Thanks for the tip, but now I'm just really salty about the American prices in dollars haha. Relatively the UK one Is exactly the non-sale American price and the American one costs almost £10 less ($20).
I'll wait for my PC version that was cheaper than any /either.
I use stealth up to the point I'm spotted, then I just pull out the assault rifle. It's kind of hilarious that you're running with a group of hackers who won't even comment when you gun down thirty people.
I just don't see the appeal of using real guns in this kind of game.
It's an easy solution and it actually breaks my immersion.
I'm having the most fun in this game when i'm breaking into secure places without setting a foot inside
I'm past the 8 hour mark and i don't see a way other than stun gun + melee + gadgets.
Now i'm kinda forced to get lethal weapons for invasions and co-op stuff but that's it really
I think it's only like 7, five bad guys and two good girls but yeah after the first few it seemed pointless because it's not like they did anything new with the idea.
The only mission I think dragged was the grafiti one. I get why it was included because of the tutorial style aspect of it but I was already in it for like 5 hours when I eventually did that mission.
Every single random encounter with another player has been hilarious.
I found someone hacking me so they tried to run, but I was in a car. They then tried to get in a car, but I kept hacking it away from them. When I let them get in I ended the chase by hacking their car into the ocean.
In another incident we had to hack some objective. I kept driving around avoiding getting shot at while the other person was hiding behind cover. After the hack finished I pulled up next to them and honked my horn to get them to safety. I floored it down the freeway then started tearing through a park to hide. Somewhere over a pond I was ejected from the car and they went careening off into god knows where.
Finally I joined a bounty event. I was keeping up with the target and then another player really helped me corner the suspect. I thought it would be a good idea to pull out my grenade launcher. Well with all the cars everywhere the chain reaction killed EVERYBODY. The target, the cops, my partner and myself all dead.
Had a weird thing where I seemed to be stuck in bounty hunt mode . Was travelling to my next mission when it told me I can't start it until bounty is finished .
Had no cops wanting me or any sort of waypoints . No one trying to kill me either . How is bounty mode supposed to work ?
Is there any way to make it so in the Drone races it defaults to the 3rd person camera automatically? Pressing down on the D-Pad twice is annoying each damn race.
Coming from the Dishonored 2 or Watch Dogs 2 thread. I decided to get both since Dishonored 2 $27 at Best Buy. What is the lowest price for the PS4 version of Watch Dogs 2? Anything under $30 - 40?
Got the platinum earlier today... that 5 bounty kills and 5 DeadSec quests trophies really were a grind (tip for bounty kills: hack their car till it's broken down and ram them when they are on foot).
I hate forced MP trophies.
One guy I hacked was already racing to the bay bridge the second I got into the session. Hacking someone who is sitting on a narrow bridge waiting with a drone is like hella cheap. Two points of entry and no cameras. I'm pissed because I love this game.
One guy I hacked was already racing to the bay bridge the second I got into the session. Hacking someone who is sitting on a narrow bridge waiting with a drone is like hella cheap. Two points of entry and no cameras. I'm pissed because I love this game.
Yeah, no point in playing WD's not being online so I agree. It just sucks to get profiled on your way to your target. Then you are running for your life with your pants down.
I like that KO'ing dogs is something simple and they aren't some annoyingly aggressive enemy that you have trouble dealing with.
Regarding a certain character in Dedsec in a late game mission:
What is up with Horatio's death? I didn't find all the Tezca logs and stuff. Did they want to get him because he was at nudle or cause he was part of Dedsec? I don't understand what their goal was for him.
Also, the plan wasn't to kill him right? IDK what the Spanish phrase was when the girl stabs him but it seemed like someone in the gang was upset that the woman stabbed him.
Leaderboards in this game are terrible and even close to as good as WD1. It's just YOU and TOP PLAYER within a given category for Hacking Invasion. They neutered it.
One guy I hacked was already racing to the bay bridge the second I got into the session. Hacking someone who is sitting on a narrow bridge waiting with a drone is like hella cheap. Two points of entry and no cameras. I'm pissed because I love this game.
Oh my God that is horrible that was one of the favorite things I liked about the first version that surprise element and the randomness of it .
now that just made it so people don't get butthurt ....stupid
They have no idea you are in their game until you actually start hacking them.You can follow them around for as long as you want to wait for right moment to hack
Finished. I was waiting for them to play (song spoiler)
some Scott McKenize. Sad they didn't have a longer celebratory screen with it played longer.
I think the game picks up and stays fairly strong, main mission wise, once you get access to the
deal. The side missions are mostly worthless, but at least everything you do is in the purpose of leveling up your character.
Gameplay wise, the game hits its stride when you unlock more hacking abilities. Unfortunately, I think the team needs to take stealth and completely rework it for the third game. Enemies who just shoot on-sight and automatically (and telepathically) know where you are sucks ass. In most of those cases I just busted out my gun and, unlike Marcus's character, just mowed them the f down.
I also miss the lack of gang hideouts and convey missions from the first game. Also, the lack of some fun side minigames like WD's digital trip stuff. In WD2 there are just races...and races.
Other than that it plays fine. Turning off auto lock improves the experience considerably. It's really fun to mix in hacking with the environment, and doing a mass hack and running past obliviously (sometimes) guards is a great and fun gameplay mechanic.
Back to the story, there are some odd tonal shifts in the game, like (massive spoiler)
Horitio's death
, and I feel like they didn't toe the line between serious stuff and more saints row/gta stuff exactly right. They tended to lean into the lighter side of things, but hey, I'd rather have that then the barren husk that was Aiden Pierce.
Watch Dogs 2 is a breath of fresh air for the series. It completely washes away the blandness that was WD1. San Fran and the surrounding cast is bright and very welcoming.
Speaking of which, I didn't expect to like Marcus and the gang as much as I did. Seriously, even Wrench, with his emoticon mask deal, grew to be a likable guy by the end of the game. Marcus himself is a well written protagonist, and god knows we need more African American protagonists who are good characters. I wish they would have explored race issues a bit more, but then again I think that was the team keeping the narrative light.
Bring them back for the third game.
Can't think of much else. Graphically the game is a bit of a mixed bag on the og ps4. There is a lot of tearing at points, and the framerate can get kind of bogged down when driving in the heavy parts of the city, or during big action pieces. It stay near 30 a good bit of the time though. Lighting is the real star, and the orange sunsets never get old.
I'll probably try the MP for a bit, but I'm mostly down. A good game, and I'd recommend it.
Oh, and the original music is fantastic. Seriously, bring the ost artists back too.
Played for 38 hours according Ubi Club, and I still can't get enough.
Just did the W4tched missions, that was awesome, again. Also nice piece of character background on certain side characters. The missions stay excellent, and I really appreciate the open nature. You can spend a lot of time infiltrating, or whip your gadgets out and hack your way through.
Yep. Can't recall what mission it was where I first died but I had to start from the very start even though it was a multi objective mission and there were no checkpoints at any of the points. Not sure what happened with the checkpoints here. Games haven't been this bad with checkpoints for a while
Yep. Can't recall what mission it was where I first died but I had to start from the very start even though it was a multi objective mission and there were no checkpoints at any of the points. Not sure what happened with the checkpoints here. Games haven't been this bad with checkpoints for a while
It's awful. Especially when a mission ends with you having to 'escape' and you did everything prior to that perfect then it just turns into a clusterfuck of gunshots and alarms and you die
It's awful. Especially when a mission ends with you having to 'escape' and you did everything prior to that perfect then it just turns into a clusterfuck of gunshots and alarms and you die
Absolutely the worst scenario. I hope Ubisoft takes this into account in the future. I didn't play Watch Dogs 1 but I wonder if it also had this problem
The game just kinda of ends. It feels like it's leading to an actual confrontation then it wraps that up in a two minute cutscene.
I haven't seen an ending this abrupt since Dishonored 2.
Game is fine, not particularly in love with it myself but I can see GOTY awards in it's future. It definitely picks up nearer to the end of the story. Wrench is bae and I like Marcus fine, can't say I gave a damn about the other characters.
They have no idea you are in their game until you actually start hacking them.You can follow them around for as long as you want to wait for right moment to hack
Are sidequests locked behind progression in main operations or can you end up having cleared all the side quests before you even do the main story? Because I've been doing a lot of side stuff but have only done like 2 main missions after 15 hours.
Are sidequests locked behind progression in main operations or can you end up having cleared all the side quests before you even do the main story? Because I've been doing a lot of side stuff but have only done like 2 main missions after 15 hours.
Also, this game really needs to an ability to let you spawn elevator cars. I keep running into collectibles where the big puzzle is how far do I have to run to find an elevator car to get up high enough where I need to be.