So didn't get anywhere after getting to 2 phone interviews. But good news is I'm learning angular and it's not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I'm learning how to use angular and firebase on top of building an actual app you can use.
The great part about having interviews that don't land you a job is that you get to see what sort of things an employer is looking for, and then work on those skills.
Try to remember the questions they asked, the places you struggled, or if you're feeling bold - contact the hiring manager or whomever you are in contact with, thank them for the interview and ask for honest feedback so you can focus your attention on your gaps.
There are lot of people here who use angular or have used angular, so if you get stuck feel free to ask questions! The only sucky thing is that you probably wont get a reply immediately, so it's probably more useful to ask a bunch of small questions, or really big overarching conceptual questions like - what
is dependency injection? What is scope? What are watchers? etc.
In my own web dev news, I got put on as the tech lead of my first project and it's goddamn nerve wracking. It's been really great so far, and it's only been the first week, but holy shit I don't envy the people who have been in this position on previous projects with me, there is a lot thrust on you. I think the big takeaway I've learned from watching them is delegate and trust your teammates - shit falls apart when you take it all upon yourself to handle everything - because that becomes the dependency and in no time your project fails the bus factor.
Right now my big focus is on architecture and build, and trying to get all the non-deliverables out of the way quickly while still implementing them well. This is also an angular 2 project, and I haven't ever been on a real one yet (only done fun apps on my own in ng2/ionic2 so far) and it's always different having to do something like this in a real project environment.
Mind you our stack is kind of bleeding edge bonkers, but it's working for us somehow:
redux (via ng2redux)
immutable.js (kind of the best solution if I am going to be using redux)
webpack for module bundling and preprocessing
typescript (mostly for es2015+ and decorators, I don't think actual typing will be a thing in this project)
and of course some of the core underlying stuff that's new to angular2, like observables (which I am super comfy with so that's nice)
I spent today setting up webpack to handle css loading in a way that lets me still take advantage of angular2s block scoping - but there are still things I need to do here before I'm happy. I also finally got a quick authentication server up and am now in the process of implementing all the linting rules.
I haven't been doing web dev for that long, but holy shit has this field changed. So many fundamental shifts in the last two years.