I'm thinking too much into it. These early votes don't matter so much as the ones near the end of the day so sneaking in troll votes wouldn't make much sense unless you hope people latch on to whoever you want to secretly maliciously lynch.
Basically Mafia could say that the wheel chose, but instead vote who they actually want to get rid of without any suspicion. But so early on the votes can change so much it doesn't matter so much.
The random wheel isn't a very satisfying method for choosing a player to vote for, but it's all I have this early into the discussion. It landed on Royal Flush for me. I'll reserve actually voting for later into the day phase.
Quick break to give my thoughts on this crazy city we live in and the number of different freak situations we see. Jet disappearing? Electric fence dog parks? An a Serial Killer on the loose?
Although most of you used the RNG Wheel to vote I won't, I'll wait till someone shows suspicious activity or at least shows a glimpse of anti-town. But I am FOR day 1 lynch, be cause it gives us clues to who we can vote.
Speaking of, if I am reading this right, I hope you don't intend to just place your end of day vote just based on an RNG wheel.
Whoa quite a bit to catch up on... sorta. Looks like a lot of it was people worrying about what the opposing team is called. It's weird the role PM simply says we win when no Mafia aligned players remain rather than saying the team's name though. Even weirder that the sample PM doesn't have a win condition in it. If I were guessing, we're up against either StrexCorp or a combination of Desert Bluffs and StrexCorp characters.
Ok, now that I'm a little less busy, I've decided to do this.
VOTE: Unmasked Ferret[/highlight
This is 100% a "bandwagon" vote. It was either you or Scrafty and she'd probably murder me if I swung anything on her again this soon so I'll play ball with you for right now. I want to see what you're like under pressure.
I noticed a few others mentioning the wheel so I gave it a shot. I'm not committed to voting based on the result of that. I just haven't developed any reads yet. We're still early in, and I'm still digesting some of the previous conversation. Just posting some of my thoughts as I'm sorting through stuff.
Howdy neighbors!
That bolt a lightning sure did screw up my noggin something fierce, so if i don't be recalling y'all names or identities or anything else for that matter, i hope y'all understand that i don't mean nothing by it.
Also don't be minding the obtuse growth on my left clavicle, im sure it wont be involved in any sudden surprise's later down the line.
Though i do have a puke bucket on hand if you do find it to be making you as nauseous as it does me.
Hi Sorian, what kind of ball would you like to play? Basketball, Tennis, Bowling Racquetball, Billiards, Foosball, Bocce, Croquet, or Calvinball?
Thanks for explaining why you put that vote there.
This post will be a flavorless apology since I'm somewhat behind. The whole "the secret police are looking for a fugitive" bit is directly from one of the episodes (8 or 9 I think? I was listening to it while I was driving home today), so I wouldn't read too much into it.
I also dislike somewhat the plethora of random wheel votes. Votes absolutely should be used to push people into posting, but a dozen people casting random votes doesn't actually do much. Someone with a single random vote is unlikely to say much in "defense", because what can you really say? "No, wheel of fate is lying!" As someone earlier in the thread said, a single post on a person is generally not a big deal this early.
That's not to say early discussion isn't key, it is. Seeing who and how people bandwagon or dogpile can certainly be useful information; we don't really get that if everyone clicks *spin*.
This post is probably crankier sounding than I mean it to be, but I'm exhausted so hopefully I can be more helpful tomorrow.
I'll just wait until the first official vote count and measure my options. We have 3 and a half more days after all.
Vote count is always available from this post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=185354756&postcount=4
Look, retro, I know you really wanted me to be in your game, but I'm not. I think it is time for you to face that fact instead of pretending I am in your game![]()
Them votes seem suspicious...just who the hell is the wheel working for???
DarkLighter doesn't seem to have said anything despite having a vote on him... eh. Let's see how much you crack.
VOTE: Darklighter
Interesting that I'm not on that list despite having only two posts since day start (one of them was tech support for Coppa). I just don't like D1, it's always so awkward. I guess my activity will go up once substantial things emerge, or on later days where I actually have stuff to work with.Otherwise, my own personal list of low activity folks (this is a mixture of off the top of my head and some searches, the 30 second search cool down is getting on my nerves so I didn't do all 23 people).
StanleyPalmtree, Trigger, Boo Boo'n, Karu, Pop-O-Matic, Mike_Hawk, Seath, Setre, and gryvan are all people who have said pretty much nothing or very little with Stanley and Seath being examples of posters who haven't even commented on the game at all, instead just making a flavor post and being on their way.
Pop-O-Matic and Mike_Hawk are known to be low activity posters to me so I don't find their behavior so far out of the ordinary but they are all the more dangerous because the less they post the less feel anyone can get for when they are actually scum (probably why Mike lasted so long in Archer). Otherwise, the rest of these are new faces to me so I don't know if they are uninterested in the game (newbies), shy, or just trying to stay in the background.
I will note that people like TL21xx and AbsolutBro also have low post count in the thread but they have commented on all current events and have given real opinions on the game and how we should be handling things (though no votes yet which is always an issue, only an RNG vote from TL21 and nothing from Absolut).
Interesting that I'm not on that list despite having only two posts since day start (one of them was tech support for Coppa). I just don't like D1, it's always so awkward. I guess my activity will go up once substantial things emerge, or on later days where I actually have stuff to work with.
Am I just imagining things because I was scum in GAFia Mafia or is Sorian less aggressive than ususal?
Am I just imagining things because I was scum in GAFia Mafia or is Sorian less aggressive than ususal?
Yeah, lynching completely inactive players doesn't make much sense if we know they're getting replaced after a while. The truly damaging sort of player is the one that posts just enough to not be up for replacement.
Are we certain about the tanner? Didn't Retro wave that off as flavor? Should we be suspicious of that (being quick to dismiss or cover up a potential hint)? It's only the first 24 hours of Day 1 after all.
I was thinking of changing my vote to Darklighter with cuppa but you're right... there's still three days for him to respond. I mean, he should have sent confirmations to both the start of game prod PM as well as a confirm on his role PM. He should be aware that the game is on.
Knowing Mike's history as being a low posting scum from an earlier game makes me think he may be problematic. If whoever we bandwagon on has a valuable role they can claim it near the end to save them of course... but then that makes them a target. Either way it could be bad.
In the game that had the doctor killed on day 1... did they role claim but still get lynched?
Are we certain about the tanner? Didn't Retro wave that off as flavor? Should we be suspicious of that (being quick to dismiss or cover up a potential hint)? It's only the first 24 hours of Day 1 after all.
Our doctors usually die during night 1 so nothing we can really avoid there, just bad luckI died as a pseudo-doctor in the Gafia game on day 1 but it wasn't by vote, someone (Royal_Flush, the bastard
) had one secret day kill which he used on me because my reads were too stronk /flex and the doctor died by vote day 1 of archer but I don't think he actually claimed? Someone can correct me, I didn't pay full attention to the beginning of Archer game.
I highly doubt there is a tanner in the game, pretty sure Retro was joking. I'm sure a Tanner will happen one day in a Gafia game but our community frowns on it as a general rule.
Game nominations (which games are you nominating to play in): any
Pronoun (he/she/they/preferred not to disclose): he
Play style preference (crazy / normal / any): any
Self-assessed activity level (high / medium / low / fluctuating): low
Timezone / location: PST
Returning Player or New (if returning, please indicate which game did you participate in Season 3 and what Day did you last to): new
Also Retro where's my weather report =|
There has never been a tanner? They're fun in One Night Ultimate Werewolf. I guess it's weird in longer, bigger forum Mafia games.
What in the hell?
Darklighter has been a member since 2013, with a nice Biggs X-Wing avatar... with ONE post! ONE!
In the recruitment thread. WIth a stated low activity level, of course.
Am I missing something here? Do posts get deleted somehow? Man... and I thought I was the junior...
I was looking for his other posts to have something to go on but... damn...
That is his entire GAF history. That is all we have to go on to establish his personality. What can I gleam from this? He doesn't like to capitalize and he's up for anything. I'm just flabbergasted to see such low activity across ALL of GAF. He'll always be a junior at that rate. Probably only uses it for subscriptions and night mode.
I'm calling it. He's getting replaced. Let's not lynch him. Who's first on the waiting list?
I love Tanners in ONUW but yeah, I can see why we deviate away from them in these big games, they become a useless diversion for awhile.
As for Darklighter, that's actually pretty funny. I wouldn't really look up site wide posts to get an idea of how people are because I think a lot of people speak and act differently during mafia games but that's actually hilarious that his one post ever on GAF was to sign up for this. Well, hopefully he plays, but if not, I'm really not worried about it. Someone new comes in and can play with the role during day 2 if that's the case and a mulligan for one player on day 1 isn't the end of the world.This happened during Cthulhu and the guy actually ended up being scum so fingers crossed for that not happening again