So I decided that what is a better way to spend the night, that to write reads on as many players as I can?
I have to note, that the amount of low posters or people who talked, but not about much anything, was quite staggeringly high. This was due to thanksgiving partly, so some of the reads are affected with that information. Also with a huge roster of players left, its still a bit hard to get a good grasp on everyone, but here I am, trying regardless.
Now that the second day began, I left my reads on the dead players intact, but added additional notes about them, and our new Sheriff as well.
01 [m] CrimsonFist Our new
celebrity (Sorry, had to get that Snape reference in). At first posted some fluff, but after that he posted lots of good insight, and seems to be a contributive player. However, during my initial read of the topic, I kept forgetting his existence, which is always bit worrying, as it makes him feel more blendy. He was chosen as the deputy yesterday, not sure how to feel about that. TOWN, BUT BLENDY
NOTE: Drop was killed the first night, so Crimson is now the new sherrif. This truly makes him our new celebrity, and he should be watched with more scrutiny, as we dont know his alignment like we did with Drop.
02 [m] Xamtheking - I have talked about Xam during day 1 quite a lot, so Ill try to keep this short. I want to believe is claim due to not thinking that a new player can pull off a gambit like that, but his other actions have been quite anti-town. Parroting in votes, martyrizing and being a drama queen like Darryl was when faced with lynching does not wake up my symphaties. Out of the two sleepwalker claims, I do think Xams is more suspicious in general, and especially since the impact the role would have on hindering the scums has been now
seriously hindered, I think flipping Xam will be an revelant question sooner or later. WANT TO BELIEVE IS TOWN, BUT TOO MANY RED FLAGS
03 [m] Style At first was quite inactive, made only some small remarks in general. When people suspected and voted him over it, Style got overtly defensive over it. His little spat with Cabot was also odd, the sad reality is that we will most likely flip a town over scum. Still, it was good he took some iniative there, over basically doing and saying nothing of value in the beginning of the game. So far I think that he is just confused/ignorant town, but I did get red flags from his over-exaggerated reaction over seeing Darryl flip (OMG I WILL SO REVENGE YOU DARRYL!!!). Reactions like this are something that Scum like to do. -
04 [m] Lollipop Dave - The Baker Boy. Sorry, Im going to call him this from now on, the nickname is now completely tied to him for better or worse. What I said earlier on him still stands, he has made some insight on the game, but much more of it has been filler. Filler is a problem, because scum can use filler to make themselves look much more active, than what they actually are, so there is a problem there. Its also a bit strange, that he used LTTP as his reasoning for me, who was definitely LTTP to day 1. I dont know
something is odd here. NEUTRAL, BUT RED FLAGS.
05 [m] FluxWaveZ He was trying his best to get the plan about deputizing the vote leader, an okay plan, but its biggest flaws were seen in action at the end of the first day, when the vote leader changed at least three times during the last hour or so. Flux has some sort of aura of aggresiviness in him. At first he seemed to stay calm (I understood people called him out from aggressivity during woof one?), but seems to relapse anyway during the day, especially when jumping at Baker Boy after I made a small call out on him. This makes me think, that its more of a question of general playstyle, than about his alignment. He seems to do his best for town though, with ideas that seem more pro-town, even if they are flawed in design. TOWN?
06 [m] CzarTim Lot of one sentence-long posts. I agree with some of the points he made, but in general he has been quite a bland player, which is always a worrying sight. - BLENDING
(07 [-] Darryl Town, Dead D1)
08 [m] RobotNinjaHornets Has not posted much. Only thing that catched my eye was that he threw out the idea of the sleepwalkers alternating between nights, which actually would make a lot of sense. Other than that, he has not talked lot, seemed to sit on the Xam bandwagon without givin much reasoning behind it. NO READ
09 [m] ultron87 One of the two Sleeperclaimers, Ultron was the first one. I still stand by that I dont think he is a scum, and is telling the truth. I doubt a scum would claim sleepwalker just to get real sleeper to claim, nor do I think there is a scum sleeper. However, I also doubt there is two sleepers either somewhat. Its interesting how he called the people voting for Xam to be for sure scum saving scum-Darryl, and that he didnt bat an eye on Xamthekings claim. But as for now, I do think out of the two claims, he is the more believable one. MAYBE TOWN? SOME RED FLAGS.
10 [m] MattyG Like a lot lot lot of other people, Matty has not said much, as I assume that he was hit with the Thanksgiving. What got in my eye was that MattyG was originally going to vote Style because of Styles inactivity, while he himself has been very inactive, and not posting any insight at all. Sorry, the irony here is just too strong to ignore it. He ended up voting for Batsnacks though, a vote that cant get much safer than that, although I understand the reasoning. He has the same problem as Time and Quantumbro, not enough material to work with at all. NO READ/SLIGHTLY TOWARDS SCUM
11 [f] StarSketch She was weird yesterday. Not saying much at all, and the vote to Darryl was super-awful all around. Especially since she is later said that she voted mostly because she thought others were expecting her to do something through one vote. What they were waiting was insight, not just randomly throwing a vote. She voted later for Xam, and not going much into detail there either, other than noting that the sleepwalker-claim still bugs her (she didnt talk about Xams voting patterns, for instance). I cant say, if she is just busy, or trying to lay low on the masses. I did find it very odd, that she did not react that much at the votes she had received. She might be a just busy/ignorant town, or scum laying low. - NEUTRAL
12 [m] Septimus Prime Was afk for most of the day, it seems. His posts mostly circled around the sleepwalkers, he seems to be bit more in the camp that Xam is more likely to be a fraud sleepwalker than Ultron. Not much else here though, like with quite many others from the thanksgiving people NO READ
13 [m] QuantumBro - Has not posted anything at all, so far. I assume he will be replaced soon, if we dont hear from him (or will we see a similar situation to wolfy one where a player was modkilled?). NO READ[/B]
14 [m] Timeaisis Has posted only one post, that had actual content on it. I agree with few of the points (Xam claim seeming suspicious, not understanding why scum Ultron would claim sleepwalker), but other than that, he has been really really silent. Also it was weird the only suspicion read he gave was CB, and even then it was a gut read. Anyway, not much to go for right now, I really need you to talk more during this day, Time! - NO READ[/B]
15 [m] GreatLord Tiger He posted some reads at first, which was cool, I guess. Other than that, he did not do that much. There is some serious irony about him and bandwagons. He was all angry at Xam for parroting Cabot and bandwagoning there (Which I agree with), yet he bandwagoned Ultron later for no other reason than Lets see where this leads. And after that he doesnt want to vote Darryl, because he doesnt want to bandwagon. This is some seriously weird jumping between anti and pro bandwagoning, dont you think? If Tiger is a scum, he might have wanted to evade Darryl bandwagon, so that he would get town points, once Darryl eventually flipped. So yeah, Tigers acting during day 1 was definitely weird
16 [m] CornBurrito He has posted a lot in this game overall, 2nd top poster right after Cabot. The biggest thing about CB yesterday was definitely him chasing the Darryl-train in general. He definitely was one of the first people to accuse him, even going as far as saying this is not a conversation. What was weird that he quickly abandoned the Darryl train after Cabot called him out from him (I trust your judgement). After he let go of Darryl accusations, CB didnt really say that much interesting, even though he did post quite a lot, which is always a bit worrying. At the moment that CB had definitely some sort of confirmation bias/tunneling going on with Darryl yesterday, but that does not necessarily mean, he is a scum. He seems to think Xam is more likely the false walker than Ultron, which I agree with. NEUTRAL, FEW RED FLAGS
17 [m] El Topo -> Burbeting Thats me! Its your job to make reads from me.
(((18 [m] Terrabyte20xx He has posted quite a many posts, but most of them are mostly
nothing much. He is there, posting, but in the end does not bring much more insight, he even acknowledged this himself. At the end of the day, he was all about bandwagoning, jumping from Xam to Ultron to finally Darryl, almost like he didnt care much at all, who was going to die during the Day 1. He feels like a blending type, and the bandwagoning was weird
NOTE: He was killed N1. Was Werewolf Sleepwalker, which confirms there actually was a scum sleepwalker, have to admit I was seriously doubting that.
19 [m] Makai Makai did not speak say much at all during day 1, which is a bit worrying, since he did post somewhat. Almost all of his posts are max one or two sentences long, only definitely longer one was his vote for Xam, which didnt bring much new to the table (not that mine did, either). He then at the end made a soft claim, that he hasnt returned to explain more. At this moment, Im expecting to Makai explain his claim action. WAITING FOR INFO, OTHERWISE A BLENDER
20 [m] batsnacks Oh batsnacks, I still remember going all out hunting you during NX day 1, which I still feel a bit bad about, but this is a new game, eh? He is bit of a mixed bag for me, as bats did make some genuinely good points throughout the day (like the make Ultron first deputy), and I understand what he was trying to do with his Darryl-gambit, even though that failed at least in my eyes. But at the same time, he did bandwagon earlier in the day with absolutely no shame at all, that QuantumBro vote was undoubtly the worst offender there. Something about his reactions rub me the wrong way too, somehow he seemed too defensive and aggressive
My stance on bats keeps flip-flopping in this game, but for now, I feel that he leans more into the Scum territory. NEUTRAL/SCUM?
21 [m] cabot He seems to have been generally the somewhat leader of the town yesterday, and he posted much more than anyone else. He has given some good insight in general, even though I disagree with him about the Ultron case. He has definitely some spotlight on him, especially after werewolf one, where he was a scum. Again, have not read that game, so cant comment on if his acting differs from that game, but here I get more town-vibes. -
22 [m] *Splinter I was happy about his reads thus far, he seems to be concentrating on the game, which is good. I disagree with about Ultron, he was wanting seriously to vote him yesterday. Other than that, I see *Splinter mostly town so far, especially since he did do those reads, that people were asking him to do. -
23 [m] Rats Off To Ya Rats was one of the first players to note, that the Sleepwalker claims were mostly antitown, due to the fact that they were most likely there to screw up the possible Scum trackers. Scums might have wanted to hide this fact a bit longer? He offered some more insight to the sleepwalker situation that I thought was beneficial to the town. After that, he was hit with the thanksgiving, and did not post much after it. However, I kinda disagree with his vote for Ultron. I feel mostly good about Rats thus far. -
24 [m] Zippedpinhead Like some other people, got hit with the Thanksgivings, so there was not much posts from him during D1. What he did post, struck me as really safe all around, short commentary, and then voting Style mostly because Style was inactive player so far. Nothing too alarming yet, but Zipper definitely has not said much so far. Bit of blending feel to him, but Im going to put that on thanksgiving. Looking forward to hearing more of your insights though! NOT ENOUGH INFO/BLENDER
25 [f] Swamped Swamped, kingkitty and Fireblend are all very problematic players in my eyes, in that they all were there, yet they were not. Swamped was hit with the thanksgivings (congrats again!), so she didnt post much of value, but some of her posts did provide some insight, which is always appreciated. Her last post was an okay readspost, which I somewhat agree on (except for her Rats read, I guess). Other than that, she mostly made comments about the deputy issue. Her posts somehow feel a bit different from Harry Potter, where she was a town, but I dont think thats a powerful enough reasoning to think she is a scum. NEUTRAL, BIT BLENDY
26 [m] kingkitty Another one of the swampedkittyblend trio of bland posters so far. He was hit with the thanksgivings, so I give him bit benefit of doubt, like with other thanksgiving people. Kitty in general is an oddball player to me, this is my third game with him, yet I still cant even say, what his playstyle is about. He thinks Xam is more suspicious than Ultron, which I agree with. Other than that
nothing. Kingkitty makes some points, and safe reads, but other than that he just is there, and keeps pushing QuantumBro in most of his posts, which is basically as safe as you can go. He blends quite a lot, something that I felt he did in Harry Potter as well, where he was scum. BLENDING, MAYBE SCUM?
(((27 [m] Drop The OG Sheriff, whom we know to be town. CONFIRMED TOWN)))
Was killed N1, not that surprising. But what does it say about CrimsomFist?
28 [m] Boo Boo 'n At first, did not talk much. He active states, that he wanted to become a deputy, which is a bit odd. In general I think people asking to be deputized is dangerous, scums could easily try and exploit that (See: Archer mission mechanic). He is sure both of the sleepwalker claims are lies, which is fair enough, I guess. Made some legitimate posts, during the day with some valid points, which is good. For now, he is neutral for me, he has made some pro-town things, but saying he would like to be a deputy, and a general blendyness put him in to the middle - NEUTRAL
29 [m] Fireblend The third of the swampedkittyblend trio of blandness. He seemed to not have lot of time during D1, which is understandable in general. Some of his posts offered good insight, like with swamped, but in her case, otherwise Fireblend was mostly a bit bland and blending. It reminded me a bit of his play in NX, where he was a scum, although there he had even less insightful posts, so I wont suspect him of being scum just yet. NEUTAL, BLENDING?
Scum-vibes: Xamtheking, Batsnacks, GreatlordTiger, Kingkitty
slight scum vibes: MattyG CornBurrito, Style
Neutral: Boo Boo, Swamped, StarSketch, Lollipop Dave
Blenders: CzarTim, Makai, Fireblend, Zipperpinhead,
Town Vibes: Cabot, FluxWave, Rats off to ya, Splinter,
Town vibes, but red flags: Crimsonfist, Ultron,
No Read/Talk more today: RobotNinjaHornets, Septimus Prime, QuantumBro, Timeaisis,