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Were there any good 2D N64 games?


WarPig said:
That would make sense, because some of the characters were pretty obvious parodies, but I'd never heard the story before. Interesting.


You're the one with the connections! Search for the truth!


Kinda offtopic drohne but I suppose you have Sin & Punishment for the N64 (seeing you are a huge Treasure fan). I only played it though emulation and stopped playing at the desert level (due to emulation problems).

How was the game in your opinion ? From what I played I think it is one of the best rail shooters ever. The design of the characters, the cool gameplay (sword+gun), the awesome music...everything.
One of the few N64 games to reach the 60 fps.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
drohne said:
it arguably controls better on n64, but the sweeping changes in the game system make the dreamcast version superior. i thought the leveling system and the need to collect fruit to power up your super attack bogged the n64 version down needlessly. the streamlined dreamcast version focuses on the simple fun of throwing yourself into obscenely huge missile volleys and replying with obscenely huge missile volleys, over and over. the revisions just make it more enjoyable.

maybe my views are slanted by having played the dreamcast version first -- i enjoyed it enough to track down the purportedly better n64 version, and was disappointed.

I also played the DC game first, and still felt there was something to be said for the chaotic need to resupply your meter with fruit and points, it added more tension and some great dodge-survival moments which I found the DC version to really lack. More kinetic an action game for sure on Sega's system, but a damned easy one too...

Still if I had to choose, I'd likely still go back to the DC version regardless.

Oh and Sin and Punishment was 60fps? That can't be right...


hyperbolically metafictive
i absolutely love sin and punishment. it's a brilliant rail shooter, but it also conveys some of the feeling of gunstar heroes or contra in 3d. i must admit that i still haven't beaten the game on hard mode, though. i should really get back to it. it's a tremendous shame that nintendo didn't bother bringing it to europe or north america...it's already entirely in english.

and is it 60 fps? i don't remember that.


I can't comment on the true framerate considering my impressions come from emulation. However, back to when the game was first shown at TGS I remember M64 (an European N64 publication) being very clear on the game's framerate. They said 60 fps IIRC.
Not that's impossible considering everything in the game is pretty low-poly.


ourumov said:
I can comment on the true framerate considering my impressions come from emulation. However, back to when the game was first shown at TGS I remember M64 (an European N64 publication) being very clear on the game's framerate. They said 60 fps IIRC.
Not that's impossible considering everything in the game is pretty low-poly.

You're right. S&P is one of the few N64 games to run at a constant 60FPS.

You didn't ask my opinion, but I'll give it anyway. Love this game. Crime it didn't come here. Cherish my import copy. I agree with drohne, that it captured some of the old, classic 16-bit side-scroller feel in a rail shooter. Brilliantly done, would love a remake or sequel on a current-gen (or next-gen) console.


ourumov said:
BTW, just a question on top of my mind: Were there any 2D fighters from CAPCOM/SNK announced to be in development at some time ?
I remember an interview from IGN with Yoshiki Okamoto hinting the possibility of SF3 making an appearance...

There were rumors early on that SF3 would be a N64 exclusive (both cart and 64DD versions were rumored) and it was also rumored as a Saturn exclusive (which seems more likely imo, given that it eventually showed up on DC). Nothing oficial though.

I'm still a little surprised at the weak support Capcom threw towards N64 though. Ghouls 'n Ghosts 64, RE Gaiden and RE0 were canceled snf moved (GnG64 suppossedly being the prototype for what became Maximo, RE Gaiden eventually becoming Onimusha and RE0 moving to GCN) and all Capcom ended up delivering were a Dinsey Tetris game and late ports of RE2 and Megaman Legends (both of which sold extraordinairly well). With just a little bit of effort Capcom could've really cleaned up on N64 imo, imagine how well ports of X-Men Vs Street Fighter or Street Fighter Alpha 3 would've sold with the holes in N64 fighting library (considering games like War Gods and MK4 managed to be million sellers). Indeed from what I understand Capcom USA was literally begging their parent for N64 content after being forced to drop Saturn...


It would have been curious to play 2D fighters with the N64 controller. The D-Pad was good and you had 6 front buttons to play a la saturn :).
When playing Rakuga Kids you realize there was potential there.


Yeah... I sorta wish Capcom had started doing CPS2 ports of their fighters on N64 since the Saturn versions never left Japan (starting in 1998). They could've been easily converted to 16-32MB carts and if Capcom Japan didn't want to do it themselves they always could've outsourced as they did with RE2.... speaking of which, after RE2's amazing sales I also wonder why Capcom didn't contract ports of RE3 or Dino Crisis from Angel?


go eat paint
Loved Sin & Punishment, although not for the same reason most people do. Sure, it's got great visuals and is a damn fine rail shmup, but lest we forget, it's also a spirtual successor to the GI Joe arcade game! Hell yes it is.
ourumov said:
Kinda offtopic drohne but I suppose you have Sin & Punishment for the N64 (seeing you are a huge Treasure fan). I only played it though emulation and stopped playing at the desert level (due to emulation problems).

How was the game in your opinion ? From what I played I think it is one of the best rail shooters ever. The design of the characters, the cool gameplay (sword+gun), the awesome music...everything.
One of the few N64 games to reach the 60 fps.

It is NOT 60 fps. At best it was 30 fps. At any rate, it is absolutely one of the best N64 games ever. It's as good as any of Treasure's classics, real shame it didn't make it over.


PanopticBlue said:
It is NOT 60 fps. At best it was 30 fps. At any rate, it is absolutely one of the best N64 games ever. It's as good as any of Treasure's classics, real shame it didn't make it over.

ARGH, I remember specifically people talking about it being 60 FPS. It may not've been constant, but I thought it ran at that. Could've just been fanboy ranting in GameFan or Gamer's Republic, though. I'll have to do some searching.
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