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We used to have E3 booth babes

Saucy Papi



Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I remember one PAX the wife and I spent like 20 minutes chatting up a booth chick who we were nearly positive was on molly, and we were pretty sure she realized we were on molly. Shit we were vibing like crazy, just chatting forever and she got in trouble for it lol

We ended up befriending some indie devs from Australia, and they knew some big cosplay girls from Australia who were there and had a pretty wild party at our house. People fucking on the living room floor kind of shit, 5AM still getting faded style.

Good times. Bunch of indie devs didn't show up for the last day because of that party and got in trouble from their bosses lol
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Tokyo game show still has them. In the west, not just booth babes, they wouldn't even pick hotter and cuter girls for esports casting. If you want to have a career in esports casting as a woman, there are much stricter requirements, if they don't meet them, they have to do plastic surgery to make themselves look good enough to get those jobs. West is now filled with pathetic simps.


Another casualty of the massive catastrophe of listing to anything said by Feminist Frequency. Someday, I hope, we will be able to go back.
It's too late. I believe it's now been repressed from a public display of sexuality into the depths of hentai and body pillow subculture.
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Tokyo game show still has them. In the west, not just booth babes, they wouldn't even pick hotter and cuter girls for esports casting. If you want to have a career in esports casting as a woman, there are much stricter requirements, if they don't meet them, they have to do plastic surgery to make themselves look good enough to get those jobs. West is now filled with pathetic simps.

Well 2019 still had them, so I suppose when things return to normal they'll be there

Japan wins again when it comes to gaming

Returning in 2022, the Booth Babes: Woke Edition. Fun for the whole family.

YIKES!! I don't think I want to see booth babes the woke edition
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Animated GIF

Although it was an interesting thing to look forward to, I can’t imagine the cringe these poor women experienced, with a whiff of expired deli meat and unwashed ass crack smell coming from neck beard « gamers » who tried to hit on them. It must have been nightmare fuel for them.
You mean it was a job with downsides, like every job in the world, they got paid.


At least Australia is still cool.
We have metermaids who wander around in gold bikinis filling up parking meters to prevent people from getting fined.
They can't fill up parking meters anymore, haven't done that for years. They're purely a tourism attraction now. Having said that, I work on the coast and haven't seen them for probably a year now. Think they might finally be gone unfortunately.
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those girls would rather be there than working at McDonalds, Wal Mart, 711, office jobs, grocery, store clerks, stripping, etc,.... basically they would rather be doing event modeling than most of other jobs out there
That's right. If you read carefully you will notice that I don't think they were being exploited.
You should have asked for a bigger size.
Fuck, why I didn't think of that? Damn...


It's just that I don't see the point.

You're looking at the job at a superficial level due to the nature of "Hot babes at a gaming show". There are many roles for promotional models at different levels for example;

Product Demonstrators, Lead Generators, Narrators, Presenters, Crowd Gatherers, Hostesses or Hosts, Sales Assistants. All those picture of them that get shared on the internet during and after the show, if they are being used correctly should have the company logo on their clothing and that increases brand awareness. There are male and female models and of course female models are in higher demand.

I arranged and setup a booth at CES one year and hired a good looking booth dude. Not all the buyers were men and he did a good job getting people on stand and their contacts. Gave him a brief overview of the products and any more technical questions he's refer them to me as I was there the whole time anyway. He also helped with the image that the company was a western business not a Chinese one.

You notice the women in the skimpy clothing, you don't notice the other hot women dressed professionally that are just hired for the shows.


Gold Member
They can't fill up parking meters anymore, haven't done that for years. They're purely a tourism attraction now. Having said that, I work on the coast and haven't seen them for probably a year now. Think they might finally be gone unfortunately.
Their website states they’re still active and filling parking meters

GC tourism site states they’re still active too.



I know everyone wants to make the extremely original joke of if booth babes were still at gaming events they'd be ugly because woke but if you could hold off and not make everyone see those creatures it would be great.


Their website states they’re still active and filling parking meters

GC tourism site states they’re still active too.

The meters are "pay and display" now, meaning they can't top up your meter. That link even says as much:

In recent years with the introduction of the pay and display parking system, the maids walk around selling their calendar, merchandise and charge a fee for a photo.

I haven't seen any going around in a while, but I guess covid really changed a lot of things down here. With no tourists and lockdowns there wasn't much point to them being out. Might be back out this year.
You notice the women in the skimpy clothing, you don't notice the other hot women dressed professionally that are just hired for the shows.
I recall decades ago I was in a product launch meeting we were all being presented to by an executive HP sales rep where I asked what she could tell me about the server line that isn't on the brochure. Crickets and then I was told by her "today is just about the information we have on hand in our printed packs". Fucking LOL, perfect example of a hot hire with zero knowledge of the actual product catalogue.

Around that time an old IT boss literally had hundreds of applications for our new receptionist and I asked how he is going to assess all of them? He proceeded to hand pick from just the ones with photos, shortlisted only chicks (just the hot ones too) and told me to hire his one specific selection but make sure I interviewed all of the shortlisted stack for company records/processing. Fucking joke.

As for booth babes, if people want to do those jobs and get treated fairly with enough respect/investment in looking after them then have at it I say. Hire dudes, chicks, whomever and have a good time. I love how PC pushers think that's not how parts of society and corporate trade don't get done. Same shit as taking a client out to dinner or golf or whatever floats their boat. The number of contracts I've won because I took a so called vested interest in what the client "sign off" person was into is more than I care to count. It doesn't mean I favour that trip, cuisine or event etc. It's just what got the deal done. I've had deals where it's the opposite and an owner just wanted me to meet her family and genuinely connect or another owner where he wanted someone to lunch/pub drink beer with for the months the project was on for. Each to their own, just keep it legal.

FFS it's not like runway models, magazine shoots, movie stars and all the rest aren't based on those attractive elements put forward.
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Ahhh, the grand old days, when society was far less uptight.
Ain't that the truth. I was at E3 in '97 and Sony had a two story bar that spanned half the convention, there were booth babes everywhere, and there was even an adult gaming section complete with porn stars signing autographs and taking pictures with people on Harleys. Could you imagine the pearl clutching Waypoint, Polygon or Era would have if it happened today? Society replaced one set of prudes with another.


I can kinda see the argument of them being a bit cringe when they have nothing to do with the game.
If they're actually cosplaying characters from the game then that's different, but if there's just like nothing at all about them that has anything to do at all whatsoever with the game then I think it's a bit cringe.
And I love '' fanservice ''.
For example someone cosplaying as 2B for a Nier Automata booth would be okay imo but someone just wearing a bikini with a sign saying '' buy Nier Automata '' would just be kinda wtf.

Per usual tho it ended up being about erasing women instead of just adding men.
I don't think it's sexist just to have people in skimpy outfits there, and I think that selling with sex is perfectly fine I think it's pretty insane how you can sell with extreme levels of gore but if you even so much as hint on sexuality then suddenly it's '' problematic ''.
I can however see how it comes across as a bit eh when it's ONLY women.
I think they should just add men too instead of removing them women.

Same with cosplay as '' booth babes '', you can have hot male cosplayers too.
I think that'd be perfectly okay.
I mean I really doubt that if in a booth they had a bunch of fake blood etc that people would start going on about how '' problematic '' it is, if violence is okay then sex should be okay it's far less bad lol.

But yeah per usual I think the conversation just gets lost on '' women showing skin bad ''.
There is an argument to be made that they have nothing to do with the game and I can agree with that argument.
But if it's relevant to the game and characters from the game whether male or female I think it'd be totally fine.

You mean it was a job with downsides, like every job in the world, they got paid.

I agree with your overall sentiment, but I still think it wasn't the point he was making.
Just because you're hired to be a model doesn't mean make it okay for other people to creep on you.
They're not being hired to get creeped on and have men grope them or try to hit on them, they're basically just hired to look nice and draw attention to the booth.

It's like people who make excuses for guys who grope women at Hooters, women working there are not hired to get groped.
Obviously part of the job will be that people will look at you, and maybe it will make you uncomfortable if some unattractive dude checks you out but that's part of the job.
Having that guy make sexual comments towards you and breeching your boundaries however is not.

This is just how it works in every other aspect of life with this.
Just because a woman wears skimpy clothes isn't an invitation for a bunch of random gross guys to start sexually harassing her.
Some people just refuse to accept this but any sane and normal adult understands this it's only on the internet you get a bunch of contrarian bullshit about this.
The whole '' she's asking for it '' doesn't belong in a developed nation that's some third world bullshit and reeks of sexual assaulter.
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"Feminism" and social "justice" has ruined everything that was once great.

Tbh while I do think that shit in the industry is at fault too, I also think that gross and sexist guys are also at fault.
There's a lot of people who treat women who do anything sexual at all as complete fucking shit, look at the obsessive hatred some people have for women with Onlyfans and women who do porn.

My issue with a lot of Feminists on this is that instead of blaming those people and trying to change minds the focus is instead per usual to blame women and make women cover up...
Which to me is not Feminist nor justice...

I still do think there would be people on that end making a fuzz about it regardless, but I also think one of the main causes is still that there are a lot of men who treat women like this like complete garbage and have absolutely zero understanding of what boundaries are.
And then those Feminists see that and they're all like '' omg look at how these women are treated we need to protect them by.... Forcing them to cover up. ''.

It's like the whole logic behind why women in some countries are forced to cover themselves entirely.
It's to '' protect '' them from men, instead of expecting men to grow up and practice some self-control women are instead forced to erase themselves from public view altogether.
And they genuinely do believe that, they genuinely do believe that it's good and that they are solving the issue and protecting women.
Ultimately if people want women being sexual to be seen as more okay and normalized then people also need to stop giving every single woman who does anything even slightly sexual like complete shit.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy and circular thing.
And people also need to actually call guys out on it too.

Basically, yes some Feminists are bad but also gross guys ruin it for everyone too.
They ruin it for guys who are mature adults and capable of controlling themselves, and they also ruin it for the women who actually enjoy it.

Part of being a mature adult is being capable of ignoring shit you don't like, if you have a problem with these women then you can simply ignore them.
But instead people throw gigantic tantrums about it and feel the need to shove their views in their face. It reeks of narcissism and immaturity
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