Westboro Baptist Church will picket Whitney Houston funeral
Westfield - The Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church, known for its radical demonstrations at the funerals of soldiers, celebrities, and homosexuals, has announced their plans to picket outside the funeral of music superstar Whitney Houston.
The church group believes that God is punishing the United States with death, disease, war and destruction because of America’s acceptance of homosexuality, and has gained support for its cause by protesting at high-profile public and private funerals around the country.
In a prepared statement they said, “God gave Whitney Houston a beautiful singing voice and a world-wide platform, which she should have used to encourage obedience to His Word and warn the wicked that their rebellion brings destruction from the hand of God. Westboro will picket her funeral to warn the living: “except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish."
Whitney Houston, 48, daughter of gospel legend Cissy Houston, had struggled over the past decade in a battle with drugs and alcohol that is blamed on ex-husband Bobby Brown, with whom she had a tumultuous, and sometimes violent marriage that kept the couple in the media spotlight.
Margie Phelps, daughter of Westboro Baptist Church pastor Fred Phelps, took to Twitter following the death of Houston last Saturday at the Beverly Hilton, where she was found unconscious in a bathtub and later declared dead.
Phelps said, "No R.I.P. Whitney Houston. You don't live your life serving self and sin, stealing God's glory, and get peace. God gave her a voice, she used it to teach sin, not serve God. Fags call her 'gay icon.' Yeah, WBC is picketing that funeral."
In a further attempt to express their disdain for Whitney's lifestyle choices, the Westboro Baptist Church released a parody of a Houston song, entitled "God, Will Always Hate You Whitney," in which they called the singing sensation a "druggie," further manipulating the words of the hit Houston song to share their twisted message.
Later, Phelps tweeted, "Yay! 2 pickets in NJ-Whitney Houston funeral and legislature," possibly revealing the church's plans to protest Houston's funeral as well as NJ's gay marriage bill's recent passage while they visit the Garden State.
Despite the flurry of Facebook posts and tweets from Margie Phelps, there is still a chance that the Westboro group, which is small in number, may not show up for the private funeral scheduled for Saturday at the New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, where she is expected to be buried beside her father. The extremist anti-homosexual hate group has failed to make an appearance at several recent protests they claimed they would be attending.
Lyrics to God Will Always Hate You (Whitney)
If you had obeyed, you would not be in those flames
Now you know, that it’s so, God hated you
every step of your way
And God will always hate you – ooh!
Oh Whitney, He hates you
Now you, you druggie you,
All your sins’ memories, that is what you left all to see
It’s too late, at 48
Now you can’t tell others to heed
Cuz God will always hate you
Oh Whitney, He hates you
(Musical interlude.)
Your God treated you kind
Gave your voice, a talent to use
And you played the whore, with filthiness
But above all this, our signs you refused
And God will always hate you
He will always hate you
Whitney you know He hates you
He will always hate you!
He will always hate you!
He will always hate you! You!
Druggie, He hates you
He will always, He will always hate you-ooh-ooh
And if you want to hear the nutter from the church actually singing it.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NytqUdtpQI