Is he still working on it after this past update?
It looks like he is but maybe hes working on a version of his mod before the patch?
This is one of his latests posts
Is he still working on it after this past update?
Other games like Uncharted 4 & the upcoming GTAV port on PS4/PC embarrasses the hell out of this game graphically.
Other games like Uncharted 4 & the upcoming GTAV port on PS4/PC embarrasses the hell out of this game graphically.
Other games like Uncharted 4 & the upcoming GTAV port on PS4/PC embarrasses the hell out of this game graphically.
0.8 screenshots
I'm sorry for being late here, but what is wrong with the PC version? I was planning to buy it today but it sounds like it isn't too hot.
Just download the Ubisoft patch and Maldos texture patch. Should fix it.There is an issue with the texture streaming. Regardless of how high end your rig is you will get a ton of stuttering if you set your textures to ultra. its impossible to keep a steady frame rate in the game.
Unbelievable... it seems UBI are breaking the roof of shame already.
"UPDATED 2nd Response from The Division Developer: Truth be told in regards to your question that while Yes the lead platform is the PC, we simply cannot have such a big gap. As you know when the first WATCH DOGS Review was published by that one site, Ubisoft called it a false review and I am sure everyone can see how bad that sounded when they saw the game did look marginally better than something that was a last generation GTA IV. But no, they will not admit that they practice this or actively downgrade a game. It is much easier to say they removed things for stability which is often a lie as you can tell by the post-issues which are expected in any production we do."
Tales from ass made into article, still tales from ass.
Massive just confirmed a few weeks ago that Ps4 is lead plattform and will stay lead plattform when rumors spread that Microsoft paid money to make XboxOne lead plattform.
0.8 screenshots
Don't worry. If it would be out yet I would have posted the link.Is .8 out yet? If so link? Checked the main thread and didn't see it.
This is a completely objective assessment ...
Also, GTAV is coming to XB1 as well.
Looks terribad, are you using SweetFX as well?
Looks like I'm waiting until the next version. The color grading he showed in some screens looked pretty bad....
This is beating a dead horse, but it has to be said again. Ubisoft is absolutely fucking pathetic in their development skills on the PC platform. It's mindblowing the level of complete incompetence they consistently show.
So did Maldo do anything with the textures? Were there any new updates to this? Did anyone actually manage to get this to run in any satisfying manner on a PC?
I probably wouldn't have a problem with using medium textures if they didn't look so atrocious.
.99 is out. Anyone used it yet? I've officially put this game on the shelf until the ridiculous stuttering has been taken care of. I can't even drive a vehicle without crashing and/or running people over because I literally just can't control it half of the time. This is my biggest game purchase regret that I can think of.
Edit: 1.0 is actually out...
On my PC, I got rid of stuttering completely by playing in windowed borderless (1080p/ultra spec, with textures high).
I just read a post on reddit suggesting this today as well. I will definitely try it.
Yeap game works better on my PC in borderless mode.
How to open borderless mode ?
Go to settings and i think under Display you have option to change to Borderless or Fullscreen.
Edit: 1.0 is actually out...
Been hoping Ubi would patch it and improve performance (would be nice to get 60 FPS on my R9 290...) but I kinda gave up hope on that a while ago tbh.
It's pretty fucking ridiculous. I will absolutely not be buying any more Ubi games on day one. Hopefully Far Cry 4 turns out well, but I'll be waiting to hear from others before I jump in.
I say it all the time, but I'll never understand why people buy stuff on day 1, especially on PC... Just doesn't make sense. At least wait until reviewers/consumers have it so you can see what you're getting into!