I just got the game and I disabled all the online/coop/pvp crap. How much of the game am I missing behind the "social paywall"?
A ton of spontaneous fun.
I just got the game and I disabled all the online/coop/pvp crap. How much of the game am I missing behind the "social paywall"?
A ton of spontaneous fun.
I disabled all the online stuff while I played the main/side quests
Now that I'm done that stuff I'm gonna try it out. How does it work if I turn anything on? Do things randomly happen or do I have to initiate them? I played WD1 but never did the online stuff in that either
I'm starting to reach the point where the completely fragmented story is starting to show cracks. I mean, this group of kids do the most insane stuff but there are zero repercussions to anything. As soon as "mission accomplished" is shown everyone just moves on, never to mention anything that happened during a mission again.
This aint the first game Bruh. Have u tried that trick in this game?
am I the only one who has this song on repeat while hunting for collectibles and stuff
god this game is so much more lively than the the first game, it's ridiculous
How I found out I was being hacked, I paused the game (game options app) and the sound effects / ambient sounds of the city still persist. I have a video to prove it now. I parked the car and waited until I saw an erratic drive pull up behind me.
I know this is a days old response, but I told you that you can tell.
So you go to the game options app, and if you still hear ambient sounds it means your invaded? will have to test that out
Why would you want to cheat in pvp though...
I just downloaded the music app on my phone and now music plays during missions. I just did a mission to blow up voting machines and it played that "senators son" song during the mission??
Did I miss out on tunes for other missions because I didn't download that stupid app on my in game phone? If so, that is fucking dumb.
Okay, so this may be the most fun I've had playing a game in a really long time. The gang hack is pretty much game breaking as long as you're patient.. but holy shit its fun and often hilarious... I'm 25-30 hours in and done only 4 main missions...
What's the consequences if someone jumps into your game and successfully hacks you?
Havnt had time to play since the patch.
-Also the driver missions and motorcycle races are so much fun. Even if the driving controls are a little weak, this has to be one of the most fun sandboxes to drive through. Like I love GTAV and it's world but there were all these mountains in GTAV and only a few motorcycle races that took advantage of them (MP probably has a ton more for all I know). I feel like while WD2's map is smaller than GTAV, WD2 uses the map better and there's more missions/races all over the place, especially if you're counting the coop missions. GTAV SP has tons and tons of cool areas that are never used for anything sadly![]()
How on earth do you succeed at the hacking invasions in this? Just picked it up today and it seems very heavy in the favor of the person being invaded.
How on earth do you succeed at the hacking invasions in this? Just picked it up today and it seems very heavy in the favor of the person being invaded.
Do you need to collect all the money bags to get the platinum?
How on earth do you succeed at the hacking invasions in this? Just picked it up today and it seems very heavy in the favor of the person being invaded.
2) If you stun gun someone and put them to sleep, you can kill them with one bullet while their knocked out regardless of how much armor they have. If you don't mind killing this seems to be more efficient than trying to actually get head shots and potentially causing them to go agro. My go to stealth maneuver is to pick off guards who are out of the line of sight from other guards by hacking their phone/comms then melee if i'm close or stun gun them and then switched to my silenced rifle and put a bullet into them to make sure i don't have to worry about them waking up.