The current project I am working on, our company's new front facing website, first internal project I have worked in a while, is looking so good right now that I am kinda annoyed by the fact that the end result won't look anything like it. The problem is right now is that there's no copy, at all, no assets, at all. It's been a long while since I have done a truly creative product where I have a blank canvas for a while with no restrictions. I know that everything from fonts and colors to paddings and line heights to sections to semantics are going to change, but I am almost tempted to take some shots and save them for my personal portfolio because it's looking sooooo good and working so great.
Then again, this was the project I chose to use Ember with. Not because I had to, but just because I wanted to. I have been using Handlebars templates for a 6 months now almost exclusively and I have a background in doing heavy Flash MVC projects but getting started with Ember has still be a bit... tricky. Mostly because I am not entirely sure what Ember can do and can not and like Handlebars itself, the documentation isn\t the most profound around. Still, after figuring out what and how thing should be done, I am so far liking it a lot. Last large project ended up being a full blown MVVM or MVC application, with thousands of lines of selfmade code. I was thinking about doing it in Ember in the first place. but I thought I didn't have time to figure it out. Turns out that I was right or wrong: right in that my solution was probably the right one for that, wrong in that sense that I could have done it much much much more quickly with Ember if I had know what it would be in the end.