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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


For weight loss? Bread is factually bad. It's high on calories and has little actual nutrients. Eating similiar ammount of calories through meat or vegetables will give you a lot more valuable macros. Grains are pretty much useless calories. If you're just living your life then it's fine, but when loosing weight you need to limit the calories intake. When faces with much less calories to eat each day it only makes sense to ensure that the food you use them up on actually provides your body with more than just sugar.

Oh, I'm not arguing that high doses of carbohydrates aren't great for weight loss. I mean generally, as a general hypothesis the Palaeolithic diet doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Yes, breads are bad for weight loss, but so are equivalent amounts of potatoes or high starchy vegetables.


Yes, breads are bad for weight loss, but so are equivalent amounts of potatoes or high starchy vegetables.

Well..generally primal diets go against eating potatoes and starchy vegetables too :) Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like the whole cult-like mentality and weird theories a lot of paleo folk have. They're extremists and a lot of what they say isn;t backed up by science. For example, they treat all diary as pure evil, which is especially silly to me, because I'm from slavic ethnicity and we have adapted excellent to diary products.

That's why I suggested primal instead of paleo. Specifically Primal Blueprint is really nice diet for weight loss, as it has all that's good about paleo without the crazy extremes. It allows for ocassional diary, doesn't treat some starches and beans as pure evil either, just as inferior to meat/other vegetables. Plus it assumes that if you stick to primal 80% of the time you will do just fine.


I'm sure it's been discussed in this mammoth thread, but this 5:2 diet is sounding appealing to me.

Never really been on a diet before, don't really eat badly, but getting older now and generally getting rounder and rounder. First time in my life I'm actually conscious of it.
I know "cut down food and do more exercise" is the right thing long term, but, without making excuses, I've got 3 young kids and a busy job.... I don't have the time to do enough exercise to really make a difference.
I still go out walking with the dog and outside as much as possible with the kids on the weekend, so I'm hardly a couch potato.

So, this 5:2 sounds great.
Just wondering what foods are going to be best on the "2" days. I've seen a few recipes online and they are all fancy stuff, which, again, I don't have the time to make (I do all the cooking in the house anyway, so will be making meal for the kids, sometimes something different for my wife, then something different for me)
Also, I work from home so always have access to the fridge / cupboard and have no will power when I get hungry, so basically just want a bowl of "something" that I can nibble on through the day.

My before photo is going to be this one.... while the baby loves the extra padding as a pillow, this photo is the one that made me think "time to do something"


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Hey all. I'm having issues losing some weight so I am going to try a 3 day juice fast next week. Any of you done it? Have any good recipes to help keep me full?

Did/do you just do 3 juices a day, or do you have like 5?
Went back into full low carb mode and lost 10 lbs of water weight in 3 days.\

I miss this.

Now that I am graduated and don't have to worry about working and going to school at the same time hopefully I never fall off the bandwagon again.

Chris R

Went back into full low carb mode and lost 10 lbs of water weight in 3 days.\

I miss this.

Now that I am graduated and don't have to worry about working and going to school at the same time hopefully I never fall off the bandwagon again.

Dropped $100 at costco last night to get back into low carb as well. Finishing out the fridge tonight with meals planned for the rest of the week.


Any good resources you guys follow for low-carb meals? Would love to give it a try. I'm not that creative when it comes to cooking. Get bored quick.
Hey Weight Loss Gaf don't know if I ever posted here but I've been lurking in this thread for a year and I'd like to say your progress has helped inspire me to lose weight. I started last year on my birthday in March I weighed 304 pounds and by the end of August I lost 44 pounds and I have been able to maintain my weight during the semester. Now that its the summer again I can fully focus on finishing my goal of reaching 220 pounds. My workouts started with thirty minutes of intense cardio and abdominal exercises. I'd add five minutes to the cardio and ten more reps to the abdominal exercises every few weeks. I reached the point where I'd run for a hour and burn 1,500 calories and I'd do three sets of 100 on these two machines. I worked out on average 4-5 days a week sometimes I'd even go back in the same day and do the same workout.



The first machine I'd put a max of forty pounds while the second machine at my gym is a 360 degree version like the first machine allowing me to isolate and focus on different parts of my abdominals, I would have it set at 120 pounds.

Here's a pic of me at 315 pounds back in 2011 and here's a recent photo of me at 260 pounds.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hey Weight Loss Gaf don't know if I ever posted here but I've been lurking in this thread for a year and I'd like to say your progress has helped inspire me to lose weight. I started last year on my birthday in March I weighed 304 pounds and by the end of August I lost 44 pounds and I have been able to maintain my weight during the semester. Now that its the summer again I can fully focus on finishing my goal of reaching 220 pounds. My workouts started with thirty minutes of intense cardio and abdominal exercises. I'd add five minutes to the cardio and ten more reps to the abdominal exercises every few weeks. I reached the point where I'd run for a hour and burn 1,500 calories and I'd do three sets of 100 on these two machines. I worked out on average 4-5 days a week sometimes I'd even go back in the same day and do the same workout.

The first machine I'd put a max of forty pounds while the second machine at my gym is a 360 degree version like the first machine allowing me to isolate and focus on different parts of my abdominals, I would have it set at 120 pounds.

Here's a pic of me at 315 pounds back in 2011 and here's a recent photo of me at 260 pounds.
Man, that's an inspiring story and those pictures are just awesome. With the dedication you've shown with your loss and maintenance I've no doubt you'll hit your goals. Keep on being awesome.

Chris R

Any good resources you guys follow for low-carb meals? Would love to give it a try. I'm not that creative when it comes to cooking. Get bored quick.

I just take my favorite meals and remove the carbs.

Taco/Burrito turns into a taco salad (just watch the salt!)
Pizza/Pasta turns into just the sauce/toppings with a nice salad and veg side.

Cut all sugar and soda.

Hoping the transition back into Keto doesn't treat me as bad as it did the first time.


It really sucks how slow this thread is these days compared to OT1.

In saying that, keto-diastix show me in the fort range for ketone bodies, which means I'm definitely in Ketosis.

You know what? Yesterday I ate a grand total of a small tuna salad (90g tuna, 30g spinach, half an avocado, 4 cherry tomatoes and some mayonaise).........and 2 beef sausages from my butcher with a side of spinach and mushrooms (couldn't be more than 50g).........

I feel great....and I don't get super hungry, and I feel like the food I ate yesterday...my brain is telling me that it's a really pathetic amount but my body is saying that I'm good, I'm energised.....

I even went for an hour long run.

I feel great....Highly recommend this diet if you can do it.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
So i've started doing what the OP pretty much did although im still a little lazy, im walking around 20,000 steps most days unless i dont go out, switched to coke zero and i do weights but not a full on regime as im in no rush, lost about a stone, but im not posting on here my before and after till im satisfied with myself :p

could somebody suggest a good site for healthy food recipies that arent too expensive, i want to make not eating crap more interesting and fun, i dont trust the internet without somebody real to back it up

Well I finally made some progress

At 18 I was a 38" waistband and weighed around 15 stone, I did have a picture of my naked flesh but I must have deleted it somewhere along the line, kinda gutted as I'd love to have had a proper comparison...oh well

other pic is from the other weekend, I'm now 20, 13 stone, 34" but getting bigger/stronger with the help of fitgaf, it's not the best pic and I am wasted in it, but it's the best contrast I could find ^_^

I tried Running, P90x, Insanity, weird diets and all that jazz, none of it worked for me, but the gym did..

Feels fucking A' to post this here finally




No way that is fat at all. That's being in good shape, then being in great shape. You look great though. It's funny how everyone still wants to improve themselves, and the different standards we have. Always need to bettering myself.

Seriously. I'd kill to be "skinny fat" all day long.
Anyone have a good (and relatively simple) low carb ice cream recipe?

Some days I just need to indulge myself a bit.... and most of the recipes I find online require wayyyyy too many ingredients, and way too much work.


Bummer that this thread is so dead. I posted in here a little less than a year ago about losing 60 pounds in four months over the summer. I posted pictures and everything. I deleted my photobucket account so the pictures are gone, and I put back on 25 of the pounds from September to mid-June. Was a little disheartening, but comparing me at 265 this June to the 265 I was back in 2012 in pictures, I looked way better now. I think I must have gained some muscle and am in better shape overall, maybe a lower BF%.

Anyway, over the last 2 and half weeks I've lost 16 pounds to get back to 249. I'll hit 240 by the end of next week, and then I still have 6 weeks to lose a bit more before school starts. I'm running consistently again, and am back on the same diet from last summer where I lost 60 pounds. I refuse to become someone who loses a bunch of weight and just reverts back to old habits. I had my fun eating and drinking during school, but now it's fucking gut-check time. It feels great to be losing again. I'd love to hit 185 by Christmas, which would put me at 115 lost overall. We'll see. Even breaking 200 would be great.

People should keep posting here! It's nice to have other people to talk about this stuff with. I will have more pictures when the time is right.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Bummer that this thread is so dead. I posted in here a little less than a year ago about losing 60 pounds in four months over the summer. I posted pictures and everything. I deleted my photobucket account so the pictures are gone, and I put back on 25 of the pounds from September to mid-June. Was a little disheartening, but comparing me at 265 this June to the 265 I was back in 2012 in pictures, I looked way better now. I think I must have gained some muscle and am in better shape overall, maybe a lower BF%.

Anyway, over the last 2 and half weeks I've lost 16 pounds to get back to 249. I'll hit 240 by the end of next week, and then I still have 6 weeks to lose a bit more before school starts. I'm running consistently again, and am back on the same diet from last summer where I lost 60 pounds. I refuse to become someone who loses a bunch of weight and just reverts back to old habits. I had my fun eating and drinking during school, but now it's fucking gut-check time. It feels great to be losing again. I'd love to hit 185 by Christmas, which would put me at 115 lost overall. We'll see. Even breaking 200 would be great.

People should keep posting here! It's nice to have other people to talk about this stuff with. I will have more pictures when the time is right.
That's awesome that you've made so much progress so rapidly!

Yeah, this thread didn't take off quite like I'd hoped, but let's not forget that the old one was older than the hills!

Personally I've been maintaining pretty well. Went through a tough patch recently but I'm moving on re-motivated!

Wait, there's two of these threads active?

Yeah. Threads get shut down automatically when they get to a certain size. The old thread was getting to that point so I asked a mod if it would be cool to make a new one. They gave me the go-ahead but people never really stopped trickling posts in the old one, but not enough to really auto-kill it yet. Eventually there'll be only the new one though.
I didn't mean to split the user base like an expansion pack :'(
New thread for new bods: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=750965&page=1

Dead Man

Is there a new one? I only knew of this one and it still wasn't locked so I assumed it was the only one.
Yeah, seems a bit confusing.
Yeah. Threads get shut down automatically when they get to a certain size. The old thread was getting to that point so I asked a mod if it would be cool to make a new one. They gave me the go-ahead but people never really stopped trickling posts in the old one, but not enough to really auto-kill it yet. Eventually there'll be only the new one though.
I didn't mean to split the user base like an expansion pack :'(
New thread for new bods: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=750965&page=1

All good. I posted in this one once I think, but then I saw the 2014 thread so I've been posting there. Anyway, more of a lurker instead of poster in these sorts of threads, but I did post pics in the newer thread.
started at 237. Currently at 225.

10 weeks to go. i've been dropping 2 pounds a week.

going to be awhile before i can even get to 160lbs again though lol.

all the clothes in the closet that i haven't worn over a year. fml.


Full werewolf off the buckle
started at 237. Currently at 225.

10 weeks to go. i've been dropping 2 pounds a week.

going to be awhile before i can even get to 160lbs again though lol.

all the clothes in the closet that i haven't worn over a year. fml.
Hey, you're moving at a great clip. They'll be waiting for your triumphant return.


hide your water-based mammals
I've been on my diet for about 45 days now. Initially went to Walmart to try one of their scales and it showed I lost about 3.5 lbs in 4-5 days. I haven't weighed myself since. That was October 1st and I was 320. I have never felt this good for being still a tad big. I'm not short so I don't look my weight.
So what are some good resources for largely overweight(315lbs) diets?

I'm nearly 24 years old, 6' 315 lbs, I work retail which requires me to be on my feet walking for 3-5 hours a day, 5 days a week. I don't have a whole lot of time for exercise after work as I do have other work/social commitments, but if there is something I can do at home for an hour or something I can do that most likely.

I drink a ton of soda. I'm cutting that out and replacing it with water. My diet consists of primarily fast food as that fits into my limited time schedule, and it's(relatively) cheap.

I'm tired of being fat. And I'm trying to do whatever I can to change a bunch of aspects of my life after having a mental breakdown a while back. Any nudges in the right direction is greatly appreciated!
So what are some good resources for largely overweight(315lbs) diets?

I'm nearly 24 years old, 6' 315 lbs, I work retail which requires me to be on my feet walking for 3-5 hours a day, 5 days a week. I don't have a whole lot of time for exercise after work as I do have other work/social commitments, but if there is something I can do at home for an hour or something I can do that most likely.

I drink a ton of soda. I'm cutting that out and replacing it with water. My diet consists of primarily fast food as that fits into my limited time schedule, and it's(relatively) cheap.

I'm tired of being fat. And I'm trying to do whatever I can to change a bunch of aspects of my life after having a mental breakdown a while back. Any nudges in the right direction is greatly appreciated!

Hey, there's a new thread you should post this in instead: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=344814&page=198

edit: oops I see you did that. :lol nevermind.


Formerly Gizmowned
Been cutting for the past 2 weeks. Got another 4 maybe 5 weeks to go. Probably slack a little on the diet over Christmas but I'll still work out.

My sessions are 60-90 minutes a day for 5 days with 2 days rest on Wednesday and Sunday.

I'm doing strength, resistance, cardio and HIIT. So far I've lost 8-9 pounds in the first 2 weeks. Started at 168 pounds now 159-160 pounds.

Aiming to achieve 140-145 pounds with 10% lower body fat by New Years Eve. I'm in competion with my dad and who ever wins will get £1000. The aim is not to lose most weight but get the best physique and lower body fat.

He used to work out all the time when he was young and did kick boxing. I've never seen many photos of him when he was young but he was ripped. Only advantage I have is being younger and having all day to work out since I work from home.

I can gain muscle pretty quick so it should be fun to see what I can do in 6 weeks. I wont post any pictures yet until New Year showing my differences in 6-7 weeks.
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