Was working at a super sketchy factory job as my first "real" job beyond retail/food ; it was 10 mins to last shift end on a Friday. I was sick, my guts were rumbling; the exodus was coming. The factory was like 75% ex-cons, and a few young dummies that didn't know better. I couldn't be seen running for the bathroom; the ex-cons gave out nicknames and hounded people for eternity at the slightest sniff of weakness.
The only bathroom was a single stall in the breakroom, right where everyone enters and leaves; I decided to hold out, and clenched for the longest 10 mins of my young life.
Everyone clocks out, and I bolt for the bathroom like Speedy Gonzalez. Containment breach averted.
It comes out like the exlax scene in Dumb and Dumber. I'm trying not to black out. Finally it's over. I'm alive. Then I hit the handle to flush....and no water comes from the tank. Someone had turned off the water, or the toilet was out of order, and nobody bothered to either lock the stall or put a sign up.
So what could I do? Everyone is gone, and I have no way to fix the problem. I do the only thing I can...wash up and bolt. I make it out without anyone being the wiser, go home, and promptly forget about it.
Monday morning at 6AM when everyone is coming in to work, the factory foreman is there, telling everyone to assemble in the break room for an urgent meeting. We sit down and get yelled at for 20 minutes about how "I know you guys are upset that we didn't give out a bonus last quarter, but that's no reason to commit an act of vandalism like what was discovered in the bathroom this morning!!! When we find out who did this, that person is being fired immediately!!!". As a dumb 18 year old, I was fucking shaking in my boots. All the ex-cons are laughing their asses off, and talking shit, accusing each other of sabotaging the toilet.
I worked there for another year after that; nobody ever found out it was me. On the day I quit and went to another job, as I was walking out the door I walked up to someone I was friends with who hated their job and I knew needed some cheering up and said:
O: "Hey Marita; remember the terrorist shitter?"
M: "Yeah?"
I could hear her laughing all the way in the parking lot as I was driving off.