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Wendy's blames slow sales on election, while Papa John's rises on "civil unrest"

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If you have a Marcos, take advantage.



Gold Member
I haven't been to Wendy's since they nerfed the Baconnator years ago.

Papa Johns is tasty but our local pizzerias are better.

Attributing sales on the civil status I can believe, and I wish people would take time to cook more often. It's much cheaper and far healthier too.


Seems like Wendy's spent a ton of money trying to make thier restaurants upscale at the same time lowering the food quality.

It's kind of like jack in the box. Really greasy shit that is amazing if done right but a sad soggy mess if no one gives a shit.

Papa johns barely qualifies as edible, idk how anyone not at rock bottom can eat that.


I've tried Papa Johns a few times as it was the closest pizza place to my last apartment. Every time it was a disappointment. I remember their sausage as just being horrible and its tough to fuck up sausage. Dominos isn't the best but their pan pizza with chicken, bacon, and white sauce is damn good.


As long as Wendy's continues to sell the chili, spicy nuggets and double stacker then i will keep shilling for them.

Im probably one of the few people that still gives a shit about their chili.


little caesars pizza is better than papa johns

and little caesar's is fucking garbage.

Oh come the fuck on. Little Caesar's is okay at its price range but it's fucking bottom tier. Walmart Marketplace brand pizzas are better than Little Caesar's.

or maybe people just don't wanna go and get Wendys, maybe people wanna sit at home and eat pizza.


Maybe it's a sign that Jesus is returning, I don't fucking know

My beef with Papa Johns started with them not opening one within 50 miles of my residence, so even if I wanted one, I would need to drive two towns over to pick it up, when I'd rather say "screw that, I can order Dominos, Checkers, Wooster St, Edi's Pizzeria, People's Choice, Pizza Hut, Giovannis, Husky Pizza, Sorrentos, etc".

The 2nd incident was extremely petty on my part. When I visited Boston and had Papa Johns for the first time, I'm a Coca-Cola guy and they only serve Pepsi, I also thought their wings where horrible, but their Pizza was not bad.

My final gripe was when they decided to throw their two cents into the whole affordable healthcare act debate and argued against it saying they would need to charge... I think it was 20-something cents per pizza just to afford the health insurance and I was like ".....OK??????"

It's just me, to have an opinion is perfectly fine, but when you run a business that strives off making ALL your customers happy, your political opinion should be under lock and key when it comes to public statements.
Now I refuse to order their pizza because now I feel the owner is a grade A douchebag

Not trying to sound like a dick, but the things you have beef with doesn't bother me as a consumer. Soda is Soda. I prefer Root Beer but if they don't have that then I can pretty much settle on any other soft drink or water (not that I purchase the over priced drinks from pizza places anyway). I generally don't fuck with wings from anywhere that doesn't specialize in wings. Most places that are like "we serve wings too!" Turn up to be shit. Even some franchises like Wing Stop and Buffalo Wild Wings tends to fuck up wings to me. Out of all those places you mentioned only Dominoes, Checkers and Pizza Hut are around me.

And with the whole controversy thing, I pretty much don't give a shit. Unless the company is actively suggesting something batshit crazy like raping children or some shit I really don't care. Don't fuck up my food and I couldn't care less about your political views even if I don't agree with them (which I don't at all).


Oh come the fuck on. Little Caesar's is okay at its price range but it's fucking bottom tier. Walmart Marketplace brand pizzas are better than Little Caesar's.

Not trying to sound like a dick, but the things you have beef with doesn't bother me as a consumer. Soda is Soda. I prefer Root Beer but if they don't have that then I can pretty much settle on any other soft drink or water (not that I purchase the over priced drinks from pizza places anyway). I generally don't fuck with wings from anywhere that doesn't specialize in wings. Most places that are like "we serve wings too!" Turn up to be shit. Even some franchises like Wing Stop and Buffalo Wild Wings tends to fuck up wings to me. Out of all those places you mentioned only Dominoes, Checkers and Pizza Hut are around me.

And with the whole controversy thing, I pretty much don't give a shit. Unless the company is actively suggesting something batshit crazy like raping children or some shit I really don't care. Don't fuck up my food and I couldn't care less about your political views even if I don't agree with them (which I don't at all).

Like I said about the soda, it was a petty on my part.
It wouldnt have bothered me so much if it wasnt for the fact that he's arguing against giving his workers healthcare because he'd have to charge me an extra quarter for a pizza


Wendy's has the best fast food food, other than Chik-Fil-A I guess, in my area. Sad to see they are losing business.


I attribute it to the rise of A&W personally. At least, as far as my local area is concerned. Wendy's used to be my go to fast food burger joint, but A&W has seriously stepped up its game and has become my preferred choice at this point.

Edit: this is for Canada by the way. I have no idea if A&W is the same in the US. Wikipedia tells me it's a completely different franchise.
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