Leonard Nimoy Funeral: Westboro Baptist Church Cancels Protest Plans, Cant Find Where Funeral Will Be Held
Protest me if old.
The Westboro Baptist Church had announced plans to picket the funeral of Leonard Nimoy, but now the hate-filled church has been thwarted by funeral planners.
Nimoy died this week, prompting an outpouring of support from across the country, including President Obama. But his death also drew an angry response from the Westboro Baptist Church, the church famous for its anti-gay protests. The group often targets funerals, both of celebrities and of soldiers killed overseas, showing up with signs filled with anti-gay slurs. It had promised to be on site when Nimoy was laid to rest.
But now the Westboro Baptist Church has announced it will not be protesting at Leonard Nimoys funeral after planners decided to make the memorial private. The church announced the decision early Sunday on one of its official Twitter handles.
If the Westboro Baptist Church had been able to attend, Star Trek fans were ready to respond. Many of them had discussed counter-protest ideas on Twitter and on Reddit news threads, with some reportedly planning to encircle the Westboro Baptist Church protesters. Others encouraged Star Trek fans to simply ignore the Westboro Baptist Church protesters at Leonard Nimoys funeral, with some saying the protest plans were an indication that he lived a full and complete life.
There were some who believed that the Westboro Baptist Church never really intended to protest at the funeral of Leonard Nimoy. The church is famous for announcing plans to picket at high-profile funerals and other events but never showing up.
Protest me if old.