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WEDNESDAYTON PT 3 or: How sony fans stopped worrying and learned to love the bomba

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Amir0x said:
I'll champion Unlimited SaGa over FF7 anyday. Underneath its infinitely obtuse surface is a game that has a really, REALLY strategic system.

FFVII cannot achieve strategy even on its best day.

i don't think that game could even tie its own shoes.


I wonder, what happened on August 22?? GAF had it's record viewers on that day and I don't recall any big announcement.

If it topped E3 it must have been quite huge.

Anyway, I wonder if we'll beat it this week (tonight?!)?
Oh man this is going to get crazy looks like I have to calm my nerves the same way this year as I did at the last TGS. By "accidentally" Stumbling upon wild Godzilla King SeeSaw Radioactive Tentacle sex.




Manmademan said:
FF7 is easy, I admit. 99% of all RPG's not made by atlus fall into this category. But all the strategy in the world doesn't make a damn bit of difference if your game isn't fun to play.

If I have to spend half the game digging through the "obtuse surface" to begin to enjoy it- fuck it, I'll sell it back and play something else.

Of course, but I prefer my games to offer some level of surface involvement to keep me awake. This is why Persona 3, to use a recent example, is so interesting... unlike FFVII where you can usually get away with just selecting attack and on boss battles throwing out your strongest summon over and over, Persona 3 forces you to react to each situation. And if you DON'T react, you'll fucking die.

Unlimited SaGa, God bless whoever can actually dig through its mountain high shit to reach the strategic core, essentially has that. It can offer this challenge, and it can be damn fun when you learn to be good at it.

Manmademan said:
It might be someone's cup of tea, but whoever it is is most certainly in the minority.

I don't think anyone said they weren't in the minority... but the majority has been wrong so many times in the past that I think it's almost humorous that this would somehow be a post mark of righteousness.


reilo said:
This is an elaborate inside joke between the mods to stir shit up and get people banned, right?



Oh yeah! All kinds of traps to come. The person I fear most is in this thread, and I'm sure bishoptl is lurking somewhere ready with the hammer!


Of course, but I prefer my games to offer some level of surface involvement to keep me awake. This is why Persona 3, to use a recent example, is so interesting... unlike FFVII where you can usually get away with just selecting attack and on boss battles throwing out your strongest summon over and over, Persona 3 forces you to react to each situation. And if you DON'T react, you'll fucking die.

How is the above situation not like almost every FF game? That's a FF situation, not a FFVII situation.
Dante said:

I'm not sure I just really doubt it'll be there this year other than some possible artwork. It took awhile before we got to really see SoTC. Those screens of it looking like a multiplayer game leaked out way before the real game did and we never got to see that version of the game in motion until SoTC was out.


Bad_Boy said:
I don't even know what this thread is about anymore.

Sexy Avatars, Unlimited Suckage, MightyTONS, Mod traps, and oh yeah some company called Soni? Sone? Whatever, they're in jp.


Would it be possible to patch already released PS3 games to have rumble when the new controllers come out? Sorry, just a shot in the dark..:(


TGS 2007: The Sony Press Conference Live Blog

That's right ladies and gentlemen; we're in the thick of the Tokyo Game Show, and that means there's more news, previews and updates than you can shake a can of Pringles at. What's happening tonight that's sure to knock your socks off? Well, it's none other than Sony's official press conference.

Will there be more news on rumblin' controllers? Will hear about LittleBigPlanet? Will there be an announcement about the PSP Slimmer Slim?

There's only one way to find out -- start clicking that refresh button 'round 6 p.m. PST and see what Anoop's got live from inside the conference room.

I hope he has cake.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Maggot9 said:
Would it be possible to patch already released PS3 games to have rumble when the new controllers come out? Sorry, just a shot in the dark..:(

Of course.


Honestly, an awesome showing of FFXIII would be infinitely more interesting to me than an FF7 remake.

I bought Unlimited Saga and enjoyed it for a bit, but honestly the battle system was too obtuse and random for me to enjoy. The reels were fine but a pain in the ass to use, and I ended up getting tired of it.

The field stuff was actually really interesting, and it really made you think about how to grow your characters, but the game was ultimately unsatisfying because it was so obtuse.

FF7 was infinitely more enjoyable, although the battles were definitely a pushover. If they remix FF7, I hope they give us a "hardcore" mode or something, that makes the status spells useful and ups the difficulty.

But again, bring on FFXIII before FFVII.


Unlimited Saga?


Give me FF13. Leave FF7 in the past on PS1.

White Knight Story is gonna be PS3 game of the show. Level 5 ftw.

Give me Dark Cloud 3!


TGS 2007: The Sony Press Conference Live Blog

That's right ladies and gentlemen; we're in the thick of the Tokyo Game Show, and that means there's more news, previews and updates than you can shake a can of Pringles at. What's happening tonight that's sure to knock your socks off? Well, it's none other than Sony's official press conference.

Will there be more news on rumblin' controllers? Will hear about LittleBigPlanet? Will there be an announcement about the PSP Slimmer Slim?

There's only one way to find out -- start clicking that refresh button 'round 6 p.m. PST and see what Anoop's got live from inside the conference room.

I hope he has cake.

Amir0x said:
Of course, but I prefer my games to offer some level of surface involvement to keep me awake. This is why Persona 3, to use a recent example, is so interesting... unlike FFVII where you can usually get away with just selecting attack and on boss battles throwing out your strongest summon over and over, Persona 3 forces you to react to each situation. And if you DON'T react, you'll fucking die.

Funny you should say that. I love persona 3. playing it as we speak. All games should be this great. FF7 is ridiculously easy, but it's kind of a product of its time. RPG's up to that time were all horribly niche and up to that time there really werent a lot of games out there that really pushed the envelope with innovative systems or strategy- at least none that came over this side of the atlantic.

Dragon warrior, FF, even Chrono trigger were all essentially dead easy games that slid by on immersive story lines and charming characters. After FF7 opened up the market (moreso with a deceptive advertising campaign than good gameplay) We started seeing the good stuff.

Unlimited SaGa, God bless whoever can actually dig through its mountain high shit to reach the strategic core, essentially has that. It can offer this challenge, and it can be damn fun when you learn to be good at it.

We'll just agree to disagree. I deemed the game not really worth my time. I really DID want to like it..I enjoyed Saga Frontier II quite a bit despite it's numerous flaws.

I don't think anyone said they weren't in the minority... but the majority has been wrong so many times in the past that I think it's almost humorous that this would somehow be a post mark of righteousness.

yes, the majority is wrong now and then but when a game gets almost universally bad reviews, you have to kind of admit that something's wrong there. Yeah, IGN gave godhand a 4 or something ridiculous but most reviewers were a lot more reasonable.
Ether_Snake said:
I wonder, what happened on August 22?? GAF had it's record viewers on that day and I don't recall any big announcement.

If it topped E3 it must have been quite huge.

Anyway, I wonder if we'll beat it this week (tonight?!)?

Bioshock release?


fistfulofmetal said:


I'll give you some points for that. Lately I've really been into short hair.

But sorry, not good enough to win this contest.
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