Only a couple hours in; my impressions are pretty mixed.
There's a lot to like here, but I keep getting distracted by a disappointing amount of sloppiness. A few examples:
-Marcus has a lot of animations, but the transitions between animations frequently look very clunky. His parkour never looks graceful.
-Ejected shell casings float through the air as if in low gravity, with the impact sounds playing well before the first shell has even come close to hitting the ground. It's a small thing, but they really should have caught this.
-Explosions are pathetically bad. A huge step backwards from the first game.
-Driving is awful, and I typically don't get hung up on vehicle controls. It feels like I'm guiding a Kleenex box through the streets. Collisions lack any sense of mass as well.
-So much nice lighting, but I still don't cast a unique shadow when standing in car headlights?
I really like the tone, the city is diverse and fun to explore, and missions allow for a lot of creativity with the gadgets, but I can't say the game has totally won me over. It's wildly inconsistent in quality so far.