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Were there any good 2D N64 games?

aoi tsuki

A friend's offering a practically new N64 to me with some games at a good price, and i've got my list of N64 titles to look for, but i can't remember many 2D (sprite-baed) gams on the system other than Yuke Yuke Trouble Makers. i know there weren't an abundance, but it seems like theres a couple i'm forgetting.


I was going to mention GO GO Troublemakers, but you've already got that one covered apparently. It was a pretty awesome game, though.

Umm...Rakuga Kids? I think that was 2D. A konami fighter with grafitti like graphics. It never made it over, though.

Oh yeah, there was Wonder Project J2. Another import. I don't know if it was any good, but it sure was pretty :)


Mischief Makers was cool, but way damn easy. I was so dissapointed when I finally got a 2D game on N64 and it was a cakewalk...


It's not sprite-based 2D, but Goemon's Great Adventure (the second Goemon game, not the first) rocks and has 2D gameplay.
Rakugakids. It's a rad Konami crayon-scribble style fighting game with Parappa-y cut out characters. It has tons of zany moves and some downright awesome music. Bemani fans might be interested in knowing that a couple of the tunes have made their way into various Bemani games throughout the years, like Beatmania GB and Pop'n Music 10. One of the cute/kickass characters from it, Beartank, is an unlockable racer in Wai Wai Racing for GBA. I think both games were developed by the same studio, KCE Kobe.


Edit: I see someone else beat me to it. And Drinky's post reminded me of something I meant to add to my original post, which was that this game is often confused with Rakugaki Showtime. They're totally different, though.

aoi tsuki

Great suggestions guys. i completely forgot about Paper Mario and Rakugaki Showtime (also a PS game IIRC). i guess it doesn't matter whether or not it's sprite-based. Playing Viewtiful Joe has got me wanting some great games with 2D gameplay.
Oh, I should mention that Rakugakids also came out in Europe, so a western port does exist! Not that the original had a ton of Japanese text or anything.
Lost Weekend said:
Oh yeah, there was Wonder Project J2. Another import. I don't know if it was any good, but it sure was pretty.

Gah. I forgot about this... I was always mad that they never brought this over (like there was ever a chance...). My Japanese is way too limited for the game.


bobbyconover said:
Oh, I should mention that Rakugakids also came out in Europe, so a western port does exist! Not that the original had a ton of Japanese text or anything.

Yeah, and I've been looking for it ever since it came out. Just can't seem to find it anywhere. And I'm in Europe, for god's sake.
Coen said:
Yeah, and I've been looking for it ever since it came out. Just can't seem to find it anywhere. And I'm in Europe, for god's sake.

Well, if you're willing to go with eBay it shouldn't be too hard to find. I used to, and still do on occasion, randomly search for Rakugakids on there on the off chance that I'd find some kind of cool promo item related to the game. I never found any promos, but just about every time I searched there were a couple of Euro Rakugakids up there.
Rakugakids turns up fairly often on eBay Australia. Sometimes from people that know it's rare (and charge an arm and a leg), sometimes it goes for dirt cheap because no-one knows what it is.

I've never known much about it, so I haven't bothered buying it. Is it worthwhile?


As a good Konami whore, I have Rakuga Kids too...IMO the best 2D N64 games were those:

Rakuga Kids
Mischief Makers
Goemon 2 (2.5D Klonoa)
Paper Mario
Yoshi's Island


Mischief Makers, Yoshi's Story and Bangaio, guess I will also count Ogre Battle 64 since it uses sprites, last gen I just did most of my 2D gaming on the PSOne


aoi tsuki said:
Great suggestions guys. i completely forgot about Paper Mario and Rakugaki Showtime (also a PS game IIRC). i guess it doesn't matter whether or not it's sprite-based. Playing Viewtiful Joe has got me wanting some great games with 2D gameplay.

Rakugaki Showtime is ONLY a PS game... I think you are confused...
I don't see Bangaioh for N64 on eBay. Anyone know if it's for sale at an online import shop? I'd put down good money for that one. Already have Sin & Punishment, and it rocks.


hyperbolically metafictive
only completist treasure fanboys should bother with the n64 version of bangaioh. the game system was streamlined to excellent effect in the dreamcast version, allowing massive back and forth missile volleys that that the n64 version didn't. the graphics were also improved considerably, and the engrish translation is a joy.

good 2d games on n64? really just mischief makers. although that's a doozy, and really quite underrated.

edit: if you're also considering games with 3d graphics and 2d gameplay, goemon's great adventure and kirby 64 are certainly worthwhile.


Rakugaki Showtime was a 3D fighting game for PSX being published by Enix in which we played with some ugly characters managing a ball IIRC.
Rakuga Kids is a 2D fighting game using 3P/3K a la SF in which we have supers and that has a nice drawing style a la Yoshi's Island (not story).

Here comes a pic from the PAL game:


Another game that comes to my mind is :

Super Robot Taisen


BTW, just a question on top of my mind: Were there any 2D fighters from CAPCOM/SNK announced to be in development at some time ?
I remember an interview from IGN with Yoshiki Okamoto hinting the possibility of SF3 making an appearance...

In an interview with N64.com two months ago, Capcom's President Bill Gardner alluded to a potential Street Fighter title for the N64 and a Capcom USA game that had been in development for almost a year. Although there is no news on either of those games, Capcom has "unofficially" confirmed a Disney-licensed Tetris game for the N64 in the Japanese press, but has offered no new information since then. Another game believed to be in the works includes a 3D adventure in the line of Resident Evil, first talked about by the creator of the series, Yoshiki Okamoto. Okamoto himself did not attend Nintendo Space World, but instead traveled to the USA during that time.


You know, I might be thinking about Pokemon Puzzle League. I do believe Nintendo Puzzle Collection was a late SNES title. Senility setting in :)


drohne said:
only completist treasure fanboys should bother with the n64 version of bangaioh. the game system was streamlined to excellent effect in the dreamcast version, allowing massive back and forth missile volleys that that the n64 version didn't. the graphics were also improved considerably, and the engrish translation is a joy.

good 2d games on n64? really just mischief makers. although that's a doozy, and really quite underrated.

edit: if you're also considering games with 3d graphics and 2d gameplay, goemon's great adventure and kirby 64 are certainly worthwhile.

Bangaioh may've run and looked better on the Dreamcast, but it was built for the N64 controller. It plays much better on the N64 pad.


This kind of threads make me sad...When I remember what the N64 could have been and what it ended being...
It was a conspiracy: Square, Enix, Namco, Capcom...Only those that support less the system in our days were supporting big the system in these days.
Thanks Konami for your N64 games !


ourumov said:
This kind of threads make me sad...When I remember what the N64 could have been and what it ended being...
It was a conspiracy: Square, Enix, Namco, Capcom...Only those that support less the system in our days were supporting big the system in these days.
Thanks Konami for your N64 games !

Yeah... Konami even made a DDR game for the N64. THE N64! It's fucking crazy thinking of the N64 support they offered, and the utter crap they serve up on GC now, when they serve up anything. That excludes Winning Eleven 6, of course...


ourumov said:
Rakugaki Showtime was a 3D fighting game for PSX being published by Enix in which we played with some ugly characters managing a ball IIRC.

It wasn't exactly a fighting game, more of a Poy Poy-style party slugfest kinda thing with scribbly 2D characters on a 3D battlefield. It goes for obscene prices on the secondary market in Japan now and doesn't really deserve it.

I played a shit-ton of Showtime when I was first employed at Gamers' Republic and completely failed to understand why Halverson liked it so much. That became a pretty familiar sensation over the subsequent months.



Lost Weekend said:
You know, I might be thinking about Pokemon Puzzle League. I do believe Nintendo Puzzle Collection was a late SNES title. Senility setting in :)
Nope. Nintendo Puzzle Collection is a Gamecube title that was never localised to North America.


Dammit I thought that said N64. I am crazy :(

(either that or I need sleep...trying to stay up to see the PSP price, though)


hyperbolically metafictive
it arguably controls better on n64, but the sweeping changes in the game system make the dreamcast version superior. i thought the leveling system and the need to collect fruit to power up your super attack bogged the n64 version down needlessly. the streamlined dreamcast version focuses on the simple fun of throwing yourself into obscenely huge missile volleys and replying with obscenely huge missile volleys, over and over. the revisions just make it more enjoyable.

maybe my views are slanted by having played the dreamcast version first -- i enjoyed it enough to track down the purportedly better n64 version, and was disappointed.


WarPig said:
It wasn't exactly a fighting game, more of a Poy Poy-style party slugfest kinda thing with scribbly 2D characters on a 3D battlefield. It goes for obscene prices on the secondary market in Japan now and doesn't really deserve it.

I played a shit-ton of Showtime when I was first employed at Gamers' Republic and completely failed to understand why Halverson liked it so much. That became a pretty familiar sensation over the subsequent months.


I have it. It's pretty decent for multiplayer purposes, but, yeah, it's definitely not worth the money it gets.

I was led to believe, however, that the reason for its price is its rarity. Apparently, it was recalled from stores because some of the effects gave people seizures? Can any confirm?


drohne said:
it arguably controls better on n64, but the sweeping changes in the game system make the dreamcast version superior. i thought the leveling system and the need to collect fruit to power up your super attack bogged the n64 version down needlessly. the streamlined dreamcast version focuses on the simple fun of throwing yourself into obscenely huge missile volleys and replying with obscenely huge missile volleys, over and over. the revisions just make it more enjoyable.

maybe my views are slanted by having played the dreamcast version first -- i enjoyed it enough to track down the purportedly better n64 version, and was disappointed.

That might be it. I enjoy them both, and think they're both worth playing as a result. They are different, maybe not to everyone's liking, but enough to warrant that people who might be interested check them both out.


drohne said:
i've heard that the rakugaki showtime recall was because of copyright issues.

That would make sense, because some of the characters were pretty obvious parodies, but I'd never heard the story before. Interesting.

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