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Well since NEOGaf is a little new to some...

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Since I encountered a sudden ban.... not that I'm wanting to bring that up here, but I would like to make a request that who ever the mods are.... I believe they should be clearly marked as a moderator and email addresses provided to get in contact as to why someone would get banned.

I'm not using this thread as another attention whore type thread, but the mods should try and make it available to have contact between them and the person banned.

I was banned for I think 3 days because of what exactly? That I don't know; of which I don't want to discuss here, but I would like the contact of the person who was responsible for that and this should also be made to other members of the boards.

Thanks guys.
Your pal looking out for you....


sp0rsk said:
I'm a mod, and now you know.

and knowing is half the battle.



I believe moderation should be invisible. I would not like to know who those idiots that run the forum are. I will not give them 'more' respect than anyone else just because they can ban me.

Kon Tiki

Wellington said:
I believe moderation should be invisible. I would not like to know who those idiots that run the forum are. I will not give them 'more' respect than anyone else just because they can ban me.

This idiot speaks the truth.



Unconfirmed Member
Wellington said:
I believe moderation should be invisible. I would not like to know who those idiots that run the forum are. I will not give them 'more' respect than anyone else just because they can ban me.
You must be a n00b here. Calling the mods idiots could get you banned!


force push the doodoo rock
Wellington said:
I believe moderation should be invisible. I would not like to know who those idiots that run the forum are. I will not give them 'more' respect than anyone else just because they can ban me.

While this can be true for some, for me, atleast when i was a peon. I like to know whos in charge so i know where to find out what happened when or whatever. Being secretive isnt cool. I dont expect people to suck up to me, and ive never banned someone for speaking out against me. if people know that then i think its all good.


I'm not saying be secretive, I'm just saying that it shouldn't be flaunted. Mods can easily be found on IRC or the email addy hito mentioned.


Invisible bannings aren't too cool... especially with the hugely inconsistent nature of modding on GA... IMO, if a thread is locked or a person is banned, the mod that did it should come out and say why it was locked or why that person was banned. At least that way the rest of us could understand what not to do in future (and while it's the poster's duty to read the TOS, isn't it a little naieve to expect everyone to do so?)
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