Honestly, with how suspicious, strange and aggressive Scrafty's been since her claim, it's really hard to trust what she's saying. The only thing that's keeping me from just flat out calling her scum is why a scum player would make such an audacious claim in a scenario where they very could well be the last on their team (I personally think that there's probably still 3 left, but that's just me), especially since the player their accusing of being scum has been pretty low profile and hasn't really had any real scum tells. There's only 2 scenarios where I feel this is in anyway a sensible move for scum:
Scenario 1: Karu has some PR that is so game-bending that he pretty much has to die if scum has a snowball's chance in hell of making it out of this
Scenario 2: Karu's a Miller, so his death will seemingly validate Scrafty's claim while still costing town a player.
Scenario 1 just seems to be too absurd to be in any way believable, since I doubt such a game-warping role would only be a in a Bastard game and it would be hella risky if Scrafty was the only scum left, since she'd be dead the minute Karu flips as anything other than scum or Miller, so I have to assume that, if Scrafty is scum, then it's Scenario 2. That raises the question, though, that, since Scrafty or some other scum player would have to be a Role Cop in order to get this info, then why did they target someone as low-profile as Karu, yet, if last night's lynches are anything to go off of, they never targeted our #2 poster Coppa at any point with this ability, since they would have obviously not killed him if they knew about his role. That honestly casts enough doubt on the scenario that I'm willing to believe that Scrafty isn't scum if only just barely. I would still really like to have our motion trackers on Scrafty to vet her claim, just in case...
I'm just so confused on why Scrafty would have pushed Razmos so deep into the hole if she were scum.
On the flip side of that, I have to put some stock into the possibility of scum having a cop role of some type. The only way Coppa's role could be avoided by scum is luck or if someone on scum team could view roles. I feel like it wouldn't just be there as a luck based trap.
I also worry because of the obvious parallels this game has had with AC mafia.
We obviously have an alignment cop though because of Razmos' role. Honestly, if there is another alignment cop or another person who wants to claim Carlos, I'm of the opinion that you should just go for it at this point. I think the game is a lot closer to ending that some people expect and with no scum kill tonight, claims will be safe for the day 4 and day 5 phase.
Well Razmos was the Wolf Cub. Maybe they thought that, with Mazre being a lost cause and Raz being pretty high on people's suspect lists at that point too, that they'd just bus Raz then and there and use the double kill to help make up the deficit? IDK.
Then again, that still begs the question of why they woudn't target someone Coppa with that ability to make sure they're safe. Only explanation I can think of is that they assumed after Seath's role claim that he was the only one with such a role, but I would have still expected them to target him on N1 or N2, especially since you (Sorian) were a known quantity at that point. Did they really put that much weight in the early role claims like TL and Seath that they chose them over Coppa?
Never read that game. Care to elaborate?
I definitely have some reservations about this, since 1) it could be too easy for someone to fake to frame Scrafty and 2) They would probably get roleblocked tonight and killed the next night, which, if they haven't detected any scum yet would basically be wasting their role.
I think it was too early to be just straight bussing the wolf club. Assuming the middle group of 5 scum (including Squidy), there were still 18 people in the game yesterday after Mazre died. We'll take off two neutrals to be generous, that would have been 12 town vs. 4 scum. No way is that mathematically sounds to sacrifice the wolf cub right then.
Are people still taking Seath's role claim seriously? Because I'm still not.
Regardless though, sometimes they can't always delay a kill to wait for the cop to investigate. They knew who the doctor was already. Maybe Seath's role claim confused them enough to search him last night while they were killing Coppa. If Scrafty was scum, maybe she, or a teammate, searched Karu night 1 or night 2 and just had this info waiting in the pipe.
As for your reservations, 1) I would LOVE if scum tried to frame Scrafty, that would end up being a 1:1 trade of town to scum which is always a win for town because if we lynch one and they were telling the truth lie then we are going to lynch the other. 2) That's if you think scum has a roleblocker. I don't because if they did have a blocker then they would have just left Setre alive and kept role blocking him every night until we got suspicious.
But, as I said before, it just seems really weird that they would have investigated someone as low-profile as Karu while seemingly never investigating Coppa on any of the 3 nights.
You guys really think scrafty is scum? How in the world would that play make any sense unless they have a super weird role like the one Terra had in GAFia (he could twice per game alter the PN that the gamerunner posted when a certain person dies and thus making a townie seem scum even after the flip for instance), but as this is not a 9 on the bastard scale I highly doubt this.The only other explanation I have is that Karu is a Miller and scum somehow know this. I really need to hear from Karu himself on this matter. All of these are very vague, I just can't believe Scrafty would do this, especially as he wasn't under pressure at all.That would, however, be a reason why Scrafty is so eager to lynch Karu today. Hmmm...
Right now I tend towards letting Karu live and lynch him tomorrow if necessary. And then the day after we lynch our neutral SK.
Yes. Because then he played youI assume that second part of your plan is if our SK doesn't kill Karu tonight?
I really doubt Karu will say anything this day phase.
So far it looks like Karu is gonna live the day phase and die during the night phase (If the SK does target Karu)
Him giving info might fail and end up getting him killed during this day phase.
If he does say nothing, I do believe 2 scum are left one with a power.
Role Blocker? Framer? Cop? Who knows.
With the change of behavior by Scrafty, idk what to say![]()
Maybe she was also a lost partner and recently joined the rank? (during that deathless night)?
Scrafty being scum and bussing another one by acting as an investigator is still plausible right? Give up a scum who's mainly inactive to add distance between any connection with her and scums?
By the way, question for Retro, should I be confused by the fact that Razmos' role PM says nothing about the lost partner?
Should we end the day phase earlier since there's not much activity?
*facepalm* Sorry, brain fart moment.
Vote: Unmasked Ferret
VOTE: Unmasked Ferret
That makes 4. Half way there!
Sorry for not being around today I had finals, I won't be around for the rest of the day due to celebrating finishing my finals and my brother turning 21. I'll try to check in but I make no promises, please don't turbo me in the meantime but I expect no promises from you.
I'm typing another long post for ferret and karu again...aka rummaging on posts again...
so its taking me a while :/
So, I meticulously combed through this thread last night and built a whole case, I'll let Scrafty do her thing but I want to target someone else today and let our SK get Karu tonight if Scrafty is telling the truth. There are probably two scum left so Karu is one and ??? is the other. Let's try to lynch ??? today.
There was some theorizing last night but the below is basically a copy and paste from my gossip chat from last night, the target and final scum is Unmasked Ferret:
So this post is an easy one to point back to. Knowing whether Kevin is in the game or not isn't really some huge advantage but now that we know Kevin is in the game, this was kind of a weird thing for Ferret to bother trying to correct Fireblend on.
He took a hard line on not commenting on Squidy vs. Razmos (and Trigger), this neutrality stuck around for a lot of day 1. Was he worried about his teammate going earlya nd figured if he stayed neutral on the topic, it would die down?
This reads list provides an interesting story if you just look at the Squidy/Razmos/Trigger triangle. He calls Squidy pro town, which, to the scum perspective, he was probably going to come off as the towniest town ever if Razmos ever got lynched (Mazre even set Squidy up as town too in his reads list). Then he null reads both Tazmos and Trigger but you'll notice that he says that he thinks Trigger has a higher chance of being the scum.
I was skeptical of this post at the time and on a re-read, still makes red flags. I'm usually a pretty easy person for mafia to try and lynch. It never works out but it always looks good on paper since I do tend to act weird. This could have been the rumblings of trying to make me look guilty. Especially since at this point, mazre knew what I was and scum may have been trying to make me seem suspect before I said anything about Mazre.
After this post, for a lot of day 2, Ferret posts a lot of good stuff but I think we had been knocking into him so much about only defending himself and not scum hunting that he decided to change his play style so that he would seem less suspicious. Of note is that he only goes after Pop, Setre, and Pop who I am all pretty sure are town so he didn't really do any favors. He also bandwagoned with me on every single vote at the end of day 2. He was jumping around a lot and it was probably because he didn't want an accidental tie, whoever died from the three of them was a fine choice.
He didn't push this super hard but he kept bringing up the possibility of saying that I was the lost partner. I still find it odd because he didn't give the same push to Setre who has also claimed a female character. He also starts a rumbling at the end of this post that maybe Squidy is the scum and Razmos is the unsuspecting town.
This was an interesting thing to say to Razmos since they have a secret chat to each other but I've been in a scum chat before, sometimes people just aren't looking at both thread simultaneously. If Ferret thought that Razmos wasn't looking at scum chat, he might have just snuck advice in here hoping that Razmos would see it. It wasn't bad advice so it wouldn't be scummy at the time.
Again, kind of a fence post, he is starting to say that maybe Squidy is the bad one in all of this but we needs to go back and re-read today's stuff. Day 3 was rough for scum, Razmos almost seemed like a sure thing with two lynches but I'm sure scum still had to try. Squidy was going to be their first good person to push votes to and I think I see that in this post.
Still fence sitting on Razmos but the crack is starting. Razmos is becoming a lost cause at this point.
Here's where the bus had to start. He did a little back and forth with Squidy before this but I don't think he saw anything that was going to make saving Razmos a possibility so he is starting to throw Razmos under. He votes Razmos in his next post.
I also see a lot of this interaction with Squidy (didn't post all links, they are all around this area) as him trying to get chummy with Squidy. Squidy was going to come out looking GREAT if he survived and Razmos died. Getting on Squidy's good side might have been a great place for scum to be.
VOTE: Unmasked Ferret
Razmos (10) - LOCKED
ScraftyDevil .1311
Sorian .1323.1398
Pop-O-Matic .1335
squidyj .1368
Sorian .1452.1492
Karu .1483
Unmasked Ferret .1553
Mike_Hawk689 .1568
Royal_Flush .1572
Sorian .1574
AbsolutBro .1582
Seath .1587
Didn't see that at all so yeah, here we go...
Town - Sorian, TL
Leaning Town - You, UltraJay, Setre, Ty4on - Convincing argueing and or role claim, good presence, Ty4on depends on haiku-source, but overall seems like he hangs in there.
+ absoluteBro due to the whole chat-thing and Sorian reiterating that he thinks he's town.
In the middle At this point we enter the "gut"-zone. With my spotty memory in mind I could have misplaced some developments here, but either way. Wouldn't put to much weight on whether a person landed in the one or the other category, but overall it is what it is.
towards Town - gryvan, Royal, Ferret, Pop
towards Scum - squidyj, Scrafty, Stanley
Scrafty also depends on haiku-source. As mentioned again and again she seems always a bit off to be me. Especially Royal, Pop and gryvan are moving around in my personal blind spot at least right now, so yeah.
Leaning Scum - Razmos, Mike - Razmos, yeah, answered above. Mike is one of those guys with constant weird comments and such.
Seath the wild card right now. Leaning towards town though, the panic-explanation for his role-claim seems reasonable to me.
So for the less inactive posters,
StanleyPalmTree for example is probably highly town but isn't contributing as much to town so he is completely useless atm (no offense).
Royal_Flush - I do wanna go through all the posts again but I am too tired to read through another huge list inbetween hearthstone posts, trump being an ass, and boob physics posts
TL and mike - has been bandwagoning sorian a lot lately so...I don't know I should look more into these 2 people
Absolutbro - to me I feel is very townish but at this point of the game, mafia is trying to lay very low due to 3 loss from their side. So will not assume he is town
Sorian - He has been helpful to town throughout all the days and have been saved by setre(think he was the doctor?) and has revealed his role. And because scum gossipper was revealed and retro mentioning lana as his intern as well as town gossiper, then yes he sounds like townie
Let me know if i'm forgetting anyone else's reads cause i probably need to go rummage posts again
Sorian can I get a quick confirmation with your SK pet that he was responsible for the death of Boo_Boo'n then? If not, then we might have 3 scums maybe?
So for the less inactive posters,
StanleyPalmTree for example is probably highly town but isn't contributing as much to town so he is completely useless atm (no offense).
Royal_Flush - I do wanna go through all the posts again but I am too tired to read through another huge list inbetween hearthstone posts, trump being an ass, and boob physics posts
TL and mike - has been bandwagoning sorian a lot lately so...I don't know I should look more into these 2 people
Absolutbro - to me I feel is very townish but at this point of the game, mafia is trying to lay very low due to 3 loss from their side. So will not assume he is town
Sorian - He has been helpful to town throughout all the days and have been saved by setre(think he was the doctor?) and has revealed his role. And because scum gossipper was revealed and retro mentioning lana as his intern as well as town gossiper, then yes he sounds like townie
Let me know if i'm forgetting anyone else's reads cause i probably need to go rummage posts again
Take me out the summy list, I'm town aligned.
I can prove it but won't do it today cause someone doesn't want me to.
Sorian - He has been helpful to town throughout all the days and have been saved by setre(think he was the doctor?) and has revealed his role. And because scum gossipper was revealed and retro mentioning lana as his intern as well as town gossiper, then yes he sounds like townie
Take me out the summy list, I'm town aligned.
I can prove it but won't do it today cause someone doesn't want me to.
Keep in mind that I am claiming to be Dana and that is Cecil's intern (Retro is roleplaying as Cecil for this game) but in no way is he confirming that I am telling the truth. I am a gossip and I am Dana but I don't want you to have a false impression that Retro somehow confirmed any of those points because that would be false. He did use Dana in some of his flavor though and I playfully added flavor of my own to match.
Im just spicing things up hahaha
Super serialso i'm assuming your just throwing that as fluff or was that a serious post?
Then your telling me we have 2 scum gossippers then and no town gossippers?
cause that sounds highly unlikely to me. I'm assuming gossips are there to spread whos who and stuff. Fireblend and coppa would have been a good choice to be potential gossipers due to their post counts but since they are dead, your the only other one thats constantly posting. Most of which are positives to town rather then misleading. Since you also have a serial killer with you, and have been coordinating with attacks on scum during day phase, I highly highly doubt your scum aligned at this point in the game.
Im just spicing things up hahaha
I've already like, cleared Mike as town. He's just being like, a numbskull.
But I don't even like, give a shit who gets voted out today any more. If you all want to like, put an innocent to death while leaving Karu for a third party then like be my guest, so long as you know who to thank once this is all over.
I've already like, cleared Mike as town. He's just being like, a numbskull.
But I don't even like, give a shit who gets voted out today any more. If you all want to like, put an innocent to death while leaving Karu for a third party then like be my guest, so long as you know who to thank once this is all over.
You think Karu is the only scum left?
When you think about it, why would scrafty claim cop/investigator as a scum now if scum is in a really bad situation. Like you said its a numbers game and so far scum are on the verge of losing.You think Karu is the only scum left?
Only if you agree we go for karu i dont want bad blood after thisMike, if you can prove that you are town then do it, if you are just trying to murky the waters then stop it before you get yourself killed.
I dunno. Maybe.
I think it's like, more likely that he's the last bad guy left than he and Ferret are both bad guys.
When you think about it, why would scrafty claim cop/investigator as a scum now if scum is in a really bad situation. Like you said its a numbers game and so far scum are on the verge of losing.
If scrafty is scum:
Either shes bussing karu meaning they are losing 1 more scum thus worse than before for them. If she's framing a townie, then odds are she's gone next day phase as lynch.
I don't see any situation where scruffy wins as scum fake claimimg inves/cop.
Only if you agree we go for karu i dont want bad blood after this![]()