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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


3 pounds in one day is pretty normal.. could even just be water weight. They say if you weight yourself, to weigh yourself when you wake up before you eat or anything.


Jew Gamer
killertofu said:
Wtf, is it possible to gain 3 pounds in one day!?

...and I'm about to get a McGangBang :(

a pound of fat is (I believe) 4500 calories

To gain 3 pounds of fat you would have to consume 3 times that PLUS all the energy you use in a day calories constantly burn, breathing consumes them ffs)

Don't worry, you are showing it today but it doesn't mean you gained it, read the thread man you NEVER weigh daily! :)


lsslave said:
a pound of fat is (I believe) 4500 calories

To gain 3 pounds of fat you would have to consume 3 times that PLUS all the energy you use in a day calories constantly burn, breathing consumes them ffs)

Don't worry, you are showing it today but it doesn't mean you gained it, read the thread man you NEVER weigh daily! :)
Yep, my mom always has the same reaction. when she ate spaghetti.

It's usually shit or water.


Jew Gamer
Tieno said:
Yep, my mom always has the same reaction. when she ate spaghetti.

It's usually shit or water.

Overreactions are pretty common about people who are worried, I am past that point now, burning off the weight I gained after the breakup and stuff but not overly worried about it (more worried about the thousands of hours of work to do and no time, the fact I only have 2 dollars in my bank account, etc X.x)
Just bumping with my before/after pics. I only do it because it was so enthralling for me to see all of you transform so I thought I might as well add mine. Anyway, excuse how I look in the second picture, it was supposed to be a joke for the person I originally took the picture for. I'm not so sad/sickly looking all the time. :)

Senior year of high school

Sophomore year of college


I don't have pictures that quite show it yet, but I am down from 93kg when I left for Japan to 79kg weighing in today.
Due to WiiFit, I do see my weight every day. And as long as you realize that there will be heavy fluctuations between days, it is nice to see the general decline.
I have lost 10 pounds only to gain them back but as muscle. I don't fit with you guys because most of you have lost massive weight!

Congratulations! I have every bit of respect for people that get on their ass and lose weight!

Sorry for the bad MySpace-like photo from my webcam, but I don't have anything else handy at the moment. Also I just rolled out of bed, usually bed ridden due to pains.


Anyway last year around this time I weighed 205 lbs. Now I'm 150 lbs. and still dropping. Usually people would be glad about this, except I haven't done anything to really instigate this change exercise wise. I sit on my ass all day (maybe a few chores around the house) on my computer.

I've been in pain for the last year or so because of GERD. Now, generally GERD folks just avoid GERD trigger foods and that's that. Well not in my case. Everything I eat gives me chest pains, stomach pains, etc. The last few months I've been taking a magnesium supplement to help my constipation.

My diet now consists of organic snack foods and so on because I'm afraid of dropping more weight. Well snack foods, brown rice, and chicken. Sometimes eggs and a muffin.

Long story short, does anyone think my weight loss is irregular?

(Group Health sucks btw, they still don't know what's wrong with me..)

Edit - Forgot to mention I'm 5'6"
This thread has me motivated. I used to weigh 160 in high school, I now weigh 195 in college. I used to be in prime shape (Soccer and Track) and it's hard for me to get back into the rhythm. I'll run for a week and then lose motivation. I've decided that this week (and continuing) I'm going to start eating right and going down to the park in the morning for a nice jog.


Jealous Bastard
well done, nintendo gal! feels fantastic, doesn't it?

you guys are so motivated and awesome. weight loss kindred spirits unite!
Shaneus said:
Fuuuck... nice effort! Need details though... time period, diet, exercise etc :)
Oh right, haha.

Well the top photo was around August, and the second was taken just recently. So about a good five months of "work". I knew going into college that I wanted to get to 180 lbs before winter break. So add drinking lots of water, little to no late night snacking, watching my caloric intake, and a really small fridge, and there you have it.
Now I just have to go to the gym consistently...


NintendoGal said:
Long story short, does anyone think my weight loss is irregular?

That is a little fast, especially with little/no effort, but 1lb/week is generally considered to be okay. More than that, then yeah, you should worry.


Killertofu: Sensational effort! It's funny how simple most of it is... where some people are trying all sorts of suspect diets, just cutting down, eating less crap and exercising a bit seems to work!
Thanks everyone for the kind comments. Also thanks Zoe, I was thinking so but wanted another opinion to make sure I wasn't just reading too much into the loss. I asked another place and got the same answer. Hopefully (though I'm doubtful) they can figure out why I'm dropping it. I also want to keep it off though after I become healthy again. :)


Junior Member
Throughout the majority of my 22 years, I've always had a weight problem. I started to get really serious about fitness and health around June 2007. Maybe my love for sports (i.e, an all around sports fanatic) has finally transcended onto a new level, for now I "train" like an athlete.

I still have more work to do. Still concentrating on losing stomach fat and at the same time gaining muscle mass. I'm in no hurry though since fitness has become a lifestyle for me.

Sorry about the crop. I have a thing about posting pictures of myself on the internet.
I don't have a before pic right now- wish that I did- but here is an after as in 15 mins ago.

Found a really good before picture:

Throughout the majority of my 22 years, I've always had a weight problem. I started to get really serious about fitness and health around June 2007. Maybe my love for sports (i.e, an all around sports fanatic) has finally transcended onto a new level, for now I "train" like an athlete.

I still have more work to do. Still concentrating on losing stomach fat and at the same time gaining muscle mass. I'm in no hurry though since fitness has become a lifestyle for me.

Sorry about the crop. I have a thing about posting pictures of myself on the internet.

Stuffing myself at a BBQ near Dodger Stadium circa late '06.

gray_fox224 said:
Throughout the majority of my 22 years, I've always had a weight problem. I started to get really serious about fitness and health around June 2007. Maybe my love for sports (i.e, an all around sports fanatic) has finally transcended onto a new level, for now I "train" like an athlete.

I still have more work to do. Still concentrating on losing stomach fat and at the same time gaining muscle mass. I'm in no hurry though since fitness has become a lifestyle for me.

Sorry about the crop. I have a thing about posting pictures of myself on the internet.
I don't have a before pic right now- wish that I did- but here is an after as in 15 mins ago.


you look great. how much weight do you think you had when you started?


Junior Member
Flesh Into Gear said:
you look great. how much weight do you think you had when you started?
Thank you!

Well, my highest weight was 210. I did lost some weight mainly through cardio, but I really started getting serious when I was about 185 or so.


This thread is a great motivator. I'm not fat by any means, if anything I'm skinny up top and big down in the mid-section and thighs. It's nice to see that real change is possible and attainable, my weight loss and weight training is going really well. I hope I can contribute to this thread in 6months to a year.

I'm going from skinny to fit, I can already see result and it's only been 2 weeks :D
Congrats to all of those in this thread! I'm hoping to bump it in a few months, as I'm just starting a fitness routine. I'm near an all-time high of 190 lbs or so (I'm 5'8''). In the past, I've had success and lost about 30 lbs in a few months. Here's to keeping it off this time for good!


Shaneus said:
BTW, will post "before" pics once I get an "after" ;) 6'4" and weigh about 215lbs (97kg). Shooting for *at least* 175lbs (80kg).
Well, after a month or so of eating less, eating better and occasional exercise, I've dropped about 7kg to get around 90 on the scales. Hoping for another 10 more, which (all things going well) will probably take another two months.

And don't I feel fucking awesome for it!


Jew Gamer
Shaneus said:
Well, after a month or so of eating less, eating better and occasional exercise, I've dropped about 7kg to get around 90 on the scales. Hoping for another 10 more, which (all things going well) will probably take another two months.

And don't I feel fucking awesome for it!


The weight I have been losing has felt completely wonderful on my end the past little bit, I am losing more weight the unhealthy way to prep for my show (I eat once a day at apx. 3 PM, DON'T DO IT! I have no energy :( )


not a medical professional
NintendoGal said:
Sorry for the bad MySpace-like photo from my webcam, but I don't have anything else handy at the moment. Also I just rolled out of bed, usually bed ridden due to pains.


Anyway last year around this time I weighed 205 lbs. Now I'm 150 lbs. and still dropping. Usually people would be glad about this, except I haven't done anything to really instigate this change exercise wise. I sit on my ass all day (maybe a few chores around the house) on my computer.

I've been in pain for the last year or so because of GERD. Now, generally GERD folks just avoid GERD trigger foods and that's that. Well not in my case. Everything I eat gives me chest pains, stomach pains, etc. The last few months I've been taking a magnesium supplement to help my constipation.

My diet now consists of organic snack foods and so on because I'm afraid of dropping more weight. Well snack foods, brown rice, and chicken. Sometimes eggs and a muffin.

Long story short, does anyone think my weight loss is irregular?

(Group Health sucks btw, they still don't know what's wrong with me..)

Edit - Forgot to mention I'm 5'6"

wow, you've certainly changed.


Here is how I look now, regrettably I don't have any pictures of how I used to look (I fluctuate a lot) but I've been working out pretty often lately and want to know if any results are in my head or actually there:




Pay no attention to the open mouth in the second pic...I was about to sneeze as I was taking it rofl.
Man, I wish I had some old pics of me [in a digital camera] =/

If it comes down to it, I'll take a pic of a pic for reference :lol
Okay, this is embarrassing, but fuck it! I've lost 45 pounds since August.



I took this picture to show a friend how I was growing a beard, saw it, shaved it off 5 minutes later, and said "fuck, I gotta do something about this!"



Ironically, I actually have a little scruff in this pic. Looks awful, but hopefully you can see a difference.

BTW, I'm really impressed by a lot of your transformations. It has nothing to do with losing weight or looking better, so much as you start FEELING better about yourself, and that translates to more confidence in everything you do. In reality, nobody is judging you as harshly as you think, but if you can't feel good about yourself, you can do something about it.


Thought I'd jump aboard the weight loss thread. I started at 246 in November, currently at 207 and feeling good. Been following weight watchers. My goal is 180...getting closer.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
I'll add that about July of last year, I weighed my heaviest, around 290. Without really doing a lot of exercise, but watching what I eat and cutting down on how much I eat, about a month ago at my last Dr. appointment, I was down to 245, which is as light as I've been in probably 15 years. I still need to lost a lot; I'm 5'8" and I felt best at about 160-170 but, without really much effort, I'm already about a third of the way there! Try to add pics later....
Ugh, I broke my leg in January and didn't really move for three months. I only gained 10 lbs surprisingly because I was bored out of my mind and did nothing but watch movies and TV and eat. I've been walking on a cane for the last two weeks, eating ~1700 calories a day and have lost 0 lbs...so frustrating. The stories in this thread are a good motivator.

I'm 5'10" and now weigh 170 lbs for reference.


I'm glad this thread came up today of all days.

I turned 30 two weeks ago and have decided it's time to do something about my weight as well as my anxiety and depression (mostly caused becuase...I'm big.). He put me on something that's supposed to help me stay balanced but apparently I may notice a dramatic weight loss despite my lack of energy.

So I'm going to try and change my diet to over come the lethargy the pills give me and get myself back in shape.

Believe it or not, my biggest inspiration was Chunk in the Goonies thread. :lol He was this beefy, ugly kid who I expected grew up to be a fat lawyer or accountant, but got really damn skinny and I have to say good looking for a straight guy. :lol
smurfx said:
any update pics? i'm on a diet and i need motivation gaf!

Don't have any pics since I am work but maybe I can give some tips on motivation.
But your really not missing out since I am a pale swede who still have not gotten any sun after winter. I would blind you all with my paleness!

I have been dieting since March 08 and have so far gone from ~93 kg ---> 66 kg. (~205 lbs --> ~146 lbs)

My biggest motivators and things that help me stick to the diet have to be:

1. Weighing myself every three days or so. Be prepared for a lot and I mean a lot of weight fluctuations. But sometimes the big drops come and that makes you happy and more motivated. (Then the weight will often rebound quite a bit but ignore those bits. :) )

2. Counting the calories I eat and having a calorie target for each day. You get really used to it after a while. Knowing how much that cake costs you in calories really makes it easier to resist it. Just knowing how much work it would take really tempers your appetite.

3. For hunger control I focus on getting food that makes my hunger go away. You can eat way more carbs calorie wise and still feel hungry compared to protein&fat. So basically more meat and less pasta/rice/potatoes. Meat and vegetables have more or less been my staple food. (lunch box is a must)

4. Don't listen to friends and family who go on and on how you must stop dieting since you already have lost so much weight... They started with that when I weighed 78 kg (171 lbs).

5. Last but probably most important. Only do it for yourself and no one else. Remembering that made it possible for me to stick it out when I felt the most fed up with dieting.

Not a motivation tip but still a good tip is starting to go to the gym for weight training if you not already do. That can really help you preventing muscle loss.

That and not losing too much weight too fast. Personally I used to aim for 0.5 kg a week.(1 lbs per week)
Thats about 500 calories off every day from maintenance.

Well you did not really give any details about your diet so I just gave general advice.
4. Don't listen to friends and family who go on and on how you must stop dieting since you already have lost so much weight... They started with that when I weighed 78 kg (171 lbs).

I seriously want to throw people through a window sometimes. Very frustrating and counter productive.

Hey guess what they've been saying the same thing to me for the past 20 pounds and I still have a gut to flatten up.


i dont have any pics, but i used to weigh 96kg and now im down to 75kg, theres huge differences in my face and chest obviously, with small differences in my legs.

but i wanted to ask people who are really into health/fitness/weight loss, is eating carbs after a certain amount of time really that bad? i usually have a decent amount an hour or so before sleep and it doesnt really affect my weight loss

also whats the best way to lose the lower stomach fat? it looks kinda stupid on me at the moment with a relitavely flat chest with a small roll at the bottom just hanging there =/


oh and also, i excersise regularly (4-6 times at the gym, 4-5times at night in my personal gym) but im curious, on my "days off", roughly how many calories would i burn on an "idle" day?
dazzgc said:
but i wanted to ask people who are really into health/fitness/weight loss, is eating carbs after a certain amount of time really that bad? i usually have a decent amount an hour or so before sleep and it doesnt really affect my weight loss

From what I have heard it's not that important.

dazzgc said:
also whats the best way to lose the lower stomach fat? it looks kinda stupid on me at the moment with a relatively flat chest with a small roll at the bottom just hanging there =/

Well, you probably know this but there is no way to lower a certain body parts fat on it's own. It's general fat loss over the whole body. It's down to genetics where on the body the fat you are losing comes from. But if you keep lowering your body fat percentage it has to take it off sooner or later.

dazzgc said:
oh and also, i excersise regularly (4-6 times at the gym, 4-5times at night in my personal gym) but im curious, on my "days off", roughly how many calories would i burn on an "idle" day?

Not sure I understand you correctly but there are formula for calculating how much you burn by just lying in bed.(RMR) Then you add your eventual exercise on top of that.

I just googled but here is one such formula. http://www.wikihow.com/Increase-Your-Metabolism


Gold Member
Mar_ said:
You guys have heard my story before, but basically I was huge all of my life. But getting a full time job and never having time to spend with my dog anymore, I got motivated to take her for a walk every day. That walk turned into a jog, then turned into a run. I did that for 2 years every day around the park, approx 2km.

Before and after:


Then my dog developed a heart condition and couldn't make the run anymore (she can't even make half a km walking these days...) so I joined a gym. 2 years of going to the gym and I'm pretty happy with my weight and fitness. Not interested in gaining lots of muscle nor losing more weight. I'd like to tone up a bit in the stomach area though and I devote an entire gym session to that part of my body now. It's not working too well because I drink too much beer...


I got really fat after I stopped weightlifting and lightly running (under 2 miles), but I always wanted to just run. However after years of being ultra-healthy, I got sick of it because I didn't have the time. Two years later I started running barley 1 mile a day and I was at 180 (not muscle) pounds... 7 months later I was running 6 miles every day, biking 5, and climbing 40 flights of stairs, then go home and do pilates and basic push-ups/sit-ups. It became an addiction, until one day on a run I severely hurt a tendon in my foot, which turned out to be the fault of Nike Free that's supposed to make the run more "natural" but it only puts more stress on your foot. That was a year ago, I was weighing 145 and now I'm back up to 160, and just started running this week and can barely do a mile. My legs and back are so sore, I hate it.

You should check out the benefits of a beer after running. There are clubs in my local area that run 5 miles to a final destination of a pub to drink a beer 3 times a week. They combine the best of both worlds and call themselves "a drinking club with a running problem."



Some great advice from puppetslave, all of which I can relate to. It's good to see this thread bumped, seeing gaffers amazing results back in December is one of the things that pushed me to lose weight this year.

I didn't even take any before pictures because, to be honest, I didn't think I'd be able to stick with it. Since about the age of 11 I had been overweight. Not obese, but so much that I was occasionally bullied at school because of it (which makes you more depressed and gain more weight). Luckily I grew into a lot of it by the time I was 18, but ever since then had been walking around with a beer belly.

Several times in the past I had tried weight loss and caved after a couple of weeks, I guess I just assumed I'd be overweight forever. In the last 6 months I've managed to lose 50 lbs. For me I had to be fairly strict with myself, counting calories etc, as I have that "just one more" mentality when eating. At first I was just eating a lot less which was totally the wrong way to go about it. After switching to much healthier foods the weight loss was slower but I was rarely hungry. I read a lot of people saying "I quit junk food and now I can't stand the stuff, eww". For me that is BS :lol I still think candy/soda/burgers are delicious, so every day is still a struggle (though I have the occasional treat).

After about 4 months I got into exercising too, nothing extreme (just some daily dumbbells, running and sit-ups/push-ups) but it really improved my energy levels and some really noticeable results with toning up. TV tries to shill quick fix solutions but I guess it just comes down to determination, no fancy equipment or fad diets required. Now at nearly 24 I feel I'm not only in the best shape of my life, but moreso than the average person my age, which is awesome.

So thanks again to the many inspiring gaffers in this thread that helped change my life :)
reggieandTFE said:
Ugh, I broke my leg in January and didn't really move for three months. I only gained 10 lbs surprisingly because I was bored out of my mind and did nothing but watch movies and TV and eat. I've been walking on a cane for the last two weeks, eating ~1700 calories a day and have lost 0 lbs...so frustrating. The stories in this thread are a good motivator.

I'm 5'10" and now weigh 170 lbs for reference.

On June 1st I weighed ...165 lbs. Ugh. This has been my toughest attempt at weight loss because I usually self-sabotage by starving and then eating too much, but I've been eating a consistent 1500 calories each day. Hopefully this month will go better.


I'm 5'9 and 190 pounds, my highest has been 205, and my recent low 185 (before my bi-weekly fast food post-weight loss binge eating showdown)

I am actually starting P90X this weekend, so I will be posting the before and after pics.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
Mar_ said:
You guys have heard my story before, but basically I was huge all of my life. But getting a full time job and never having time to spend with my dog anymore, I got motivated to take her for a walk every day. That walk turned into a jog, then turned into a run. I did that for 2 years every day around the park, approx 2km.

Before and after:


Then my dog developed a heart condition and couldn't make the run anymore (she can't even make half a km walking these days...) so I joined a gym. 2 years of going to the gym and I'm pretty happy with my weight and fitness. Not interested in gaining lots of muscle nor losing more weight. I'd like to tone up a bit in the stomach area though and I devote an entire gym session to that part of my body now. It's not working too well because I drink too much beer...

You missed this pic.

This thread is kind of inspiring me to start working out. Not to lose more weight although i still have some fat, but to get that ripped body that I've always wanted. The most I ever weighed was 230 about 6 years ago. Right now I'm 147(height is 5'7). People say I'm too skinny but I don't get it. I'm not bony at all, just about ok I guess. I'd love to get back into lifting and shed some more fat and gain muscle so I can have the body I've always wanted.


there is joy in sucking dick
Wow, I'm surprised that some of you skinny dudes were BBWs. I personally have been going up and down for the past few years.

I've actually been drinking an assload of water recently and cut out Coca Cola (nearly completely). I've already thinned out in the face.
I started exercising more regularly and eating less starting about four months ago. I went from 176lbs to 155lbs. Im 5'10'' by the way. If I can find some good pictures Ill put them up
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