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Watch_Dogs 2 |OT| .HTML

I had a player I was supposed to neutralize spawn in my game with the cops on his tail. I tried getting after him in a car but it was too messy. I got out on foot and noticed he was headed my way on a back road...I stood right in the middle of the road and opened fire with the Goblin and he died moments before he collided with me. I slammed the button to swerve his car at the last second and won that game of chicken!


Got Final Fantasy XV through today, but this game is so good that I've already finished it and thinking about getting the platinum instead of playing FF... Dammit.
I disabled all the online stuff while I played the main/side quests

Now that I'm done that stuff I'm gonna try it out. How does it work if I turn anything on? Do things randomly happen or do I have to initiate them? I played WD1 but never did the online stuff in that either


I disabled all the online stuff while I played the main/side quests

Now that I'm done that stuff I'm gonna try it out. How does it work if I turn anything on? Do things randomly happen or do I have to initiate them? I played WD1 but never did the online stuff in that either

They can appear in your game randomly and you can initiate matchmaking from Marcus' phone via the multiplayer app.

So anyone find any of the puzzles challenging/hard. 52 Hz puzzle took me a while longer than any other puzzle

I just noticed that I didn't get the Uplay action for completing all operations. Seems I need to jump back in to look for side missions


It's online working better today? I got to the top of diamond without being caught in Invasion. But got tired of waiting an hour in between matches.


Gold Member
I'm starting to reach the point where the completely fragmented story is starting to show cracks. I mean, this group of kids do the most insane stuff but there are zero repercussions to anything. As soon as "mission accomplished" is shown everyone just moves on, never to mention anything that happened during a mission again.

I mean, I just stole a massive server from what is basically the Dark Army, how are we even still alive at this point? But apparantly they're totally okay with it. Or how about the time we
broke into NASA, sabotaged a satellite, which then got shot into space, after which we hacked places all over the world and now have a backdoor in the biggest info gathering algorythm in the world
, fun times.

Don't get me wrong, the missions are diverse and fun, but while the game tried to keep things SOMEWHAT grounded earlier on, everything just goes straight out the window at this point. And the whole overarching plot with Douchan and stuff is just.. I don't even know. It's an interesting mission structure concept for an open-world game, but ultimately it's hard to care about anything because none of it matters.


Two things about the story that I feel kind of lost one is:

Horatio's Death
: What was the motivation behind that? I don't get why that happened in universe.
It seems like they Tezcas were upset that the woman stabbed him but I don't get why they kidnapped him in the first place and what info from him that they wanted.

The Marcus/Sitara/T-bone connection seemed like it was supposed to be more fleshed out but that never came to be.


I'm starting to reach the point where the completely fragmented story is starting to show cracks. I mean, this group of kids do the most insane stuff but there are zero repercussions to anything. As soon as "mission accomplished" is shown everyone just moves on, never to mention anything that happened during a mission again.

Oddly enough, this is one of the strongest aspects of the game for me. It avoids the open world mass effect/witcher syndrome where you have the weight of the world on your shoulders in the main campaign but you're pitted with doing side content that has you doing the must inane shit ever that completely undermines the main story. Ironically enough, the looseness of the story makes the game world and it's content feel more cohesive.

Watch Dogs 2 feels like a sitcom in Video game form. You enjoy the characters but each episode (missions in this case) feel like their own self contained thing. So there's far less dissonance when you do a main mission but then decide to do taxi missions right after and then decide to go on to paint dedsec murals.


Some random thoughts 20 hours in:

-I feel like I could play WD2 forever. Like even if they just released some Driver SF mission packs or new co-op gang hideouts or more ScoutX locations I'd have a blast.

-Early on I was kind of jumping on the bandwagon that stealth is broken in this. But at this point I disagree, you have a ton of options between object interactions, people interactions, vehicle interactions, the jumper and the drone and stun gun/stun grenades. I feel like almost all the red no-entry areas are well designed with multiple routes available. For instance in the Haum house on the hill mission you can disable the security if you have that skill, you can have your jumper jump over the security beams and unlock the ceiling window and then personally drop down while avoiding the one moving security beam, or you can have your jump sneak in and take care of everything with even setting foot in the house. The bigger areas have even more options, especially when people & robots are involved. All in all, the stealth reminds me a lot of AC Unity, it's good, satisfying and lets you make your own way into the areas. Getting in and out undetected is super fun. The only change I'd make is to have enemies not see as far, see you as fast and not call in reinforcements so quickly, to give more of a chance if you make a mistake. Like on the Sutro Tower mission I stealthed into the room with the motherboard (thanks to having done the location in a co-op infiltration already), but then I choked out a non-guard sitting in a chair and a guard on the outside saw me through a window and messed it all up. Should've used stun gun.

-The seamless MP continues to impress me. Having so, so many memorable experiences taking on other players in bounties or invasions. Even just being near a bridge and then seeing a boat chase with helicopters as some other player is escaping the cops adds a ton to the world. This Dark Souls style multiplayer is genius and as someone who would never touch a MP only mode like GTAV, because I'm an SP person and I don't want to be in a mode just for MP, this is getting me to play a lot of MP. I also really like how you're rewarded with XP even if you fail so there's always an incentive to jump on nearby active events.

-Also the driver missions and motorcycle races are so much fun. Even if the driving controls are a little weak, this has to be one of the most fun sandboxes to drive through. Like I love GTAV and it's world but there were all these mountains in GTAV and only a few motorcycle races that took advantage of them (MP probably has a ton more for all I know). I feel like while WD2's map is smaller than GTAV, WD2 uses the map better and there's more missions/races all over the place, especially if you're counting the coop missions. GTAV SP has tons and tons of cool areas that are never used for anything sadly :(

-I kinda like/find it funny how during the "hacking" missions I have no idea what is going on because I know nothing about hacking, but I do fun stuff and then things get hacked so thumbs up!

Also at this point, this has surpassed Saints Row 3 for me and is my 2nd favorite GTA-style game after GTAV. Just stellar game. Since I'm sure we won't get another one like this going by sales, I'm gonna take my time and keep on enjoying it.

Oh and is Golden Gate Park just not in the game? I've been to SF about 3 times but never got around to going to the Golden Gate Park and was hoping to virtual tour it in this game, but it seems like the map has the park around the Presidio and then the Sea Cliff and then once you start going south it jumps down to houses in the hills.


Just got the platinum for the game. Was pretty good overall although I can't ever see myself touching it again (I finished WD1 twice).

I found myself just doing the same thing over and over every mission. There was pretty much no variety with the missions. Running in with guns just isn't an option unless you want to die a lot so its stealth shoot everyone or go in with the drone and RC car, I chose the drone and RC car option and pretty much won the game.

I liked the setting of the game and I found myself enjoying the some of the writing
That aliens v predator conversation was quite enjoyable
as well as
making fun of gaming and gaming journalism during the ubisoft hacking mission
there were a bunch of others but over 30hrs I have forgotten a lot already.

The story was ok. Just do a bunch of stuff and take down some guy. I found Aiden's quest for revenge more interesting.
This aint the first game Bruh. Have u tried that trick in this game?

How I found out I was being hacked, I paused the game (game options app) and the sound effects / ambient sounds of the city still persist. I have a video to prove it now. I parked the car and waited until I saw an erratic drive pull up behind me.

I know this is a days old response, but I told you that you can tell.


Bounty Hunter was annoying when I got cheap deaths from the people I was after but I have to admit that it was satisfying to take people out in different ways.


Neo Member
How I found out I was being hacked, I paused the game (game options app) and the sound effects / ambient sounds of the city still persist. I have a video to prove it now. I parked the car and waited until I saw an erratic drive pull up behind me.

I know this is a days old response, but I told you that you can tell.

So you go to the game options app, and if you still hear ambient sounds it means your invaded? will have to test that out
So you go to the game options app, and if you still hear ambient sounds it means your invaded? will have to test that out

This is how people were doing it to me, so it carries over from WD1 unfortunately.

1. Press the OPTIONS button on your controller.
2. Go to the Game Options app.

You're being invaded:
If you hear sounds of the city, birds, car radios, rain, people yelling, sirens, in the Game Options app.

You're NOT being invaded:
If you hear the main menu music after 3-5 seconds after enter the Game Options app.

Another thing to note, dumb players blow up sewage lines or what have you in the game. You can hear BOOM, like distance explosions. NPC's can't do that... you're being invaded. <- That requires nothing but paying attention as you play.

Here is the clip of me waiting for a person after pausing. It works unfortunately and that is how I got my ass kicked in so many invasions. Now I know how they did it.



Finally started this. First impression is: Dammit, they moved some buttons. I keep pressing square to hack, circle to climb etc. I hope I relearn everything soon because right now I'm just banging my head against a wall.

I understand moving hack since there's multiple things you can do with each hack now and etc but this is going to take some getting used to.


Just beat the game at 34 hrs I have like96% completion will probably go back to clean up trophies
Overall I really liked it but as others have said could have used more variety in mission types, one thing I will give them props for is that you can really do missions how you want it's more like Gta 3 where it's not super scripted and I appreciated that, remotely driving a vehicle out of its base was dope.
Although I think this game was a step up from wd1 in lots of ways it definitely went backwards with gun play and movement in wd3 I'd hope this would be remedied.
Also Ubi needs to stop screwing around and let you replay missions at will.
I'd give this game an 8.5 which is the same as I'd have rated watch dogs 1



I just downloaded the music app on my phone and now music plays during missions. I just did a mission to blow up voting machines and it played that "senators son" song during the mission??

Did I miss out on tunes for other missions because I didn't download that stupid app on my in game phone? If so, that is fucking dumb.


I'm scared to start FFXV on Tuesday because I don't know if I'll ever make it back to WD2 if I stop now (my backlog is huge enough as it is, and I really want to finish this one, I'm enjoying it immensely). And I've only done a handful of the side quests.


Been having a blast playing mostly coop, its so easy to just goof around and then immediately flow into an encounter or do a side mission, and then end up across the map doing completely different things and mucking around. I also find the controls and aiminh much more accesible and easier than GTAV, but overall the game is slightly more jankery than GTAV. But still tons of fun.

Anyways any word on why you cant shoot down choppers? And is there no way to fly in the game? Or planned in the future?


Okay, so this may be the most fun I've had playing a game in a really long time. The gang hack is pretty much game breaking as long as you're patient.. but holy shit its fun and often hilarious... I'm 25-30 hours in and done only 4 main missions...



I just downloaded the music app on my phone and now music plays during missions. I just did a mission to blow up voting machines and it played that "senators son" song during the mission??

Did I miss out on tunes for other missions because I didn't download that stupid app on my in game phone? If so, that is fucking dumb.

I don't think the app matters. There are some missions where set music automatically plays. And I think even then it only happens a few times. That mission you mentioned, one time when "Dont Sweat the Technique" is played and two instances where someone requests someone else to play them a song.

How do I have 100% of the story completed in Ubi club but not the stuff that accompanies completing all main operations
Hum played more today , the game still impress me in how the mission design is handled.

I persist and sign in my "no kill , maximum stealth" run.. it's beautifull.

It's a real pleasure when you find the solution to your problem
I've found what I think are nearly all the Research points and Money bags(actually there are ten or so scattered I'm going to go get). I have yet to do the final mission and I'm around 5.8 million followers. I still need 15 research points to finish the final two spots in the entire tech tree.

I wish at this point I could tell if I had all the research points on the map, but it's really difficult. I was going to try to buy all the clothes and cars, but there's a 1.3 million dollar car that I don't see how you could ever afford(without grinding races for months). As I said I have 99% of the money bags, and I've collected maybe 1.5 million total at most(and have spent it on everything else first).


I just can't get over the driving controls. The gunplay is extremely weak, just don't think this is the game for me. Played extensively and the minute your spotted, the gunplay and animations are just horrendous.

Off to the B/S/T thread.


Okay, so this may be the most fun I've had playing a game in a really long time. The gang hack is pretty much game breaking as long as you're patient.. but holy shit its fun and often hilarious... I'm 25-30 hours in and done only 4 main missions...

Yeah, I've done maybe 2 main missions, I think i'm 15 hours in, lol. This game is a time sink. A fun one at that.


What's the consequences if someone jumps into your game and successfully hacks you?

Havnt had time to play since the patch.

Nothing. The other person gains points, but that's it. If you get to spot him or prevent being hacked, you also get points. Otherwise there's no negative aspect to it other than them maybe fucking around with you hacking when you're minding your own business, but even that's not too bad.

leng jai

The seamless online was and cool random NPC shenanigans were in WD1 as well, less people noticed because the story was so shit and Aiden was a dick head.


How on earth do you succeed at the hacking invasions in this? Just picked it up today and it seems very heavy in the favor of the person being invaded.
Wow, I'm only at 38% after 50 hours. This is easily Ubisoft's best open world so far. My campaign progress has gone even slower since the seamless online was fixed. I respond to every Hack, Bounty, and Dedsec alert because you really never know what is going to happen. Got involved in a co-op AI hack earlier with a random partner that turned in a huge 3 way firefight between us, the police, and the gang reinforcements. The way these online events are designed to funnel players toward insanity is a really cool visual.

The more combat you get in, the more it exposes the steps back in gunplay/control and stealth though. And you have so little health- it's like GTA without armor. Sure it regenerates fully when you sit there for a few seconds, but you can get killed so quickly in open combat. It's unfortunate because navigating a big shootout in Watch_Dogs 1 was so much fun.

-Also the driver missions and motorcycle races are so much fun. Even if the driving controls are a little weak, this has to be one of the most fun sandboxes to drive through. Like I love GTAV and it's world but there were all these mountains in GTAV and only a few motorcycle races that took advantage of them (MP probably has a ton more for all I know). I feel like while WD2's map is smaller than GTAV, WD2 uses the map better and there's more missions/races all over the place, especially if you're counting the coop missions. GTAV SP has tons and tons of cool areas that are never used for anything sadly :(

Yeah I agree. I wish there were more Driver SF missions and Motocross races, especially instead of the Kart racing which does not feel good. The Motocross ones have some great jumps


Also, the Drone makes Hacking a lot more difficult for the invader in this game, especially once you unlock the explosives lol



How on earth do you succeed at the hacking invasions in this? Just picked it up today and it seems very heavy in the favor of the person being invaded.

You get lucky and invade someone away at the moment...I also was successful once when the person was busy fighting police..


How on earth do you succeed at the hacking invasions in this? Just picked it up today and it seems very heavy in the favor of the person being invaded.

I usually follow them for a while until they reach a very busy area with buildings you can get inside or something, then I hack them and hide around to make sure they can't spot me with the drone. One of the best invasions was when I hid inside the tunnel near Lombard Street. I got inside the tunnel and used my drone to go to the surface and hack them (they were 2 so I got a bonus). Both were running around like crazy looking for me because that area also has many rooftops you can go to and small alleys. So much fun, hahah!


How on earth do you succeed at the hacking invasions in this? Just picked it up today and it seems very heavy in the favor of the person being invaded.

It's a bit in their favor, but you need to unlock more tools (drone, hacks, botnet slots) so you can track the invadee and throw them off. Just sitting in one spot blind you're a sitting duck, but if you can mix things up (call in police/gangs to the scene, start cars driving in different directions to make noise, drop bombs), you've got more of a chance.


2 helpful tips for anyone trying to ghost and avoid detection

1) you can disable a motion detector (L1 + Triangle on PS4) and then shoot it to dismantle it completely and not have to worry about it again. You probably want to use a silenced weapon as another weapon will attract attention. If you shoot the motion detector without disabling it first then it will still call reinforcements.

2) If you stun gun someone and put them to sleep, you can kill them with one bullet while their knocked out regardless of how much armor they have. If you don't mind killing this seems to be more efficient than trying to actually get head shots and potentially causing them to go agro. My go to stealth maneuver is to pick off guards who are out of the line of sight from other guards by hacking their phone/comms then melee if i'm close or stun gun them and then switched to my silenced rifle and put a bullet into them to make sure i don't have to worry about them waking up.

It's helped me enough the stealthing my way through areas a lot more since the AI is so aggressive once you mess up


Gold Member
2) If you stun gun someone and put them to sleep, you can kill them with one bullet while their knocked out regardless of how much armor they have. If you don't mind killing this seems to be more efficient than trying to actually get head shots and potentially causing them to go agro. My go to stealth maneuver is to pick off guards who are out of the line of sight from other guards by hacking their phone/comms then melee if i'm close or stun gun them and then switched to my silenced rifle and put a bullet into them to make sure i don't have to worry about them waking up.

I did this for a couple of missions but it didn't feel right, Marcus straight up executing people in their sleep.

Now I just try and ghost through an area without taking down anyone. It's basically a puzzle to find the perfect path. And if I must, MUST take someone down I use melee because they don't wake up from that [as opposed to the stun gun]. I wish there was an upgrade that added more stun time to the stun gun.

Only faction I go out of my for to kill them all are the Tezcas. In fact, if I come past a guarded area and see that they're Tezcas I get out of the car and execute them all. I'll give them a war they won't believe.
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