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Web Design and Development |OT| Pixel perfect is dead, long live responsive design


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I don't know much about it right now but have you heard of Mapbox? It might be worth a shot, but you did mention leaflet in the next post so I'm not sure because the APIs are similiar. WebMapping seems to be the future for GIS so I'll be learning whatever I can of those while also attempting to learn Web Development.

MapBox is great, with the problem that it's a paid for monthly service that demands you host the data on their own servers. That's a massive no-go in journalism. The data not being wholly yours, that is. I would pay up to a thousand bucks for a program like MapBox that you could then download the tiles and host them yourself. Maybe even more.


Finally got to work on my first angular project and uh, wow.

Monolithic? Check.
DOM pollution? Check.
Special Syntax strings? Triple Check. Yet verbose? Also check.
Logic in templates? Check.
Easily confused dirty checks? Check.
Polyfills that don't match modern specs? Check.
Breaking updates? Check.
Functionality that breaks with minification? Check.
Internal use of eval? Check.
4 ways to do that same thing? Check.

Why do people like this again?

I could never get over all these issues, so I have no idea either.

I never liked Angular and all projects I had to participate in using it (nothing deep, I never wanted to really develop with it) were the reason tales of coding horror are written.
CodeSchool.com has two great Angular courses, Shaping Up with Angular and Staying Sharp with Angular:


Code School is, IMO, the best of the interactive learn coding websites. It's normally $30/mo, but there's coupons all around for $15/mos and this weekend they're running a free weekend for all courses and materials.

The site is great. Don't be turned off by the lame musical intros, the courses are great and the challenges are much, much better than CodeAcademy.

I like the corny intro music. I haven't gone through that many courses yet, but I haven't found a bad one yet


People like two-way databinding because it's easy.

Right, but there's no shortage of libraries that do this in a simpler/easier/faster way. Angular as I've worked with it so far seems to have a number of design problems that other libraries do not have.


Right, but there's no shortage of libraries that do this in a simpler/easier/faster way. Angular as I've worked with it so far seems to have a number of design problems that other libraries do not have.

I agree but they don't have the buzz that Angular has/had. I think you're right that this is the case where people have a hammer and everything looks like a nail. At least in my experience most people don't use a majority of the features Angular provides.
A question for the React and Redux using developers in here:

Anyone ever used redux-saga? redux action-creators tend to be really messy when building a real app with an API connected to it.
To this day I pretty much ignored the ES6 generator syntax but it looks really promising if you have to deal with a lot of async code.


I've now used redux-thunk for one api call, I think I'll move it to redux-saga because it sounds better.

Have you tried to implement it? Thoughts?
My second build. A basic preview for a site design. Added it to the main profile section of my dev site.

Direct link

I need to add a skip option to the welcome text.

Feedback on both builds welcome.

Neat, but I'd drop the intro completely. You don't need to welcome people to your website with a text animation.
If I went to a developer's website I was looking to hire and they had a text intro, even if I could skip it, I'd probably think worse about the site.

Nelo Ice

So any good tutorials on react?. My friend just asked me to do a lightning talk at his react meetup. It'll be about 5 mins. I've never done a talk but hey why not?. Guess I'll be upping my public speaking skills and I'll get free promotion for myself lol.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
My second build. A basic preview for a site design. Added it to the main profile section of my dev site.

Direct link

I need to add a skip option to the welcome text.

Feedback on both builds welcome.

The direct link doesn't work on iOS. Neither mobile nor tablet.
The original site has a couple of issues on both. The buttons bleed off the page and the whole div containing them and the drop down flickers on touch.

Just a couple of observations.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
So any good tutorials on react?. My friend just asked me to do a lightning talk at his react meetup. It'll be about 5 mins. I've never done a talk but hey why not?. Guess I'll be upping my public speaking skills and I'll get free promotion for myself lol.


There doesn't seem to be any good tutorials for beginners which use ES6 which I'd recommend using with React.



Neat, but I'd drop the intro completely. You don't need to welcome people to your website with a text animation.
If I went to a developer's website I was looking to hire and they had a text intro, even if I could skip it, I'd probably think worse about the site.

Agreed about the text. I'm experimenting with ideas. Removed it.

The direct link doesn't work on iOS. Neither mobile nor tablet.
The original site has a couple of issues on both. The buttons bleed off the page and the whole div containing them and the drop down flickers on touch.

Just a couple of observations.

It works for me on both, tried in Safari and Chrome.

Can you be more specific about where those issues are occurring for you please? I can't seem to replicate them.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Tried messing around with that redux-saga and honestly I don't understand how to use it properly. I added a startup function to load the data initially when the app is opened but I have no idea how to load new data when I click on a button.


Chrome 49 is now stable, it's doozy.

- Proxies
- CSS Custom Properties !!
- Destructuring !!
- Media Recorder
- let/const etc in non-strict mode
- Background sync

Nelo Ice


Thanks for the links!. Hopefully I can learn some react and have something to talk about before the talk next month lol. I'm still surprised I agreed and that my friend even asked me to do a talk haha. But hey at least I have something to do now. Like I just finished learning the basics of angular last Monday and now I'm gonna dive into a react. And to top it off I'm still a complete beginner in coding in general but fuck it this should be fun.


Implemented a few flows in my current project (a filebrowser) that should end up in our production application. I can confirm that redux-saga is the shit. Everything is nicely separated and pretty easy to understand what's going on where.

thanks for the info, sounds good.

I hit the wall with the otherwise fine, while messy, ajax using action creators, when I tried to implement undo. What a mess it was.
I really hope things will work out with saga, the code looks way cleaner with it.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Kind of funny how you can spend ages on a problem one day then fix it within a few minutes the next, saw what I was doing wrong with redux-saga and now it's working. Not sure if I'll use it over redux-thunk but glad I got it working.



Today's project. A mock-up of a business directory results page. My friend is currently building a directory for a company, he asked me to design him something and this was the result.

Really happy with the mobile page. The company logo auto hides to gain more space, and there's a nifty interactive tap/hover transition to show it.

Again, all built in HTML/CSS with a tiny bit of JQuery to emulate hover on touch devices. Going to build as much as I can with HTML/CSS alone even if I end up using JQuery, JS, Angular, Bootstrap, etc... for a lot of the fancy things, I'm learning so much about CSS this way. Going at it about 12hours a day, progress is swift.

Planning on learning JS/JQuery next. I haven't touched a video game for the last month, this is ridiculously fun/satisfying.

Daffy Duck

Kind of funny how you can spend ages on a problem one day then fix it within a few minutes the next, saw what I was doing wrong with redux-saga and now it's working. Not sure if I'll use it over redux-thunk but glad I got it working.

I know those feels!

I've spent about 5 hours trying to fix one thing once a few weeks back, the nex day with fresh eyes I solved the problem in about 30 minutes.

Works best on pc. Experimenting with divs.

Pretty neat! Some easy pointers:

- Simplify the CSS: instead of .top1, .top2 have an classes like "top top-1". You can use relative items inside absolute containers to get rid of the repetitive stuff like setting right amounts of right

- You can simplify main.js file a ton by just calling the same function with multiple selectors

$(".top, .right").on("touchstart", function () {...})

// or add every touchable item a class

$(".touchable").on("touchstart", function () {...});

- Not entirely sure what the methods are supposed to do though?

- You might get the touch support you want with using :active or :focus together with hover (you might need to add an empty listener for ontouchstart to body though: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3885018/active-pseudo-class-doesnt-work-in-mobile-safari)


Pretty neat! Some easy pointers:

- Simplify the CSS: instead of .top1, .top2 have an classes like "top top-1". You can use relative items inside absolute containers to get rid of the repetitive stuff like setting right amounts of right

I've been staring at code too long, I may have fried my brain... could you give me some examples please?

- You can simplify main.js file a ton by just calling the same function with multiple selectors

$(".top, .right").on("touchstart", function () {...})

// or add every touchable item a class

$(".touchable").on("touchstart", function () {...});

That's awesome, thanks. I haven't actually learnt JS/JQ yet, I found that online to do what I needed.

- Not entirely sure what the methods are supposed to do though?

It emulates hover on a touch device, it's not perfect. It lets you touch a :hover element so it's animation will play, but it doesn't rest it self unless you touch another element on the same page. It's a little temperamental too.

I've been pointed toward this.

- You might get the touch support you want with using :active or :focus together with hover (you might need to add an empty listener for ontouchstart to body though: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3885018/active-pseudo-class-doesnt-work-in-mobile-safari)

I'll look into this, thank you.


I started working at a company that uses Velocity templating so I can update their sites to use accessibility tags. The problem is that it's been 4 days and I haven't been given access to the dev machine so I can actually test changes...
I've been staring at code too long, I may have fried my brain... could you give me some examples please?

Here's an small example:

<div class="top">

/*top side*/
.top {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 315px;
    left: 50px;

.top > div {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 50px;
    height: 250px;
    background-color: #c7b47f;
    transition: all 1s;
    transform: translateY(165px);
    z-index: 9;

.top > div:hover {
  transform: translateX(0);

JS Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/f1e7hs38/1/

Here we have just an container called ".top" for the elements that come upwards. The container is positioned absolutely to the same position the individual blocks were.

The "top1, top2..." elements are now inline-blocks that have the widths and heights of the original designs. We use the child selector ">" to select them so they don't need to have any special classes. Same applies to the :hover selector

(When using inline-block, you need to know that it leaves an ankward 4px block between elements. You can combat this in many ways, in the fiddle the spaces are removed by combining the divs with comments but it's kinda ugly. See this for more information: https://css-tricks.com/fighting-the-space-between-inline-block-elements/)



Works best on pc. Experimenting with divs.


I need to find a better solution for touch devices.

Has anyone used Hammer.js?
I used hammer a lot in the past and it's alright. The bigger problem are the different touch implementations in the browsers. That's nothing hammer can solve.


Here's an small example:

<div class="top">

/*top side*/
.top {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 315px;
    left: 50px;

.top > div {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 50px;
    height: 250px;
    background-color: #c7b47f;
    transition: all 1s;
    transform: translateY(165px);
    z-index: 9;

.top > div:hover {
  transform: translateX(0);

JS Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/f1e7hs38/1/

Here we have just an container called ".top" for the elements that come upwards. The container is positioned absolutely to the same position the individual blocks were.

The "top1, top2..." elements are now inline-blocks that have the widths and heights of the original designs. We use the child selector ">" to select them so they don't need to have any special classes. Same applies to the :hover selector

(When using inline-block, you need to know that it leaves an ankward 4px block between elements. You can combat this in many ways, in the fiddle the spaces are removed by combining the divs with comments but it's kinda ugly. See this for more information: https://css-tricks.com/fighting-the-space-between-inline-block-elements/)

This is great advice. Currently my code is messy, I learn as I write so there are quite a few extraneous/redundant lines I've simply forgotten to remove.

Every time I builds something I find a new way, I love the discovery of it, but I know I have a long way to go yet.

My main concern right now is making stuff that looks/feels good to use, then making enough that through sheer volume I learn efficiency and better practise etc...

Anyway, this was really good advice, thank you.


Speaking of convoluted code, this one could be done with a fraction of the lines. I built it at the end of a coding session with minimal brain power intact. :3


A visualisation for downloads/transfers. Again, just experimenting/playing. I made the back link "load" with a hidden transition which was fun to work out.
I have a wordpress site that I have made that I will be launching soon anyone want to take a look? I wont post it freely, i will pm the adresss for those that want to take a look.

I would just prefer to keep it close the the chest for now. any feedback would be great !

Nelo Ice

Anyone have tips to prep for doing a live coding exercise through google docs?. I have a phone interview in the next 2 weeks with a company I really wanna work for so hoping I can nail the tech part since ironically that's my biggest weakness lol. The talking part of the interview is something I'm not nearly as worried about.

edit: Ok forgot the usual hackerrank, codewars, project euler, cracking the coding interview etc. Guess I just need to struggle through those again >_>.


I have a wordpress site that I have made that I will be launching soon anyone want to take a look? I wont post it freely, i will pm the adresss for those that want to take a look.

I would just prefer to keep it close the the chest for now. any feedback would be great !

I'll take a look.


I know this has probably been asked multiple times but this thread is so large and we all know how quickly things change in the JavaScript/Programming world so I will go ahead and ask it again.

What's the current best place for a person to start learning JavaScript/JS. I have experience in C#, Powershell, VB, SQL, basic HTML, and CSS. I can read most JavaScript and get an idea of what's going on, just need to hone it and get it all to "click".

Also what's the rage in libraries right now? I went to a conference a few weeks ago and seems like everyone is hot on Angular right now. Is that the opinion of the majority here?


The majority will definitely say that React is the new hotness, Angular is probably better in the short-term as far as job hunting goes.

With your knowledge I would say doing a project is probably the best way to learn. Sorry, don't know of any decent books, videos, etc.


I think it's all about personal preferences. Angular 1 is more or less at it's end of life with Angular 2 right around the corner ( I don't think the final release is very far away). And this is quite different than Angular 1, as it's build upon Typescript.

I still think that it will never be as popular as Angular 1.

So for me it's React. React with Redux is an amazing way to build apps and I love it.


Hi all.
I'm still new in all this (started learning like 2 months ago). I was just wondering which one is better:

.square1, .square2, .square3 {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	bottom: 0;
.square1 {
	background-color: #FF6161;
	left: 0;
	right: 66%;
.square2 {
	background-color: #4F953B;
	left: 33%;
	right: 33%;
.square3 {
	background-color: #0076FF;
	left: 66%;
	right: 0;
<div class="square1"></div>
<div class="square2"></div>
<div class="square3"></div>

.square > div {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	bottom: 0;
.square > div:nth-child(1) {
	background-color: #FF6161;
	left: 0;
	right: 66%;			
.square > div:nth-child(2) {
	background-color: #4F953B;
	left: 33%;
	right: 33%;			
.square > div:nth-child(3) {
	background-color: #0076FF;
	left: 66%;
	right: 0;
<div class="square">
Or is there a better method of doing this? Both are inside a container with relative positioning and fixed height.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Also what's the rage in libraries right now? I went to a conference a few weeks ago and seems like everyone is hot on Angular right now. Is that the opinion of the majority here?

I get more people talking to me about my React than Angular, but look into them both and see which you prefer.

Daffy Duck

I know this has probably been asked multiple times but this thread is so large and we all know how quickly things change in the JavaScript/Programming world so I will go ahead and ask it again.

What's the current best place for a person to start learning JavaScript/JS. I have experience in C#, Powershell, VB, SQL, basic HTML, and CSS. I can read most JavaScript and get an idea of what's going on, just need to hone it and get it all to "click".

Also what's the rage in libraries right now? I went to a conference a few weeks ago and seems like everyone is hot on Angular right now. Is that the opinion of the majority here?

I recommended it to WanderingWind and I'll recommend it to you, JavaScript and jquery by Jon Duckett is a fantastic book for learning the basics. I'm working through for JS& jQuery.

It's not an ebook or anything though but it's really well laid out and done, for me at least.
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