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Weird mention of Super Monkey in EB's Xbox list


kitchenmotors said:
And who is gonna be on live playing Monkey Ball? Besides obsessive Sega fanboys. There is no audience there, there is a whole audience already with the GC version. Why ignore that and opt for more ports? Why not wait till next-gen to get a cross-platform online version going? Isn't that the most logical thing to do?

Oh, I forgot who I'm talking to. Logic is out the retarded window!

When bitter Nbot jealousy and Sega fanboy lunacy combine


Unconfirmed Member
shpankey said:
You gotta be fucking kidding me lol. That's the first time I've heard anyone say the GC sticks were something looked after. The Xbox analog sticks are godly and honestly, those shitty sticks on the GCN are a joke.
Why not? The GC stick is awesome. And that isn't to say that xbox's is not. I would have hard time bringing myself to play SMB on a PS2 stick though, its just too loose for my tastes.

You can argue that the GC pad isn't the best because of its irregular button configuration, lack of buttons, or small d-pad. But really one would have hard time convincing any sane person that it is a)uncomfortable or b) that the analog stick is "shitty" or "a joke".


It's about time this game was ported. Before only Gamecube owners could experience the greatness that is SMB. Congrats to everyone! We did it!


Allright, I printed the listing from my system and took a pic of it. Here it is :

Also, I called the Xbox buyer of the company to know if it was an error, and she told me it's not, and that it's indeed coming to Xbox in November. I thought it could be the PS2 listing in the wrong section, but there was another listing for approximatively the same date in the PS2 section. What can I say ??

huh......... you heard it here first ??? :p


AniHawk said:
Is that KotOR 2 date real!?

Hey, TMNT 2 comes out on my bday!
I don't think the KOTOR 2 date is real. They probably put one only for us to be able to get pre-orders already, and they have to put a random date if they don't know it (the system can't handle pre-orders on games with no dates).

Actually, it's probably coming out one or two days before your birthday, here, in Canada, we almost always get the games a little later.


Marconelly said:
Hmmm, I *really* hope they make it for the PSP and DS, though. This action/puzzle kind of game is perfect for a handheld.

If you don't mind your balls being crushed and served to you as chilled cotail, try SMB Jr. for GBA. It's got all of SMB 1's multiplayer games, but the single player while amazing for a GBA, gives me fits because of that d-pad. ;_;
All I see is Super Monkey on the list. Not Super Monkey Ball. It could be a totally different game, like a platformer or a pinball game.


The Main Event said:
All I see is Super Monkey on the list. Not Super Monkey Ball. It could be a totally different game, like a platformer or a pinball game.
The buyer told me "Super Monkey Ball, it's from Sega, the game isn't rated yet".


If it's part one and two combined, I'll consider buying it...if it has online modes, then it's a definate purchase! Imagine 8-16 player "rock the boat" type games...that would be too awesome.


A PS2 release makes some sense (really all Sega's games should be available on PS2) but XBox is a waste of time. This franchise won't move 50k on the platform, even at a budget price... Sega should've ported something that'd actually sell (like VF4 Evo or Shinobi) instead.

And why isn't Astro Boy on the kid friendly GameCube? In fact, why do Sega's Japanese studios suddenly seem to be ingoring the platform when it's brought them their highest overall sales? Sammy?


jarrod said:
A PS2 release makes some sense (really all Sega's games should be available on PS2) but XBox is a waste of time. This game franchise won't move 50k on the platform, even at a budget price... Sega should've ported something that'd actually sell (like VF4 Evo or Shinobi) instead.
I would truly like to have VF4 Final Tuned on Xbox. But, hey, if there's a Super Monkey Ball, I'll be first in line to buy it. A party game better than Fuzion Frenzy will be a nice addition to the line-up.
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