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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Imm0rt4l said:
I currently weigh 215ish, I actually want to gain 10-15 within the next year. Trying to bulk up more, I'm 5"10".

5'10" and 215? You're already classified as overweight based on your BMI, borderline obese. Are you all muscle?


Don't got any body shots. But since I took up weight training about 8 months ago, I bulked up and shaved off some fat (actually gained weight in terms of #'s). I know these shots are in different angle/lighting, but yeah.




Nice. This has motivated me to lose weight.

In middle school I was like 200 lbs and short. In high school got down to 180 lbs from depression and grew about a foot. But depression and not losing the weight the right way put me back up up to 210 lbs over time (current).

Now it's time to get back down and tone my muscles :]

Going to change the way I eat and run ever day for a while. Then I'm going to start working out, do some yoga maybe, and maybe some martial arts.

I'll post the before and after picture in a year. Dec 9, 2009. Yeah boi.


holy cuntsuck... those are some impressive before/after shots.

How many of you (especially Tieno... that shit was in 8 mths) had to deal with parents/friends/family (especially your moms) asking if you had an eating disorder? A few of you look like completely different people.

Parisi, you look 10 years younger in those pics. Kind of crazy.


Jealous Bastard
the eating disorder thing came up pretty often. people--especially people who cannot themselves put their mind to something and accomplish a weight loss--really want to presume the worst. they want to think you're "cheating." the truth is that there's no trick to it; it's just a lot of hard work.

but the payoff is immeasurable.


Manics said:
5'10" and 215? You're already classified as overweight based on your BMI, borderline obese. Are you all muscle?

All muscle no. I am muscular, I workout regularly. I don't know my body fat percentage, I need to find a way to calculate that actually, but I'm most definitely fit.
-Rogue5- said:
holy cuntsuck... those are some impressive before/after shots.

How many of you (especially Tieno... that shit was in 8 mths) had to deal with parents/friends/family (especially your moms) asking if you had an eating disorder? A few of you look like completely different people.
Parisi, you look 10 years younger in those pics. Kind of crazy.
:lol Yeah, it really doesn't make much sense.


Imm0rt4l said:
All muscle no. I am muscular, I workout regularly. I don't know my body fat percentage, I need to find a way to calculate that actually, but I'm most definitely fit.

I'm just interested because I hear that BMI calculations are sometimes out of whack since they don't take body type of the individual into account. For example I am 6'1" and I got down to 182 lbs, I thought I was too skinny, but my BMI actually said I was the right weight, and close to being overweight (if I got over 189 lbs). They actually have me at "normal" weight all the way down to fucking 141 lbs. I'd look like a skeleton at that weight. :lol

Check this quick calculator:

Nathan Rain said:
This thread made me realize GAF is not the nerd-fest I thought it was. :lol

Congrats to everyone!

this thread changes nothing.


I lost 20 pounds my freshman year of high school playing DDR.


-Rogue5- said:
holy cuntsuck... those are some impressive before/after shots.

How many of you (especially Tieno... that shit was in 8 mths) had to deal with parents/friends/family (especially your moms) asking if you had an eating disorder? A few of you look like completely different people.

Parisi, you look 10 years younger in those pics. Kind of crazy.
I came close to having one, but recognized my routine was getting unhealthy and turned it around. It's dangerous to get obsessed because it's sometimes all you can think about. Pro-tip: don't weigh yourself too often either.

At the christmas party of 2004 there was an aunt who had gotten a stomach reduction and lost a lot of weight too, flaunting it everywhere. She came 'whining' to me I stole her thunder. 1 chubby aunt also was very annoyingly trying to convince me I shouldn't loose more weight.

At the other side of the family the christmas party was at our home and I had to get the door so everytime people were incredibly surprised as they hadn't seen me in months.

I've found women are the most surprised/interested and usually, not always, very hopefully asume I went on some holygrail diet I found in a book or cut on some kind of eating...but when I say how often and what kind of excercise I do they are a bit dissapointed.


Jew Gamer
Tieno said:
I came close to having one, but recognized my routine was getting unhealthy and turned it around. It's dangerous to get obsessed because it's sometimes all you can think about. Pro-tip: don't weigh yourself too often either.

At the christmas party of 2004 there was an aunt who had gotten a stomach reduction and lost a lot of weight too, flaunting it everywhere. She came 'whining' to me I stole her thunder. 1 chubby aunt also was very annoyingly trying to convince me I shouldn't loose more weight.

At the other side of the family the christmas party was at our home and I had to get the door so everytime people were incredibly surprised as they hadn't seen me in months.

I've found women are the most surprised/interested and usually, not always, very hopefully asume I went on some holygrail diet I found in a book or cut on some kind of eating...but when I say how often and what kind of excercise I do they are a bit dissapointed.

TRUTH! The best way is once a week, if not youll get depressed, you do fluctuate, lose 5 today gain 4 tomorrow thing

I hate the whole "don't lose more" these are the same people who said i looked fine before lol

Zoe said:
Well, I'd post my picture at my heaviest, but I removed it from Picasa after Zaraki_Kenpachi saw it :lol

(maybe I'll re-add it once I'm home)

I've lost approximately 30lbs since then (2.5 years ago). My current goal is to lose 20 or so more.

I lost the first 15 from just working out. At my peak there were days when I would spend ~3 hours at the gym--mostly on cardio-related stuff. I quit that after 6 months though and then stagnated for a while. It wasn't until a year and a half ago that I started to lose weight again. I was living on my own for the first time in 7 years and stopped eating out. So that last 15 came off just from eating very minimally.

Now I've stagnated again. When I started my job, I re-joined the gym, but I also started eating more regularly and snacking at the desk. Of course, those two cancel each other out. So I've decided now that starting today, I'm cutting back again. We'll see how that goes!

desk jobs are DEATH, well boredom itself is

Remember un-flavored popcorn is a good snack if you must! :)

And yeah, as a girl I can see some dickish GAFfers being pricks here so if you don't wanna share it you don't have to


Jew Gamer
DeathNote said:
Nice. This has motivated me to lose weight.

In middle school I was like 200 lbs and short. In high school got down to 180 lbs from depression and grew about a foot. But depression and not losing the weight the right way put me back up up to 210 lbs over time (current).

Now it's time to get back down and tone my muscles :]

Going to change the way I eat and run ever day for a while. Then I'm going to start working out, do some yoga maybe, and maybe some martial arts.

I'll post the before and after picture in a year. Dec 9, 2009. Yeah boi.

Maybe is a bad word when losing weight, if your not dedicated you won't follow through, you have to leave the gate running

Dark Octave said:
:lol Yeah, it really doesn't make much sense.

Well based on my current weight you COULD say I am half the man I used to be ;) lol


Here's me summer of 2006:


And here's me a couple months ago, showing off my new shirt


And a couple from today for this thread:



(sorry for shitty quality on the phone pics)

Basically I'm 6'2 and in that first pic I was about 300 pounds...in February 07 I was still 305. I decided to lose weight, and now I'm about 220. Size 46/32 pants to 36/32. XXL to L. The shot with the belt shows you the one I'm wearing now...I started on the last hole in February, and now I've punched a new one to make it smaller.

I'd like to drop another 15-20 pounds, but I'm pretty happy about what I've done so far.


Jew Gamer
Awesome job Thaedolus ^_^

I just FINALLY got rid of my old belt, I figured it was time, the past is gone and I have kept the weight off so I bought new belts (all my old clothes are either in the garbage or given away, nothing is left ^_^)


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
No, it's not working too well because spot reduction does not exist.

Please, do go on.

Honestly, because I have no idea what you just said


Mar_ said:
Please, do go on.

Honestly, because I have no idea what you just said

You can't do a thousand sit-ups each day and expect all of your weight to be coming off your stomach.


Jew Gamer
Mar_ said:
Please, do go on.

Honestly, because I have no idea what you just said

Its impossible to only work one part of your body


First thing that came up in google typing in his exact quote it you wan't more info on what he means ;)

ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
I KEEEEEEEEEEEEED, im in the process so to speak now, might have pics in like 6 months or something :)

Show a before and a now picture, it doesn't have to be drastic, your working on it and you have seen that results can be HUGE ^_^ Show us the interim! :)

also: To the person who said I look emo now, I wear a lot of black clothes yes, but I am far from emo ;) I just have short hair now with long bangs, it was time for a change but I love the hair in the eyes when I am playing, it just gives me a rush

I will be going back to my natural hair colour for a while to let my hair heal after months of constant dying (black - bleached - black - black AND bleached) until I tour in april when I am probably going silver-purple ^_^

My ex loved long hair, when we broke up I got rid of it, was time for a change is all :)
-Rogue5- said:
holy cuntsuck... those are some impressive before/after shots.

How many of you (especially Tieno... that shit was in 8 mths) had to deal with parents/friends/family (especially your moms) asking if you had an eating disorder? A few of you look like completely different people.
I lost 100 lbs in 11 months, and never once got asked.

People may have indirectly asked me I suppose, but everyone just asked, "how are you doing it?"

Once I detailed how I was eating healthier and exercising, that was that.


lsslave said:
Its impossible to only work one part of your body


First thing that came up in google typing in his exact quote it you wan't more info on what he means ;)

I never said I expected to get a six pack from concentrating on my abs one day a week at the gym. I have a program that runs over two weeks concentrating on all areas of my body. What I was saying is, I added a day concentrating solely on my abs, but I know it will never get any better because I drink too much beer.

Well, never get any better isn't actually true. Since starting that I've got a two pack (upper abs) and the sides have gotten smaller too. But the beer will probably always mean I have a little pot belly down there covering the rest. To be honest it doesn't bother me. I'd rather eat and drink what I like and maintain a weight I'm happy with, than sacrifice that for a tight stomach area that hardly anyone will ever see.

It's interesting reading some of the replies in this thread. Specifically the ones about relatives and friends being jealous, and asking what the secret is. Like you, I also have noticed that people are disappointed to hear that there's no wonder diet. But that the solution is to just get out there and get active. I don't understand it myself. Doing exercise for a couple of hours a week is a shit tonne easier than restricting the foods you eat. Why people would rather do that than getting off their ass is beyond me, and the main reason why I don't have sympathy for very overweight people now.


Mar_ said:
I never said I expected to get a six pack from concentrating on my abs one day a week at the gym. I have a program that runs over two weeks concentrating on all areas of my body. What I was saying is, I added a day concentrating solely on my abs, but I know it will never get any better because I drink too much beer.

Well, never get any better isn't actually true. Since starting that I've got a two pack (upper abs) and the sides have gotten smaller too. But the beer will probably always mean I have a little pot belly down there covering the rest. To be honest it doesn't bother me. I'd rather eat and drink what I like and maintain a weight I'm happy with, than sacrifice that for a tight stomach area that hardly anyone will ever see.

Heh, I have the same problem except that instead of beer, I just love fried foods. :p I don't do diets but thanks to exercise, I manage to go down from size 34 to size 30 and at this rate, I'll go to size 28. But there's this tiny flat tyre on my tummy which annoys me. I can start seeing some definition on the upper part of my stomach but damn, this lower bit is hard. It's not like I eat junk food. I just love eating whatever I want to eat (mostly Japanese foods).

It's interesting reading some of the replies in this thread. Specifically the ones about relatives and friends being jealous, and asking what the secret is. Like you, I also have noticed that people are disappointed to hear that there's no wonder diet. But that the solution is to just get out there and get active. I don't understand it myself. Doing exercise for a couple of hours a week is a shit tonne easier than restricting the foods you eat.

Same here. One friend asked me how it happened. I told her if she exercises for one hour everyday at the gym, she too will see the result. I don't recommend doing it for one hour at first though. In my case, I started just jogging for 15 minutes for 3 days. Then I ended up doing it everyday, then I started to go to the gym to do weights for 45 minutes on top of the 15 minutes jogging. After a while, I get so used to doing it that the laziness to not go just disappear on its own.

I also never realized before how much easier it is to exercise for 1 hour everyday than restricting what you eat. I mean, what's the point? In the end, you'll be tempted to eat what you wanted to eat.


When I was in high school, this picture was taken near my highest weight. I was probably 215 lbs:

After losing about 65 lbs, but not having much time to lift weights due to college:

And gaining some good weight after graduating from college:


Whoa, all of the ex-"big people" look so much better now. Like totally different people. Especially Tieno and Mike. Awesome.

This just proves that looking fit looks better than looking fat.


come in my shame circle
It's easy to know why people keep looking for something other then exercise. Because having to put in that work sounds way to hard to them. It sounds easier to not eat bread then it is to run for 30 minutes.


Kave_Man said:
It's easy to know why people keep looking for something other then exercise. Because having to put in that work sounds way to hard to them. It sounds easier to not eat bread then it is to run for 30 minutes.

Yeah, but still. Dieting just isn't maintainable. Eventually you will be tempted to eat the 'bad' foods, and you will put the weight back on. It's a cycle that will never end and continually keep you depressed.

Alternatively, you can exercise 20 minutes a day, a walk, a jog, whatever, and eat whatever you want. Not whenever you want, keep your eating to 3 meals a day, but whatever you want. This is achievable and normal eating behavior, and maintainable for your entire life.


Jew Gamer
Mar_ said:
Yeah, but still. Dieting just isn't maintainable. Eventually you will be tempted to eat the 'bad' foods, and you will put the weight back on. It's a cycle that will never end and continually keep you depressed.

Alternatively, you can exercise 20 minutes a day, a walk, a jog, whatever, and eat whatever you want. Not whenever you want, keep your eating to 3 meals a day, but whatever you want. This is achievable and normal eating behavior, and maintainable for your entire life.

Or do like I did, no dieting, no exercising, just doing little things all day long :)

instead of a 20 minute walk I put in hours of walking by doing all my errands on foot, stuff like that :D


Tieno said:
I've found women are the most surprised/interested and usually, not always, very hopefully asume I went on some holygrail diet I found in a book or cut on some kind of eating...but when I say how often and what kind of excercise I do they are a bit dissapointed.

Oddly enough, I could see how it would become addicting...not the losing weight, but the regime... the day-in/day-out stuff. Constantly wanting to be a more efficient in both your diet and your workout. I thought you said all you did was run... and then marathon. Or am I confusing you with someone else.

STRUCT09 -- I'd like to get your workout details. As it stands, I'm closer to your anemic picture (the one in the middle), but my goal is to get to your last picture (not so much muscle mass and being ultra ripped, but rather lean with good definition.. that's where I want to be.) And yeah, my chest is completely weaksauce.
I have just started to go on a diet and excercising. Just joined the gym again today. Back in my hockey days i was 180 then I went to 220 within a year and then went back to 180 3 months after that. I maintained it until I got married and then balooned to 220 again.

Now I am at 220 and went to the gym today ran for 45 minutes then did some of the usual weights I use to for 30 min. No more sugar, fried foods and fast food. Hopefully I can pull off miracle weight loss by the 27th again.

Wish me luck dudes.


Kave_Man said:
It's easy to know why people keep looking for something other then exercise. Because having to put in that work sounds way to hard to them. It sounds easier to not eat bread then it is to run for 30 minutes.

I think the key is to not get pressured by what others claim to be "the most efficient" workout, especially when you just start working out. I don't think I can go jogging for 30 minutes flat in a day so I only do 15 minutes (or 20 minutes if I feel like it). To compensate for the short length, I do it everyday and do it as intensive as I can.

Just do what you think you can for now (even something as simple as walking around a park everyday) and increase the length/intensity as you go along. Just make sure you make a routine of it instead of just doing it once then give up. The first run is hard but the 2nd one is always harder because your body is not used to intense training. And from time to time, there are times when your body just feel like not wanting to do it.

Ignore your body's tendency to whinge. I find that even when I feel like I don't want to go jogging, the minute I actually do it, I actually can run well. Oh also, there are times when it feels like your body is not making any progress but it actually does. You just can't see it yet. Just keep doing it and when you least expect it, you'll realize that your body has transformed somehow. Just hang in there and keep up the exercise. And once you get used to exercising then you can look for a more efficient workout routine.
Zoe said:
Well, I'd post my picture at my heaviest, but I removed it from Picasa after Zaraki_Kenpachi saw it :lol

(maybe I'll re-add it once I'm home)

I've lost approximately 30lbs since then (2.5 years ago). My current goal is to lose 20 or so more.

I lost the first 15 from just working out. At my peak there were days when I would spend ~3 hours at the gym--mostly on cardio-related stuff. I quit that after 6 months though and then stagnated for a while. It wasn't until a year and a half ago that I started to lose weight again. I was living on my own for the first time in 7 years and stopped eating out. So that last 15 came off just from eating very minimally.

Now I've stagnated again. When I started my job, I re-joined the gym, but I also started eating more regularly and snacking at the desk. Of course, those two cancel each other out. So I've decided now that starting today, I'm cutting back again. We'll see how that goes!

You're heaviest wasn't as bad as you made it seem. :lol It seemed like what you were doing before was helping you reach your goal. I hope you reach your goal! :D
I used to be 5'10" and 210lbs as a freshman in high school. I'm now 6'2" and 160lb and in second year college.

I went on a low carb thing and lost about 35lbs in 2 months between freshman and sophomore year in high school.

I'm exercised and well-toned now :). Was even on swim.


Totally unrelated but GAF's google targeted ads really amuse me sometimes. How does a thread about weight loss got anything to do with Resident Evil 5? After all, weight loss does not equal to "as skinny as a zombie".



Had a pretty significant transformation from freshman year of college to current me in my junior year. Changed my diet completely, no fast food, pork/beef for awhile, or mayo, no soda, did water for a good year and a half, started walking all over campus wherever i wanted to go, one solid healthy meal a day, all the stuff we've heard about. Did a little workout regiment for half an hour a night, nothing major, situps/pushups I just didnt want to feel so lazy anymore. Now my eating is under control, and my walks are even longer everyday, feels good, music helps alot. At my max i got close to 200lbs, im only 5"8 and from pics its obvious i was overweight, and now im at 135, feels pretty good. oh and be nice :p




come in my shame circle
Mar_ said:
Yeah, but still. Dieting just isn't maintainable. Eventually you will be tempted to eat the 'bad' foods, and you will put the weight back on. It's a cycle that will never end and continually keep you depressed.

Alternatively, you can exercise 20 minutes a day, a walk, a jog, whatever, and eat whatever you want. Not whenever you want, keep your eating to 3 meals a day, but whatever you want. This is achievable and normal eating behavior, and maintainable for your entire life.

Oh I know, I'm just saying this is in my experience why so many people try these diets instead of exercising and eating right.

One of my best friends realized he put on a lot of weight so he decided he would start doing the no carbs diet. Sure he lost 5-6 pounds doing it for a while, but of course once he stopped here are all the pounds back plus a couple more. Then he'd just repeat the cycle over and over until he gave up.

Just drives me insane to see him keep trying these fad diets, despite how much I try to convince him to do some running or walking or something and he'll see better results in the long run. :(


It's so interesting seeing how so many guys change their hairstyles after shedding the weight :lol


I don't have any pictures because I hate taking pictures of myself. But, earlier this year I was about 210 - 215 lbs. Now, it is December and I am between 180 - 185.

Not all that dramatic, but it's still good for me. My goal is to get down to about 170. Maybe even less.


Jew Gamer
Zoe said:
It's so interesting seeing how so many guys change their hairstyles after shedding the weight :lol

Actually I have wanted to go long hair again, I haven't had it super long in years :/ (girls prefer the short hair thing I spose but I love the lenggggth)

But in the spirit of changing my hair... I change it so often its not even funny... im gonna lose it with the constant dye jobs (no more extensions though, I have a patch where the glue ripped out my fucking hair >.<)
Mar_ said:
I never said I expected to get a six pack from concentrating on my abs one day a week at the gym. I have a program that runs over two weeks concentrating on all areas of my body. What I was saying is, I added a day concentrating solely on my abs, but I know it will never get any better because I drink too much beer.

Well, never get any better isn't actually true. Since starting that I've got a two pack (upper abs) and the sides have gotten smaller too. But the beer will probably always mean I have a little pot belly down there covering the rest. To be honest it doesn't bother me. I'd rather eat and drink what I like and maintain a weight I'm happy with, than sacrifice that for a tight stomach area that hardly anyone will ever see.
If you go to the gym regularly, your abs are likely already incredible, but you just can't see them under the fat. As long as you're a beer drinker, you're wasting your time on ab days. You could get a more full workout trying something else.


Holy shit... I've been exercising mildly on-and-off for a while now but this thread has inspired me to do it much more regularly! I'm a chronic scale-checker (though it is fun to check before and after I go to the bathroom :lol) and realise that it's more detrimental than anything. Also great to read that it's more exercise than diet that make a difference... I can see how worrying about what to eat would cause more anxiety than going for a jog each day.

I'm about to go on a break for a month or so (the big holidays here in Aus. are at the end of the year) so I'm going to get a solid routine going now. Hopefully there'll be a difference when I go back to work mid-Jan!

BTW, will post "before" pics once I get an "after" ;) 6'4" and weigh about 215lbs (97kg). Shooting for *at least* 175lbs (80kg).

PS. www.ilooklikefit.com is a GREAT site that dispels a lot of diet and exercise myths, as well as being written for non-fitness freaks.
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