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Web Design and Development |OT| Pixel perfect is dead, long live responsive design

Daffy Duck

I'm after some advice guys:

I'm now the only in house web developer at my office (2 contractors outside the office who the owner knows).

Historically this company (and the owners history) is design and print it's only the last 5-6 years they've been doing web sites, now they have never really nailed down clients for specs of web sites and its all a bit wishy washy, there's no website briefs done or contracts signed for what they will get, now I want to change this as historically projects have hone over deadlines due to poor planning, and time management which led to the guy who just left working through the night on the odd occasion to meet deadlines (stupid I know) he kept it from the boss as well.

So what processes do you guys follow with projects in gaining briefs/specs from clients ( my boss has a real stigma of actually speaking to clients for some reason as to what they want) and he likes to guesstimate what is actually needed.

I want to stop all this and make things better and more streamlined and work properly.

I'd be interested to hear how these things are do me elsewhere so I can put it to him in a well structured manner.



I'm after some advice guys:

I'm now the only in house web developer at my office (2 contractors outside the office who the owner knows).

Historically this company (and the owners history) is design and print it's only the last 5-6 years they've been doing web sites, now they have never really nailed down clients for specs of web sites and its all a bit wishy washy, there's no website briefs done or contracts signed for what they will get, now I want to change this as historically projects have hone over deadlines due to poor planning, and time management which led to the guy who just left working through the night on the odd occasion to meet deadlines (stupid I know) he kept it from the boss as well.

So what processes do you guys follow with projects in gaining briefs/specs from clients ( my boss has a real stigma of actually speaking to clients for some reason as to what they want) and he likes to guesstimate what is actually needed.

I want to stop all this and make things better and more streamlined and work properly.

I'd be interested to hear how these things are do me elsewhere so I can put it to him in a well structured manner.


Do you guys get deposits? Usually when clients have to hand over actual money they're more interested in the end result i.e. you can be pretty sure they'll come to you with the specs.

Daffy Duck

My boss is proper old school and I think he has a fear of contracts, heck I don't even have a contract and I've been there 18 months, the guy who just left was there 4 years and didn't have a contract.


My boss is proper old school and I think he has a fear of contracts, heck I don't even have a contract and I've been there 18 months, the guy who just left was there 4 years and didn't have a contract.

I dunno man, I'd start looking for a new job.


Hi guys, recently started using VS2013 (I love it already). I got the Web Essentials 2013 (Update 4) extension and everything works great except the 'hover over' functionality, e.g Image preview and colour preview.

Anything I can go to get it working? I have to work with images a lot so it would save me a lot of time if it gets working.



I must admit, I've been a very barebones developer up to now but I seen a collegue use ReSharper and thought I should change that haha



Someone I know just said that there was "another" big WordPress exploit over the weekend. I apparently wasn't paying attention and missed the last one, but is there any news about this, and information about how to protect yourself against it? I was considering using it for a website.

The same person said there was an Ars Technica article on it, but their site/article apparently then got hit by the vulnerability.
This is incredibly annoying. I create a header for the top of page1. I copy paste the header html and re-use the CSS for page2 but somehow page 2's header is bigger. I copy pasted the entire HTML code from page1 to page2 and the latter is still bigger. I duplicated page2 into page2b and somehow, page1 and page2b are the same size. Why? Exact same content, same HTML, same CSS, same everything, but page2 likes to be a dick.

This is only with Chrome. I checked them with inspector. Same height but the other has a slightly bigger width and somehow it makes my header div taller. I removed everything except the relevant CSS and HTML and it's still the same.

    <div style='height: 100%; width: 100%; background-color: #5A7A56'>

    header {
        width: 100%;
        height: 50px;

Heck I tried setting the header to 500x50px. Inspector says they're both exactly the same size, but they still look different sizes.


I didn't resize the browser. I just hit forward and back on my browser while recording. The body's width is somehow different even with the same HTML and CSS.
Percentual height is afaik/iirc depending on the width.

The width of the body is not the same in your gif, i think that is the problem.

And yeah... i think i've been there too ... if someone has a good explanation for percentual height being linked, hit me up with it (that is, if i am not wrong with this explanation)
Yeah... turns out my mouse' semi broken scrollwheel zoomed in on one page without me noticing. It explained why a particularly named file would look bigger. I feel stupid. :'(

Oh yeah, when it comes to urlencoding spaces, which is more proper? "%20" or "+"? I'm wondering if I should have to find a way so that when I submit a form using GET, it encodes spaces as %20 instead of +.


Yeah... turns out my mouse' semi broken scrollwheel zoomed in on one page without me noticing. It explained why a particularly named file would look bigger. I feel stupid. :'(

Oh yeah, when it comes to urlencoding spaces, which is more proper? "%20" or "+"? I'm wondering if I should have to find a way so that when I submit a form using GET, it encodes spaces as %20 instead of +.

%20 is generally prefered. encodeURIComponent will do it for you.


Someone I know just said that there was "another" big WordPress exploit over the weekend. I apparently wasn't paying attention and missed the last one, but is there any news about this, and information about how to protect yourself against it? I was considering using it for a website.

The same person said there was an Ars Technica article on it, but their site/article apparently then got hit by the vulnerability.

I haven't used Wordpress a lot recently and therefore haven't been keeping up with the news surrounding it however I did use it a lot a few years ago - I used to create themes for it and stuff.

Generally, there are a few things you can do to keep safe:

  • Keep your Wordpress installation updated - new versions more often than not contain security fixes
  • Install one of those security plugins that does a scan of your installation
  • Delete user 'Admin' and call your administrative user something else
  • Be very selective of the plugins you use
  • Keep your server (Apache, NGINX) and PHP up-to-date
  • Hide your server versions from any error pages
  • You could even go as far as adding firewall rules to your server and stuff to block common bad IP addresses and even ranges
  • Use Cloudflare ;)
If you need any specific help I'm available via email at me [at] mgakashim [dot] com.
Someone I know just said that there was "another" big WordPress exploit over the weekend. I apparently wasn't paying attention and missed the last one, but is there any news about this, and information about how to protect yourself against it? I was considering using it for a website.

The same person said there was an Ars Technica article on it, but their site/article apparently then got hit by the vulnerability.

I think Ars was a different exploit. The BIG exploit over the weekend was with the Revolution slider plugin, which I personally find to be a blight in of itself. Had a site I just inherited get hit with it this weekend, easy enough to fix, but the site got flagged as malware by Google for a bit, which sucked.


I think Ars was a different exploit. The BIG exploit over the weekend was with the Revolution slider plugin, which I personally find to be a blight in of itself. Had a site I just inherited get hit with it this weekend, easy enough to fix, but the site got flagged as malware by Google for a bit, which sucked.

To my point above, be very selective of plugins you use.

Plus, sliders are shit.
Someone I know just said that there was "another" big WordPress exploit over the weekend. I apparently wasn't paying attention and missed the last one, but is there any news about this, and information about how to protect yourself against it? I was considering using it for a website.

Nah, and very few "Wordpress Exploits" are exploits of WP core itself, they're almost always exploits with 3rd party plugins that people install.

For WP security, these things will cover you:
- Have the correct file permissions set on your server
- Change the default admin account from "Admin" to just about anything else
- Long passwords
- Keep all software up to date, from the core to plugins.

For other tips:
- Generally avoid plugins from websites like ThemeForest / Envato, because those are not connected to the WP plugin repository, they will not ping you for an auto-update. Don't install a 3rd party plugin that doesn't have an auto-update feature.

Every WP hack I've ever run into was initiated by an out of date plugin or software somewhere on the server.

There are security plugins that do a decent job. I use Sucuri on one of my client's websites. They have a fairly sure-fire security subscription service but I don't care for it because it routes all of your traffic through their secure firewall before it gets to your website. While I've never heard of that going down or anything, it's not something I'm willing to try. Otherwise, Sucuri's basic package is pretty good... It has a "1 click hardening" that works, but it can get in the way of allowing 3rd party sites (like say manageWP) from working with your site.

Generally, if you keep everything up to date, you'll be fine.

Interesting site for remote management of WP sites.

We use https://wpremote.com for the ones we have. Only thing is not really heard of it before so unsure how safe it is really. There's always that nagging doubt in your mind.

ManageWP is pretty good. Everything is passed over SSL and it's just about as secure as your Wordpress installs would be.


So, I still don't entirely 'get' angularjs or the like.

Why would I use them? Is it just more efficient at putting together a front end? I can't say I've ever really had issues with just HTML/JS or jQ


Black Canada Mafia
So, I still don't entirely 'get' angularjs or the like.

Why would I use them? Is it just more efficient at putting together a front end? I can't say I've ever really had issues with just HTML/JS or jQ
It feels weird actually being good at stuff, but angularjs and JavaScript in general is my bread and butter, so maybe I can help.

So the scope of front end web is changing and the sort of applications you can write with angular and extremely large and robust. You could of course do this with pure js even, but what angular gives you is a lot of very good tools to keep your code organised, concise and allow you to knock out huge projects in comparatively little time.

The view binding and view logic, when done right, are so very useful - trying to for example handle 4 inputs that have to communicate with each other and watch for each others changes is basically hell, but angular makes it next to nothing in terms of difficulty. Handling the logic for large repeating lists can be a nightmare, and it's super easy in angular.

When you get into the value of things like directives (and with web components coming, directives are good way to get your mind around the concept), services, and filters, you get what amounts to very little, concise code that is readable and separated in its concerns. The testability of this is also fantastic.

I mean, there is a lot more, but also consider hybrid apps with ionic, which uses angular. I've been using both ionic and angular for a very long time now, and they are very powerful tools on mobile. I can write a basic, functional app in hours, have oAuth, handle a handful of restful calls and make it look good in hours. I'm making an app in my free time and I think I'll probably sink 50-70 hours into it before I'm done with it. And it will be good.

A lot of very large companies have and are continuing to approach my company to write their applications, web or mobile or both, using angular and other JavaScript libraries, and the demand for developers is huge. If you are a web dev working with JavaScript, you do yourself a disservice by not learning angular.


It feels weird actually being good at stuff, but angularjs and JavaScript in general is my bread and butter, so maybe I can help.

So the scope of front end web is changing and the sort of applications you can write with angular and extremely large and robust. You could of course do this with pure js even, but what angular gives you is a lot of very good tools to keep your code organised, concise and allow you to knock out huge projects in comparatively little time.

The view binding and view logic, when done right, are so very useful - trying to for example handle 4 inputs that have to communicate with each other and watch for each others changes is basically hell, but angular makes it next to nothing in terms of difficulty. Handling the logic for large repeating lists can be a nightmare, and it's super easy in angular.

When you get into the value of things like directives (and with web components coming, directives are good way to get your mind around the concept), services, and filters, you get what amounts to very little, concise code that is readable and separated in its concerns. The testability of this is also fantastic.

I mean, there is a lot more, but also consider hybrid apps with ionic, which uses angular. I've been using both ionic and angular for a very long time now, and they are very powerful tools on mobile. I can write a basic, functional app in hours, have oAuth, handle a handful of restful calls and make it look good in hours. I'm making an app in my free time and I think I'll probably sink 50-70 hours into it before I'm done with it. And it will be good.

A lot of very large companies have and are continuing to approach my company to write their applications, web or mobile or both, using angular and other JavaScript libraries, and the demand for developers is huge. If you are a web dev working with JavaScript, you do yourself a disservice by not learning angular.

Cool, I'll start learning somewhere. Just was never sure if it could do something that I couldn't do with the vanilla, or if it was just a lot quicker.


Does anyone have any good resources for UX design?

I'm getting more into making web applications at work, and there is a high demand for good GUI's in the market that my company operates in.


Black Canada Mafia
Cool, I'll start learning somewhere. Just was never sure if it could do something that I couldn't do with the vanilla, or if it was just a lot quicker.
Yeah you can do it all with Vanilla, and as vanilla gets better, what angular offers you shrinks - object.observe for example, for two way binding. That being said, there is still a lot that angular offers, and the better the browser gets the better angular gets because they're one of those frameworks that keeps on top of the latest tech and in fact had helped drive it (angular directives has a hand in the web components spec).


Yeah you can do it all with Vanilla, and as vanilla gets better, what angular offers you shrinks - object.observe for example, for two way binding. That being said, there is still a lot that angular offers, and the better the browser gets the better angular gets because they're one of those frameworks that keeps on top of the latest tech and in fact had helped drive it (angular directives has a hand in the web components spec).

Awesome, any hints on where to start? I dunno why it seems so strange to me, I've done web work since I was about 17, but there's just something about Angular I couldn't get my head around.


Black Canada Mafia
Awesome, any hints on where to start? I dunno why it seems so strange to me, I've done web work since I was about 17, but there's just something about Angular I couldn't get my head around.

The fact that you've done web work for so long maybe why! That being said, if you have a lot of experience you'll pick it up in no time and avoid a lot of the usual pitfalls.

For learning, it depends on how you like to learn. If you like interactive tutorial stuff Codeschool as a great free introductory course. If you like videos, egghead.io is great. For books... hmm I just can't remember what the best options are right now, but I haven't read an angular book in months.

At this point though, there are a lot of resources available, and tons I am probably not aware of, but I've heard great things about the codeschool course, and I used them for other things in the past, and the egghead.io videos were a godsend back when there wasn't a lot of material on angular, so I still recommend them.


The fact that you've done web work for so long maybe why! That being said, if you have a lot of experience you'll pick it up in no time and avoid a lot of the usual pitfalls.

For learning, it depends on how you like to learn. If you like interactive tutorial stuff Codeschool as a great free introductory course. If you like videos, egghead.io is great. For books... hmm I just can't remember what the best options are right now, but I haven't read an angular book in months.

At this point though, there are a lot of resources available, and tons I am probably not aware of, but I've heard great things about the codeschool course, and I used them for other things in the past, and the egghead.io videos were a godsend back when there wasn't a lot of material on angular, so I still recommend them.

Again, thanks a ton.

Just working on my portfolio at the moment, so I'm not sure if Angular is entirely necessary, but it'll give me a chance to play with it.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I don't have much to contribute to this thread other than: I love Flask.


You can use dev tools in Chrome under timeline to collect samples and see if you are constantly allocating resources or preventing the free of them. Another way to do this is to collect a heap snap shot and compare with a earlier one to see the differences. Overall, finding memory leaks isn't easy, there's a fair bit of skill and intuition involved.

It turned out to be WebEssentials BrowserLink fault.

What are some good tutorials/introductions to node.js, mongodb and Amazon Product Advertising API?
Currently looking at job listings right now, although I can't actually hunt until next year (personal reasons). Anyway, looking at the requirements really makes me depressed. They require so many things. I thought my competencies would be okay:
- PHP, MySQL, Linux, Python, HTML, CSS, JS/AJAX/jQuery, VCS (SVN/Git), Redis, Agile

There are lots of frameworks I see (Laravel/CodeIgniter/Yii/etc) and I never heard of them till I searched for PHP jobs. I barely have experience working with third-party APIs either. I never looked up about security. 90% of my database experience involves only typical SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE stuff. If I needed to use JOIN I'll need to pull up the docs to remember it. I wouldn't even feel confident about more complex queries until I test it for myself. I can read and write schemas but nowhere near the level of dedicated database designers since I was never trained for it.

I've even seen a job listing for a "web developer", but they also include experience with LDAP and Windows Active Directory. Aren't those reserved for network operations / sysads?

How do you even pick which ones to study? I don't know if I can hold 10 extra technologies in my head. Aside from technologies, there are also other things to study, like design patterns, or maybe even software development processes. I feel like I should have been studying more than I did back in college just to be competent.

I'm still practicing my HTML/CSS/JS stuff, but I feel that I'm still sorely lacking in knowledge. Once I feel more confident about them, I'll probably tackle CodeIgniter or Wordpress or Bootstrap next.
Currently looking at job listings right now, although I can't actually hunt until next year (personal reasons). Anyway, looking at the requirements really makes me depressed. They require so many things. I thought my competencies would be okay:
- PHP, MySQL, Linux, Python, HTML, CSS, JS/AJAX/jQuery, VCS (SVN/Git), Redis, Agile

There are lots of frameworks I see (Laravel/CodeIgniter/Yii/etc) and I never heard of them till I searched for PHP jobs. I barely have experience working with third-party APIs either. I never looked up about security. 90% of my database experience involves only typical SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE stuff. If I needed to use JOIN I'll need to pull up the docs to remember it. I wouldn't even feel confident about more complex queries until I test it for myself. I can read and write schemas but nowhere near the level of dedicated database designers since I was never trained for it.

I've even seen a job listing for a "web developer", but they also include experience with LDAP and Windows Active Directory. Aren't those reserved for network operations / sysads?

How do you even pick which ones to study? I don't know if I can hold 10 extra technologies in my head. Aside from technologies, there are also other things to study, like design patterns, or maybe even software development processes. I feel like I should have been studying more than I did back in college just to be competent.

I'm still practicing my HTML/CSS/JS stuff, but I feel that I'm still sorely lacking in knowledge. Once I feel more confident about them, I'll probably tackle CodeIgniter or Wordpress or Bootstrap next.

After you "get" the basics, jumping between frameworks and libraries and such between the same language is easy and when you "get" the more advanced things jumping between similar languages is easy too.

For the How do you pick which ones to study? Study the basics (which you seem to have already) and then pick some of the most popular ones. For example if you want learn PHP Frameworks, Laravel seems to be the Most popular choice (and I have heard good stuff about Laravel in general).

Just make sure that you have some knowledge or at least you have heard of most of the things in your area and you are good to go. You are a WEB developer so the documentation is ALWAYS there to help you.


I have a question it would be great if I could get a bit of advice on this.

I have a business idea related to allowing people/companies to get on-the-fly analysis of their data using a few basic algorithms I know about.

I want a website which allows individuals to sign-up, access their own control panel where they can upload data whether than be in a csv, json etc then I want to pass that data to python where it runs a certain algorithm and then spits back the results to the website where I can then do some fancy data visualisation with javascript (d3) and report some simple results.

Obviously Im going to have to hire someone to develop this for me but what things should I be looking for when finding someone suitable? I understand that I can build this sort of backend with a Django framework. Also since all data analysis (where python will do its statistical-thing for me) is on one server will there be issues when multiple people are using the website at the same time - would a web server be able to cope with that sort of demand? What sort of prices would a resonable web-developer charge for this sort of project. I was going to try to find someone on elance or oDesk.

Im a complete newbie when it comes to backend stuff. I know enough front-end web development to get by but when it comes to implementing a system like this and the server-side stuff I know nothing so any feedback would be helpful.


I have a question it would be great if I could get a bit of advice on this.

I have a business idea related to allowing people/companies to get on-the-fly analysis of their data using a few basic algorithms I know about.

I want a website which allows individuals to sign-up, access their own control panel where they can upload data whether than be in a csv, json etc then I want to pass that data to python where it runs a certain algorithm and then spits back the results to the website where I can then do some fancy data visualisation with javascript (d3) and report some simple results.

Obviously Im going to have to hire someone to develop this for me but what things should I be looking for when finding someone suitable? I understand that I can build this sort of backend with a Django framework. Also since all data analysis (where python will do its statistical-thing for me) is on one server will there be issues when multiple people are using the website at the same time - would a web server be able to cope with that sort of demand? What sort of prices would a resonable web-developer charge for this sort of project. I was going to try to find someone on elance or oDesk.

Im a complete newbie when it comes to backend stuff. I know enough front-end web development to get by but when it comes to implementing a system like this and the server-side stuff I know nothing so any feedback would be helpful.

How this is implemented is quite important. If you want to hire someone as a one off to do this for you then it would help if you sort of understood the language that they are writing this in.

Also, a question on my mind is how much data are you going to handle? <5mb? 50mb? 1gb? 500gb? How is this data going to be stored? Somewhere on AWS? These data manipulating algos, can they be ran on a separate box to create separation between website logic and algo logic and reduce load? Also, when this raw data has been 'parsed' by your algos, where is your output stored? In some database? Mongo?

There are other questions but it's 7:47am and I have to get ready for work but in my opinion you need a really competent developer capable of working with a full web stack, implementing security since this is undoubtedly private data and you're asking to store it and run algorithms on it, some network administration, database admin etc.

In terms of price, if you wanted something like this done properly, you're looking at thousands of ££ so definitely not cheap but this isn't a simple thing either.


I have a question it would be great if I could get a bit of advice on this.

I have a business idea related to allowing people/companies to get on-the-fly analysis of their data using a few basic algorithms I know about.

I want a website which allows individuals to sign-up, access their own control panel where they can upload data whether than be in a csv, json etc then I want to pass that data to python where it runs a certain algorithm and then spits back the results to the website where I can then do some fancy data visualisation with javascript (d3) and report some simple results.

Obviously Im going to have to hire someone to develop this for me but what things should I be looking for when finding someone suitable? I understand that I can build this sort of backend with a Django framework. Also since all data analysis (where python will do its statistical-thing for me) is on one server will there be issues when multiple people are using the website at the same time - would a web server be able to cope with that sort of demand? What sort of prices would a resonable web-developer charge for this sort of project. I was going to try to find someone on elance or oDesk.

Im a complete newbie when it comes to backend stuff. I know enough front-end web development to get by but when it comes to implementing a system like this and the server-side stuff I know nothing so any feedback would be helpful.

I don't know what exactly you would have to offer and what data that would require, but for a lot of companies uploading data to some service would be a no-go (especially data about sales/revenue). Consider if it would be possible to provide the service some other way so that the data doesn't leave the customer.


So what do you guys think is the better deal? 2 Adobe Creative Cloud apps for $40/mo., or get all the apps for $50/mo.? I mainly use Photoshop and Dreamweaver, and very rarely use Illustrator.
So what do you guys think is the better deal? 2 Adobe Creative Cloud apps for $40/mo., or get all the apps for $50/mo.? I mainly use Photoshop and Dreamweaver, and very rarely use Illustrator.

Well, all apps for $50 is obviously the better deal, but as you mostly use Photoshop and Dreamweaver, I could suggest just getting Photoshop (or PS and Illustrator) and dropping DreamWeaver in favor of Brackets http://brackets.io/ (an open source editor originally founded by Adobe)


WebGAF tell me is there any downside on using vh and vw instead of percentages on my container divs?
I find them much simpler to play around with and to my knownledge they are accepted by chome, firefox and safari. Don't know about IE.


WebGAF tell me is there any downside on using vh and vw instead of percentages on my container divs?
I find them much simpler to play around with and to my knownledge they are accepted by chome, firefox and safari. Don't know about IE.

Yes, it does seem to have mostly full support (http://caniuse.com/#search=vw). I don't see any advantage/disadvantage over using %. Looking into it more, the main difference is that vw/vh is relative to the viewport at all times, where as % is relative to its container, which could be the viewport, but doesn't have to be. So they have their own usage and should be considered units used for different purposes- % for relative to container and vh/vw relative to viewport.


Unconfirmed Member
WebGAF tell me is there any downside on using vh and vw instead of percentages on my container divs?
I find them much simpler to play around with and to my knownledge they are accepted by chome, firefox and safari. Don't know about IE.

vh and vw are a neat solution but they're not necessarily a replacement for percentages. Use them if you it makes sense (and you aren't worrying about older browsers)


How this is implemented is quite important. If you want to hire someone as a one off to do this for you then it would help if you sort of understood the language that they are writing this in.

Also, a question on my mind is how much data are you going to handle? <5mb? 50mb? 1gb? 500gb? How is this data going to be stored? Somewhere on AWS? These data manipulating algos, can they be ran on a separate box to create separation between website logic and algo logic and reduce load? Also, when this raw data has been 'parsed' by your algos, where is your output stored? In some database? Mongo?

There are other questions but it's 7:47am and I have to get ready for work but in my opinion you need a really competent developer capable of working with a full web stack, implementing security since this is undoubtedly private data and you're asking to store it and run algorithms on it, some network administration, database admin etc.

In terms of price, if you wanted something like this done properly, you're looking at thousands of ££ so definitely not cheap but this isn't a simple thing either.

I don't know what exactly you would have to offer and what data that would require, but for a lot of companies uploading data to some service would be a no-go (especially data about sales/revenue). Consider if it would be possible to provide the service some other way so that the data doesn't leave the customer.

Thanks for the replies. Ok so it looks like this is quite a lot more complex than I even thought. I think the issues around data security/storage are all pretty valid. Also its a good idea to think of ways of doing this without the data leaving the customer.

Ill do some more research, even a very basic-rudimentary website that does some basic statistics like this would be a start ( this uses R and a library called Shiny to do this ). From there I might be able to build something more complex working towards the final goal.


Not sure if I should be posting this here, but any help would be greatly appreciated:

So I installed Brackets and added the Emmet extension. Now both are awesome, but I'm having problems with the html:5 abbreviation. When I type that in and enter ctrl+alt+enter, I get


Same when I type in form:post, I get


Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Am I using outdated abbreviations? I'm on Win 7 if that matters.


Would anyone know why my computer at work fails to receive gzipped responses from a website we are working on? I don't get compressed content either in my local environment or on our live server. I check using dev tools like firebug and everything works fine on another computer and on my personal laptop, but not on my work computer.

I tried doing a curl request by the way using "--compressed" on my computer and response headers do show Content-Encoding: gzip so it seems to be something only affecting my browsers


Not sure if I should be posting this here, but any help would be greatly appreciated:

So I installed Brackets and added the Emmet extension. Now both are awesome, but I'm having problems with the html:5 abbreviation. When I type that in and enter ctrl+alt+enter, I get


Same when I type in form:post, I get


Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Am I using outdated abbreviations? I'm on Win 7 if that matters.

Not sure what's up with that, but I know html:5 and tab works, also a simple ! followed by tab works.

This is Emmet we're talking about
Is there such thing as a place that has mockups or something where we can practice coding them just to get some practice in? Or should i just create some?
Can somebody point me in the direction of a good laptop to develop on? I've used desktop computers till now and would like some opinions on good laptops to take work on the road.


Can somebody point me in the direction of a good laptop to develop on? I've used desktop computers till now and would like some opinions on good laptops to take work on the road.

I don't think this is relevant criteria for a computer. For web development just about any mid-range PC will do just fine. Macs are popular as well for the nice build quality. Hell, with ChromeDevEditor even a Chromebook is becoming viable. Just get something in your price range.
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