without shooting anyone, on realistic it can be super hard but fun in itself.

N° 2048

I beat the entire game without shooting/killing anyone.
I did use gang hits and police but it's pretty damn easy to finish it without killing anyone, imo.


Only a couple hours in; my impressions are pretty mixed.

There's a lot to like here, but I keep getting distracted by a disappointing amount of sloppiness. A few examples:
-Marcus has a lot of animations, but the transitions between animations frequently look very clunky. His parkour never looks graceful.
-Ejected shell casings float through the air as if in low gravity, with the impact sounds playing well before the first shell has even come close to hitting the ground. It's a small thing, but they really should have caught this.
-Explosions are pathetically bad. A huge step backwards from the first game.
-Driving is awful, and I typically don't get hung up on vehicle controls. It feels like I'm guiding a Kleenex box through the streets. Collisions lack any sense of mass as well.
-So much nice lighting, but I still don't cast a unique shadow when standing in car headlights?

I really like the tone, the city is diverse and fun to explore, and missions allow for a lot of creativity with the gadgets, but I can't say the game has totally won me over. It's wildly inconsistent in quality so far.

leng jai

Gang hideouts and convey missions were absolutely the best part of WD1, so it's pretty disappointing that they're omitted completely and the gunplay has been downgraded severely. I don't think the hacking mechanics are that much better than the first to compensate for it either.


The map is about 2/3 the size of GTAs but so far I'd say it's way more fun and engaging. It feels more than large enough because of that. I actually prefer it to GTA V's and i think GTA V's is a masterwork in many ways. This one just feels more real and alive to me - and there's so much more to do it's not even funny. The game is actively like "there's stuff here! And more here! And more here!" And it's all engaging/fun. The graphics/style and responsiveness help with that.

Edit: i also greatly prefer how it's laid out. The city and rural and ocean parts are blended together in a much more fun and interesting way.

I've been trying to find the scale comparison. It's difficult to even find a map online, let alone some sort of official scale. Has anyone had any other luck?


I beat the entire game without shooting/killing anyone.
I did use gang hits and police but it's pretty damn easy to finish it without killing anyone, imo.

Same, but honestly I cared less and less as time went on and the stakes increased with the plot. And there were so many "accidental" deaths around me due to the random open world nature that saying I played 'non-lethally' requires a few asterisks. Just trying to get a scissor lift in position and then a dumbass pedestrian insists on trying to walk by and somehow a 2mph collision with a lift sends them flying into traffic... I pretty quickly stopped restarting missions for stuff like that.

Hell, half they time you call the cops on some security guard and his friend pulls iron and next thing you know 5 people are dead. Yeah, I stopped caring pretty quick. ;)
Protip: you can place sticky mines on the quadcopter/jumper then do a "suicide" attack with them. Makes doing those "destroy X items" missions a real breeze. (Though don't do that unless you have the upgrade that decreases recharge time for the copter)

You know they both can equip IEDs and drop them right


I'm getting constant error code CE-34878-0 crashes on my PS4 Pro. This game is unplayable. About every 5-15mins the game crashes. Anyone else had any issues like this? I've tried reinstalling the game and latest patch, tried deleting my save and starting a new one. Nothing helps.
I'm getting constant error code CE-34878-0 crashes on my PS4 Pro. This game is unplayable. About every 5-15mins the game crashes. Anyone else had any issues like this? I've tried reinstalling the game and latest patch, tried deleting my save and starting a new one. Nothing helps.

I had that, only I couldn't get past the title screen. Tried everything, deleted, re installed, with patch, without patch, every other game worked fine.
Tweeted PlayStation support with that error code and they to,d me to return the console. So that's what I did, took it back and got a different one. Haven't had a problem since.


Gang hideouts and convey missions were absolutely the best part of WD1, so it's pretty disappointing that they're omitted completely and the gunplay has been downgraded severely. I don't think the hacking mechanics are that much better than the first to compensate for it either.

I thought I'd really miss them but the little "encounters" littered around the world with money rewards actually makes up for it. It's almost like there are more of them but they're smaller. They almost always lead to chases and more emergent stealth too. I had an intense 10 minute chase today after an ambient encounter that ended with me properly stealthing my way through people's gardens.
Ok I'm a believer. Seamless online is hilarious. Spontaneous rampage team ups omg.

This is like a glimpse into the future of this franchise. MMO Watch Dogs cometh.


I've been trying to find the scale comparison. It's difficult to even find a map online, let alone some sort of official scale. Has anyone had any other luck?
I don't think anyone has taken the time. Do some more googling and look on reddit.

I played a bit more today and I'm quite confident it's much smaller than GTA V's map. Maybe even less than half. Quality and density is great though.


Is there a reliable way to get DedSec events to appear? I only need a few to get platinum.

They somehow all showed up while I was playing the campaign. I think I lucked out cause the servers were messed up or something. Good luck. I still need to get the Troll'r trophy before I have the platinum. Its my last one.


Just finished this and I have to say so far for me it's easily my GOTY. I've not had so much fun in a AAA title in a long time. First time I've put the effort in to get a platinum as well. It's agonizing that people are actually ignoring this.
They somehow all showed up while I was playing the campaign. I think I lucked out cause the servers were messed up or something. Good luck. I still need to get the Troll'r trophy before I have the platinum. Its my last one.
Good luck. That one didn't give me too much trouble. Players are pretty inept since the game is so new.

If anyone wants to team up to 'grind' a few events for the trophy let me know. Username in profile.


Good luck. That one didn't give me too much trouble. Players are pretty inept since the game is so new.

If anyone wants to team up to 'grind' a few events for the trophy let me know. Username in profile.

I'll add you and help out. Not sure how often evens show up in co-op but I can stick around for a good bit.

leng jai

I'm really impressed by the PS4 Pro version. Initially not so much but patch 1.04 fixed all my gripes performance wise. It's great playing an open world game on console and not having the constant feeling of it being severely gimped.

Hopefully the next patch brings so QOL changes though, like volume sliders, the ability to turn off the crosshair while driving and the terrible radio controls.


All the Dogs are watched!


So wow, this game was way better than I expected. A lot of the mission design was very rinse and repeat at times but this had something that the majority of Ubi's games recently haven't and that is some real heart and soul. This game made me care about the cast and gave them all distinct personalities that went beyond the sort of "cliches" that they fell into.

It also had some surprisingly funny and even biting commentary on various things like the nature of being a black man in the world of tech. It did have some problems but I don't think its nothing that couldn't be ironed out for a 3rd game in the series. I'm very happy I bought this game. Might jump back in and clean up some of the lesser side missions at a later date but for now time to prepare for FFXV! =3


Had a lot of fun with this game...got my plat a few days ago but got pulled back in an messed around with the Bounty Hunter. It actually can be a lot of fun when you have someone who wants to fight. I hate getting pulled into a game with someone already 1000 meters away going 200 mph away from me.

I did have this decent sniper shot in a match today I had to record. Talk about lucky on my part..



Damn the online shit is mad fun. The game automatically invaded me into someone's game upon loading it up today and so I tried to hack my first player. I almost had them but they spotted me 70% in and I fled and got away. I then tried to invade again and was successful at hacking the other player.

Then I tried co-op and loaded into a game where the guy was in the middle of a shootout with a gang, and I have been playing non-lethally so I only have a pistol besides the stun gun and explosives. We stuck together and did a couple other co-op missions and hunted down other players when they showed up as bounties.

Then we tried to steal cop boats and he ended up getting killed and disconnected(?) and I end up with a full bounty on my head racing around the whole city trying to shake the cops and another player (who I shook pretty easily). The cop chase must've lasted like 10-15 minutes or something before I finally hid out in an alley between houses.



just beat it, that last mission SUCKED as a stealth player. Liked it a lot, but wish there was more unlockables and stuff, and some of the character stuff seemed a bit fake. LOVED San Fran.. best sandbox map ever IMO, especially as the graphics are just so fucking nice. I want those online achievements so I can 100% it, but i hate the online stuff (save the co-op which is great)


I bit the bullet, bought the gold edition for 70€, hopefully i will enjoy this more even if it did go to a direction i hoped that the series wouldn't go.


As previously mentioned I didn't like the first game, (I got the Deadsec edition on pre-order) the thing is I keep looking at WD2 and cannot make up my mind, the reviews are pretty mixed, I don't agree with the concept of the character shooting and killing people (which I have joined in the discussion on the other thread) the game is now up for £32 and I am unsure, I have no interest in the online/multiplayer but I will be getting to the point where my back-log is no-more, I keep hovering over the 'buy button'.

Can anyone sell me on the game, I think though that I may wait until I can pick it up for £15-£20, chances of this price for Christmas?


Going from single-player to multiplayer in Watch Dogs 2 makes going from single-player to multiplayer in GTA V look like some sick joke.


Junior Member
Started hacking people yesterday. I was a pretty big contender on the hacking leader boards of WD1. I was of course no where near iphone6smini level, but I hacked a lot over the years. A downside of the hacking the way it is now is that you don't get that grace period where you can find a position to download the data, it just starts when you hack them. Of course, that also means hackers can't run off to their favorite hiding place and stay there. Ah, the climbable satellite dishes of WD1. Or the wall at The Merlaut with no collision. Good times.

The introduction of the movable lifts and fork lifts brings a plethora of possibility to the situation. Yesterday, I sat myself on top of a dumpster, and had a fork lift raise it as far as it could straight up. I can't wait to see what more I can figure out to do.


Gold Member
Sheeeesh, the
Galilei satellite
mission was awesome. Especially the section right after with hacking the
offices around the world and ending up in that MASSIVE futuristic server farm with all the robot voices and synth music
, that last bit was probably the coolest thing in the game so far.

Area reminded me of Assassin's Creed's Abstergo/Animus stuff, in fact so much that I explored every inch of the place looking for an easter egg, but alas. I'm sure the robot voice calling out numbers has to mean something, though.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
The later story missions in this game are so awesome that I already feel I rushed through them, I want to experience some of them again. That's why I'd welcome the mission replay patch.

But I can definitely see myself replaying this from scratch too. There's never a sense of routine.


I just got the game and I disabled all the online/coop/pvp crap. How much of the game am I missing (exclusive missions etc) behind the "social paywall"?
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