Cool, thanks. Not meaning to make this thread about gta 5 haha, just wanted a quick comparison. Thought it was a tad smaller, but there is a lot of bare land in gta 5.
No probs!
Also worth mentioning: for just fucking about and creating chaos in the open world, Watch Dogs 2 is going to be a blast for your pal. GTA V has better actual gunplay and the physical simulation is way better, but in WD2 pedestrian AI is awesome and there are a couple of gang factions who have equal weight to the cops, so often you'll be in a police chase but then some gang members will spot the cops and get in combat with them and the whole thing will turn into a massive battle.
I doubt your friend will go this deep, but you can also unlock abilities which let you call cops/gangs on people to start wars, pretty much.
That never happens in GTA V. Like it physically can't.