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We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men

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The most depressing thing is how it seems to be the bullied and unpopular kids turning to this because they need to blame someone else over not being able to get laid.

I mean, wait till they actually get some and realise that sex isn't even that great compared to like, Skyrim.

Right, and realizes that sex ain't all that great considering how taxing everything surrounding it is.

Skyrim not once has stood in front of my tv and started an argument about a fucking duvet.


I started browsing 4chan back in middle school in 2007. Back when the deplorable part of the site was /b/ and posters would frequently chastise /b/tards for spilling that shit over into other boards. 4chan back then was quasi liberal, definitely libertarian. Nothing like it is now.

I saw the first major shift when /r9k/ got blown up and was eventually brought back. When pepe started becoming popular and the board's usual, thoughtful dialogue about any and all topics started turning into Alpha/Beta conversations, 'forever alone' shitfests, and that board in particular just started being nothing but an echo chamber for white boys to moan about being virgins and being social outcasts from their peers.

Then moot brought back /pol/ and I believe this was sorta around the time the Tea Party was getting traction, and Trayvon Martin's case happened around this time as well. Then GameGate happened, and a lot of the sites users were introduced to Social Justice Warriors. The site has always hated other sites like tumblr, reddit, and even NeoGaf, but now the site culture cultivated this bogeyman of a SJW to hate everything that wasn't focused on a straight white male. Combined with the fact that Ferguson also happened and "diversity" was starting to entering more and more of these users's own personal world. To them, everything they didn't like was because of SJWs.

And now it wasn't just on /pol/ or just on /r9k/ it was everywhere. Every thread on /v/ or /co/ or /tv/ (three of the more popular boards) usually turned into moaning about SJWs. Sometime I peek into /pol just to see their thought process, and they live in their own little world. I think even at its worst, /b/ was self aware of it's shittiness. /pol/ on the other hand, after years of feeling persecuted for being a straight white male, completely believes the shit they talk about. And the board's users definitely had an influx of users who are new to 4chan. I fully believe r/thedonald cross posts on /pol/ as well as other alt right sites.

Moot should have never brought back /pol/, and honestly should have left /r9k/ dead. I honestly believe the alt right wouldn't be in its current state if it wasn't for their proliferation on 4chan.


Moot should have never brought back /pol/, and honestly should have left /r9k/ dead. I honestly believe the alt right wouldn't be in its current state if it wasn't for their proliferation on 4chan.

They would have found another way. White men were never going to let go of their domination easily.


They would have found another way. White men were never going to let go of their domination easily.

Alternative image boards like 8chan and the rest never really took off because they never had the traffic like 4chan did. Just like how Reddit banned coontown but they all basically when to thedonald. The cleansing has to be thorough.

The only self sustaining popular website of white nationalism is Stormfront and while I'm sure there are /pol/sters that cross post, the culture there is different from what they expect on a site like 4chan or Reddit.


The amount of comments of this nature (racist, sexist, denying rape culture or promoting it or even straight out nazi bs) that I've read in the last year is alarming. Some nights I would end up in the darkest places of the Internet, places I didn't even know existed. Like that one time I ended up in a thread of the Red Pill and I couldn't believe my eyes. And at first it was very specific places, but now you can actually find these disgusting comments in common sites like YouTube or Twitter. And all because they are now empowered and they feel safe and confident enough to be very vocal about their bigotry.

And as a woman, some of the stuff they say has occasionally made me feel terrified. Not to mention extremely furious too. Sad reality we live in.


how tho

they're clearly manipulating votes to be seen as much as they do. they're subscriber count does not warrant the amount of activity a fucking hate sub is getting.

They've abused the system so all their shit to be seen by the masses, it's made Reddit gross.

Every thread on /r/all now has a moderator comment about harassment / political views

shit is out of control.

it should have been clamped months ago.

edit: spelling is hard


I saw the first major shift when /r9k/ got blown up and was eventually brought back. When pepe started becoming popular and the board's usual, thoughtful dialogue about any and all topics started turning into Alpha/Beta conversations, 'forever alone' shitfests, and that board in particular just started being nothing but an echo chamber for white boys to moan about being virgins and being social outcasts from their peers.

This reminds me, I still REFUSE to believe Richard Spencer was wearing a Pepe pin. Too surreal. But then again, life as a whole is surreal right now. Gotta point out that is was very convenient that the dude who punched him did it right when he was about to explain the symbolism behind the pin.

The Elliot Roger thing was fucking nuts because he felt like he, as a half Asian dude, was being denied the white privilege he felt he deserved by being a descendant of British aristocracy.


I started browsing 4chan back in middle school in 2007. Back when the deplorable part of the site was /b/ and posters would frequently chastise /b/tards for spilling that shit over into other boards. 4chan back then was quasi liberal, definitely libertarian. Nothing like it is now.

I saw the first major shift when /r9k/ got blown up and was eventually brought back. When pepe started becoming popular and the board's usual, thoughtful dialogue about any and all topics started turning into Alpha/Beta conversations, 'forever alone' shitfests, and that board in particular just started being nothing but an echo chamber for white boys to moan about being virgins and being social outcasts from their peers.

Then moot brought back /pol/ and I believe this was sorta around the time the Tea Party was getting traction, and Trayvon Martin's case happened around this time as well. Then GameGate happened, and a lot of the sites users were introduced to Social Justice Warriors. The site has always hated other sites like tumblr, reddit, and even NeoGaf, but now the site culture cultivated this bogeyman of a SJW to hate everything that wasn't focused on a straight white male. Combined with the fact that Ferguson also happened and "diversity" was starting to entering more and more of these users's own personal world. To them, everything they didn't like was because of SJWs.

And now it wasn't just on /pol/ or just on /r9k/ it was everywhere. Every thread on /v/ or /co/ or /tv/ (three of the more popular boards) usually turned into moaning about SJWs. Sometime I peek into /pol just to see their thought process, and they live in their own little world. I think even at its worst, /b/ was self aware of it's shittiness. /pol/ on the other hand, after years of feeling persecuted for being a straight white male, completely believes the shit they talk about. And the board's users definitely had an influx of users who are new to 4chan. I fully believe r/thedonald cross posts on /pol/ as well as other alt right sites.

Moot should have never brought back /pol/, and honestly should have left /r9k/ dead. I honestly believe the alt right wouldn't be in its current state if it wasn't for their proliferation on 4chan.

Glad to see others also noticed this going down.


Boards like the Misc need to be nuked from orbit.

It's deeply distressing to see so many young people turn to hate.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This reminds me, I still REFUSE to believe Richard Spencer was wearing a Pepe pin. Too surreal. But then again, life as a whole is surreal right now. Gotta point out that is was very convenient that the dude who punched him did it right when he was about to explain the symbolism behind the pin.


The only thing that could have made it better is if he'd yelled "Free Pepe!" while he punched Spencer.


Before I accidentally step on anyone's foot, what is the current popular meaning of Pepe now? Why are the alt-right and the_donalds using it so much?


The more I read the lingo of these guys the more I'm affirmed that these dudes are basement dwellers who'd never say this shit to someone's face in real life.

More than that it's almost unreal how they speak reeks of someone whose never had a shred of discipline and are in dire need of an dose of reality or an asswhipping
Before I accidentally step on anyone's foot, what is the current popular meaning of Pepe now? Why are the alt-right and the_donalds using it so much?
Hillary Clinton and the campaign labelled Pepe as a symbol of white supremacy because there are racist versions of the cartoon frog and it was labelled as a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League. They all acknowledge that Pepe started out innocent, but it got co-oped by racists. Trump tweeted Pepe versions of himself. So Trumpers/nazis/alt-righters used that as their badge.








All these articles about radicalization seem to point out the sexual frustration of these men.
There's seems to be some kind of testosterone-radicalization link.

I want to say like, motherfucker just deal with it

And then you add the mental/sexual problems to the entitlement and privilege and smooth-sailing-enabling of Western culture's treatment of white men, paired with naivete of youth, bam

Shit sucks. Powerful people don't want poor people to be educated, but that's like the only way to fix any of this.


white nationalism is a violent, transnational movement that wants to destabilize our democracies and should be dealt with like we deal with jihadism.

Just my opinion...


It's been co-opted into a symbol of hate by neo nazis.

Hillary Clinton and the campaign labelled Pepe as a symbol of white supremacy because there are racist versions of the cartoon frog and it was labelled as a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League. They all acknowledge that Pepe started out innocent, but it got co-oped by racists. Trump tweeted Pepe versions of himself. So Trumpers/nazis/alt-righters used that as their badge.
Thanks, I was wondering why it disappeared from GAF gaming side (used for any sad gaming news)
I started browsing 4chan back in middle school in 2007. Back when the deplorable part of the site was /b/ and posters would frequently chastise /b/tards for spilling that shit over into other boards. 4chan back then was quasi liberal, definitely libertarian. Nothing like it is now.

I saw the first major shift when /r9k/ got blown up and was eventually brought back. When pepe started becoming popular and the board's usual, thoughtful dialogue about any and all topics started turning into Alpha/Beta conversations, 'forever alone' shitfests, and that board in particular just started being nothing but an echo chamber for white boys to moan about being virgins and being social outcasts from their peers.

Then moot brought back /pol/ and I believe this was sorta around the time the Tea Party was getting traction, and Trayvon Martin's case happened around this time as well. Then GameGate happened, and a lot of the sites users were introduced to Social Justice Warriors. The site has always hated other sites like tumblr, reddit, and even NeoGaf, but now the site culture cultivated this bogeyman of a SJW to hate everything that wasn't focused on a straight white male. Combined with the fact that Ferguson also happened and "diversity" was starting to entering more and more of these users's own personal world. To them, everything they didn't like was because of SJWs.

And now it wasn't just on /pol/ or just on /r9k/ it was everywhere. Every thread on /v/ or /co/ or /tv/ (three of the more popular boards) usually turned into moaning about SJWs. Sometime I peek into /pol just to see their thought process, and they live in their own little world. I think even at its worst, /b/ was self aware of it's shittiness. /pol/ on the other hand, after years of feeling persecuted for being a straight white male, completely believes the shit they talk about. And the board's users definitely had an influx of users who are new to 4chan. I fully believe r/thedonald cross posts on /pol/ as well as other alt right sites.

Moot should have never brought back /pol/, and honestly should have left /r9k/ dead. I honestly believe the alt right wouldn't be in its current state if it wasn't for their proliferation on 4chan.

My time on 4chan is limited to niche video game generals on /vg/, where alt-righters either don't tread or keep their mouths shut, but I peaked into /r9k/ shortly after the election, and was very surprised to see a divide between them and /pol/.

/r9k/ still mopes about being beta and tfw no gf, while /pol/ fancies itself the alpha and actually looks down on /r9k/.

I don't know if there's some greater point to take away from that, but I thought it was interesting, because it never occurred to me that they wouldn't be arm in arm.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
All these articles about radicalization seem to point out the sexual frustration of these men.
There's seems to be some kind of testosterone-radicalization link.

I want to say like, motherfucker just deal with it

And then you add the mental/sexual problems to the entitlement and privilege and smooth-sailing-enabling of Western culture's treatment of white men, paired with naivete of youth, bam

Shit sucks. Powerful people don't want poor people to be educated, but that's like the only way to fix any of this.


man I went through literally almost four years without sex, during college when you're supposed to be having all the sex, and it didn't turn me into a shitwad. These kids need to grow up


Drone strike the suburbs? I don't think that's gonna go over too well.
I'm not that much of a hardliner :p

Monitor their activity online (discussion groups etc.). Study their networks and how they prey onto fragile, young people. Counter their propaganda. Arrest leaders who advocate violence. Make intelligence services work on them, etc.

In short stop acting like it's an inoffensive, fringe movement protected by free speech. It's a dangerous, murderous ideology.

Zen Aku

white nationalism is a violent, transnational movement that wants to destabilize our democracies and should be dealt with like we deal with jihadism.

Just my opinion...
White extremists doesn't exist, every mass murder that was committed by a white male is a "troubled individual"

I'm not joking. I have a few Facebook friends (and ton of people who comment on FB articles) that thinks there's no such thing as a homegrown terrorist and it's terrifying that they can condemn an entire religion as the cause for terrorism but refused to see that we already have a ton of them in the country. Legal citizens.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
This reminds me, I still REFUSE to believe Richard Spencer was wearing a Pepe pin. Too surreal. But then again, life as a whole is surreal right now. Gotta point out that is was very convenient that the dude who punched him did it right when he was about to explain the symbolism behind the pin.

That was a "god is real" moment for me, and I'm an atheist.


What happens when they grow up with no positive role models (whilst living with privilege or real worries) being raised by the Internet.

And I know people/have good friends that I've grown up with that have fallen prey to this radicalization. It's not as if they're inherently bad people, but they get swept up in a mindset of us vs. everyone else where they're being shit-kicked/looked down upon just for being a young white male and they don't quite get why that is. And so they act out against that by clinging to this disgusting behavior/mindset.


What happens when they grow up with no positive role models (whilst living with privilege or real worries) being raised by the Internet.

And I know people/have good friends that I've grown up with that have fallen prey to this radicalization. It's not as if they're inherently bad people, but they get swept up in a mindset of us vs. everyone else where they're being shit-kicked/looked down upon just for being a young white male and they don't quite get why that is. And so they act out against that by clinging to this disgusting behavior/mindset.

That could apply to a lot of people, at least the real worries part. Along with the looked down upon for being *insert race here* but there's an obvious difference when it comes to domestic terrorists in the US.

I don't think it's as simple as some lame fictional oppression they're feeling.
As unfair as it is, I think a lot of this comes from these white men feeling like they're unable to be proud of who they are. They're not allowed to feel proud about being white, or straight, or male.

I think the desire to participate in something that lets you celebrate You is powerful and human. There is a lot out there celebrating diversity, celebrating female achievement, and so on. For white guys in the lower classes the prospect of "white privilege" or "male privilege" is an insult because they don't feel privileged at all. They see special grants and scholarships for everyone else, they get few if any positive male role models in school because teachers are mostly female, and I see with a lot of kids that "boy pursuits" are discouraged or frowned upon. I hear from a lot of fathers about it too, that their sons feel frustrated and disinterested at school.

I think that's where the root of the frustration for a lot of these guys is it feels like nobody recognizes that they have problems too, just like everyone. For miserable people, hearing "man your have it so good" is infuriating, because it's all relative. And unfortunately the only place a lot of these guys are hearing positive vibes is from white nationalist pua scumbags that are all too willing to validate them in unhealthy ways.

Just in case it's not clear, I'm not saying their privilege doesn't exist, or that we need white pride parades or whatever. But I think that if these are part of the causes we'll need to address them somehow.


White extremists doesn't exist, every mass murder that was committed by a white male is a "troubled individual"

I'm not joking. I have a few Facebook friends (and ton of people who comment on FB articles) that thinks there's no such thing as a homegrown terrorist and it's terrifying that they can condemn an entire religion as the cause for terrorism but refused to see that we already have a ton of them in the country. Legal citizens.
Poor kid was bullied at school, no girl would even pity-fuck him etc. So tragic.

It's like being white automatically gives you better excuses when you go on a killing spree.


There's nothing wrong with being Black, White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gay, Bi, Straight,woman, man, both. Just don't be a shithead of a human being or despicable one full of hate for all the wrong reasons.
As unfair as it is, I think a lot of this comes from these white men feeling like they're unable to be proud of who they are. They're not allowed to feel proud about being white, or straight, or male.

I think the desire to participate in something that lets you celebrate You is powerful and human. There is a lot out there celebrating diversity, celebrating female achievement, and so on. For white guys in the lower classes the prospect of "white privilege" or "male privilege" is an insult because they don't feel privileged at all. They see special grants and scholarships for everyone else, they get few if any positive male role models in school because teachers are mostly female, and I see with a lot of kids that "boy pursuits" are discouraged or frowned upon. I hear from a lot of fathers about it too, that their sons feel frustrated and disinterested at school.

I think that's where the root of the frustration for a lot of these guys is it feels like nobody recognizes that they have problems too, just like everyone. For miserable people, hearing "man your have it so good" is infuriating, because it's all relative. And unfortunately the only place a lot of these guys are hearing positive vibes is from white nationalist pua scumbags that are all too willing to validate them in unhealthy ways.

Just in case it's not clear, I'm not saying their privilege doesn't exist, or that we need white pride parades or whatever. But I think that if these are part of the causes we'll need to address them somehow.
Problem is, being proud of being white mostly comes with putting other people down for these groups. So how do you deal with that? I think we shouldn't put it on being white, but for America maybe on things like their background, being from an Italian background, Irish, Spanish, etc, through those channels, or maybe just through their own family. I'm not proud of being white, I'm proud of the people I come from, my parents, grandparents, who were all good, hard working people.

I do agree that something needs to be done in the education system to prevent boys from getting disinterested in school. You need those basics, get them in a steady schedule, job prospects and from there you get the relationship, family, etc, etc.

But if they already close off at 14 and retreat back into the internet world, it is damn hard to get out of that.

And there is such a thing as being responsible for your own actions. If they hold terrible views and lean towards extremism, then there is a point where you just say: stop, this is wrong and you need to be better, because the world doesn't owe you anything if you don't work for it yourself.
The internet seems to radicalize all kinds of people. Everything on the internet is so black and white, awesome or terrible, right or wrong. Maybe for people to get noticed? It has seemed to be getting worse since the internet "began." And people tend to hang out in their echo chambers. GAF is one of these places too. I've definitely noticed radicalization here compared to the beginning. But it's everywhere.
Problem is, being proud of being white mostly comes with putting other people down for these groups. So how do you deal with that? I think we shouldn't put it on being white, but for America maybe on things like their background, being from an Italian background, Irish, Spanish, etc, through those channels, or maybe just through their own family. I'm not proud of being white, I'm proud of the people I come from, my parents, grandparents, who were all good, hard working people.

I do agree that something needs to be done in the education system to prevent boys from getting disinterested in school. You need those basics, get them in a steady schedule, job prospects and from there you get the relationship, family, etc, etc.

But if they already close off at 14 and retreat back into the internet world, it is damn hard to get out of that.

That's a good point about the young age in which one can become devoted to the internet. Who knows how I would've turned out if my first online community was /pol/ instead of here? I was desperately impressionable and I think the media age played a big part in that. It's hard to develop creativity and personality if you never get the push to create something of your own, even something as essential as an opinion. My parents and older brother laid down a general guideline to being a functioning member of society but I felt really lost when it came to handling everything inbetween. Videogames and movies didn't help much with that. If anything, it made it worse because this was time I spent disconnected from people. Throw in the advent of social media and alienation/loneliness becomes a constant feeling. It's not hard at all to understand how people like me can fall into hateful online communities and eventually grow into their ideological mold.

A solid foundation was all a kid needed to grow up before but the world is much more scrutinous now. It's implausible to expect every impressionable kid to have an upstanding role model throughout their formative years. That's where the internet comes in. The internet offers a lot of guides through modern life but some are dangerous. Is regulation the answer or is it possible to teach children/teens to pick an online community that won't be a bad influence?


The internet seems to radicalize all kinds of people. Everything on the internet is so black and white, awesome or terrible, right or wrong. Maybe for people to get noticed? It has seemed to be getting worse since the internet "began." And people tend to hang out in their echo chambers. GAF is one of these places too. I've definitely noticed radicalization here compared to the beginning. But it's everywhere.

What radicalization?


I don't understand how they allowed the_donald to become what it is.

They had every opportunity to shut it down :/

Probably because they felt since you can't stop those guy from existing it would be better for them to be all in one place instead of being a strain on every subs.

It clearly ended up being a bad idea:
- This gave them a much safer place than 4ch to organize all kind of activity.
- They can freely take over the frontpage, "rising" have been taken over nearly non-stop for the last 7 months.
- It worked so well they are now actively planning to weight on German & French election.

But honestly I can't really see what would have been a good way to handle this. Unless of course you a ready to ban the alt rights out of reddit which I'm not even sure is possible when you can just register a new account.


I started browsing 4chan back in middle school in 2007. Back when the deplorable part of the site was /b/ and posters would frequently chastise /b/tards for spilling that shit over into other boards. 4chan back then was quasi liberal, definitely libertarian. Nothing like it is now.

I saw the first major shift when /r9k/ got blown up and was eventually brought back. When pepe started becoming popular and the board's usual, thoughtful dialogue about any and all topics started turning into Alpha/Beta conversations, 'forever alone' shitfests, and that board in particular just started being nothing but an echo chamber for white boys to moan about being virgins and being social outcasts from their peers.

Then moot brought back /pol/ and I believe this was sorta around the time the Tea Party was getting traction, and Trayvon Martin's case happened around this time as well. Then GameGate happened, and a lot of the sites users were introduced to Social Justice Warriors. The site has always hated other sites like tumblr, reddit, and even NeoGaf, but now the site culture cultivated this bogeyman of a SJW to hate everything that wasn't focused on a straight white male. Combined with the fact that Ferguson also happened and "diversity" was starting to entering more and more of these users's own personal world. To them, everything they didn't like was because of SJWs.

And now it wasn't just on /pol/ or just on /r9k/ it was everywhere. Every thread on /v/ or /co/ or /tv/ (three of the more popular boards) usually turned into moaning about SJWs. Sometime I peek into /pol just to see their thought process, and they live in their own little world. I think even at its worst, /b/ was self aware of it's shittiness. /pol/ on the other hand, after years of feeling persecuted for being a straight white male, completely believes the shit they talk about. And the board's users definitely had an influx of users who are new to 4chan. I fully believe r/thedonald cross posts on /pol/ as well as other alt right sites.

Moot should have never brought back /pol/, and honestly should have left /r9k/ dead. I honestly believe the alt right wouldn't be in its current state if it wasn't for their proliferation on 4chan.

Not to mention Stormfront, which is supposed to be the hub for white supremacists on the internet. I think an argument can be made that there is more of a DGAF attitude on 4chan which, yes, lends itself to attracting white supremacists, but not exclusively so. Depends on which parts of 4chan you venture off into, I imagine. Can't say for sure since I rarely ever go there, but based on the few recent check-ins I agree it does sem to be more of a shitshow than ever (which is quite an accomplishment at this point).

Also are you trying to say there's a solid link between adult virgins with depression who may happen to be white and white supremacy? Because I've noticed the opposite happening frequently, where many of the most racist people out there are smug with superiority complexes and are more into wanting to link up with likeminded racists and breed more members of the tribe into existence.

Some of the sexless foreveralones are probably in that camp too, but are you saying you think having a lacking sexlife and having mental illness automatically = being a white supremacist? Because many non-straight or non-heterosexual-conforming people might disagree, not to mention all the artists now and throughout history with barren or bizarre sex lives that were opposed to fascism. Although I definitely have noticed it is common among trolls, but not necessarily always racist ones. You think I'm off base here?

EDIT: it seems like you might be describing a type of disenfranchised person who could potentially end up siding with white supremacists depending on the extent of their hatred, misguidedness and inability to reason or have any heart whatsoever, which I agree there is probably some truth to.


White males can be proud to be white. Just drop that terrible artificial construct of 'whiteness' and celebrate your ethnicities.

...uh, but of course also be aware of white supremacist/ethnic segregationist coded speech such as "proud of my european heritage" and "love for my people". Lotsa alt reich demons saying shit like that recently.


There are tons of cases where it's been proven that sexual frustration played a big part in the radicalization of both young muslim men and young white men. Sadly it's a touchy subject and people prefer to act as if these men become radicalized out of nowhere.


It's kinda chilling. I just happened to watch Denis Villeneuve's Polytechnique last night. It's about the shooting in 1989, where the shooter was a frustrated anti-feminist white male. After that word comes out that the Quebec mosque shooter is a frustrated anti-muslim white male. It's been almost 30 years between the two shootings, and in the US there have been countless of these shooting inbetween. Nothing seems to be changing. Isolation, frustration with society, paranoia, anti-social tendencies. What can be done to prevent these things from turning these troubled people into weapons of pure hatred? I mean yeah, they're fucked up people, but what can be done aside from acknowledging how fucked up they are?


It's kinda chilling. I just happened to watch Denis Villeneuve's Polytechnique last night. It's about the shooting in 1989, where the shooter was a frustrated anti-feminist white male. After that word comes out that the Quebec mosque shooter is a frustrated anti-muslim white male. It's been almost 30 years between the two shootings, and in the US there have been countless of these shooting inbetween. Nothing seems to be changing. Isolation, frustration with society, paranoia, anti-social tendencies. What can be done to prevent these things from turning these troubled people into weapons of pure hatred? I mean yeah, they're fucked up people, but what can be done aside from acknowledging how fucked up they are?


Serious mental issues need serious psychological assistance. ^ Just in case anybody has forgotten, that is Adam Lanza, the perpetrator of Sandy Hook. Anybody want to question the fact that not only was he a sexually frustrated white teenager, he was also, as this photo aptly demonstrates, completely mentally unhinged.


It's kinda chilling. I just happened to watch Denis Villeneuve's Polytechnique last night. It's about the shooting in 1989, where the shooter was a frustrated anti-feminist white male. After that word comes out that the Quebec mosque shooter is a frustrated anti-muslim white male. It's been almost 30 years between the two shootings, and in the US there have been countless of these shooting inbetween. Nothing seems to be changing. Isolation, frustration with society, paranoia, anti-social tendencies. What can be done to prevent these things from turning these troubled people into weapons of pure hatred? I mean yeah, they're fucked up people, but what can be done aside from acknowledging how fucked up they are?
Gun control would be a good start. Much harder to do a massacre without them.
Parenting and education plays a massive role imo. But then on the other hand, you've got so many cesspools on the internet that it's easy to get caught up in. Who doesn't like to feel empowered right?

Honestly though, it's probably going to be one of the biggest challenge of our generation and with the current trajectory, it doesn't seem like it's going to be over any time soon.
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