look im sorry you are getting death threats. that sucks. and anyone making those is shit. i agree.
but i don't think it is "bad DC fans" who are sending death threats. death threats seem to be a common thing across all media. i mean Steven Universe had them. the Reylos were threatening Adam Driver. Ken Bone got death threats. it's kind of a thing you get if you are on social media with any amount of global notoriety.
i just object to the idea that fans of a "certain" franchise are inherently evil. as if there is something inherently toxic about x media property that attract lunatics, making it suspect to be a fan of that property at all. if we were to take a tally of everybody who watched this global blockbuster and then tally the number of death threat weilding lunatics, it would be very, very tiny. so tiny that any claim that "a fan of x property will be toxic" seems to be based on anecdotal evidence.
this seems to be common across social media. imo it is a problem with social media itself, rather than the fans (which include millions of people NOT doing this). i just object to you painting everyone with a broad brush.
I think this is perfectly said. The generalizing is bizarre or shortsighted.