For a few weeks, the site a friend and I are running is at a crawl. I'm on broadband so a simple page takes 6 or 7 seconds to load. It seems stuck and then it finally decide to appear. My friend is on narrowband and can stare a blank screen for a minute or two before anything happens and then it slowly loads, even if you have less than 150K od fata to load.
I've removed all potential bandwidth killers and extra fluff and the problem remains. We also get complaint from other users for the same reason. All clues seems to point at the host, but before jumping at any conclusion, I'd like a second opinion.
Edit: oops, posted in the wrong section. Please move this topic.
I've removed all potential bandwidth killers and extra fluff and the problem remains. We also get complaint from other users for the same reason. All clues seems to point at the host, but before jumping at any conclusion, I'd like a second opinion.
Edit: oops, posted in the wrong section. Please move this topic.